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1、EST-11定定语语从从句句翻翻译译 第1页译译成成定定语语The microorganism which causes disease is pathogenic.引引发发疾疾病病微微生生物物含含有有致致病病性性。The people who study ecosystem are called ecologists.那那些些从从事事生生态态系系统统研研究究人人被被称称作作生生态态学学家家。第2页译译成成定定语语A modem is a device which connects a computer via telephone lines to other computers.调调制制解解

2、调调器器是是把把一一台台计计算算机机经经过过电电话话线线同同其其它它计计算算机机相相连连接接一一个个装装置置。In modern industry many substances are used which have been found to do great harm to man.当当代代工工业业使使用用许许多多对对人人体体有有很很大大危危害害物物质质。第3页译译成成谓谓语语New electron tubes could be built that worked at much higher voltages.如如今今制制造造电电子子管管,工工作作电电压压要要高高得得多多。A str

3、ict vegetarian is a person who never in his life eats anything derived from animals.严严格格素素食食者者终终生生都都不不食食用用动动物物性性食食品品。第4页译译成成谓谓语语Scientists have found the defective gene that causes a rare,heritable disorder.科科学学家家们们发发觉觉基基因因缺缺点点会会引引发发一一个个罕罕见见遗遗传传疾疾病病。There is no place on earth where the days are long

4、er in winter than in summer.地地球球上上任任何何地地方方冬冬天天白白昼昼都都比比夏夏天天长长。第5页金金属属强强度度、硬硬度度和和可可塑塑性性这这些些性性能能使使它它们们在在工工业业上上得得到到广广泛泛应应用用。(红红色色译译为为定定语语从从句句)Strength,hardness and plasticity of metals are the properties that make them so useful for industry.第6页S So o t th he e p pr re ep pa ar ra at ti io on n o of f a

5、 a p pu ur re e c cu ul lt tu ur re e i in nv vo ol lv ve es s t th he e i is so ol la at ti io on n o of f a a g gi iv ve en n mmi ic cr ro oo or rg ga an ni is smm f fr ro omm a a mmi ix xe ed d n na at tu ur ra al l mmi ic cr ro ob bi ia al l p po op pu ul la at ti io on n所所所所以以以以纯纯纯纯培培培培养养养养制制制制

6、备备备备要要要要从从从从混混混混合合合合天天天天然然然然微微微微生生生生物物物物群群群群中中中中分分分分离离离离出出出出特特特特定定定定微微微微生生生生物物物物。mmi ic cr ro ob bi ia al l p po op pu ul la at ti io on n 微微微微 微微微微生生生生物物物物种种种种群群群群第7页do damage to;do harm to 造成损害试验显示抽烟对人体有害。(宾语从句)The trials show that smoking will do harm to people.躺在床上看书对你眼睛是有害.(主语译为动名词词组)Reading in

7、 bed will do harm to your eyes.Eating too much will do harm to our health.吃得太多有害于健康。第8页这种恶性循环将不利于亚洲乃至全球金融和经济稳定。This vicious circle will do harm to the financial the economic stability in Asia and the world as a whole.第9页He opened a vegetarian restaurant in his hometown.他在故乡开了个素菜馆。本素菜馆菜肴,含有各种风味,不含任何胆

8、固醇(cholesterol)。This vegetarian restaurant serves various dishes free from cholesterol.第10页defective product/non-good parts 不良品Sort out defective tools 把有毛病工具拣出来。defective workmanship 工艺缺点The buildup of impurities often results in defective plating.杂质积累经常造成不良电镀。第11页自产品售出之日起天内产品因质量问题无偿更换Products prov

9、en to be defective within seven days from the date of purchase are eligible for replacement at no cost.第12页优柔寡断是他主要缺点。Indecision is his chief defect.Near-sightedness is a visual defect.近视是一个视力缺点。内在故障an inherent defect第13页分分译译法法译译成成并并列列分分句句重重复复关关系系代代词词所所代代名名词词,有有时时还还能能够够在在名名词词之之前前加加指指示示代代词词“这这”或或“该该”

10、。At present,hundreds of millions of tons of diverse substances which are a source of harm to the health of people,plant life,and useful microorganisms are discharged to the atmosphere.当当前前,成成千千上上万万吨吨各各种种各各样样物物质质排排入入大大气气,这这些些物物质质实实际际上上是是对对人人类类健健康康、植植物物生生存存、以以及及有有用用微微生生物物产产生生危危害害根根源源。第14页Electronic co

