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1、教案设计设计科目:高中英语具体课程:北师大版高中英语必修一第三单元Lesson 1 Festivals授课类型:第二课时授课时间:15分钟授课人:刘嘉宝联系方法:13092794127电子邮箱:327181618班级:文学院1203班学号:20121010403331.textbook analysis教材分析:This is the Reading part in Unit 3 Festivals including three short essays introducing Chinese traditional festivals, which aims to develop stud

2、entsfast reading skill and help students know how to introduce a festival in English.本课选自北师大教育出版社出版的必修1 Unit3 Festivals,为reading部分,包含三篇介绍中国传统节日的小文章。本课意在培养学生通过快速阅读查找相关信息的技巧与能力,使学生能够运用本单元词汇描述一些中国传统节日。 2.student analysis学情分析:The students have learned some words and expressions about festivals, so I wil

3、llead them apply these expressions to introducing festivals.此阶段的学生已经学习一些有关节日的词汇和表达方式,因此我将引导他们将这些表达方式运用到节日的介绍中去。As senior high students, they hope to grasp knowledge by independence investigation rather than taught by teachers. So I will create some opportunities for them to practice and present them

4、selves.作为高中生,他们希望通过自主探究而不是通过老师的灌输来掌握知识。所以我将为他们创设一些自己练习、自我展现的机会。3.teaching aim教学目标:Knowledge and skills知识与技能:Guide students to learn how to introduce Chinese festivals in English.引导学生学会怎样用英语介绍中国的节日。Process and method过程与方法:Help students grasp the way introducing festivals by independence investigation

5、 and develop their ability to use knowledge.帮助学生通过自主探究掌握介绍节日的方法,培养他们的知识运用能力。Emotional attitude and value orientation情感态度与价值观:Enhance students senses of national pride by learning to introduce some traditional festivals.通过介绍一些传统节日增强学生的民族自豪感。4.Teaching point教学重难点:Guide students to introduce Chinese tr

6、aditional festivals by themselves using the knowledge they have learnt.引导学生灵活运用所学知识介绍中国传统节日。5.Teaching method教学方法:Independence investigation自主探究Class practice and presentation课堂练习与展示6.Teaching design教学设计:1)general idea总体思路The process of this lesson is driven by Task-based Language Teaching. Before t

7、he task, I use music and festival picture to recall their knowledge concerning Chinese traditional festivals. Then I will help students to learn the way to introduce Chinese festivals systematically. At last, I will lead students practice and present in the class to use the knowledge properly and fl

8、exibly.教学过程采用任务型教学的理念。任务前阶段,利用学生比较喜欢的音乐和歌曲以及生动形象的节日图片激活学生有关中国传统节日的知识,然后帮助学生从三个方面,即:时间,特殊含义,庆祝的内容和特色食物来系统认识介绍中国传统节日的方法。最后,引导学生进行课堂操练与展示,培养学生口头表达英语的能力,达到灵活应用所学知识的目的。2)教学过程Teaching process教学环节Teachers activity教师活动Students activity学生活动Design idea设计意图Review & Lead in复习回顾&新课导入Detailed explain经典讲解Deepening

9、拓展深化Summary of knowledge知识小结Assignment作业布置【Lead in】Stimulate students background knowledge by showing the song concerning Christmas and lead in the topic of this lesson: festivals.利用圣诞节歌曲激活学生已有的有关节日的背景知识,从而导入本单元的话题:节日。Ask students to say the Chinese festivals they remember and show some pictures to

10、help students to recall some knowledge about festivals.询问学生记得哪些中国传统节日并展示一些节日图片,帮助学生回忆节日有关知识。【Knowledge review】Ask students to translate the vocabularies.让学生根据中文说出相应的英文词汇。【First reading】Task setting: Ask three students to read the passage and let other students to find the missing massages and fill i

11、n the blanks.布置任务:让三位学生朗读课文,让其他同学寻找表格中缺少的信息并将表格填补完整。【Second reading】Let students discuss the meaning of the important language points in the passage by themselves first, then give explanations.让学生先自己讨论文中重要语言点的意义再作解释说明。【Third reading】Summarize the methods to introduce festivals by listing the form.通过

12、列表总结介绍节日的方法。【Organize】Divide the whole class into several groups to practice introducing their favorite festivals using the expression learnt in this class. 将全班分为几个小组,练习使用本节课所学知识互相介绍他们最喜欢的节日【Carding】Cardingthe knowledgelearned in this class:.Language points.Methods to introduce a festival.梳理本课所学知识:重

13、要语言点和介绍节日方法。【Assignment】Write a short essay to introduce your favorite festival.写一篇小文章,介绍你最喜欢的节日。【Listen & Recall】Recall the memory of the knowledge about festivals by listening to the music and answering the questions raised by the teacher.通过听老师播放的音乐和回答相应的问题回忆有关知识。【Say】Recall and say the vocabulari

14、es together.回顾并一起说出这些单词。【Read】Three students read the passage aloud.三名学生大声朗读文章。【Search】Other students search for the missing messages.其他同学寻找表格所缺信息。【Discuss】Discuss the meaning of the important language points.讨论重要语言点的意义。【Listen & write】Listen to teachers explanation and take notes.认真听老师讲解并做笔记。【Revie

15、w】Review the methods to introduce festivals.回顾介绍节日的方法。【Practice】Make dialogues introducing favorite festival to each other.互相介绍自己最喜欢的节日。【Presentation】Show their introduction.展示他们的介绍。【Think】Follow the teacher to review the knowledge.跟随老师回顾学过知识点。【Write】Write an essay using the knowledge learned in thi

16、s lesson.运用本课所学知识写一篇小短文。Stimulate students interest by listening to music about festivals.通过听关于节日的音乐激发学生的学习兴趣。Naturally lead in passage learning by recalling some messages.通过回忆节日相关信息自然引入课文学习。Train students skill to read quickly and find information.训练学生快速阅读和寻找所需信息的能力。Learn language points by indepen

17、dence investigation通过自主探究学习重要语言点。Listing the form to make the knowledge clearer.列表使知识结构更清晰。Lead students to apply knowledge into practice and practice their spoken English.引导学生学以致用并练习他们的口头表达能力。Improve their writing skill by finishing assignment.通过作业提高学生写作能力。7.板书设计Lesson 1 Festivals.Language poins1. falls on2. lunar year3. as: because4. dragon boat races5. take part in / join.Introduce festivalsDateSpecial meaningTypical activitySpecial food8.备课说明与教学反思:在准备此次授课过程中,我通过查找教科书、原来的笔记、教辅用书、网络资源等多种方式完善此教案、完善课堂教学内容,借鉴了许多前人教学的优秀成果,并添加了诸如视频、探究等新内容,希望可以收获好的教学效果。

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