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1、外研版高中英语必修2短语 Book 2 Module 11. be connected with=be related to sth. 和有联系2. be connect to 与连接3. take exercise=exercise 锻炼4. be crazy about 迷恋5. be crazy for 渴望得到6. go crazy 变得疯狂7. like crazy 疯狂地,拼命地8. have a temperature/fever 发烧9. lie down 躺下10. begin/start with 以开始11. to begin/start with 首先12. putin

2、to 将投入13. by all means 当然可以14. by no means 绝不,一点也不15. by means of 借助于,用方法16. by this means= in this way 用这种方法17. be mean 小气,吝啬18. become/fall ill 生病19. head towards/for 朝前进20. catch/get a cold 感冒21. get flu 染上流感22. have a sweet tooth 好吃甜食23. get/be injured 受伤24. return to normal 恢复正常25. above /below

3、 normal 超过/低于正常标准26. breathe deeply=take a deep breath 深呼吸27. out of breath 上气不接下气28. catch ones breath 喘口气,缓口气29. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸30. breathe in 吸入31. breathe out 呼出32. keep fit/healthy 保持健康33. keep us fit/healthy 保持我们的身体健康34. keep ones balance/words 保持平衡 遵守诺言35. keep a distance from sb 与某人保持距

4、离36. keep up 保持37. keep up with 跟上38. keep off 不接近,不吃/喝/吸39. keep back 保留, 阻止,隐瞒40. keep away 远离,避开41. keep away from 远离42. keep out of 防止进入,远离43. keep sth in mind 把记在心里44. keep in touch/contact with 与保持联系45. keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事46. keep sb doing sth 使某人一直保持做某事47. sth be fit for sb 适合48. b

5、e off work 不工作,休息49. be out of work 失业50. be at work 在上班51. keep to 坚持、遵循52. keep pace with 齐步前进53. at least 至少54. not in the least =not at all =not a bit 一点也不55. at most 至多56. be worried/anxious/concerned about 为而担忧57. be anxious for 渴望58. be anxious for sb to do 渴望某人做59. with anxiety 焦急地60. see sb

6、 doing 看到某人正在做61. see sb do/done sth 看见某人做/被做62. be seen to do sth 被看见做某事63. make sure to do 确保务必做某事64. make sure of 确信,保证某事 65. would rather do 宁愿做66. would do rather than do=would rather do than do宁愿做不愿做 67. would rather sb did sth. 宁愿某人做某事(过去时表示现在和将来的情况)68. would rather sb had dong宁愿某人做某事(过去完成时表示

7、过去情况)69. go/be on a diet 节食70. a bit of 一点儿,有点儿+n.71. miss school 缺课72. pay for 支付73. pay off 还清(债务);得到回报74. pay back 还钱75. pay a visit to 参观76. pay attention to 注意77. a free health care system 免费医疗体系78. the problem with 的问题79. have problems with 有的问题80. pick sb up (用车)接某人,捡起;学会,沾染;振作,好转,加快速度81. pic

8、k out 挑选出,辨认出82. pick off 摘去,剔除83. make sb +n. 选某人当84. make sb do/done 让某人做/被做85. sb be made to do 被使得做86. make it +adj. to do 使做某事变得87. make sth +adj. for sb to do sth 使某事变得对某人来说做起来88. make up 化妆,占比例;补偿89. make up for 弥补,补偿90. make up a story 编故事91. make the bed/make tea 铺床 沏茶92. make fun of 取笑某人93

9、. make out 写出,了解,看出94. make room/space for 为腾出空间95. make a deal with 与做交易96. make ones way to 走向97. make ones day 快乐过一天98. make the best of 充分利用99. make a difference to 对有影响100. make an attempt 企图,试图101. make an appointment with 与预约,约会102. make ends meet 收支平衡103. make it 完成,做到,做好104. make fortune=ma