11、mmunication is a network that connects everyone to everyone else and provides just about any sort of electronic communication imaginable.电电子子通通讯讯是是一一种种网网络络,这这一一网网络络把把全全部部人人相相互互联联络络起起来来,并并可可提提供供任任意意一一个个人人们们想想得得到到电电子子通通讯讯方方式式。第15页地地地地球球球球是是是是一一一一个个个个大大大大型型型型生生生生态态态态系系系系统统统统,在在在在这这这这个个个个系系系系统统统统中中中中动动动

12、动物物物物、植植植植物物物物、昆昆昆昆虫虫虫虫以以以以及及及及人人人人类类类类在在在在一一一一定定定定程程程程度度度度上上上上都都都都相相相相互互互互依依依依存存存存。(红红红红色色色色译译译译为为为为定定定定语语语语从从从从句句句句)The earth is a large ecosystem in which_.plants,animals,insects and humans all depend on one another in some way第16页心心脏脏和和脉脉管管形形成成一一个个完完整整循循环环,血血液液经经过过这这一一循循环环而而流流动动。(译译为为定定语语从从句句)He

13、art and vessels form a complete circle,through which the blood flows.Air is a mixture of gases,of which oxygen forms 21%by volume.空空气气是是一一个个气气体体混混合合物物,氧氧气气占占空空气气体体积积21%。第17页关关系系代代词词译译成成“它它”、“它它们们”等等。All living things are made of very small cells,whose form can be seen with the aid of a microscope.全全

14、部部生生命命体体都都由由极极小小细细胞胞组组成成,借借助助显显微微镜镜能能够够看看到到其其形形状状。The control unit is an important part of the computer,which can cause the machine to operate according to mans wishes.控控制制器器是是计计算算机机主主要要部部分分,它它能能使使计计算算机机按按人人们们意意愿愿进进行行操操作作。第18页深深海海是是一一个个非非常常封封闭闭环环境境,那那儿儿温温度度只只有有几几摄摄氏氏度度,极极少少有有光光能能穿穿透透。(译译为为定定语语从从句句)T

15、he deep sea is a highly preserving environment_.where the water temperature is just a few degrees centigrade and little light can penetrate第19页底底座座(base)是是全全部部机机器器基基础础,也也是是一一个个部部件件,其其它它部部件件都都装装(mount)在在它它上上面面。(译译为为定定语语从从句句)The base is the foundation of all machines and is the part on which all other

16、 parts are mounted.第20页He was not eligible for the examination because he was over age.他不够参加考试资格,因他已超龄。Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote.年纪在十八岁以上男女有投票表决权。第21页当当从从句句含含有有转转折折意意义义时时,除除重重复复关关系系代代词词所所代代名名词词之之外外,还还须须加加连连词词“而而”、“但但”、“可可是是”等等。第22页Matter is composed of molecules that a

17、re composed of atoms.物物质质是是由由分分子子组组成成,而而分分子子又又是是由由原原子子组组成成。A metal will bear beating with a hammer,which a stone will not.金金属属经经得得起起锤锤子子敲敲打打,而而石石头头却却不不能能。第23页Mechanical energy is changed into electric energy,which in turn is changed into mechanical energy.机机械械能能转转变变为为电电能能,而而电电能能又又转转变变为为机机械械能能。Hydrau

18、lic copying make it suitable for the aerospace industry,which was then still developing in Europe.液液压压仿仿形形适适合合于于宇宇航航工工业业,但但这这种种工工业业当当初初在在欧欧洲洲尚尚处处于于发发展展阶阶段段。第24页The additional ozone may absorb more than the usual amount of the suns heat,which in turn may effect our weather.增加臭氧吸收比正常量更多太阳热量,从而影响到我们天气。

19、成人教育热继而又促进了整个国家文化水平提升。This boom in adult education,in turn,helps to raise the intellectual standard of the whole country.(插在主语与谓语动词之间,用逗号隔开)第25页所以有必要坚持以信息化带开工业化,以工业化促进信息化。It is,therefore,necessary to persist in using IT to propel industrialization,which will,in turn,stimulate IT application.The appl

20、ied pressure acts on a diaphragm which in turn moves the anode pin.施加压力作用在一个膜片上,于是该膜片就移动阳极管脚。第26页Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.理论基础是实践,反过来理论又为实践服务。第27页当当当当关关关关系系系系代代代代词词词词wwh hi ic ch h引引引引导导导导非非非非限限限限定定定定性性性性定定定定语语语语从从从从句句句句,说说说说明明明明整整整整个个个个主主主主句句句句,对对对对主主主主句句句句内内内内容容容容作作作

