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1、两拼两拼(声母声母+单韵母单韵母)aoeiuvaoebbabobibuppapopipummamomemimuffafofuddadediduttatetitunnaneninunvllalolelilulvggagegukkakekuhhahehujjijuqqiquxxixuzhzhazhezhizhuchchachechichushshasheshishurrareriruzzazezizuccacecicussasesisu第1页第一课Lesson One汉语拼音 和 日惯用语Chinese Pnyn&Daily Expressions第2页目录Chinese Pinyin intro

2、ductionSimple VowelsInital ConsonantsTonesOther Vowels第3页Chinese Pinyin IntroductionSyllableSyllable=Initial ConsonantInitial Consonant+VowelVowel +ToneTone m=m +a +Initial Consonant:21Vowel:38Tone:41第4页nho你 好hanzipinyin n shengmuyunmushengdiao第5页汉语拼音 Chinese Pnyn Function:Just like the phonetic alp

3、habets in English,Pnyn helps us to read Chinese words.Formation:Initials 声母声母 shng m Finals 韵母韵母 yn m Tones 声调声调 shng dioe.g.你你(you)n-i-n 好好(good,fine)h-ao-ho第6页声调声调 shng dio The Chinese putonghua has four basic tones.They are shown by the tone-marks:(the 1st tone),(the 2nd tone),(the 3rd tone),(the

4、 4th tone).Different tones may express different meanings.第7页声调声调 shng diob b b b 第8页声调声调 shng diom m m m 第9页声调声调 shng dio1.The tone-mark should be placed over the vowels,eg:n,g,b2.When a tone-mark is placed above the vowel i,the dot over it must be left out,eg:b,wn jin ji3.A compound final carries

5、two or more vowels,the tone-mark is placed over the vowel which pronounced with the mouth opening wider and louder,usually a,o,e,eg:li,pio,du第10页声调声调 shng dio轻声(the Neutral Tone)Every Chinese character in Chinese Putonghua has its specific tone.But sometimes,in a word or a sentence some syllables lo

6、se their original tones and become weak and short,therefore it is called the neutral tone.The neutral tone syllables are shown by the absence of the tone-mark,for example:Bba 父亲(father,dad)mma 妈妈(mother,mum)第11页声母 shng mConsonants,21When used as initials,the following consonants are pronounced rough

7、ly the same as they are in English.b p m f d t n l g k h j s第12页声母 shng mConsonants,21When used as initials,the following consonants are pronounced quite differently from what they are in English.q x z c zh ch sh r第13页声母 shng mbb lu 菠萝菠萝 (pineapple)b ba 父亲父亲 (dad)b 不不 (no)(similar with b in Brother

8、but no buff of breath)第14页声母 shng mP p o b 跑步跑步(running,run)(similar to p in port pie But should be more articulated with more aspiration)第15页声母 shng mmm m 妈妈(mum)mii 买买 (buy)(same as m in man mug)第16页声母 shng mfch fn 吃饭吃饭 (eating)fng 风风(wind)(same with f in from far)第17页声母 shng mdd 大大(big,huge)ddi 弟

9、弟弟弟(younger brother)(similar with d in dog dust but no puff of breath)第18页声母 shng mtti yng 太阳(太阳(sun)t bi 尤其(尤其(very much)(similar to t in term tide top But should be more articulated with more aspiration)第19页声母 shng mnnn rn 男人男人(male,man)n 拿拿(take,pick,hold)(similar as n in no nation)第20页声母 shng ml

10、lng 龙(dragon)kui l 高兴(happy)(same as l in letter learn)第21页声母 shng mgg ge 哥哥 (older brother)go 高 (tall,high)(Similar with g in grill good but no puff of breath)第22页声母 shng mkK ky渴(thirsty)可以(can)shngk上课(haveclass)ko sh 考试(exam)(similar to k in key But should be more articulated with more aspiration)

