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1、pnyn1拼音1pinyin第1页本课重点本课重点Focus on声母(声母(b p m f d t n l g k hb p m f d t n l g k h)韵母(韵母(a o e i u u a o e i u u ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong)ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong)声调(四个声调,轻声)声调(四个声调,轻声)拼写规则(拼写规则(iuiu自成音节自成音节)(教师备用)(教师备用)第2页Hny pnyn de zchng汉语汉语 拼音拼音 组成(组成(components of Chinese phonetics)shn

2、gdio声调声调tonesmmashngm声母声母initialsynm韵母韵母finals汉语拼音是由声母、韵母、声调三部分组成汉语拼音是由声母、韵母、声调三部分组成Chinese phonetics contains three parts which are initials,finals and tones.第3页声母声母Initialsbpmfdtnlgkhjqxzcszhchshr第4页韵母韵母Finalsaoeiu-ieraieiaoouanenangengongiaieiao iou ianiniangingiongua uouai ueiuan uen uang uenge

3、an n第5页声调声调 tonesThefirstthesecondthethirdtheforth5 5 4 43 32 21 15 5 4 43 32 21 15 5 4 43 32 21 15 5 4 43 32 21 1a o e I u Chinese is a tone language.It has four basic tones.第6页The tones are used to distinguish meanings of a syllable.Different tones have different meanings.m m m m 妈妈 麻麻 马马 骂骂 mothe

4、r flax horse abusetn tn tn tn 汤汤 糖糖 躺躺 烫烫 soup sugar lying down very hot第7页Shngm声母声母(initials)bpmfdtnlgkhjqxzcszhchshr第8页Phonetic drillsWrite the initials you hear to the line _ _ _ _ _ _ 第9页 p f t h n l g第10页韵母(韵母(finals)aoeiu-ieraieiaoouanenangengongieiouiaiaoianiniangingionguauouaiueiuanuenuangue

5、ngeann第11页Phonetic drillsWrite the finals you hear to the line _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 第12页Phonetic drills o e ei ou an eng ong第13页声韵拼读(声韵拼读(spelling and reading)aoeiubbabobibuppapopipummamomemimuffafofuddadediduttatetitunnaneninunllalelilulggagegukkakekuhhahehu第14页声韵拼读声韵拼读spelling and readingaieiaoouanenan


7、ghong第15页Phonetic drillsChoose a syllable according to what you hear 1、ba ma 2、kao tao 3、hai hei 4、nan lai 5、gou kan 6、mang neng 7、fn fn 8、lng lng 9、hn hn 10、kng kng 11、l l 12、tu tu第16页Phonetic drills 1 ba 2 tao 3 hei 4 lai 5 gou 6 neng 7fn 8 lng 9 hn 10 kng 11 l 12 tu第17页音节练习音节练习exercise of syllabl

8、esbba fatherbmn departmentb hobadp po bto go to go joggingjoggingp pfufuskinppto to climbclimbmmammamotherb bngnghelphelpm m fanfanto to troubletroublef fj jn nnearbynearbyfmparentsf fijijairplaneairplaneddilittle brotherdmngatedifudoctortmentheythe/shehe/shet tto kickto kickn ngegewhichwhichninaigr

9、andman n nhnh i iboyboyn n hohellohellol li lei letiredtiredm ml lroadroadggeold brotherg gngbngbpenh hibibn nblackblackboardboardK icutekndokndoseehnho very good第18页Phonetic drillsChoose the syllables you hear 1 bgo bgo 2 drn drn 3 huy huy 4 hn ho hn lo 5 nini yuln第19页Phonetic drills 1 bgo 2 drn 3

10、huy 4 hn lo 5 nini第20页Exercise Write the initials you hear to the line Write the finals you hear to the line Choose a syllable according to what you hear 1 b1 b3b1 b3 2 p p#p p#3 f0i f=if0i f=i 4 l2ng l3ngl2ng l3ng Choose a syllable according to what you hear 1 nai lai 2 hei fei 3 dang tang 4 kong h

11、ong Choose a syllable according to what you hear 1 d4 p2d4 p2 2 n3o l3on3o l3o 3 f4ng f=nf4ng f=n 4 ni l7uni l7u Choose the syllables according to what you hear 1 p3ob*p3ob*pfupfu 2 h-n h3o h-n l3oh-n h3o h-n l3o 3 nin3i g3nl3nnin3i g3nl3n 4 l3o n6ng ni3ol6ngl3o n6ng ni3ol6ng 第21页Phonetic drills1 b