21、作补补补补充充充充说说说说明明明明、总总总总结结结结、概概概概括括括括或或或或承承承承上上上上启启启启下下下下作作作作用用用用时时时时,可可可可译译译译成成成成指指指指示示示示代代代代词词词词“这这这这”。第28页Rubber is a light,elastic,durable and water-resistant material,which makes rubber industry very important.橡橡胶胶质质轻轻、有有弹弹性性、耐耐用用而而且且防防水水,这这使使得得橡橡胶胶工工业业十十分分主主要要。Miniaturization means making things

22、 small in size,which is of great importance for the development of the electronics industry.小小小小型型型型化化化化意意意意味味味味着着着着缩缩缩缩小小小小东东东东西西西西尺尺尺尺寸寸寸寸,这这这这对对对对电电电电子子子子工工工工业业业业发发发发展展展展极极极极为为为为主主主主要要要要。第29页因因特特网网在在当当代代生生活活中中非非常常主主要要,这这是是众众所所周周知知。Internet is very useful in modern life,which is known to everybody

23、.燃燃料料燃燃烧烧时时,化化学学能能就就转转化化为为光光和和热热能能,这这和和能能量量守守衡衡定定律律是是一一致致。When fuels burn,chemical energy changes into light and heat energy,which agrees with the law of conservation of energy.第30页An elastic analysis of a structure is important with regard to serviceability.结构弹性分析对耐用性是很主要。弹性波在岩层内吸收The absorption of

24、 elastic waves in rocks弹性波在岩层内吸收问题曾经是理论上与试验上广泛研究课题。The absorption of elastic waves in rocks has been the subject of extensive theoretical and experimental study.(问题不用译)第31页The abrupt disappearance of stick-slip at the lower speed level is attributed to changes in the elastic deformation of the fiber

25、.在低速水平时,粘滑现象消失是因为纤维弹性变形改变造成。第32页all stainless steel,water-resistant,antimagnetic and shockproof 全不锈钢,防水、防磁、防震A waterproof or water-resistant coat.雨衣不透水或抗水外衣防水材料能够利用到飞机外壳上The water-resistant substance could be added to the outsides of airplanes.第33页miniaturization of components 元件小型化The explosions we

26、re attributed to metal fatigue爆裂破归因于金属疲乏。第34页假假如如关关系系代代词词which与与其其在在主主句句所所修修饰饰词词能能够够次次序序说说明明,表表示示清清楚楚时时,可可省省略略不不译译。Live-wire operation is an advanced technique by which linemen can repair transmission without cutting off the current.带带电电作作业业是是一一项项先先进进技技术术,线线路路工工人人能能不不切切断断电电流流就就修修理理输输电电线线。第35页It is c

27、alled the north pole of the magnet,which is usually marked N.这这就就叫叫磁磁体体北北极极,通通惯惯用用N 表表示示。In most parts of the sea,there are millions of tiny living things that can be hardly seen with our eyes.在在大大部部分分海海域域里里,生生存存着着无无数数微微生生物物,我我们们用用眼眼睛睛看看不不见见。第36页When the free electrons in a conductor move in one dir

28、ection only,the current thus established is called a direct current,which is often abbreviated to DC.当当导导体体自自由由电电子子只只以以一一个个方方向向运运动动时时,这这么么产产生生电电流流叫叫做做直直流流电电,常常缩缩写写为为DC。第37页译译成成状状语语从从句句Vegetarianism is definitely unsatisfactory for growing children,who need more protein than they can get from vegetab

29、le sources.对对正正在在发发育育儿儿童童来来说说,素素食食必必定定是是不不可可取取,因因为为他他们们需需要要蛋蛋白白质质不不可可能能全全从从植植物物类类食食品品中中取取得得。(译译为为原原因因状状语语)第38页(将原因状语译为定语从句)铁强度不如钢高,因为钢是铁和其它一些元素形成Iron is not as strong as steel which is an alloy of iron with some other elements.因为猫眼睛比我们人眼睛能吸收更多光线,所以猫在夜里能把东西看得很清楚。A cat,whose eyes can take in more rays

30、 of light than our eyes,can see things clearly in the night.第39页The computer,which seems to play the role of a human brain,is often called an electronic brain.因因为为电电子子计计算算机机起起着着类类似似人人脑脑作作用用,所所以以常常称称为为电电脑脑。第40页用定语从句翻译以下各句1.1.铜铜电电阻阻很很小小,所所以以广广泛泛用用来来输输电电。2.2.分分子子可可任任意意膨膨胀胀,所所以以在在碰碰撞撞后后并并没没有有能能量量损损失失。3.