11、第23页声母 shng mhh shu (drink water)h 河(river)hi hn 海(sea)很 (too much)(h sounds like“h”in the English word“her”heart,but it must be added more friction of the breath than it is in English.)第24页声母 shng mjj 鸡 (chicken)ji 家(home)(j in Jeep)第25页声母 shng mqq 七(seven)qin 钱(money)qzi(wife)(ch in cheese)第26页声母

12、shng mxx 西(the west)x hun 喜欢(like)xux学习(study)(sh in sheep)第27页声母 shng mzz 字(characters)zu 坐(sit)(similar with ds in friends z in zero)第28页声母 shng mcci 菜(vegetable,dishes)ci 猜(guess)(similar with the ts in bits students)第29页声母 shng mss 四(four)s nin 思念(miss someone)(similar to s in student)第30页声母 shn

13、g mzhzh 这(this)zhn 站站(stand)zh do(know)(similar with dge in judge)第31页声母 shng mchch 吃(eat)chng 长(long)(similar to ch in church,but must have srong puff of breath)第32页声母 shng mshlo sh 老师(teacher)sh 十(ten)(similar to sh in shirt)第33页声母 shng mrrn 人(human,people)r 热(hot)(similar to r in run)第34页声母 shng

14、mTest:listen and choose the Initials you hear.b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s第35页a o e i u dn yn m 单 韵 母:第36页aainFathery阿姨bb爸爸mm妈妈第37页oAwW我f佛第38页eUhkuillek饿快乐了可第39页iEseebeenmfn4你米饭第40页uooinLoopbookbxnbzhdo不行不知道第41页(First,trytopronouncei,andthenyourtonguestayshere,graduallypurseyourlips.

15、Tryityourself)yxiyls鱼下雨绿色第42页韵母韵母 yn m39,vowels,or vowel+n/ngSingle finalsa o e i u 第43页f yn m复 韵 母(componund finals)ai ei ao ou ia ie ua uo e第44页aiai(asinhigh)winki我爱你可爱zibi在白zijin再见第45页ei(likealongaortheeiineight)lihi累黑第46页ao-ao(asinhoworout)homosholoozoshnho好猫少老高早上好第47页ou(liketheowinloworboat)duu

16、kushuzu都狗口手走第48页iaia(likeyainyard)ji家第49页ie-ie(likeyeinyes)bijirxixi别节日谢谢第50页ua-ua(ufollowedbya)kuhuzhushu夸花抓刷第51页uo-uo(asinwar)csudushouji厕所多少国家第52页exuxxushenxuxiodxuyuhu学习学生学校大学约会第53页sn chng yn m三 重 韵 母(finals consisting of 3 single finals)uai uei(ui)iao iou(iu)第54页 uai-uai(likewiinwild)shuihuishu

17、i帅坏衰第55页Uei(ui)-ui(similartoway)dubduuhubhushushu对不对贵会不会水谁第56页iao-iao(likeyowinyowl)jiojiobionioliotinxio叫脚表鸟聊天小第57页iou(iu)-iu(likeyoinyoga)dinili丢牛六第58页b yn m鼻 韵 母(nasal finals)第59页qin b yn m 前 鼻 韵 母(front nasal finals)an en in ian uen(un)uanan 第60页an-an(likethesoundsofJohnorangry)mnchfnhnyhnnn慢吃饭汉

18、语很难第61页en-en(like“eninopen)rnzhnurntiurn人中国人泰国人znmeynzhnzhndem怎么样真真吗第62页in-in(asinbin)nnjntinxn您今天新第63页ian-ian(similartoyen)qindushoqinmintiofndin钱多少钱面条饭店第64页uan-uan(ufollowedbyan)lundununmn乱短关门第65页uen(un)Aswhenynknmnchntin云昆明春天第66页ann-uanun(followedbyann,onlywithinitialsj,q,x)yunqunxunz远劝选择第67页hu b

19、 yn yn m后 鼻 音 韵 母(back nasal finals)ang eng ing ongiang ueng ionguang第68页ang(likethesoundofunderorrang)pnmnzhnshnkrnzn胖忙张上课让脏第69页eng-eng(liketheunginlung)fnnnxushen风能学生第70页ing-ing(likesing)mnzitn名字听njioshnmemnzi?你叫什么名字?第71页ongong(liketheunginlungwithaslightoosound)yndnnzuzhnu用东工作中国第72页iang(-ifollowe