10、ke money 挣钱105. make /do a survey of 做的调查106. be made up of 由组成107. have an eye on sth 密切注视108. have an eye for sth 对有鉴赏力109. be in need of 需要110. have no need to do 没必要做111. meet /satisfy a need 满足需要112. imagine(sb) doing sth 想象(某人)正做某事113. imagine sb/sth to be 想象某人成为114. in turn/by turns 轮流115. be

11、 privately owned. 私人拥有116. take in 吸收 ,欺骗,(衣服)改小,领会 117. take on 呈现,雇佣,承担118. take off 脱掉,起飞,事业走红,取消,休假119. take up 占用,占据,从事120. take out 拿出121. take away 带走122. takefor 误当做123. take action 采取行动124. take office 就职125. take charge of 负责126. take down 记下,写下127. take place 发生128. take the place of 代替12

12、9. take ones time 不着急,慢慢来130. take it easy 放松,别紧张131. take back 收回132. take turns 轮流133. take after 与相像134. take over 接管135. This is because /why/the reason for 这是因为/为什么/的原因136. sth worry sb 某事让某人担心137. sb worry about sb = sb be worried about 担心138. sth be worrying 某事是令人担心的139. make a prediction 进行预

13、测140. contribute to 把贡献于141. in which case 如果这样(那样)的话 Module 21. be/become/get addicted to sth. 对某物上瘾2. addict oneself to 沉溺于3. be in danger 处于危险之中4. be out of danger 脱离危险5. ban sb from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事6. ban doing 禁止做某事7. There is a ban on/against 有一个关于禁令8. affect=have an effect on 对有影响 influence

14、=have an influence on 9. Theres no point (in) doing sth 做某事没有意义10. develop interests 培养兴趣11. break into a house 破门进入一个房子12. break into tears=burst into tears 大哭起来13. break in 闯入14. break up 分散,分开15. break down 出故障,抛锚,分解;(计划)失败,(身体)垮掉16. break out 爆发17. break through 突破18. break the law/ rule/ record

15、/promise违法/ 违规 打破记录 /不遵守诺言19. break off 断开,打断20. break away from 摆脱,脱离21. be related to sb. 与某人有关系/关联22. take/follow ones advice 听从某人建议23. give sb some advice on sth. 就某事向某人建议24. in order to do,so as to do (句首句中) 为了, 以便 (句中) 为了,以便25. in order not to do =so as not to do 为了不做26. give up (doing) 放弃(做)2

16、7. give away 赠送;泄露28. give out 分发;宣布;被用完, 筋疲力尽29. give off 散发出光,气,热30. give in (to) 让步,投降31. give back 归还;恢复健康32. sharewith sb 和某人分享33. make a list of 列一个名单34. stop sb from doing =keep sb from doing =prevent sb from doing 阻止某人做某事35. be against the law /obey the law 违法 / 守法36. under medical treatment

17、 在治疗中37. continue to do=continue doing 继续做38. offer sb sth=offer sth to sb 向某人提供某物39. offer to do sth 主动提出做某事40. offer money for sth 为某物出钱41. cause many deaths 导致许多人死亡42. the cause of/ the reason for 的起因/原因43. illnesses (which are)related to smoking和吸烟有关的疾病44. die of (hunger/cancer ) 死于(饥饿,癌症内因)45.

18、die from (an accident) 死于(事故外因)46. die out (物种)灭绝,(风俗)消失47. die away (声,风,光)渐弱,渐息48. die off 相继死去49. die down 熄灭50. This is my treat . 我请客51. treat sb. to sth. 用某物款待某人52. treat sb .as 把某人视为53. a heart attack 一次心脏病发作54. ask sb for money 向某人要钱55. be in pain 处于痛苦之中56. take pains to do/with 努力做某事57. lea

19、ve school 辍学,离开学校58. mind doing 介意做59. in public 当众地60. set/fix a date 确定一个日期61. increase to 增加到62. increase by 增加了63. by this time 到这时为止64. during the 1990s =in the 1990s / 1990s 二十世纪九十年代65. inject into 注入66. reduce to 减少到67. reduce by 减少了68. Thats a good point. 有道理69. To the point 切题70. participat

