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1、The masque of the red deathIt was a huge and extraordinary castle, built to Prince Prosperos own plan. It had strong high walls and great gates of heavy metal. Now when the Prince and his friends arrived at the castle gates they went inside, locked the gates carefully and threw away the keys. In tha

2、t way no one would be able to enter or escape. They were all there together, far away from the Red Death. Now they could forget the world outside and think only of themselves. They had everything they needed to amuse themselves, because the Prince had forgotten nothing. He had brought in food and wi

3、ne, actors, musicians, and dancers. All of this, and life itself, was inside the castle. Outside lay the Red Death.Towards the end of the fifth or sixth month, while the Red Death was at its most deadly outside, the Prince gave a wonderful masked ball for his friends. It was a wild and wonderful bal

4、l, but first let me tell you about the rooms in which he gave the ball. There were seven rooms in all. In most castles, of course, the rooms for great parties or dances join each other end to end. In this way, when the doors at the end of each room are opened, the seven rooms become one huge room, a

5、nd you can see from the first room right through to the last one. In prosperos castle, it was different. Each room turned suddenly round a corner into the next, so if you were standing in one room it was impossible to see into the other rooms.这座城堡规模宏大,非同凡响,是按照普洛斯佩罗亲王亲自设计的蓝图建造的,它有着巍然高耸的坚固城墙以及沉甸甸的金属大门


7、房间都是彼此衔接、首尾相连的。按照这种布局,每一间屋子两端的门一开,七间屋子就会变成一个大房间,你可以从第一间屋子径直望见最后一间。然而在普洛斯佩罗的城堡里,情形就有所不同了,每一个房间要绕过一个拐角才突然转而成为下一个房间。这样,如果你站在其中一个房间里,你是不可能望见其他几个房间的。In the middle of each wall, on the right and left, there was a tall, narrow window opening onto the closed passage which ran along beside all seven rooms. E

8、ach window was made of different coloured glass, and the colour of the glass was the same as the colour of the room that it opened onto. The first room, for example, was blue, and so its windows were also a deep blue. The second room was purple, and so the windows, too, were purple. The third was gr

9、een, with green windows, the fourth orange, the fifth white, and the sixth violet. The seventh room was black. Its walls were black, its thick, heavy carpet was also black. But its windows were red - a deep blood-red.There were no candles in any of the rooms. The only light came from fires, in hangi

10、ng metal baskets, which were in the passages outside the rooms. Each fire was opposite a window, and so the light from the fire shone through the coloured glass and filled each room with strange and fantastic shadows. But in the black room the firelight that shone through the blood-red window change

11、d the room into something too horrible to describe. In that strange light, faces became wild and frightening, and few people were brave enough to enter the room at all.在每间屋子左右两面墙的中部,各开着一扇又高又窄的窗户,窗外是一个封闭的走廊,它在全部七个房间旁边经过。每扇窗户都镶着不同颜色的玻璃,而玻璃的颜色又同窗户所处的房间的色调相一致。比如,第一个房间是蓝色的,所以它的两扇窗户都是深蓝色的;第二个房间是紫色的,它的窗户也就

12、是紫色的;第三个房间是绿色的,安着绿窗户;第四个为橙黄色;第五个为白色;第六个为紫罗兰色。第七个房间是黑色的,四壁涂成黑色,又厚又重的地毯也是黑色的;然而这间屋子的窗户却是红色的一种深浓的血红。哪间屋子里都是不点蜡烛的。唯有的光亮来自屋子外面走廊里挂着的金属吊篮中燃着的火焰。每一团火焰正对着一扇窗户,于是火光透过彩色玻璃映射进来,使每一间屋子都布满古怪、奇异的影子。可是,那间黑色屋子在透过血红色窗户投射进来的火光映照下却变得难以形容地恐怖 人。在那怪异的光芒中,一张张面孔显得又疯狂又可怖;根本就没有几个人胆大得敢走进那间屋子。In this room, against the farthest