20、dbyang)第73页uang-uang(likewangintwang)第74页uenguafterwitheng第75页iong(imergedwithong)第76页t sh yun yn yn m特殊 元 音 韵 母(special finals)er 儿er can not be combined with any other yunmu(finals),it can only be the finals by itself.It is commonly used in northern dialect.There are many words in the northern dia

21、lect pronunciation of vowels occur due to the volume of tongue action sound change,and this phenomenon is called er hua.第77页ererinherd第78页-i(inzicisi)-i(inzhichishi)第79页Simple Vowelsa jar o log e bird er 2第80页i east u moon 第81页aoeiu第82页3、Initial Consonantsb(+o)brother b b b p(+o)pie p p p m(+o)mug m

22、 m m f(+o)far f f f 第83页d(+e)dust d d d t(+e)tide t t tn(+e)nation n n n l(+e)learn l l l 第84页g(+e)grill g g g k(+e)key k k kh(+e)heart h h h 第85页j(+i)j j q(+i)q q x(+i)x x 第86页z(+-i)zero z z z c(+-i)students c c c s(+-i)students s s s 第87页zh(+-i)zh zh zh ch(+-i)ch ch ch sh(+-i)sh sh sh r(+-i)r r r

23、第88页 m b l m b l m b l m b l 第89页Mark tones rules Mark tones rules(1)a(1)ao oe ei iu u b bo bi xi b bo bi xi p pu p pu d ni xi d ni xi(2)iu,ui(2)iu,uili ni ;du tu li ni ;du tu 第90页(3)j,q,x (3)j,q,x j j j j q q q q x x x x n ln l 第91页5、Other Vowelsai i mi ci ei bi hi fi ao o lo bo ou u du tu 第92页ia y

24、 xi ji ie y li bi 第93页韵母韵母 yn mi i1.When i stands by itself as a syllable,it should be written as yi.2.i should be written as y when it is placed at the beginning of a final standing by itself as a syllable,or y is added before i,eg:ia-ya ie-ye iou-you iang-yang第94页韵母韵母 yn mu1.When u stands by itsel

25、f as a syllable,it should be written as wu.2.When u combines with other finals to form syllables,it should be written as W,eg:ua-wa uo-wo uei-wei uan-wan i第95页The Separation LettersThe Separation LettersSeparationLettersVowelsApplicationrulesFinallyformyi,in,ing+yyi,yin,yingia,ie,iaoiyya,ye,yao,e,an

26、+y,uyu,yue,yuanwu+wwuua,uo,uaiuwwa,wo,wai第96页ua w hu gu uo w hu gu e yu n l 第97页iao yo xio qio iou yu li ni(iu)uai wi hui shui uei wi shu zhu (ui)第98页an n bn ln en n rn shn in yn xn jnn yn 第99页ian yn lin xinuan wn lun zunan yun uen wn xn zhn (un)第100页ang ng mng zhng eng dng lng cng ing yng mng tng o

27、ng zhng hng tng 第101页iang yng ling ninguang wng hung zhungiong yng jing xing ueng wng 第102页m b p d n l fn hn ho ch.w fi chng shui.第103页xi xi du b q gn w d.zi shu y bin.zu lin x.第104页w men y q xu hn y.ji yu!第105页日惯用语 Daily Expressions1.zoshangho!xiwhownshangho第106页日惯用语(一)Daily Expressions2.dubuqmigunx第107页日惯用语 Daily Expressions3.nho第108页日惯用语(一)Daily Expressions4.xixiezijin第109页日惯用语 Daily Expressions5.wntwmennmentmen第110页日惯用语 Daily Expressionsloshxushengshngkxik第111页tng(listen)shu(speak)d(read)xi(write)yxidng(wait)gnwd(readafterme)第112页

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