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1、高中状语从句语法及例句状语从句状语从句在高考试题中加上其它从句的干扰,以及倒装句,强调句的介入,使得状语从句更为复杂。状语从句是一种副词性从句,通常由一个从属连词或一个起连词作用的词组引导。1.时间状语从句由下列连词引导:when, while , as, before, after, once, till, until, once, as soon as, now that, hardlywhen, scarcelywhen, no soonerthan,有一些表示时间的副词(短语)或名词短语也可引导时间状语从句。如:directly, instantly, immediately, by

2、the time,the moment, the second, the minute, the instant, every time, each time, next time, the last time等注意点如下:1)when, while, as引导的时间状语从句as表示“当的时候”,往往和when/ while通用,但它着重强调主句与从句的动作或事情同时或几乎同时发生。She came up as I was cooking.(同时) When I was walking down the street, I came across an old friend of mine.我

3、在街上行走时,碰到一位老朋友when(at or during the time that )既可以表示在某一点的时候,又可表示在某一段时间内,主句与从句的动作或事情可以同时发生也可以先后发生。It was raining when we arrived.(指时间点)When we were at school, we went to the library every day.(在一段时间内)When we arrived there, the film had already begun.(先后发生)While强调一段时间里,仅表示从句和主句的动作同时发生,并且有延续意义,该从句中的动词一

4、般要用延续性动词,从句中常用过去进行时态或一般过去时态;在when表示a period of time时,两者可以互换。Please dont talk so loud while/when others are working. 其他人工作时请不要大声讲话。He fell asleep while/when reading. 读书时他睡着了。 While they were watching TV, I was preparing myself for the coming examination.他们在看电视,而我在为即将到来的考试做准备。Strike while the iron is

5、hot.( 不可用as或when,这里的while意思是“趁”)as表示主从句动作同时发生,所以常译作一边一边。John sings as he works.As his hands dropped he dropped with it, and I laid him down ,dead.当When引出的时间状语从句为系表结构,而且其主语和主句的主语一致,其表语又是一个名词时,就可以用 as 引导的省略句来代替。When he was a young man (= As a young man ) he was fond of hunting.2)before状语从句的重点句型It will

6、 (not ) be a period of timebefore还要才,要不了多久就was (not)过了才, 没多久就It was a long time before I got to sleep . 过了好长时间我才睡着了。 It wasnt long before he told me about the news.没多久他就告诉了我那条新闻。不等就在-之前:Before I could get in a word, he had measured me.The telephone rang offbefore I could answer it.我还没来得及接电话,电话就挂断了。刚

7、就:He hardly entered the room before he heard the telephone ring.先再:You can have a few days to think about it before you make your decision.做出决定之前你还有几天时间考虑Before she could move, she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar.Before I could say a word, she had stormed out of the room.It will b

8、e five years before I come back.It was not long before the enemy was driven out of their country.It wont be long before they understand each other.Do it before you forget it.二There is nothing that has not been bitter before being ripe.He was brought before the judg三Ive seen the film Titanic before.I

9、 have never seen such beautiful flowers before.四Before long, he went to America.I hope to see you before long.She said she had read the novel long before.That happened long before.3)since 引导的从句用延续性动词的过去式(包括过去完成时),则从句的动作已经结束,从句意思是否定的。如果从句的动词是延续性动词的完成时态,从句意思是肯定的。It is /has beena period of time 延续性动词的过

10、去式自从该动作结束已多长时间延续性动词的完成时态since该动作已延续了多长时间短暂性动词的过去式自从该动作开始已多长时间He has never been to see me since I was ill.我病愈后,他一直未来看我。(不在生病了)He has never been to see me since I have been ill.我病了,他一直未来看我。I havent heard from him since he lived here.自从他这里搬走,我就没有收到他的信。(不住在这儿了)I know him very well since he has lived her