13、 wall, stood a huge black clock. Every hour it chimed loud and deep and clear, filling the castle with its long, gloomy sound. And while the clock chimed, the musicians stopped playing and even the wildest dancers stood still, in silence and fear, listening to the passing of another hour But when th

14、e chiming stopped, people looked at each other and laughed, trying hard to pretend that they had not been frightened. Happiness came into the castle again, until the clock chimed the passing of the next hour, and the same fear returned.Prince Prosperos ball, although given in these strange rooms, wa

15、s wild and happy. The Prince had planned everything - the colours, the paintings on the walls, even the cloaks and masks worn by each one of his friends. He had chosen all the clothes with the greatest of care, putting together the beautiful and the ugly, the strange and the fantastic, the surprisin

16、g and the frightening.在这间屋子里,靠着最远处那面墙立着一座黑色的大钟,每到整点便以洪亮、深沉、清晰的声音报时,让那悠长、阴森的轰鸣响彻整个城堡。每当大钟报时,乐师们便停止演奏音乐,就连最狂热的舞者也要呆呆地站定,一声不吭、满心恐惧地谛听着又一个钟头的流逝但是一旦报时结束,人们便彼此相视大笑,尽力装出一副根本没有受到惊吓的样子。欢乐再一次降临到城堡之中,直到大钟宣布下一个钟头逝去的时候,相同的恐惧才会回到他们心里。普洛斯佩罗亲王的舞会尽管是在这样几间希奇古怪的屋子中举行的,却开得甚为无法无天、恣情纵欲。亲王筹划了一切房间的色彩,墙上挂的图画,甚至供每一位朋友穿戴的斗篷和面

17、具都准备好了。他尽最大努力精心挑选了所有的衣装,集美与丑、荒诞不经与异想天开、别出心裁与怵目惊心于一体襄此盛举。Each man and woman was dressed like a terrible dream. And in and out of the rooms these dreams walked and danced, their clothes changing colour each time they entered a different room. But no one was brave enough now to enter the black room. As

18、 the night passed and the fires burned brighter, the colours and shapes in this room became more horrible than ever. The black carpet and walls seemed full of gloom, and the deep chimes of the black clock sounded even more frightening.But the other six rooms were full of life and pleasure. People we

19、re dancing and singing, talking and laughing, and the wild noise of a thousand happy men and women rang though the castle. Then came the hour of midnight, and once again dancers and musicians became still and silent, as the clock slowly rang the twelve long chimes of midnight. And because the twelve

20、 chimes took a long time to ring, each person had more time to think, and feel uncomfortable. They also had time, before the last chime had sounded, to notice a masked figure who had not been there before. The first person who saw the stranger told the next person, who told another, and in a few min

21、utes a cry of fear and horror rose up from the crowd.男男女女们装扮得好似一个个噩梦,这些噩梦在一间间屋子中进进出出,走动着,跳着舞,每走进一间色调不同的屋子,身上的衣服就变换一次颜色。但现在没有一个人胆敢走进那间黑色的屋子了。夜一点点过去,火焰燃烧得更亮了,映得这间屋子里的色彩与怪影比以往更为恐怖。黑黢黢的地毯和四壁看上去极为阴森,那黑色大钟深沉的报时声听起来更加令人毛骨悚然。不过另外六间屋子里面则是生机盎然,一片笑语欢声。人们唱啊跳啊,说啊笑啊,一千名快乐的男男女女纵情狂欢的嘈杂声在城堡中回荡着。然后午夜的时刻到来了,跳舞者与乐师们再一次

22、变得安安静静、一语不发,听着大钟缓缓地发出午夜的十二声悠长的轰鸣。由于这十二下报时的钟声用了很久才打完,每一个人便有了更多的时间陷入沉思,感到不安。他们同样有时间在最后一下报时钟声鸣响之前注意到一个先前并不在场的戴面具的形象。第一个看到这陌生人的人告诉了第二个人,第二个又告诉第三个,就这样,几分钟不到,人群中响起了一阵惊恐万状的叫声。Now you will remember that everyone at the ball was wearing strange cloaks and masks, which belonged more to the world of dreams and

