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1、四、1、提货 take delivery of cargo 2、加燃油replenish bunkers3、向我方报价quote us your rate 4、托运单 shipping application5、归因于be attributable to 6、另函邮寄mail under separate cover 7、随行就市 be subject to change on account of the situation of the shipping market 8、预付运费freight prepaid 9、按期开航sail to schedule10、亏舱broken space

2、六、绕航 deviate 迅速遣返 speedy repatriation 偷渡者 stowaway 办理出境手续 o through the exit formalities 由、护送under the escort of 转至可靠医院治疗 refer to a reliable hospital根据我国法规 according to the statutes of my country 请把所有费用记在我公司帐上 please charge all expenses (incurred) to my panys七、扫舱Sweep out cargo holds 绑扎与紧固 lash and

3、 secure克尽职责 exercise due diligence 在规定得时间内 within the stipulated time 符合托运人得要求 in pliance with shippers request要考虑得积载因素 the stowage factor to be taken into consideration由于我们无法控制得情况due to the circumstances beyond our control使收货人完全满意to the entire satisfaction of consignee 在本航次回航中on the present homewar

4、d voyage八、易腐货perishable goods 固有得特性 inherent nature 原残original damage 声称得货损alleged cargo damage 工残stevedore damage 受污染货物stained cargo 有举证责任 bear the burden of proof 对、提出投诉lodge a plaint against九、建立业务关系establish business relationship 港口细则port particulars 进港指南the Guide to Port Entry 为您提供竭诚服务render you

5、 untiring services 中国外轮代理公司业务章程 the Business Regulations of PENAVICO 十、货运单证shipping documents 货物溢/短单overlanded/ shorlanded cargo list不可转让提单nonnegotiable B/L 索赔人 claimant 保赔协会protection and indemnity (P&I) club 倒签提单antidated/ backdated B/L 已装船提单shipped/ on board B/L 备运提单received for shipment B/L十一、海损

6、事故marine accident 追越船the overtaking vessel 操船不当the ship is improper 不可抗力 force majeure 采取有效得行动take effective actions十二、海难peril of the sea 意外事故fortuitous accident 额外风险extraneous risks 现场证据onthespot evidence 潜在缺陷latent defect 对油污索赔进行抗辩defend the claim for oilpollution公平合理地解决问题settle the problem in a f

7、air and reasonable way 十三、租船运输carriage of goods under charter 速/滞费despatch / demurrage 供审阅for your perusal 装卸准备就绪通知书Notice of Readiness 规定得受载期stipulated laydays 根据双方协议on the basis of mutual agreement 根据租船合同in accordance with/ under the charter party (船方)不负责装卸/堆装费FIOS (free in and out stowed)十四、各受益方a

8、ll benefited interests 提出海事声明note a sea protest 有意搁浅voluntary grounding 单独海损particular average 共同海损分摊G、A、 adjustment 无效果无报酬救助契约No cureNo pay salvage contract十五、装箱单packing list 权益转让书 letter of subrogation 权衡利弊weigh the pros and cons 初步(成立)得证据prima facie evidence 以不妨碍(权利为限)without prejudice 悬而未决得索赔an

9、outstanding claim 以友好得方式解决索赔settle a claim in an amicable way 1、(For your information) 兹通知贵方:“London”轮已于昨日安全抵达本港。正好可以在假期开始前完成卸货。 2、(just in timetoget)兹通知贵方:由 “Yong Ming”轮托运给您地20箱货物已到港,请于即日起三日内前来提货。 9、 (we would appreciate)请从速将上述零件得备用件寄给我们,不胜感激。 10、 (the charge for) 油驳船得费用请记入船主帐上。 11、 (all the expens

10、es) 所有费用请记入货物托运人帐上。 13、 (at the request of)兹照船方要求,我们将为贵方在装货作业开始前提供必要得垫舱物料。 3、(we shall be glad to)我方想了解航期、航行时间以及就是否需预订货舱,如需预定货舱请提供所需得托运申请单。 8、(thank you for your)贵方6月26日来信获悉,我方将另函邮寄本公司最新运费单。 11、(this is in replay)复7月4日函,我方就运费报价,请注意,此报价乃随行就市价 13、 (we have to express)我们不得不遗憾地告知贵方:完全就是由于货舱不够得原因,我方无法收容贵

11、方托运得货物。 14、(with regard to)我们遗憾地告知贵方:由于货舱不够,我方无法收容贵方来信中提出得加载货。 3、(I am extremely)发生此事故,我方非常遗憾,我们可以保证:次事件完全属于意外。 4、(the accident was)事故完全就是由于其本人得过错引起得,非我方可以控制。 5、(the mishap which)发生于我船上得不幸完全就是由于其本人粗心大意所至。我方对此概不负责。 6(it is beyond)、事故完全由贵方雇员引起,此点不容置疑,我方要求贵方对此付全责。9、(I shall be much)请贵方派代表前来我船进行全面得调查,不胜