11、e near us.自他住在我们附近以来,我对他很了解。Its three years since I was in the army.我退伍已三年了。(不在服役了)Its three years since I have been in the army=Its three years since I joined the army.我入伍已三年了。4)如果与till与until从句使用的主句是肯定的,则主句中谓语要用延续性动词如果与其使用的主句是否肯定的,则主句中谓语要用短暂性动词。另till从句不可以置于句首,只有until从句可以放在句首。not until 放在句首时主句要倒装。He

12、 didnt go back to his hometown until three years later.=Not until three years later did he go back to his hometown.I didnt recognize him until he took off his glasses.= Not until he took off his glasses did I recognize him.2.原因状语从句由下列连词引导:as, because, since, now that, considering that, seeing that(鉴

13、于-)。下面几点值得注意:because语气最强,用于回答why的提问,可与强调词only, just 以及否定词not 连用。但不可以与so连用。如You shouldnt get angry just because some people speak ill of you.He failed because he was careless. 他因粗心而失败了。because引导的从句可以被强调:It was because she wanted to study abroad that she entered for TOEFL2) since引导的从句语气次于because引导的从句,

14、常表示稍加分析后而推断出的原因,或指人们已知的事实,比as正式一些,常置于句首。as语气最弱,其原因只是对结果的附带说明,一般放在句首。Since/ Now that no one is against it ,lets carry out the plan.Since everyone has come, lets begin our meeting.既然大家都来了,我们开会吧。As all the seats were full, he stood there.所有的座位都满了他只好站那儿。3) for虽解释为“因为”但只是一个并列连词,它也常引导句子表原因,但不是原因状语从句,它是一个并

15、列句。for所提供的理由是一种补充性的说明,表推测的理由。The day was short, for it was December.It might have rained last night for the ground is wet. 昨晚可能下雨了,因为地面是湿的。She must have cried for her eyes are red. 她一定哭过了,她眼睛红的。He cant have done that for he is not that kind of man. 他不可能这么做的,因为他不是那种人。3.地点状语从句由下列连词引导:where, wherever,

16、anywhere, everywhere。You may find him where his brother lives.You are free to go wherever you like. 你可以去你想要去的任何地方。Anywhere he went, he got warm welcome.无论他走到哪儿,都收到热烈欢迎。The girl takes the doll with her everywhere she goes.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。4.结果状语从句由下列连词引导:that,sothat,suchth

17、at,so that等。注意以下几种结构:1).so+adj/adv+that2).such(a/an+adj)+n+that3).so+adj+a/an+n+that=such a/an+adj+n+that4).so many/much/few/little(少)+n+that5)such +(adj) +n(u /pl )+ thatHe spoke so fast that I couldnt follow him. 他说的如此的快,我跟不上他。It was such a lovely day / so lovely a day that we all went swimming今天天

18、气如此的好,我们大家都去游泳了。He gave such important reasons that he was excused.他给了非常重要的理由,我们都原谅他了。So或such置于句首时,主句常倒装。It was such a lovely day / so lovely a day that we all went swimming .Such a lovely day was it that we all went swimming.He gave such important reasons that he was excused.= Such important reason

19、s did he give that he was excused.注意以上结构与定语从句so/suchas的区别。This is such an interesting/so interesting a film that everyone wants to see it.This is such an interesting/so interesting a film as everyone wants to see.The stone is so heavy as we cant lift.That 引导的从句常用于口语中。We turned the radio up (so) that

20、 everyone heard the news.5.目的状语从句由下列连词引导:so that, in order that, for fear that, in case等。(注:so that也可用来引导结果状语从句)so that, in order that引导的目的状语从句中常需用情态动词。so that引导的目的状语从句只能放在主句之后,in order that 引导的目的状语从句可以放在主句之前或之后。We set out early so that we could see the sunrise. 我们很早出发以便能看到日出He sent the letter by ai

