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1、Unit 8 RevisionDetective storiesTask 1:Words1.侦探 2.杀人犯 3.夫妇 4.单身的 5.报酬,奖金 6.财富7.证实,确认 8.死,死亡 9.真相 10.工程师 11.指纹,脚印 12.敌人,仇人13.犯罪,罪行 14.锁15.血 16.法律17.枪 18.小偷19.记录 20.监狱 21.关上 22.老板,上司detective murderercouplesinglerewardwealthconfirmdeathtruthengnieerfingerprintenemycrimelockbloodlawgunthief(thieves)re

2、cordprisonbossshut1.miss v._(adj.)缺少的;丢失的缺少的;丢失的2.murder v._(n.)3.true adj._(n.)_(adv.)4.experience n._(adj.)5.heavy adj._(adv.)6.crime n._(adj.)7.safe adj._(n.)_(adv.)8.thief n._(n.)偷窃偷窃9.untidy adj._(比较级)比较级)10.lie(说谎)(说谎)v._(sp)_(pp)_(ing)11.wealth n._(adj.)12.steal v._(sp)_(pp)missingmurdertruth

3、trulyexperiencedheavilycriminalsafetysafelytheftuntidierliedliedlyingwealthystolestolen1.guess2.Somewhere 3.single 4.Suppose 5.steal 6.reported 7.couple 8.bosses 9.system10.shut11.guard12.missing 13.untidier 14.truth 15.heavily 16.wealthier17.safety 18.lying 19.incorrectly20.probably 中考说明中考说明P1P12 2

4、8 8Task 2:Phrases短语短语归纳归纳1.中等身高中等身高 _2不见不见 _3.更加严重得多更加严重得多 _4一个一个25岁的男子岁的男子 _5.任何不同寻常的事任何不同寻常的事 _6失血过多而死亡失血过多而死亡 _ 7.被刀弄伤被刀弄伤 _8有罪的有罪的 _9.被指控被指控 _go missingmuch more seriousa 25yearold mananything unusualbleed to deathbe wounded with a knifebe guilty ofbe charged withbe of medium height短语短语归纳归纳1010破

5、门而入破门而入 _11.11.提供提供的悬赏的悬赏 _1212根据记录根据记录 _1313和警方联系和警方联系 _1414气喘吁吁气喘吁吁 _15.15.为了安全为了安全 _1616和和无关无关 _ 1717被被塑造塑造 _1818的画像的画像 _ _ 19.19.做一些违法的事情做一些违法的事情 _break intooffer a reward of according to the recordcontact the policebreathe heavilyfor safetyhave nothing to do withbe created bythe drawing ofdo so

6、mething against the law 短语短语归纳归纳2020与某人相处融洽与某人相处融洽 _21.21.报警报警 _2222靠靠谋生谋生 _23.23.因谋杀因谋杀罪而被捕罪而被捕 _2424导致导致 _25.25.匆忙匆忙 _2626一位有巨额财富的人一位有巨额财富的人 _27.27.保护某人自己对抗犯罪保护某人自己对抗犯罪 _2828防范某事防范某事 _get on well with sbcall the policedofor a livingbe under arrest for murderlead toin a hurrya man of great wealth p

7、rotect oneself against crimeguard against sthTask 3:Language points1.He was last seen leaving his office see sb.do sth.我经常看到一个老人沿着这条路跑步。我经常看到一个老人沿着这条路跑步。老师看见两个男孩正在那儿讲话。老师看见两个男孩正在那儿讲话。see sb.doing sth.I often _an old man _the road.be seen to do sth.The old man is often _run down the road.The teacher

8、saw the two boys _there.The two boys_there.be seen doing sth.see run down talking were seen talking seen to 2.the death of this bright young engineer年轻聪明的工程师之死年轻聪明的工程师之死death n.dyingThe _old man missed his _ wife very much.dying deadThe _ of the boy made his parents sad.deathHis grandpa _ three year

