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1、你所不知道角落英语 By DY第1页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 have:表示“生病”,后常跟表示疾病名词,是最通俗说法,多用于口语。例句:As I remember,my brother and sister both had severe asthmatic attacks in the childhood.我记得,我弟弟和妹妹小时候都得过严重哮喘病。第2页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 take/catch:均可表示“生病”,且含有“感染”之意。美国人多用take,英国人多用catch。例句:Mary takes cold easily.玛丽易患感冒。Towards the end of

2、 the year,his son caught scarlet fever.快到年底时候他儿子得了腥红热。第3页Part 1 生病了,肿么办contract:较正式“生病”用语,惯用于书面语。例句:The patient may contract acute bacterial peritonitis,in which case a surgical intervention should be considered.该病人可能患有急性细菌性腹膜炎,在此情况下就得考虑手术处理。第4页Part 1 生病了,肿么办get:常作“生病”讲,后接表示疾病名词。例句:I think shes got

3、epidemic meningitis.我怀疑她得了流行性脑膜炎第5页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 suffer from:惯用来表示“患病”,后接疾病名词,多用于医生与病人交谈之中。例句:Is there anybody in your family who has suffered from the same eye disease as you?你家中还有没有些人得过跟你一样眼病?第6页Part 1 生病了,肿么办(be)ill with:如表示“患.病”时候后面须跟with,多见于英式英语。例句:The patient is ill with influenza.病人患流行性感冒。第7

4、页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 (be)sick with:多用于美式英语,与be ill with能够相互替换,但sick with不能改为sick of。例句:The doctor told me that I was sick(ill)with hypertension.医生说我患有高血压。第8页Part 1 生病了,肿么办fall ill(sick)with;fall ill(sick):表示“患.病”时,后面须加with。例句:Jackie fell ill with a fever last week and has been in bed ever since.杰基上星期发烧,一

5、直躺在床上。第9页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 be seized with:普通表示“突然患.病”。例句:The patient was seized with apoplexy yesterday afternoon.病人昨天下午忽患中风。第10页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 be attacked with:基本意是“为.疾病所侵袭”,常译成“患.病”。例句:Attacked with acute myocardial infarction,the patient was surveilled for a week in hospital.病人患急性心肌梗塞后,在医院里监护了一个星期。第

6、11页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 be troubled with:意为“患.病”。例句:The patient troubled with constipation should have enough sleep,regular time for meal and proper mastication of food.便秘病人应有足够睡眠,进食定时,对于食物要细嚼慢咽。第12页Part 1 生病了,肿么办be vulnerable to:普通惯用来表示“易患.病”。例句:Fibres from the macular region of the retina are particular

7、ly vulnerable to inflammation.视网膜斑区纤维尤其易患炎症。第13页Part 1 生病了,肿么办expose.to(be exposed to):认为“使.易患.病”,“易患.病”。例句:An attack of fever weakens a child and exposes it to all kinds of infections.发烧使患儿虚弱,易患各种感染。When having cold,children are exposed to pneumonia.孩子感冒时易患肺炎。第14页Part 1 生病了,肿么办suspect.of:普通表示“怀疑.患.

8、病”。例句:On examination the patient was suspected of carcinoma of the acetum.经检验,怀疑病人患盲肠癌。第15页Part 1 生病了,肿么办fall(a)victim to:其基本意为“成为.牺牲品”,常可用来表示“患.病”。例句:The longer a person has smoked,the greater becomes his liability to fall a victim to long cancer.一个人吸烟时间越长,患肺癌可能性就越大。第16页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 Be(come)down

9、with/be taken down with:意为“患.病而病倒”。例句:After being in the rain,Tom came down with a bad cold.在外淋雨后,汤姆患重感冒病倒了。第17页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 be stricken(down)with;be stricken with:意为“为.疾病所侵袭”或“患.病”。例句:She was stricken with fever yesterday.她昨天发烧了。第18页Part 1 生病了,肿么办be afflicted with:其基本意为“为.病所折磨”,惯用来表示“患.病”,其特征是,不但

10、表示患病开始,还表示患病过程中所受之苦,尤其是精神上痛苦。例句:For many years Harold was afflicted with edematous laryngitis.哈德罗患水肿性喉炎多年了。第19页Part 1 生病了,肿么办be affected with(by):普通用来表示“患.病”或“被.感染”。例句:Both the lungs are affected by the infection.两肺均已被感染。第20页Part 1 生病了,肿么办be infected with:意为“被.所感染”,“被.所侵袭”,可译成“患.病”。例句:On necropsy th

11、e patient was found to have been infected with tuberculosis as well.尸检发觉病人还患过结核病。第21页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 be laid up with:普通用来表示“患.病而卧床”或“卧病在床”。例句:Daniel was laid up for nearly a month with chronic appendicitis.丹尼尔患慢性阑尾炎卧床近一个月。第22页Part 1 生病了,肿么办be pulled down by:意为“患.病而病倒”。例句:Mozart was pulled down by ana

12、phylactoid shock suddenly at 3 yesterday afternoon.莫扎特昨天下午三点多患过敏性休克而病倒。第23页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 be confined to bed with:意为“患.病而卧床”或“卧病在床”。例句:His wife was confined to bed with pyogenic osteomyelitis.他妻子因患化脓性骨髓炎而卧病在床。第24页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 be bedridden with:“患.病而卧床”。例句:Preston is bedridden with rheumatic heart