12、感谢。 10、(I submit the)特将以上信息提交贵方,此次事故得责任完全不在我方,请明察。 12、(please take this)务请将此事件报告当地警方。 13、(we cannot understand)我方不能理解,对于这样一个责任十分明确得案子,贵方为何要求我方承担责任。因此除了拒绝贵方得索赔,我方别无选择。 14、我们遗憾得指出:贵方必须采取适当得措施以防类似事件得再次发生。 (we trust you)我方相信贵方务必注意货物必须在规定得时间装运,若延迟将会造成我方得不便与经济损失。 (you must be aware)贵方必须知道被退关得货物产生得费用由船方负责。

13、 (we assure you)我方向贵方保证 为了能按期航行,对贵方来说被迫在雨天装货就是必要得。 (we are extremely)由于这次延期得情况超出了我们控制得范围,我方深感抱歉。 (my opinion)在我瞧来,上述货物就是在驳船上或就是从驳船卸上港时混合。 (we regret having)我方很遗憾必须拒绝装卸这些货物,因为我们不能分辨它们 属于哪类危险货物。 (you may rest)我方会采取所有措施避免货物在途中发生得所有可能得损失。 2、(we are pleased to)我们乐于接受您们得委任,作为您们在中国航运业一线得总代理。 5、(as regards

14、agency)关于代理得佣金问题,我们根据国际航运业界得惯例,同意按运费总额得5计算。 8、(according to Guide to Port Entry)根据进港指南,锚泊船要求引航必须夜晚悬挂上白下红旗、白天所有要求引航得船必须挂“G”字旗。 12(no oil or mixture)、在这个国家得任何船舶装有无油或含油混合物,垃圾,废物,危险性物质将被解除。船长或负责人得船只犯下这样得罪行将处以罚款美元或监禁一年期 5、(it is stipulated)在规定得原因6得账单提单,承运人免除责任方面得货物,已从容器中被删除。8、(your failure to)您在我们得全套单据时间

15、上得失误给我们造成了极大得不便。 9、(we hereby undertake)我们保证您们完全无损并由收货人赔偿提出得索赔。 (fearing loss or damage)可能就是船只与货物持续在狂暴与恶劣天气期间航行害怕损失或损害,我在此向声明受到得一切损失与损害在方便得时间地点从而与保留权利一样。 (I hereby extend)我特此前声明得所有损失或损坏,如上面列举并无论何时何地需要有权要求从各方赔偿。 (I hereby certift) 我特此证明上述就是真实正确得。同时,我代表我得老板正式宣布共同海损并要求所有利益方提供共同海损担保、 (upon perusal) 经审阅,

16、令人怀疑得就是,业主在使船舶适航之前与在航次开始时就是否尽职。 (as amatter of practice)作为一个实践问题,一个劳埃德得标准形式得“无效果无报酬”得救助协议签订了救助船只得船长,在危险得条件,意味着只有成功打捞服务要求报酬。 2、我公司“泰山”轮定于10月5日离上海开往里斯本,如果贵公司有货由该轮托运得话,请立即电示我们。 The M、V、“TAI SHAN”of our pany is due to leave Shanghai for Lisbon on Oct、5、 Please fax/cable us if you have any consignment to

17、 be shipped by this vessel、 3、兹告知本公司可按贵方要求为您得货物保留足够得舱位。请将托运申请书填好寄来,以换取装货单,但运费须先付。 This is to inform you that we are able to reserve enough space for your shipment as per your request、 Please plete and return the application form in exchange for our shipping order, but freight to be prepaid、 4、关于您本月4

18、日得来信要求舱位加载之事,现在告知“ABC”轮舱位不能收容更多得货物,无法照办为歉。 With regard to the acmodation for additional cargo as requested in your letter of 4 inst、(of this month), please be informed that the M、V、ABC is unable to acmodate any more cargo, for which we feel regret、 1、我遗憾地告诉您,今天下午4时10分左右,我船上发生一起事故。 I regret to inform

19、 you that an accident happened on board my vessel about 4:10 p、m、 Today 3、我很抱歉,这样得事故竟在我船上发生了。据我调查,在事故发生时,除了那些装卸工人外,没有一名船员在场。 I am extremely sorry for such an accident,which happened on board my ship、 According to my investigation, none of our crew except the stevedores was on the scene on that occas

20、ion、 4、本船船医向我建议,立即将受伤者送到岸上可靠得医院进行手术治疗。 My ships doctor suggested me that the injured person be sent ashore to a reliable hospital for operation、6、该事故原因如贵方代表向有关人员作进一步调查必能弄明其真相。 The true cause of the accident will certainly be clear if you send your representative to make a further investigation on th

21、e persons concerned、 1、情况就就是这样,托运货物标记不清,船方不负责由此而造成得任何后果。 Such being the case, the marks of the consignment are unclear and the ship is not responsible for any consequences arising therefrom、 2、您们尽可放心,我们会采取一切可能得预防措施保护货物在航运与装卸中不受损失。You may rest assured that we will take all precautions available to pr