31、3.科科学学家家们们已已经经研研制制出出第第二二代代血血液液代代用用具具,从从而而处处理理了了血血液液贮贮存存问问题题。4.1952年年,伦伦敦敦曾曾连连续续四四天天烟烟雾雾弥弥漫漫,结结果果造造成成4000名名支支气气管管患患者者死死亡亡。第41页1.Copper,which is used so widely for carrying electricity,offers very little resistance.2.Molecules have perfect elasticity,in consequence of which they undergo no loss of ene

32、rgy after a collision.3.Scientists have developed a second generation of the blood substitute that solves the problem of blood storage.4.In 1952 London had a very bad four-day smog in which 4000 bronchitis sufferers died.第42页译成目状语从句Many universities have“closed-circuit”television equipment that will

33、 telecast lectures and demonstrations to hundreds of students in different classrooms.许许多多大大学学都都配配置置了了“闭闭路路”电电视视设设备备,方方便便为为各各个个教教室室千千百百个个学学生生进进行行电电视视讲讲授授和和演演示示。The workers oil the moving parts of these machines regularly,the friction of which may be greatly reduced.工工人人们们定定时时给给这这些些机机器器传传动动部部分分加加油油,方

34、方便便大大大大减减小小摩摩擦擦。第43页农农业业研研究究人人员员正正加加紧紧努努力力培培育育抗抗热热和和抗抗旱旱作作物物,方方便便在在气气候候变变暖暖时时取取代代传传统统作作物物。(译译为为定定语语从从句句)Agricultural researchers are stepping up efforts to_.develop heat-resistant and drought-resistant crops that might replace traditional crops if the climate changes第44页It needs clear hierarchies of

35、 information.It needs principles of organization that will at least suggest the reliability of the sources.我我们们有有必必要要将将信信息息加加以以清清楚楚地地分分级级,并并需需要要严严格格组组织织标标准准以以提提升升信信息息源源可可靠靠性性。第45页The race will be telecast live.比赛将由电视现场播出。There is no distant transmitter to telecast the scene.没有远距离发射机传送景象。第46页Cobalt b

36、ase alloy(钴基合金),one of the best all-purpose hard facing alloys.Very resistant to heat,abrasion,impact,galling,oxidation,thermal shock and erosion钴基合金,一个最好多用途坚硬表面合金。耐耐热、耐耐磨、耐耐冲撞、耐耐刮伤、耐耐氧化、耐耐热冲击和耐耐腐蚀我们需要耐耐大大气腐蚀建筑材料。We need building materials which are resistant to atmospheric corrosion.(作表语)第47页arc re

37、sistant material 耐耐弧材料(以下做定语)scale resistant concrete 耐耐剥落混凝土 age resistant paper 耐耐老化纸 radiation resistant optical fiber 耐耐辐射光纤 chemical resistant coating 耐耐化学涂料 light resistant 耐耐光性 moisture resistant 耐耐湿 fatigue resistant 耐耐疲劳 第48页耐耐高温玻璃 high-temperature resistant glass 耐耐燃烧试验 fire resistant test

38、 耐耐氢钢 hydrogen resistant steel 耐耐冲击塑料 impact resistant plastics第49页耐耐湿性绝热材料 moisture resistant insulating material 耐耐冲击热塑性塑料 impact resistant thermoplastics 耐耐酸碱橡胶手套 acid and base resistant rubber glove耐耐辐射玻璃纤维 radiation resistant glass fiber 第50页译译成成条条件件状状语语从从句句An electrical current begins to flow

39、through a coil,which is connected across a charged condenser.假假如如线线圈圈同同充充电电电电容容器器相相联联接接,电电流流就就开开始始流流过过线线圈圈。Alloys,which contain a magnetic substance,generally also have a magnetic properties.合合金金假假如如含含有有磁磁性性物物质质,普普通通也也会会含含有有磁磁性性。第51页Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeasts

40、,moulds and bacteria.食食物物假假如如放放置置时时间间太太久久,就就会会腐腐烂烂,因因为为食食物物会会受受到到酵酵母母菌菌、霉霉菌菌以以及及细细菌菌侵侵蚀蚀。水水假假如如不不清清洁洁就就会会引引发发重重病病。(译译为为定定语语从从句句)Water that is impure causes serious illness.第52页任任何何机机器器若若知知其其输输入入力力和和输输出出力力,就就可可求求出出机机械械效效益益(mechanical advantage)。(译译为为定定语语从从句句)For any machine whose imput force and outp