23、 wild imagination than to everyday life. So why, you may ask, this horror, and this fear? But even in the cruellest heart there are some fears too terrible to laugh at. The tall thin figure of the stranger was dressed from head to foot in the white clothes of the dead. And the mask over the face was

24、 frighteningly real - it was the face of a dead man. Worse still, the face and the body were covered with red, horrible blood! Here, in the middle of all that dancing and happiness was a living picture of the Red Death!When Prince Prospero saw the masked stranger, his face became white with fear. Th

25、en his fear turned to anger and he shouted out, Who is that? Who is mad enough to play games with us, and with death, in this way? Take hold of him, and pull off his mask. I want to see the face of the man who, tomorrow, will hang from the castle roof.现在诸位会记起,参加舞会的每一个人都是穿戴着千奇百怪的斗篷和面具的,而这些装束在日常生活中并不常


27、The Prince was in the blue room as he said these words. They rang loudly and clearly through the seven rooms. Many of the Princes friends started to run towards the masked figure, but they were all too frightened to touch him. With slow and silent steps, the stranger walked slowly towards the Prince

28、, passing very near to him. Then he continued walking, and went from the blue room into the purple one, from the purple into the green, and then into the orange room, the white room and then the violet room. No one tried to stop him.Then Prince Prospero, mad with anger, hurried through the six rooms

29、, with a sword in his hand. As the masked figure entered the black room, the Prince was close behind him, holding his sword up high. At that moment the stranger turned suddenly to look at the Prince. There was a loud cry - and the sword fell upon the black carpet, followed by the dead body of the fe

30、arless Prince Prospero.At once a crowd of people ran into the black room and took hold of the masked stranger. He was standing very still, in the shadow of the black clock. Angrily, they pulled away the clothes and the mask, but then they backed away in horror, because inside the clothes and mask th

31、ey found - nothing.And now each person in the castle understood that the Red Death was there, among them. It had come like a thief in the night. And one by one they fell down dead. And the black clock stopped ringing with the death of the last person. And the fires also died away. And the only thing

32、s left in the castle were Darkness and the Red Death.亲王说这番话的时候正站在蓝色的房间里,声音洪亮而清晰地响彻七个房间。亲王的好多朋友抬腿向那戴面具之人奔去,但他们都怕得厉害,不敢动他。那陌生人一言不发,迈着不慌不忙的步子朝亲王缓缓走去,紧挨着走过他身旁之后,又继续踱着步子从蓝色房间进了紫色房间,从紫色房间进了绿色房间,然后依次进了橙黄色房间、白色房间和紫罗兰色房间。没有人敢于阻止他。这时普洛斯佩罗亲王气得发疯,急忙手执一柄宝剑穿过六个房间赶来。当那戴面具之人走进黑色房间时,亲王赶到他身后,将宝剑高高举起。就在这一刻,那陌生人突然转过身来,紧盯着亲王。只听得一声惨叫那柄宝剑掉落在黑色的地毯上,紧接着倒下来的是无畏的普洛斯佩罗亲王的尸体。一群人立即冲进黑色房间,抓住了那个戴面具的不速之客。他正一动不动地站在黑色大钟的阴影里。人们愤怒地扯掉了袍子和面具,但是他们接着又恐惧地退了回去,因为他们在袍子和面具下面没有找到任何东西。至此,城堡里的每一个人都明白了,红死魔已经到来,就在他们中间;他像个盗贼一样于深夜溜了进来。于是,人们一个接一个地倒地身亡,当最后一个人死掉时,那座黑色大钟也停止了鸣响。火焰也归于寂灭。城堡中只余下黑暗和红死魔,此外别无一物。

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