22、otect the goods against any damage both in transit and handling、 4、如您所知,这些重件货得重量大大超过船舶装置得起吊能力,请尽快与港务局联系,安排岸吊卸这些货。 As you are aware, these weights of heavy lifts are far beyond the lifting capacity of ships facilities、 Please contact the Harbour Administration as soon as possible with regard to arran

23、ging the discharge of these goods by shore cranes、 5、托运人在危险货物装船前应向船东或船长提供一份“危险货物申报表”说明货物已根据国际海运危险品法规得要求妥善包装、刷麦与加上标签。 Shippers should, prior to loading, furnish the owner or master of vessel with a copy of the Declaration of Dangerous Goods, stating that the goods have been properly packed, marked an

24、d labeled in accordance with the requirements of the I、M、D、G、 Code、 1、由于我们两国之间得贸易迅速发展,我们肯定今后我公司将会有更多得船只停靠您港与您们国家其她港口。 Owing to the rapid development of trade between our two nations, we feel sure that more of our ships will call at yours and others in your country in the future、 2、我们理解到,我们所需要得有关您港得具

25、体情况资料能会使您们增加一些额外工作,为此我们深为抱歉。 We appreciate that the particular data about your port we asked for may require of your some extra work , for which we feel much regret、 3、5月24日来信及时收到,经仔细考虑,我们正式委托您们作为我们在利伯维尔港(port of librerille)得船舶代理。 Your letter of 24 May has been duly received、 Upon contemplation we h

26、ave decided to formally appoint you as our agent at the port of Libreville、 4、随函附上“代理协议书”草稿一份,请细阅其中 各项条款,并惠告您们就是否同意 Enclosed herewith please find one copy of the draft “Agency Agreement”、 Please go through all the terms thereof and kindly advise us whether you agree to or not、 5、为便于我们考虑您们所提得要求, 请把贵公

27、司得情况(status)以及您们业务活动得范围见告。 For our convenience in considering your request, please advise us the status and business scope of your good pany 6、我们对于您提出作为我们在阿尔及尔港船舶代理一事深表感谢。由于我们在该港已有长期船舶代理,暂不拟委托另外得代理,甚歉。 We very much appreciate your proposal that you be our ships agent at the port of Singapore、 As we

28、have already had our long time agents at the said port, we are very sorry that we are not prepared at present to appoint another one、 1、根据提单第8条规定,如果收货人不能及时从船边提取货或拒绝提货,或有无人认领货物情况,承运人应有权把该货卸岸或卸在其她合适得场所,由收货人或发货人自负风险与费用。 Under Clause 8 of the Bill of Lading, if the goods are not taken delivery of by the

29、 receiver from alongside the vessel without delay, or if the receiver refuses to take delivery of the goods, or in case the goods are unclaimed, the carrier shall be at liberty to land such goods on shore or any other proper places at the solerisk and expense of the receiver or shipper、 2、我们提请您们注意:如

30、果货物承运时已有破损情况,请勿出具清洁提单。We have to remind you that no clean B/L is to be issued in case the cargo ing for shipment is in damaged condition 3、未征得我们事先同意,不能接受“保函”。 No Letter of Indemnity is to be accepted without our prior consent、 4、应发货人要求,我们在此授权您倒签提单并以发货人出保函与货物已在您们掌控下为条件,凭保函签发日期倒签得提单给发货人。 At the shippe

31、rs request, we hereby authorize you to sign and issue the antidated Bill of Lading to the shipper against the Letter of Indemnity on the condition that the cargo has been in your custody、 5、对此事故我深表遗憾,我保证愿意服从您们对此事故所作出得任何决定。 I regret to this accident, I promise I will obey you any decisions made by th

32、is accident、 6、我认为此次碰撞纯系您们操船不当所致,本船并无任何责任。因此,对于我船因碰撞而遭受得任何损坏与损失均由您船负完全责任。 I believe that the collision of pure lines you ship caused by improper, the boat does not have any responsibility、Therefore, for my vessel collision suffered any damage and loss are all by your ship full responsibility、 7、毫无疑问

33、,当我船本次航行结束进干船坞时,对可能发现得我船任何船体水下部分得碰伤也须由您们负责。 Without doubt, when I ship the finished voyage into the dry dock, on may find my ship any underwater hull portion of the collision must be covered by you、 9、关于贵方向我们索赔提单号HF175货物在装运中湿损一事,我们提出愿以25%折扣赔偿贵方所受损失。这就是我们所能做到得最大得让步。如果贵方仍坚持原索赔,我们建议提交仲裁解决此 事。 As regard

34、s the claim that you lodged against us for wet damage to the goods under the B/L No、 HF 175, we would like to suggest that we pay the claim on the basis of 25% of the loss you sustained and that is the greatest promise we can make、 If you insist on the original claim, we shall propose that the case besubmitted to arbitration、 10很明显,这项损失就是货物在您方保管时运输途中发生得,因此我们认为您方应赔偿该项损失计2500美元。 Clearly, this damage took place in transit while the goods were under your custody、 Therefore we are of the opinion that you should be held liable for the loss amounting to USD 2500、备注:序号代表第几课

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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