20、e in 参与71. distract from 分心72. cant too/ can neverenough 再也不过分73. more than 超过,不仅仅,不止;极其74. morethan 与其说 不如说75. no more than 仅仅76. not more than 不超过,至多77. no morethan 两者都不78. not more .than 前者不如后者79. be likely/unlikely to do sth 可能/不可能做某事80. agree to the plan/arrangement/proposal 同意计划安排提议81. agree w

21、ith sb 同意某人的意见;(气候,食物)适合某人82. agree to do sth 同意做某事83. agree on sth (双方)对某事达成一致意见,商定某事84. I couldnt agree more 我再同意不过了85. reach /make an agreement 达成协议86. be in agreement with 同意,与一致87. recognize .by/from 通过识别88. recognizeto be 承认是89. out of /beyond recognition 面目全非,认不出来90. in connection with 与有联系91

22、. have a/no connection with sb 与某人有无联系92. make a connection with 与建立联系Module 31. sb. is impressed with/by sth. = impress sb. with sth 某人对某事印象深刻2. sth. make/have/leave a good impression on sb. 某事给某人留下好印象3. impress sth on sb 使某人铭记某事4. split up 分裂,分割,离异/婚5. split(away) off 分裂,分离6. split from 从分离7. spli

23、t across 分裂成二,一分为二8. make/take a note of 记录,做笔记9. take note of = take notice of 注意到10. compare notes with sb. 与某人交换意见11. change into 把变成12. musical instruments 乐器13. of all time 有史以来14. something wonderful 很精彩的某种东西15. the rest of his life 他的余生16. go deaf /wrong/hungry 变聋/出毛病/挨饿17. No way! 没门,不可能18.

24、at an early age 在很小的时候19. a leading/top composer一个优秀的/首席作曲家20. receive many prizes 获得了许多奖21. have talent for 具有的天赋22. show talent for 表现出对的天赋23. a talented musician 一个有天赋的音乐家24. lose interest in 失去对的兴趣25. get/be lost = lose ones way 迷路26. be lost in 沉浸在中27. be lost in thought 限于沉思之中28. lose heart /f

25、ace 丧失信心/丢面子29. lose weight 减肥30. at a loss 困惑,不知所措31. mix with/and 把和混合32. mix up 混淆,搅和33. mix with 混合;与人们交往34. have a deep influence/effect on对有深远的影响35. encourage sb to do 鼓励某人做36. as well as 和;同;以及 之外=besides或 in addition to 37. As time goes by/on 随着时间的流逝38. be composed of 由 组成39. compose oneself

26、 使自己镇定下来40. if so 如果这样的话41. if not 如果不是这样42. if any 如果有43. if necessary 如果有必要44. if possible 如果有可能45. if ever 如果曾经有过的话46. make/play a record 录制/播放唱片47. keep / hold a record 保持记录48. set/create a record 创记录49. break/cut a record 打破记录50. keep a record of 把记录下来51. on record 记录在案的52. refer to 涉及;与相关;查阅,参

27、考;提到,提及;就而言53. from.to/till.从到54. It/this/that is the+ 序数词+ time that sb have done55. It/this/that was the+序数词+ time that sb had done这是/那是某人第次做某事 56. for the first time 第一次57. the first time +句子 第一次58. stand doing 忍受做某事59. the way to do /of doing sth 做某事的方式60. call at 访问某地61. call on sb 拜访某人;号召62. c

28、all for sth 要求63. call up 打电话64. call off 取消65. be known as 作为出名66. be known for 因而出名67. be known to 为所熟知68. come up with 提出,想出69. come up 走上来,长出,发芽70. come across 偶然遇见71. come out 出版,出来,(花)开放72. come on/along 快点,进展73. come down 下来,倒塌74. come about 发生,产生75. come up to 共计,达到76. come to oneself 苏醒77.