9、s ago.His grandpa for three years.died has been dead die v.dead adj.He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year.闯入,强行进入闯入,强行进入3.因因被控告被控告charge sb with +sth./doing sth.鲁侦探指控那个嫌疑犯谋杀。鲁侦探指控那个嫌疑犯谋杀。Detective Lu_ the suspect _.charged with murder4.break into闯入,强行进入闯入,强行进入

10、 broke brokenuLast night someone the shop and took away a number of watches.A.broke out B.broke up C.broke intou The house _ between midnight and 5 a.m.was broken into1.When I walked past the park,I saw some old men dancing.2.The police are checking the scene for useful information.3.Several men bro

11、ke into a bank last night.4.The young man was charged with theft.5.The couple offered a reward of 50,000 yuan for the truth.中考说明中考说明P1P12 29 96.His hard work led to his success.7.It turned out that he had nothing to do with the kidnapping.8.The police remind us to guard against theft.9.Every morning

12、 we are in a hurry to school after breakfast.10.My uncle repaired clocks and watches for a living in his twenties.Task 4:Grammar什么是定语从句呢?什么是定语从句呢?修饰前面某一名词或代词的从句修饰前面某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。叫定语从句。结构:结构:先行词先行词+关系词关系词 +句子句子 The man who lives next to us is a policeman.先行词先行词_ 关系词关系词_ 定语从句定语从句 如果如果先行词先行词是表示物的是表示物

13、的名词或名词或代词代词,关系代词应用,关系代词应用that、which.(作作主语主语或或宾语宾语)关系代词关系代词:指物:指物:that,which 指人:指人:who(主主/宾格宾格),that,whom(宾格)(宾格)关系代词关系代词who,that,whom引导的定语从引导的定语从句句:如果如果先行词先行词是表示人的名词是表示人的名词或代词,关系代词应用或代词,关系代词应用who,that (作作主语主语或或宾语宾语)whom(作作宾语宾语)关系代词用法:关系代词用法:PeopleThingswho whichthat1.They want to develop a kind of f

14、ood _will help dog owners cool down their pets.(2010 常常州州)A.who B.what C.which D.whether 2.Shirley is the girl _ taught me how to use Wechat(微信微信).(2014 黑龙江黑龙江)A.whom B.which C.who 3.I will never forget the day_ we spent in the old town with small houses.(2014 杭州)杭州)A.who B.whom C.that D.what中考链接中考链

15、接4.I like the writers _are popular among teenagers.(2014 成都)成都)Awho Bwhich Cwhom5.After Mandela was free(自由的自由的)in 1990,he chose to shake hands with the people _ wanted to kill him.(2014 山东)山东)A.whose B.which C./D.who6.People _ overweight need more water than thin people.(2014 呼和浩特呼和浩特)Awho is Bwhic

16、h are Cthat is Dwho areTask 5:Mind map1.detective2.policeman3.wounded4.death5.blood6.offered7.tips8.money9.never10.against中考说明中考说明P1P12 28 8Task 6:Writing写作思路点拨写作思路点拨审审题题人称人称 时态时态内内容容词组句型自由发挥连词、从句IntroductionMain bodyConclusion书写书写 工整,满行,分段工整,满行,分段第一人称第一人称一般过去时一般过去时评分标准:评分标准:A.1720A.1720分分 涵盖所有内容要点,

17、结构清晰,内容连贯,运用多种句式涵盖所有内容要点,结构清晰,内容连贯,运用多种句式和语法结构,基本无语法错误。和语法结构,基本无语法错误。B.1316B.1316分分 涵盖大部分要点,内容基本连贯,语言少量错误。涵盖大部分要点,内容基本连贯,语言少量错误。C.912C.912分分 只能运用简单句表达,语言有较多错误,但尚能答意。只能运用简单句表达,语言有较多错误,但尚能答意。D.58D.58分分 能写出几个要点,但语言错误较多,影响了意思表达。能写出几个要点,但语言错误较多,影响了意思表达。E.04E.04分分 白卷或文不对题,错误百出,白卷或文不对题,错误百出,不知所云。不知所云。假设你叫李

