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1、阅读理解(三)纸质书与电子书+成长型思维+神奇的大脑A 2019门头沟二模Is It Better to Read Books or Listen to Them?We often think how fast we learn something depends on how smart we are. If your brain is taking in material quickly, youre clever; if not, well, that doesnt say great things about your IQ. But science shows context (上下

2、文) and technique (技术) actually play a big role in how fast we learn, and even small changeslike the way you use to readcan make a big difference.Audio(音频的) books have plenty of advantages: you can enjoy them anywhere, even in the car, and not printing books saves trees. Poor readers also often find

3、them more interesting. But according to the latest research, if your goal isnt to pass the time in traffic, but instead to learn something difficult, you should choose a physical book.In a recent opinion piece in the New York Times, psychology (心理学) professor Daniel T. Willingham mentioned a 2010 st

4、udy where 48 students either read or listened to an article about child psychology. Although the students spent the same amount of time with their material and did about the same number of distracting(分散注意力) activities while they absorbed the information, they scored very differently on a 10-item qu

5、iz later. Generally, the readers scored 81 percent but while the listeners scored 59 percent. Why does listening vs reading material have such a great effect on learning?Willingham explains that first, most of us read more slowly than we listen (especially when pausing and rereading), and when youre

6、 trying to absorb new information, slower seems to be better. “About 10 to 15 percent of eye movements during reading are actually regressivemeaning the eyes are going back and rechecking,” he explains to TIME. “This happens very quickly”Second, books offer visual cues(可视线索) that help our brains org

7、anize and understand new information. Things like chapter breaks, subheadings, and lists help us in making sense of the material and understanding how it fits together. You lose all that when you go the audio way. The bottom line is simple: Dont feel shame about passing your time in traffic with an

8、audio book. However, be aware of audios limitations when it comes to studying, and seriously consider choosing good old-fashioned reading instead.1.According to the writer, you should choose to read a book to .()A.take in the informationB.pass the time in trafficC.learn something difficultD.organize

9、 new information2.A “physical book” in Paragraph 2 probably means “”.()A.an audio bookB.a book about physicsC.a book about computerD.a book made of paper or cloth3.What can we learn from the passage?()A.To read a book is better than to listen to it.B.Readers are cleverer than listeners.C.Reading boo

10、ks is a good way to pass the time.D.How fast we learn depends on how smart we are.B 2019石景山期末Think back to when you were in a classroom, and the teacher set a difficult problem. Which of the two following responses is closer to the way you reacted?ABOh no, this is too hard for me. Im not even going

11、to seriously try and work it out.Ah, this is a little difficult but I like to have a try. Maybe Ill learn something when trying.The psychologist(心理学家) Carol Dweck of Stanford University, did a test by giving some ten-year-old children problems that were a little hard for them. Group 1, who chose B,

12、reacted positively, said they loved challenges and understood that their abilities could be developed. Professor Dweck says they had a “growth mindset(思维模式)”. And they cared more about what they can achieve in the future. However, group 2, who chose A, felt that their intelligence was being judged a

13、nd they had failed. They had a “fixed mindset” and were unable to imagine improving. Some of these children said they might cheat in the future and look for someone who were worse than them, just to make themselves feel good.Professor Dweck believes that there is a problem in education. For years, t

14、eachers have praised children for their intelligence and talent. But this makes them get hurt easily from failure. They become performance-oriented(i.e. interested in getting high grades, not learning). The right way, according to Dweck, is to praise the process that children are involved in: making

15、 an effort, using learning strategies(策略) and improving. This way they will become mastery-oriented (i.e. interested in getting better at something) and will achieve more.Psychologists have been testing these theories. Students were taught that if they left their comfort zone and learned something n

16、ew and difficult, theyd be more intelligent. These students made faster progress than a control group. In another study, children from an underperforming(不佳的) school had trainings on their growth mindset techniques for a year. The results were staggering. They came top in tests, beating children fro

17、m much better schools. These children had previously felt that making an effort was a sign of stupidity, but they came to see it as the key to learning.So, back to our original question, if you answered B, well doneyou already have a growth mindset. If A, dont worry; everyone is able to become maste

18、ry-oriented with a little effort and self-awareness.4. What can we learn from Carols test in Paragraph 2?()A.Group 2 cheated in the test.B.Group 1 had good imagination.C.Group 2 felt confident after the test. D.Group 1 liked challenging problems.5. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?()A.Ways of