21、r mail so that it might reach them in time. 他空邮这份信的以便他们能按时收到。for fear that, in case 引导的目的状语从句谓语动词要用should do 它们本身带有否定意义,相当于so that-not, in order that-notWe hid behind the bushes in case /for fear that passers-by should see us. 我们躲在丛林中以防过路人看见。Please remind me of it again tomorrow in case I forget. 明天

22、请再次提醒我以防我忘了。6.条件状语从句分为真实条件句和非真实条件句(用在虚拟语气中)。由下列连词引导:if, unless, suppose, supposing, providing(that),provided(that),given(that),in case, on condition that, as long as, so long as, so far as等。(1)Unless=if notYou will fail unless you study hard. 除非努力否则你就要失败。(2)suppose, supposing, providing(that),provid

23、ed(that),given(that)= ifSuppose I dont have a day off, what shall I do?Given that he supports us, well win the election. 如果他支持我们,我们就会赢得选举。(3) on condition that, as long as, so long as = only ifAs long as you dont lose heart, you will succeed. 只要你不灰心,你就会成功。(4) As far as I know, he cheated in the exam

24、.So far as I am concerned, Im in favour of “mercy killing”. 就我个人而言, 我支持安乐死。As far as Im concerned , making money is not the only purpose of life.就我个人而言,赚钱并不是生活的唯一目的。7.让步状语从句由下列连词引导:although, though, as, even if, even though ,while, whetheror, whoever, whatever, however,no matter+疑问词等。注意以下几点:although

25、,though引导让步状语从句时,主句前不能用but,但可以加yet, still。He is unhappy though he has a lot of money.Though it was raining hard, yet they didnt stop working.尽管下着大雨,他们仍然在工作。as引导让步状语从句时,必须用前置结构,通常是从句中的表语、状语或动词原形放在句首,放在句首的名词前的冠词要去掉。Though he is a child, he knows a lot.=Child as(though)he is, he knows a lot.(注意在child前不

26、要用冠词)Good as he is , he wont be top of class.Though I like it very much, I wont buy it. =Much as I like it, I wont buy it.Try as he would, he couldnt lift the heavy box.Though it is raining heavily, he rushed out.=Heavily as it is raining ,he rushed out.whether -or (not ) 引导的从句,提供两个对比的“尽管”情况, 含有条件意味

27、。(Whether you) believe it or not, it is true. 信不信由你, 这是真的。Whether you come here or we go there , the topic of discussion will remain unchanged.不管是你来这儿还是他去那儿,讨论的主题保持不变。疑问词+everno matter +疑问词whatever you say, I wont believe you.Whoever you are, you must show your pass. 无论你是谁,你都必须出示你的通行证。Whenever you c

28、ome, you are welcome.无论你啥时来,都欢迎。8.方式状语从句由下列连词引导:as, as if, as though ,the way等。At Rome we must do as the Romans (do). 入乡随俗Do it the way you were told (to). 教你怎样做就怎样做。He treats me as if I were a stranger. 他对待我象陌生人一样。注意以下几点:1)as引导方式状语从句时意义为“按照”,“如同”,前面常用加强语势。I did it just as you told me.= I did it jus

29、t as told toHe didnt win the match as expected.他没有像预料的一样赢得比赛。as if和as though 引导的从句中,谓语常用虚拟语气,有时也用陈述语气。It seems as if it were going to rain.CF: it seems as if it is going to rain.3)连词while 和whereas 可表示对比。Whereas he is rather lazy, she is quite energetic.注意状语从句中的省略现象1)连接词+过去分词Unless repaired, the wash

30、ing machine is no use.Though _or many times, David often drives after drinking.A. to be warnedB. having been warningC warnedD. being warned2)连词+现在分词Look out while crossing the street.3)连词+形容词/其他常见的有if necessary、if possible、when necessary、if any等4)比较状语从句中的省略句。如:He arrived home half an hour earlier than (he had been)expected.

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