18、华,昨天晚上你看完电影在回家途中目击了一起抢假设你叫李华,昨天晚上你看完电影在回家途中目击了一起抢劫案。请就以下信息,以李华的名义写一份给警方的书面材料,劫案。请就以下信息,以李华的名义写一份给警方的书面材料,要求词数要求词数100左右。材料的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。左右。材料的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。案发时间 昨天晚上大约九点 案发地点 电影院附近的一条街道拐角处 作案人情况 两个男子,一个戴着墨镜的高个子,一个矮个子 受害人情况 一位年轻的女士,戴着一条金项链和一块金手表 案发经过 你正在街道上走着,突然听到身后有人呼救。你看到两个男子正抢劫一名女子。女子和他们进行了激烈的

19、搏斗。当你赶到时,两个劫匪已各自骑着自行车逃跑。女子的金表被抢走了,但幸运的是女子没有受伤。Dear Sir/MadamIm writing to I hope the information will help you catch the robbers.Yours faithfullyLi HuaDear Sir/MadamIm writing to report a robbery to you.At about nine last night,I was on the way back home from the cinema when suddenly I heard someone

20、 crying for help from behind.I turned around and found a tall man with a pair of dark glasses and a short man robbing a young woman at the street corner near the cinema.The woman wore a gold necklace and a gold watch.She put up a good fight with them.I ran towards them but when I arrived,the two rob

21、bers had ridden their bikes away.They robbed the woman of her gold watch,but luckily,the woman wasnt hurt.I hope the information will help you catch the robbers.Yours faithfullyLi HuaHomework1.Review all the words and phrases in Unit 82.Finish the given exercises.Task 5:Writing阳光镇凌晨发生一起凶杀案。请你根据以提示,写

22、一篇80字左右的文章。1.被害者是一名出租车司机,年纪约30岁。2.案件大约发生在凌晨2点至3点间,被害者被人用小刀袭击,因失血过多死亡。3.被害者是死后被转移到阳光镇。4.警方悬赏一万人民币寻找破案线索。A terrible murder took place in Sunny Town this morning.The police are working at the scene of the crime.The victim was a taxi driver.He was about thirty years old.The murder happened between 1 a.m

23、.and 3a.m.this morning.The victim was attacked with a knife and bled to death.He was killed somewhere else and then brought to Sunny Town.The police are asking anyone who saw anything unusual this morning to contact them and offer a reward of 10,000 for any information that leads to the arrest of th

24、e murder.有时只能用有时只能用 that,不用不用 which,常见的情况有五种:常见的情况有五种:1.当先行词是当先行词是 all,any,few,little,none,anything,everything,nothing,everybody,nobody,everyone,no one 或被它们修饰时。或被它们修饰时。Thats all that I know.Is there anything that I can do for you?He answered few questions that the teacher asked.2.当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时当

25、先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时 That is the most interesting book that I have ever read.The first thing that I should do is to review my lessons.3.当先行词有当先行词有the very,the only,the same等修等修饰时。饰时。Thats the only thing that I can do now.These are the very words that he used.4.当主句以当主句以 who 或或 which开头时,定语从句的开头时,定语从句的关系词

26、用关系词用 that,而不用而不用 which 或或 who.Who is the girl that spoke to you just now?Which is the pen that you lost?5.先行词同时包括人或物时,关系词用先行词同时包括人或物时,关系词用that.The man and his dog that I always meet are standing by the gate.Fill in the blanks with proper prons:1.My father and his teacher talked a lot about the persons and things _ they couldnt remember.2.Say all _ you know.3.Is there anything _ I can do for you?4.This is the first play _ I have seen since I came here.5.This is the best novel _ I have read.thatthatthatthatthat

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