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1、商务英语习题一、词汇部分 1. In the budget we allocated most of the money to _. A. marketer B. marketing C. market D. marketed 2. The high interest rates have _ my business. A. bankrupted B. bankrupt C. bankruptcy D. bankrupting 3. We can offer you a/an _ for bulk purchase. A. account B. amount C. discount D. co

2、urt 4. We offered the agent a 10% _. A. ission B. account C. amount D. mission 5. The exporter must _ the goods on time. A. deliver B. delivery C. delivered D. deliveried 6. The _ system in China is socialist market _. A. economical economy B. economic economic C. economic economy D. economy economi

3、c 7. The difference between manufacturing cost and the selling price is called the _. A. net profit B. net margin C. gross profit D. gross cost 8. We surrendered a clean bill of lading for the _ of payment. A. bargain B. transfer C. bargaining D. negotiation 9. Before you make an offer, you should p

4、ay attention to the supply and demand situation of the line of goods on the world market. When supply exceeds demand, you should make your price _; when supply lags behind demand, you can make your price_. A. higher lower B. lower higher C. more less D. less more 10. The pany agreed to sell the prod

5、ucts to us _ because of our good reputation. A. at credit B. in credit C. of credit D. on credit 11. While the goods are on an ocean vessel, it is necessary to _ them against risks. A. sure B. make C. insure D. take 12.During the _ crisis, many panies _. A. economical went bankrupt B. economical was

6、 bankrupt C. economic went bankrupt D. economic was bankrupt 13.We have signed an exclusive sales agreement with the German pany. We are the sole _ here. A. buyer B. customer C. consumer D. distributor 14. When nations export more than they import, they are said to have a/an _. A. unfavorable balanc

7、e of trade B. favorable balance of trade C. trade deficit D. trade gap 15. It is said that Larry has benefit a lot from the _ of his shares. A. depreciation B. appreciation C. devaluation D. valuation 16. _ trade refers to the exchange of services among nations. A. Visible B. Cargo C. Invisible D. m

8、odity 17. If there is a/an _ clause in the sales contract, the quantity of delivery may be more or less to a certain extent than the contractual quantity. A. insurance B. quantity C. delivery D. more or less 18. pared with that of other suppliers, our prices of tea are much lower, if you _ an order

9、_ us, they must be salable in your country. A. give to B. place to C. place with D. give with 19. Weve _ your offer sheet, we think your price is higher than what we _. A. accepted thought B. accepted expected C. received thought D. received expected 20. As we _ our products in the newspaper last mo

10、nth, the turnover has increased recently. A. pushed B. promoted C. advertised D. sold 21. Documentary bill is always acpanied by shipping documents, among which _ is the most important one. A. bill of lading B. insurance certificate C. mercial invoice D. letter of credit 22. A _ bill stipulates for

11、immediate payment by the drawee on demand or at the sight of the bill. A. usance B. time C. sight D. clean 23. _, as one of the terms of payment in foreign trade, means the importer remits the payment to the exporter through a bank. A. Collection B. Letter of Credit C. Remittance D. Remitting 24. Th

12、e irrevocable L/C means once the credit is issued it cannot be cancelled or amended before the expiry date without the agreement of _. A. issuing bank B. negotiating banking C. applicant D. beneficiary 25. A bill of exchange can be transferred by the original payee to another person through _. A. en

13、dorsement B. discount C. presentation D. acceptance 26. A charter party may be for the carriage of goods from one specified port to another, and is known as a _. A. time charter B. voyage charter C. bareboat charter D. special charter 27. $ 50/MT CIF London, in this phrase, London is the port of _.

14、A. shipment B. loading C. transshipment D. destination 28. A _ B/L restricts the transfer of the document and the goods will be delivered on arrival only to the consignee mentioned in the B/L. A. direct B. order C. bearer D. straight 29. A policy holder, also can be called _ is the person who purcha

15、ses insurance. A. the insurer B. the assurer C. the insured D. the insuree 30. The _ tariff is a duty proportional to the price of the goods being taxed. A. advalorem B. specific C. mixed D. pound 二、完型填空 Passage 1 Flight to the unknown The worlds airline industry will change 1 quickly in the next tw

16、elve months than in any year since aviation began. Watch out for the 2 trends: Passenger traffic will go 3 by 4% a year in Europe. Asia will see even faster growth-up 4 9% a year. Flight delavs will bee a nightmare. 5 travel under 700km, high speed trains will be the answer. Paris to Lyon by train 6