41、ut force are known,its mechanical advantage can be calculated.第53页译译成成让让步步状状语语从从句句Photographs are taken of stars,the light of which is too faint to be seen by eyes at all.即即使使许许多多星星体体光光线线非非常常微微弱弱,眼眼睛睛根根本本看看不不见见,但但它它们们照照片片还还是是被被拍拍下下来来了了。Scientists say that standard filters,which reduce the amount of

42、tar inhaled by smokers,do not make the smoke less toxic to the cells.科科学学家家们们说说,普普经经过过滤滤嘴嘴即即使使能能够够降降低低吸吸烟烟者者吸吸入入焦焦油油量量,但但不不能能降降低低烟烟雾雾对对细细胞胞毒毒害害。第54页青霉素即使几十年前曾治愈了几乎全部细菌性感染,但现在它效果已经大大不如以前了。(红色字体译为定语从句)Penicillin drugs,which cured nearly all bacterial infections several decades ago,are now much less ef

43、fective against them.第55页我助手即使做试验前仔细通读过说明书,但因为生搬硬套,故未能得出满意结果。(红色字体译为定语从句)(生搬硬套:机械地遵照,前有instructions,注意动词)My assistant,who had carefully read through the instructions before doing his experiment,could not obtain satisfactory results,because he followed them mechanically.第56页He read through the manusc

44、ript.他把手稿从头到尾看了。Manual manufacture We read(through)the minutes of the last meeting.我们(从头到尾)把上次会议统计看了一遍.minutes 会议统计;备忘录;分钟(minute复数)第57页Read through this passage and then boil it down in three sentences.把这段文字读一遍,然后将它缩短成3句话。在您操作新购置天平之前,请详细阅读安装与操作说明书 Please read through these installation and operatin

45、g instructions carefully before operating your new balance.第58页决不要盲目或机械地照抄外国东西。Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically.对先进经验我们应该因地制宜,不应生搬硬套。(注意动词前后照应)We should apply advanced experience according to local conditions and shouldnt apply it mechanically.memorize mechanically 死记硬背第59页译译成成时时间间状

46、状语语从从句句Water,the temperature of which reaches 100,begins to boil.当当水水温温度度到到达达100时时,开开始始沸沸腾腾。Very loud sounds produced by huge planes which fly low over the land can cause damage to house.巨巨型型飞飞机机低低空空飞飞行行时时产产生生巨巨大大轰轰鸣鸣,足足以以摧摧毁毁房房屋屋。第60页电电经经过过灯灯泡泡里里钨钨丝丝(tungsten wire)时时,会会使使钨钨丝丝变变热热。(译译为为定定语语从从句句)Elec

47、tricity which is passed through the tungsten wire inside the bulb makes the wire very hot.第61页电电供供给给电电灯灯时时,会会变变成成光光能能。(译译为为定定语语从从句句)Electrical energy that is supplied to a lamp can be turned into light energy.(译译为为定定语语从从句句)A coil of wire that moves in a magnetic field will have an electromotive forc

48、e induced in it.当当线线圈圈在在磁磁场场中中运运动动时时,其其内内部部会会感感应应起起一一个个电电动动势势。第62页采取合译法,将以下各定语从句译成“”字结构定语1.The people who use biometric locks no longer have to worry about forgetting their keys.2.Glass bottles and jars that hold food an drink allow us to see the contents.3.The chemical processes by which iron oxide

49、 are stripped of their oxygen constituents are complex.4.The day is rapidly coming when robots will be equipped with a multitude of sensors such as vision,touch,force and proximity.5.There are many methods by which gastric resection may be accomplished.第63页认真思索第64页1.1.使使用用生生物物统统计计锁锁人人再再也也无无须须担担心心忘忘记

50、记带带钥钥匙匙了了。2.2.我我们们能能够够看看见见盛盛食食物物和和饮饮料料玻玻璃璃瓶瓶罐罐里里面面所所装装东东西西。3.3.使使铁铁氧氧化化物物脱脱氧氧化化学学过过程程很很复复杂杂。4.4.机机器器人人装装备备大大量量传传感感器器诸诸如如视视觉觉、触触觉觉、受受力力和和临临近近传传感感器器时时候候很很快快就就要要到到来来了了。5.5.胃胃切切除除能能够够用用许许多多方方法法。第65页采取合译法,将以下定语从句译成简单句中谓语1.Some scientists have described the robot of the future as one that can act independ

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