19、 training children.B.How to deal with challenges.C.Problems in todays classroom. D.The right and wrong ways of praise.6. The underlined word “staggering” in Paragraph 4 probably means “”. ()A.unbelievableB.unchangeableC.disappointingD.frightening7. Which of the following would be the best title for

20、the passage? A.Do you have the right mindset?B.Can you make the right choice? C.Are you using proper strategies?D.Are you really pushing yourself?C 2019房山区一模The Amazing BrainSleep. Its something we spend about a third of our lives doing, but do any of us really understand what its all about?We all k

21、now based on our own experience that when we sleep, it clears our minds, and that when we dont sleep, it leaves our minds murky(昏沉沉的). But we still havent understood why sleep has this amazing function for the mind.Recently biologists have found that sleep may actually be a kind of design solution t

22、o some of the brains most basic needs, the way that brain meets the high demands and the narrow margins(范围) that set it apart from all the other organs(器官) of the body. The brain has a large pool of clean, clear fluid(流体) called cerebrospinal fluid. Biologists call it the CSF. The CSF fills the spac

23、e that surrounds the brain, and wastes from inside the brain make their way out to the CSF, which gets the waste into the blood. What was surprising to them was that the fluid on the outside of the brain didnt stay on the outside. Instead, the CSF goes into and through the brain along the outsides o

24、f the blood vessels(血管), it was actually helping to clear away and clean the waste from the spaces between the brains cells(细胞). This only happens in the sleeping brain.Recent research suggests that whats happening is that when the brain is awake and is at its most busy, it puts off clearing away th

25、e waste from the spaces between its cells until later. When we go to sleep, it gets into a kind of cleaning mode to clear away the waste from the spaces between its cells.We go to sleep every single night, but our brains never rest. While our body is still and our mind is off walking in dreams somew

26、here. Like our housework, its a dirty and thankless job, but its also important. In your house, if you stop cleaning your kitchen for a month, your home will become completely unlivable very quickly. But in the brain, the situation is much more serious because when it comes to cleaning the brain, it

27、 is the very health and function of the mind and the body thats at stake. That is why understanding these very basic housekeeping functions of the brain today may prevent and treat diseases of the mind tomorrow.8.What does the underlined phrase “at stake” in the last paragraph mean?()A.in a healthy

28、situationB.in a dangerous situationC.in an amazing situationD.in an unlivable situation9.What can we learn from the passage?()A.Sleeping makes our brain feel murky.B.The CSF can clean the waste in our brain.C.Our brain can clean the waste at any time.D.Sleeping makes our brain have a good rest.10.Wh

29、at is the main purpose of writing this passage?()A.To teach us how to have a good sleep.B.To show the new research of our brain.C.To introduce how CSF works in our brain.D.To tell us the importance of sleeping.【参考答案】A主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文。你可以在任何地方享受音频阅读,但在学习时要注意音频的局限性,并认真考虑选择好的古老式的阅读方法。1.C推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“Bu

30、t according to the latest research, if your goal isnt to pass the time in traffic, but instead to learn something difficult, you should choose a physical book.”可推知,当学习一些较难的东西时,你应该选择纸质阅读。故选C。2.D词义猜测题。根据上文语境可知,你可以在车里享受音频阅读,但是如果你的目标不是在行驶或飞行中消磨时间,而是学习一些难的东西,你应该选择一本纸质书。故选D。 3.A推理判断题。根据第三段倒数第二句“Generally,

31、 the readers scored 81 percent but while the listeners scored 59 percent.”可推知,读一本书要比通过音频听一本书好。故选A。 B4.D5.D6.A7.AC主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文。当我们睡觉的时候,它会让我们的头脑清醒,当我们不睡觉的时候,它会让我们的头脑变得模糊。生物学家给出了解释通过大脑中的CSF对大脑的益处告诉我们睡眠的重要性。8.B 词义猜测题。根据下文“prevent and treat diseases of the mind tomorrow.”可推知,精神和身体的健康和功能处于危险之中,所以大脑可以预防和

32、治疗明天的精神疾病(处于危险之中导致的)。故选B。9.B细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句“Instead, the CSF goes into and through the brain along the outsides of the blood vessels, it was actually helping to clear away and clean the waste from the spaces between the brains cells.”可知,CSF可以清理我们大脑中的废物。故选B。10.D写作意图题。通读全文内容可知,我们睡觉时,头脑清醒;不睡觉,头脑模糊。当我们进入睡眠状态时,大脑会进入一种清洁模式,CSF可以清除细胞间空间的废物。本文旨在告诉我们睡眠的重要性。故选D。6

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