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1、第第1页页时态时态语态语态逻辑逻辑主语主语练习练习第第2页页时态和语态时态和语态第第3页页普通式普通式进行时进行时doing未来时未来时 do完成时完成时 done完成进行时完成进行时 been doing英语基本时态组成一览表英语基本时态组成一览表dobeshall/willhavehave 第第4页页主主 动动被被 动动普通式普通式doingbeing done完成式完成式having donehaving been done语态语态时态时态动名词时态和语态动名词时态和语态第第5页页Thank you for having helped me so much.He is praised f

2、or having devoted his life for his country.Before being used,the machinemust be checked.第第6页页He insisted on being sent to hospital.He insisted on sending her to hospital.对比以下句子对比以下句子第第7页页注意下面句式注意下面句式 n.S.+be worth doingS.+be worthyof+n.to be doneof being done第第8页页主主 动动被被 动动普通式普通式to doto be done完成式完成

3、式to have doneto have been done进行式进行式to be doing无无语态语态时态时态不定式时态和语态不定式时态和语态第第9页页He pretended to be working hard when his boss passed him.He seems to be eating somethingIm sorry to have kept you waiting.第第10页页Pay special attention to:hopedpromisedwantedwishedexpectedplannedto have done第第11页页He wanted t

4、o have met you at the airport,but he didnt get there in time.We planned to have done good deeds for the poor people last month第第12页页should ought toneedmaymightcouldwould(not)have done(过去)原来(过去)原来结果与事实相反结果与事实相反第第13页页You should have finished your homework.We neednt have worried about him.You shouldnt

5、have been there.第第14页页must cantcanmaymightcould+be n./adj./be doinghave doneHe mustbe ill.be waiting for us.have seen her.第第15页页Nobody opened the door.She might(may)have left.The road is all wet.It musthave rained last night.I saw him just now.He cant have gone to Shanghai.第第16页页主主 动动被被 动动普通式普通式doin

6、gbeing done完成式完成式having donehaving been done语态语态时态时态现在分词时态和语态现在分词时态和语态第第17页页现在分词时态和语态:现在分词时态和语态:Having been to the Great Wall many times,He didnt go there yesterday.分词动作发生在谓语动词分词动作发生在谓语动词动作之前动作之前第第18页页Not having received his fathers letter,he decided to make a call to him.因为没收到他父亲来信,因为没收到他父亲来信,他决定给他

7、打个电话。他决定给他打个电话。第第19页页The building being built is our new library.Not having been finished,the book cant be returnedat present.第第20页页逻辑主语逻辑主语第第21页页非谓语动词意义上行为执行非谓语动词意义上行为执行者就是其逻辑主语者就是其逻辑主语.假如其逻辑主语与非谓语动假如其逻辑主语与非谓语动词之间是主动关系词之间是主动关系,则非谓语则非谓语动词要用主动语态形式动词要用主动语态形式;假如假如是被动关系是被动关系,则用被动语态形则用被动语态形式式.第第22页页一一.不定

8、式逻辑主语不定式逻辑主语1.1.普通来说普通来说,动词不定式逻辑动词不定式逻辑主语就是句中主语主语就是句中主语.I am sorry to hear that.We need oxygen to breath.He was seen to go out with a man.第第23页页He wants to learn English.Some stars are too small to be seen.This point to be explained is about the long history of iron.第第24页页2.2.在以在以“宾语宾语不定式不定式”复合复合结构中

9、,宾语就是不定式逻辑结构中,宾语就是不定式逻辑主语主语She wants you to call him back at 11.I often heard him sing the song.第第25页页They want the machine to be tested at once.3.3.在在“for/of ”+名词(或代词名词(或代词宾格)宾格)动词不定式动词不定式结构中,结构中,“for/of”后名词(或代词宾后名词(或代词宾格)为动词不定式逻辑主语格)为动词不定式逻辑主语This is for you to decide.第第26页页I dont think it advisab

