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1、关于五一的英语精选作文 小升初英语精选作文选Today is May 1, is the International Labor Day. And my father dig up some bamboo shoots cousin, cousin, readily agreed. With my cousin had never been dug bamboo, which is first, of course, is an innovative idea.cousin came to our hill. But days go halfway, it began to rain, fol

2、lowed by rain. But this did not detract from our interest in digging bamboo shoots, but the firm will of the U.S., as the saying goes: springing them! We fought so hard to mountain climbing, sweat, rain confusing.Father is an iron-general way. In a moment, it apart. Wow, bamboo shoots,have head many

3、 really ah! And my cousin looked up at the head are pathfinder cries the father. When we arrived, his hands had been tied with a big bamboo shoots,head. Can both of us to no avail. I am anxious, hard tohair and think: why we could not shoot it dug? I think maybe too, and accidentally, a bad fall, bu

4、t alsothe blood, stomp my beat their chests shouting: God, why do you torment me like this, I am also a person, but also Lord of all things, what do not give me wild, but also throw my! At this time of my great chagrin. Father then told us that: not as good as you, there may be a harvest.Good. .Cous

5、in, fast shoots look. Did not walk a few steps, a prey entered my eyes, my very pleasant surprise.I also have their prey, and cousin.Not too long, we can shoot the competition and the number of the father. We are delighted.I finally understand that with the father at the back are less than dig bambo

6、o shoots, and only go up in front of only has Harvest. Open up our own road, Do not talk behind others. Yes I am 51 working in a small token of enlightenment.今天是五月一日,是国际劳动节。我和爸爸约表哥去挖笋,表哥爽快地答应了。我与表哥从来没挖过笋,这是第一次,当然感到很新奇。我们来到表哥村旁的山上。可是天不作美,走到半路,下起了绵绵细雨。但这并没有减弱我们挖笋的兴致,反而坚定了我们的意志,因为俗话说:“雨后春笋”嘛!我们奋力登山,汗水、

7、雨水混淆不清。爸爸是铁将军开路,走在前头。不一会儿,就拉开了距离。“哇,笋,还有叽叽头,可真多啊!”我和表哥抬头一看,是在前头“探路”的爸爸的叫喊声。当我们赶到时,他手里已抱着一大捆笋、叽叽头。可我俩却一无所获。我焦急万分,使劲地挠着头发,想:我们为什么挖不着笋呢?也许我想得太入神了,一不小心,摔了一跤,还摔出了血,我捶胸顿足喊道:“老天,你何故此般折腾我,我也是人,也是万物之主,凭什么不赐我野菜,还摔我一跤!”此时的我懊恼极了。爸爸便对我们说:“不如你们走在前头,或许会有收获。”“好。”“表哥,快看笋。”没走几步,一个猎物就进入了我的眼帘,我惊喜万分。“我也有猎物了,表弟。”没过多长时间,我们的笋可以与爸爸的比试多少了。我们高兴极了。我终于明白,跟在爸爸后面,是挖不到笋的,只有走到前面去,才会有收获。“开辟自己的道路,别跟在别人身后。”是我今天五一节劳动中悟道的一个小小道理。12 -来源网络整理,仅供参考3

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