29、come true 实现,变为现实78. come back 回来,记起79. come round 绕道而来,苏醒80. come to an end 结束81. come into power/fashion/sight 掌权/流行/看见82. come off 发生,举行,成功83. come on 加油,赶快,快来吧,得了吧,别逗了 Module 41. tell sb. of sth. 告诉某人某事2. tell apart 分清,区分3. tell by sth 可以看出4. tell from 把与分辨开5. tell the difference between A and B

30、 区别A和B,说出A和B的不同之处6. aim to do sth.= aim at doing sth. 目标是做7. with the aim of 以为目标8. without aim 无目的地9. show ones feelings about 展示对的情感10. show the “life” of its subject 展示所画对象的神韵11. show sb. in /out 恭迎某人/恭送某人12. show sb sth=show sth to sb 给某人看某物13. show/take sb around 带领某人参观某地14. take turns to do 轮流

31、做某事15. in turn 依次,轮流;转而,反过来16. by turns 依次,轮流17. Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事18. suggest doing sth. 建议做19. be fond of =be keen on 喜欢20. put off 推迟,延期21. put away 收起来放好;存起来,储蓄22. put on 穿上;放映,上演;增加(体重)23. put back 放回原处;将钟表拨回24. put down 写下,记下;镇压,平定25. put forward 提出;钟表前拨26. put out 扑灭27. put up 修

32、建;张贴,挂起,搭起;留宿,投宿28. put up with 忍受29. put through 接通电话,通过30. put .in order 按顺序放置31. put into practice/effect 实行,执行32. put an end to sth 制止,废除33. get tired of 对感到厌烦34. be tired from/with 因而疲倦35. attempt to do stn. 企图做36. make an attempt to do/at doing 企图做某事37. at ones fist attempt 某人第一次尝试38. manage t

33、o do 设法做成39. observe sb doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事40. observe sb do sth. 看到某人做某事41. all the time=always 一直,总是42. of all time 有史以来的43. cant stand doing sth 不能忍受做某事44. stand for 代表45. stand out 突出,显眼46. stand by 袖手旁观47. stand still 站着不动48. stand aside 站到一边,让开49. stand up 站立,起立50. stand on ones feet 脚踏实地51.

34、stand on ones head/hands 倒立52. in ones twenties 在某人二十多岁的时候53. at the scene 在现场54. on the scene 到场,出现55. behind the scenes 在幕后,不公开的56. adopt sb as 收养某人为57. adapt to 适应58. be adapted from 根据改编而成59. be adapted for 为了而改编/改写60. consider doing sth 考虑做某事61. sb be considered to be /consider sb to be 认为某人是62

35、. considering sth/that考虑到,鉴于63. to ones great delight/ much to ones delight 使某人感到极其高兴的是64. with delight 乐意地,高兴地65. make a promise to do=promise to do 答应做66. promise not to do sth 保证/承诺不做67. keep /break ones promise 遵守/违背诺言68. at ones best 处在最佳状态69. all the best 一切顺利。万事如意70. not half as good as 没有一半好

36、71. a series(单复同形) of 一系列的,一连串的(谓语用单数)72. sth happen to sb 某人发生了73. sb happen to do sth 某人恰巧做某事74. realize oneself 实现自我75. realize ones dream 实现某人的理想76. make of 理解,明白,对有某种看法77. look alive/lively 看起来栩栩如生/生动78. a live TV match 电视直播比赛79. people alive=the living people 活着的人们80. a lively discussion 一场激烈的

37、讨论81. with +n./pron+n./adj./adv./doing/done/to do/介词短语 with 的复合结构Module 51. in total = totally = in all 合计,总共2. a total of 总数为3. now that = since 既然4. believe in sb/sth 相信(某人为人),信仰5. believe sb=believe what sb says相信某人所说的话6. believe it or not 信不信由你7. beyond belief 难以置信的,不可思议的8. be similar to . 和相似9. be similar in 在方面相似10. play a part/role in 在中扮演角色,起作用11. take part in=participate in 参加活动12. work on

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