10、le(可取可取)for her to study medicineThere are a lot of experiment for the students to do.This box is too heavy for him to carry.第第27页页Its important for the students to learn a foreign language.Its very kind of you to dinner.二动名词逻辑主语二动名词逻辑主语He avoided giving us a definite answer.第第28页页Have you finished

11、reading the book?Ive been looking forward to going to Beijing for a long time.Norman hated being a fool.第第29页页2.2.动名词逻辑主语假如不与句动名词逻辑主语假如不与句子主语一致,则该动名词前普子主语一致,则该动名词前普通有一个物主代词或名词全部通有一个物主代词或名词全部格作为它逻辑主语这种格作为它逻辑主语这种 “物物主代词或名词全部格主代词或名词全部格动名词动名词 ”结构就是动名词复合结构结构就是动名词复合结构它在句中含有主语,表语、它在句中含有主语,表语、定语或宾语功效。定语或宾语功

12、效。第第30页页Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us.Do you think her going there will be of any help?They all thought Lao Lis going there a great mistake.I had no idea of their having done such a thing.第第31页页注意注意:在当代英语中在当代英语中,尤其是在口尤其是在口语中语中,假如不是在句子开头假如不是在句子开头,这种这种逻辑主语常可用名词普通格逻辑主语常可用名词普通格(或人

13、或人称代词宾格称代词宾格)来代替来代替,这比用全部这比用全部格更自然些格更自然些.He didnt like young people/them smoking.She was awaken by someone knocking at the door.第第32页页三三.分词逻辑主语分词逻辑主语1.分词作状语时分词作状语时,其逻辑主语其逻辑主语就是句中主语就是句中主语.When heated,water will be changed into vapour.Given enough time,he would do it better.第第33页页While heating water,w

14、e can change it into vapour.Being a league member,he always sets a good example to others.第第34页页2.分词作宾语补足语时分词作宾语补足语时,宾语宾语就是其逻辑主语就是其逻辑主语.Suddenly I heard the door opened.Suddenly I heard someone opening the door.第第35页页3分词作定语时分词作定语时,被修饰名词就被修饰名词就是其逻辑主语是其逻辑主语.The hours being built is our laboratory.Offi

15、cials say diseases caused directly by smoking kill at least 320,000 Americans every year.第第36页页Some companies are offering special gifts and lower prices to people signing an agreement to stop smoking.第第37页页4.4.分词独立结构分词独立结构分词作状语时分词作状语时,有时其逻辑主有时其逻辑主语与句中主语不一致语与句中主语不一致,它能够它能够有自己逻辑主语有自己逻辑主语.该逻辑主语该逻辑主语通惯

16、用名词通格或代词主格通惯用名词通格或代词主格表示表示,放在分词前面放在分词前面.第第38页页组成组成”名词普通格名词普通格(或代词主格或代词主格)+分词分词”结构结构,称为分词独立结构称为分词独立结构.该结构通常修饰整个句子该结构通常修饰整个句子,表示时表示时间、原因、条件或伴随情况间、原因、条件或伴随情况.The problem having been solved,we ended the meeting.(=having solved the problem,we ended the meeting.第第39页页The rain having ruined her cap,she had

17、 to buy a new one.The night being dark,she was afraid to go there.He rushed into the room,his face covered with sweat.第第40页页注意注意:分词独立结构主要用于分词独立结构主要用于描绘性文字中描绘性文字中;口语中用状语口语中用状语从句或并列句更自然些从句或并列句更自然些.第第41页页5.分词独立结构前面有时带有分词独立结构前面有时带有“with/without”,组成组成”with/without+宾语宾语(名词或代词名词或代词)”结构结构,表示伴随情况表示伴随情况.With

18、him staying here in the house,I felt quite safe.He lay in his bed with eyes closed.第第42页页练习练习第第43页页1._is a good of exercise for both the young and the old.A.The walk B.Walking C.To walk D.Walk第第44页页2.When and where to build the new power station_ yet.A.is not decided B.are not decided C.has not deci