12、f d h 2 o ai ang eng ong3 b3 p f=i b3 p f=i l2ngl2ng4 nai hei dang kong 5 p2p2 l3o f=n l7ul3o f=n l7u 6 p3ob*p3ob*h-n l3o h-n l3o nin3i l3o n6ng nin3i l3o n6ng 第22页communication N#h3o N#h3o 你好!你好!N#h3o N#h3o 你好!你好!第23页试一试试一试Try it Bbo b pi bba pob.伯伯不陪父亲跑步。第24页i开头拼音拼写规则开头拼音拼写规则notes on spelling when

13、“i”“u”“”is the first letter of the syllable,we must put“y”,“w”before them,that is“yi”,“wu”,“yu”.i-yi i-yi u-wu u-wu -yu -yu第25页声母声母(b p m f)发音规则发音规则pronunciation rules of(b,p,)bpWhenyoupronounce“b”,firstcloseyourlipstightly,andthenopenthemsuddenly,therewillbeaweakairflowgoingoutthroughlipsandthenbec

14、omethesoundofbwithoutoscillatingyourthroat.ppWhenyoupronounce“p”,firstcloseyourlipstightlytogainair,andthenopenthemsuddenly,therewillbeastrongairflowgoingoutthroughlipsandthenbecomethesoundofpwithoutoscillatingyourthroat.第26页声母声母(b p m f)发音规则发音规则pronunciation rules of(m,f)mmCloseyourlipstightlyandop

15、enthenasalpathbyhangingdownthesoftpalate.Makeyourvocalcordsvibrateandthebreathgooutfromyournose.ffUsetheupperteethtouchthelowerlipslightlyandthebreathwillbesqueezedoutfromtheseambetweentheteethandthelip.第27页声母声母(d t)发音规则发音规则pronounciation rules of(d t)d t Putthetipofyourtongueagainsttheuppergum,pron

16、ouncewithweakerbreathbreakingthroughtheobstruction.t t Thepronunciationmethodismoreorlessthesamewithd,withstrongerbreathgoingout.第28页声母声母(n l)发音规则发音规则 pronounciation rules of(n l)nn(Putthetipofyourtongueagainsttheuppergum,openthenasalpathbyhangingdownthesoftpalate.Makeyourvocalcordsvibrateandthebrea

17、thgooutfromyournose.)ll(Putthetipofyourtongueagainsttheuppergum,makeyourvocalcordsvibrateandthebreathgooutfrombothsidesoffrontpartofyourtongue.)第29页声母声母(g k)发音规则发音规则 pronounciation rules of(g k h)gkPuttherootofyourtownagainstthesoftpalate,pronouncewithweakerbreathbreakingthroughtheobstruction.kkThep

18、ronunciationmethodismoreorlessthesamewithg,withstrongerbreathgoingout.hxApproachthesoftpalatewiththerootofyourtongue,withanarrowchinkleft;pronouncewiththebreathsqueezeoutofthechink.第30页韵母韵母(a o e)发音规则发音规则 pronounciation rules of(a o e)aAOpenyourmouthwide,withyourtongueinthemiddleinalowposition;theli

19、psarenaturallyopened.ooHalf-closeyourmouthwiththetongueinahalf-highposition;drawbackyourtongueandmakeyourlipsround-shaped.eAfterpronouncingo,naturallyopenupyourmouthandkeepthetonguespositionunchanged.第31页韵母韵母(i u)发音规则发音规则 pronounciation rules of(i u)iiWhenpronoucingi,thetongueisinthehighestposition,


21、cingi,justmakeyourlipsround-shapedtopronounce,withthetonguepositionunchanged.第32页复韵母复韵母(ai ei ao ou)发音规则发音规则 pronounciation rules of(ai ei ao ou)ai Openyourmouthwideandpronounceafirst;thengraduallycloseyourmouthandmovethetonguetothepositionofpronouncingi.ei Half-closeyourmouthandpronounceefirst,then

22、moveyourtonguetothepositionofpronouncingiao Openyourmouthwidelyandpronounceafirst,thengraduallycloseyourmouthandmoveyourtonguetothepositionofpronouncingu.ou Pronounceofirst,thengraduallycloseyourmouth,movethetonguebackwardandupwardtothepositionofpronouncingu.第33页复韵母复韵母(an en ie iou)发音规则发音规则 pronounciation rules of(an en ie iou)an Pronounceafirstandgraduallyturnton.en Pronounceefirstandgraduallyturntonie Pronounceifirst,thengraduallyraiseyourtonguetothepositionofpronouncinge.iouPronounceashorterifirst,thengraduallyraiseyourtonguetothepositionofpronouncingou.第34页第35页

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