17、 two hours; by plane it can take up to three-city centre to city centre. Air fares will not fall. Last year, airlines lost money 7 they will have to increase prices, or go bankrupt. There will be more petition. More small airlines will start 8 . Good. But as the number of flights increases, so will

18、the congestion in the airports. 9 governments will need to spend more money on them. 10 there will be even more delays. 1. A. less B. little C. more 2. A. following B. followed C. follow 3. A. down B. up C. to 4. A. to B. down C. for 5. A. To B. For C. As 6. A. take B. took C. takes 7. A. so B. beca

19、use C. and 8. A. down B. up C. back 9. A. Because B. As C. So 10. A. Otherwise B. So C. Then Passage 2 Telemuter Portrait: Editing Facts by Fax Jennifer Porter is the managing director of Healthcare, a publication of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 1 her private office in her Virginia home,

20、 she assigns 2 to ten articles for each issue of the magazine. The writers send their stories on a puter disk, usually 3 means of an overnight delivery service. Porter checks them and than sends them 4 the designers office in New York. Porters biggest problem 5 electric publishing is training her wr

21、iters. One sent the story on a wrong-sized disk; 6 used a disk that my puter couldnt read; a third used software I couldnt decipher. The disk problems should improve on the next issue. 7 Porter has recently invested in a modem 8 writers can send their stories directly to her puter. Porter says she i

22、s a skeptical technical consumer. I like a puter the same way I 9 a pencil. They are both tools that must work. 10 something goes wrong with my electric equipment out here in the middle of Virginia, I have to put it in the car and take it someplace. 1. A. From B. To C. For 2. A. / B. up C. down 3. A

23、. with B. as C. by 4. A. with B. to C. and 5. A. with B. and C. or 6. A. other B. one C. another 7. A. So B. Because C. Therefore 8. A. so that B. that C. then 9. A. be fond B. like C. dislike 10. A. Whether B. As C. If Passage 3 Meet Thomas Kingsley Thomas Kingsley works for Meridian Finance in Eas

24、t London. He works as a sales executive. He 1 with a large number of small and medium-sized business in the London area. He 2 them on the best financial products for their needs. He is only in 3 office in the morning when he discuss clients 4 the Sales Manager. Then he travels around London to see h

25、is clients. He informs them about new products on the market. He keeps a 5 of any changes in the clients information so that he can offer advice if necessary. He 6 his paperwork and arranges 7 from home or from his car between appointments. If any members would like 8 advice on insurance or any fina

26、ncial product, please do not 9 to phone Thomas or one of his colleagues 10 0207 236 4925. They will be happy to help you if they can! 1. A. organizes B. provides C. deals 2. A. advise B. advises C. advised 3. A. his B. her C. its 4. A. with B. to C. from 5. A. notice B. record C. reference 6. A. doe

27、s B. produces C. deals 7. A. meets B. meet C. meetings 8. A. an B. a C. some 9. A. hesitate B. stop C. think 10. A. to B. on C. under Passage 4 Tourism in Thailand In 1997 there were over 7 million visitors to Thailand. There were more independent travelers (up 4.5% on last year) 1 people on group t

28、ours (down 4.7%). The largest number of visitors was 2 East Asia. 78% of group tour travelers and 51% of 3 travellers were from countries such as Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan. The second largest number of tourists 4 from Europe: 14% of group tour visitors and 27% of independent travellers, 5 the la

29、rgest number ing from France and Germany. The smallest number of visitors was from Africa. 0.4% of group visitors and 0.9% of independent travelers were from African countries, and 6 half of those were from South Africa. There were changes 7 the numbers of visitors from different countries. Visitors

30、 from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% 8 independent travelers. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was 9 there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% fewer independent travelers than last year. The number of visitors from Sweden was up 10 24% for group tours and 15% for indep

31、endent travelers. 1. A. less B. than C. much 2. A. from B. to C. for 3. A. group B. independent C. independ 4. A. was B. were C. is 5. A. without B. with C. in 6. A. being B. over C. more 7. A. in B. at C. among 8. A. to B. as C. for 9. A. up B. by C. down 10. A. by B. for C. to Passage 5 mercial Ba