19、ded D.have not decided第第45页页3.Is_necessary to change trains at Beijing?A.thisB.that C.itD.he第第46页页4.Our father often told us in the past that _is believing.A.To see B.Seeing C.See D.To be seen第第47页页5.She pretended _the letter I wrote the day before yesterday.A.not to receive B.not receiving C.not to

20、 hear from D.having not received第第48页页6.I cant imagine _ that with such a famous author.A.work B.to work C.to be working D.working第第49页页7.She reached the top of the hill and stopped _ on a rock by the side of the path.A.to have rested B.resting C.to rest D.rest第第50页页8.People couldnt help _ the funny

21、 villager.A.laugh at B.to laught at C.laughing at D.laughing on第第51页页9.I cant help _the house because Im busy making a cake.A.to clean B.cleaning C.cleaned D.being cleaned第第52页页10.Do you consider _ any good attempting many scientific experiments?A.there B.it C.this D.that第第53页页11.Im thirsty.Would yo

22、u please give me something _.A.drunk B.to drink C.to be drunk D.for drinking第第54页页12.When I handed the report to John,he said that George was the person_.A.to send B.for sending it C.to send it to D.for sending it to 第第55页页13.There was a terrible noise _the sudden burst of light.A.followed B.followi

23、ng C.to be followed D.being followed第第56页页14The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A.having written B.to be written C.being written D.written第第57页页15Mrs.Smith warned her husband _ after drinking again and again.A.never to drive B.to never drive

24、C.never driving D.never drive第第58页页16.They knew her very well.They had seen her_up from childhood.A.grow B.grew C.was growing D.to grow第第59页页17.Believe it or not,he was seen _upstairs just now.A.to go B.to going C.having gone D.go第第60页页18.It was so cold that they kept the fire _all night.A.to burn B

25、.burn C.burning D.burned第第61页页19.The salesman scolded the girl caught _ and let her off.A.to have stolen B.to be stealing C.to steal D.stealing第第62页页20.He was disappointed to find his suggestion_.A.turning down B.turned down C.to be turned down D.to turn down第第63页页21.The murderer was brought in,with

26、 his hands _ behind his back.A.being tied B.having tied C.to be tied D.tied第第64页页22.Tom kept quiet about the accident _lose his job.A.not in order to B.so as not to C.in order to not D.not so as to 第第65页页23.They have had a long and bitter struggle _ their living conditions.A.to improving B.for impro

27、ving C.to improve D.improve第第66页页24.To master a foreign language,_.A.a lot of practice is neededB.it needs a lot of practiceC.practice is in need of D.one needs a lot of practice第第67页页25.The secretary worked late into the night,_ a long speech for the president.A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.

28、was preparing第第68页页26._more attention,the work would have been done better.A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given第第69页页27._a reply,he decided to write a sixth letter.A.Not receiving B.Not to receive C.Not having received D.Having not received第第70页页28.Charles Babbage is generally considered_ the f

29、irst computer.A.to invent B.inventing C.to have invented D.having invented第第71页页29.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed_.A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch第第72页页30.Little Jim should love _ to the theatre this evening.A.to be taken B.to take C.being taken D.taking第第73页页31.What

30、do you think of the book?Oh,excellent.Its worth _a second time.A.to read B.to be read C.reading D.being read第第74页页32.The library needs _,but itll have to wait until Sunday.A.cleaning B.be cleaned C.clean D.being cleaned第第75页页More Exercises第第76页页lie lied lied lying撒谎撒谎lie vi lay lain lying 躺下躺下;位于位于lay vt laid laid laying放置;下蛋、产卵放置;下蛋、产卵第第77页页The book is lying on the desk.The book is laid on the desk.the booklying on the desklaid on the desk第第78页页with+n./pron.+adj.adv.p.inf.prep.ph.with+复合宾语结构:复合宾语结构:第第79页页

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