13、disease,and the doctor fear he will soon be no more.普雷斯顿因患风湿心脏病卧床不起,医生们担心他生命垂危。第25页Part 1 生病了,肿么办 be in bed with:意为“患.病而卧床”。例句:Maxwell is in bed with pulmonary emphysema.麦克斯韦因患肺气肿而卧床。第26页Part 2 玩网游,你懂吗 Do you like playing online games?你喜欢玩网络游戏吗?I spend most of my spare time in playing online games.我

14、大部分空闲时间都在玩网络游戏。Im interested in role-playing games.我对角色饰演类游戏很感兴趣。第27页Part 2 玩网游,你懂吗 Playing online games costs me a lot.网络游戏让我钱包大出血!Whats your game account?你游戏账号是多少?Youd better not waste too much of your time playing games.你最好别在游戏上浪费太多时间。第28页Part 2 玩网游,你懂吗A:Hi,Buddy.Where have you been this afternoo

15、n?I could not find you in your dorm.嗨,哥们儿,你下午跑哪儿去了?我去寝室找你,发觉你没在。B:I went to the Internet cafe.我去网吧了!A:Internet cafe again!It seems that you have spent the whole week there.What are you busy with?又去网吧了!貌似你这一星期都在网吧混了,终究在那儿忙什么呢?B:I have been playing a very interesting game recently.Its a massively mult

16、iplayer game with 3D graphics.Its really exciting.我最近在玩一款网络游戏,它是一款含有三维画面多人参加大型游戏,相当刺激!第29页Part 2 玩网游,你懂吗A:I see.But youd better not be addicted to it.我明白了。不过你最好别太沉迷于游戏。B:I know.知道了!Tips:Buddy 指伙计、同伴、老兄意思,尤指士兵间称呼。这个词起源于brother,所以能够指一些与你亲密无间朋友。比如:a bosom buddy 好朋友,密友。另外 buddy-buddy 在俚语中是很亲密意思。第30页Part

17、 3 广告语,能猜吗From Sharp minds,come sharp products.(夏普产品,来自智慧结晶。)这是夏普一则广告。广告中Sharp既可指“夏普”又可指“智慧”,巧妙地传达出购置夏普就是智慧选择这么一个理念。第31页Part 3 广告语,能猜吗Theres never been a better Time.无限好时光。这是钟表制造商Raymond Weil所做一则广告。Time一词既可指“表计时”,又可指“时光、光阴”。经过广告传达出这么一个信息:我们为您提供最好钟表,让您享受最美好时光。第32页Part 3 广告语,能猜吗My Goodness!My Guinness

18、!这是为啤酒Guinness所做一则广告。广告中My Goodness为口语表示中惊叹句,意思是“天啊!”。Guinness啤酒于Goodness同音,读起来朗朗上口,诙谐幽默,同时广告经过 My Goodness!这一感叹句赞颂My Guinness,勾勒出人们饮用Guinness啤酒时赞不绝口画面,含有很强感染力和煽动性。第33页Part 3 广告语,能猜吗Try our sweet corn.Youll smile from ear to ear.尝一口我们甜玉米,你就会吃了一个又一个,笑得合不拢嘴。这是一则玉米广告。广告中ear既指“玉米穗”,又指“耳朵”,而短语from ear to

19、 ear指“笑得合不拢嘴”,从而让消费者产生一尝为快冲动。第34页Part 4 船到桥头自然直我小侄女很喜爱动物,而且做事很认真。最近她宣告,长大后要当兽医!我们都以为这个职业蛮适合她,不过她父母并不打算现在就开始为她成为兽医做任何投资和计划,因为孩子毕竟还小,很可能以后改主意!她父母这种做法让我想到一个习惯用语,那就是:Cross that bridge when one comes to it.第35页Part 4 船到桥头自然直Cross that bridge when one comes to it 字面意思是“到了桥边再过桥”,其实就是指“等事情发生了再应对”,“船到桥头自然直”。

20、我侄女父母就是这个态度,They dont want to start thinking about how to finance their daughters veterinarian training yet.They prefer to cross that bridge when they come to it.他们不要现在就开始为孩子上兽医学校准备学费,而是打算等孩子真上了再说。在下面例子中,有个女孩为自己未来做打算,嗯,其实也能够说是没做什么打算。第36页Part 4 船到桥头自然直Carrie is determined to move to New York City nex

21、t fall.At the moment,she doesnt know what shes going to do for a job once she gets there.Still,shes not worried.She says that she will Cross that bridge when she comes to it.The way she figures it,shell be able to find work after she gets settled.Carrie下决心秋天到了就搬到纽约去住。现在,她还不知道搬过去之后要做什么工作。不过,她也不担心。她说,

22、船到桥头自然直。等她到了纽约,一切都安置好了,再找工作也不迟。第37页Part 4 船到桥头自然直这种随遇而安心态真不错,不过,很多人都没Carrie这么大松心,不愿意走一步算一步。很多人都是尽可能防止可能出现问题,这么话,They dont have to cross that bridge when they come to it.他们就不用等问题发生了,再急迫着想法子应对了。第38页Part 4 船到桥头自然直企业家常被人们认为是务实、有远见、有计划人,可实际上真是这么么?咱们来听听下面这段话:So far,the company presidents have agreed that

23、theyll sign the contract with Mexico.Beyond that,they havent really decided what theyll do next.The reality is that theyll deal with the situation when it happens.Theyre crossing that bridge when they comes to it.到当前为止,企业总裁已经同意和墨西哥方面签协议,可除此之外,企业决议层并没有决定下一步工作。实际上,他们打算走一步算一步。他们态度就是等问题出来了再去想怎么办。第39页Part 4 船到桥头自然直Cross the bridge when one comes to it 在口语里另外一个说法是Wing it.Wing it,也是“到时候再说”、“随机应变”意思。第40页

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