32、nks 1 the end of May 1995, China has 15 mercial banks, the International Business reported. Eight of these are 2 nationwide. They are: the Industrial and mercial Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China, the Bank of China, the Peoples Construction Bank of China, the munications Bank, the CITIC

33、Industrial Bank, the China Everbright Bank and Huaxia Bank. There are six 3 shareholding banks. They are: the Merchants Bank, the Guangdong Development Bank, the Shenzhen Development Bank, the Fuzhou Industrial Bank, the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and the Hainan Development Bank. Apart 4 these

34、, there is the 5 of the Peoples Construction Bank of China, the China Investment Bank and two housing deposit banks. They are fully 6 by the Peoples Bank of China. To add 7 the 15, the Minsheng Banking Corp was set up in January 1996. It is now the 8 non-state bank. Five foreign banks have so far be

35、en 9 to run branch offices in Beijing. Here is a 10 of them: Bank of Tokyo Tel 591640 Citibank of the United States Tel 500425 Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Tel 5001121 Nanyang mercial Bank Tel 5139026 Industrial Bank of Japan Tel 5953728 1. A. In B. By C. at 2. A. run B. operated C. ra

36、n 3. A. nationwide B. worldwide C. regional 4. A. to B. from C. among 5. A. affiliate B. branch C. infiliate 6. A. founded B. operated C. funded 7. A. to B. into C. for 8. A. single B. only C. one 9. A. allowed B. awarded C. ratified 10. A. display B. list C. name Passage 6 Importance of Public Imag

37、e Public image refers to how a pany is viewed by its customers, suppliers, and stockholders, by the financial munity, by the munities in which it operates, and by the federal and local governments. Public image is controllable 1 just as the product, price, place, and promotional efforts are. A firms

38、 public image 2 a vital role in the attractiveness of the firm and its products to employees, customers, 3 to such outside as stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government officials, as well as diverse special groups. With some things it is 4 to satisfy all the diverse publics: for example, a new h

39、ighly automated plant may meet the approval of creditors and stockholders, but 5 will undoubtedly find resistance from employees who see 6 threatened. On the other hand, high quality products and service standards should bring almost plete approval, 7 low quality products and false claims would be w

40、idely looked down upon. A firms public image, 8 it is good, should be treasured and protected. It is a valuable asset that usually is built up over a long and satisfying relationship of a firm with its publics. If a firm has 9 a quality image, this is not easily countered or imitated by petitors. 10

41、 an image may enable a firm to charge higher prices, to woo the best distributors and dealers, to attract the best employees, to expect the 11 favourable creditor relationships and lowest borrowing costs. It should also allow the firms stock to mand a higher price-earning ratio than 12 firms in the

42、same industry without such a good reputation and public image. 13 of factors affect the public image of a corporation, 14 include physical facilities, contacts of outsiders with pany employees, product quality and dependability, prices 15 petitors, customer service, the kind of advertising and the m

43、edia and programs used, and the use of public relations and publicly.1. A. at considerable extent B. to considerable extent C. to considerate extent D. at considerate extent 2. A. establishes B. plays C. makes D. obtains 3. A. but B. however C. and D. as 4. A. possible B. easy C. not impossible D. i

44、mpossible 5. A. they B. some C. it D. we 6. A. plant B. jobs C. machines D. themselves 7. A. while B. when C. as D. and 8. A. although B. if C. even if D. however 9. A. been B. developed C. found D. learned 10. A. With B. Such C. Like D. / 11. A. a more B. more C. most D. the most 12. A. the other B

45、. other C. others D. another 13. A. A great deal B. Many C. A number D. Am amount 14. A. They B. It C. Some D. Most 15. A. related to B. connected with C. relative to D. related with Passage 7 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Before 1993, and particularly during the period 1929-33, bank failure

46、s were not unmon. 1 a bank overextended itself in creating credit or if several of its important loans could not be repaid, depositors in the bank would frequently bee panicky and 2 to make large withdrawals. 3 the bank had only small number of its deposits backed by currency, the bank would soon be

47、 unable to meet withdrawals, and most depositors 4 their money. Most frequently a bank merely needed time to improve its cash position by calling in some of its loans and not making additional ones. In 1933 the number of bank failures 5 a peak, forcing the federal government to intervene and 6 the banks temporarily. To help restore the publics confidence in banks and strengthen the banking munity, Congress passed legislation setting 7 the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 8 corporation, an agency of the federal go

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