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1、第 15 页 中国核工业二三建设有限公司林德化医重庆项目部 Underground pipeline anticorrosive construction plan地下管道防腐施工方案Document No.:文件编号:CNI23CM-016Fabrication 编制:Examine and verify审核:Approval 批准:Contents目录Project overview一、 工程概况。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。13Fabrication reference二、 编制依据。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.33Constru

2、ction principle三、施工原则。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.3-33PE anticorrosive production process 四、3PE防腐生产工艺流程.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。4-93PE anticorrosive specific production steps五、 3PE防腐具体制作步骤.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。9-13Heat shrinkable tape anticorrosive concrete steps六、热收缩带防腐具体步骤。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。14

3、15Safety attentions 七、安全注意事项。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。1616Project Overview一、工程概况This project is Linde Huayi(Chongqing) Gases Co。, Ltd 1 Billion Nm3/year Syngas CO/H2 project, located in Chongqing(Changshou) Chemical Industry Park, and the main work contains substation、compression unit、power absorption unit

4、、washing unit、raw gas compressor unit、High temperature shift unit etc。. 本项目为林德化医(重庆)气体有限公司10 亿Nm3/年合成气制备CO/H2 项目,位于重庆(长寿)化工园区内, 其中主体工作包括变电所、压缩单元、变电吸附单元、洗涤单元、原料气压缩单元、高温变换单元等。Underground pipeline contains circulating water system, water system, water supply and drainage system, a total of about 1744m

5、welding pipe extension, Diain total of 10070 inch, buried steel pipe anticorrosion methods 3PE coating, to ensure that the underground pipeline anticorrosion construction safety, high quality, efficient completion of the project, especially the preparation of this plan。地下管道包括循环水系统、工业水系统、给排水系统,管道共计延长

6、米约1744m,焊接Diain共计10070寸,埋地钢管防腐方法采用3PE涂层防腐,为保证地下管道防腐施工安全、优质、高效完成,特编制本方案。Fabrication reference 二、编制依据1) Linde related drawing and technical standard 林德相关图纸、技术标准2) Polyethylene coating for buried steel pipeline埋地钢制管道聚乙烯防腐层。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。 (GB/T232572009)3) Water supply and drainage pipeline engineering

7、construction and acceptance给排水管道工程施工及验收规范。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。(GB5026897)4) Petroleum and chemical equipment and pipeline technical specification for the coating anticorrosion石油化工设备和管道涂料防腐蚀技术规范.。.。.。.。.。.。.(SH3022-1999)5) Technical code for construction safety in petrochemical石油化工施工安全技术规程 .。.。.。.。.。.。.。

8、.。.。.。.。(SH3505-99)6) Petrochemical industry specification for construction and acceptance of water supply and drainage pipeline石油化工给排水管道施工及验收规范.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。.。 (SH3533-2003)7) Steel surface before application of paint and rust grades and preparation grade涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级。.。.。.。.。.。.(GB892388)Cons

9、truction Principle三、施工原则Underground pipeline, pipe anticorrosion work by professional 3PE coating manufacturers, in Chongqing area 3PE coating technology and scale of production to reach the coastal areas of the corrosion and scale, is now the Chongqing area 3PE pipeline coating production in the ra

10、nge of 20950mm, the diameter more than 950mm pipe using thermal belt winding anticorrosion, and all fittings, mending, welding using the same PE shrink with anticorrosion, anticorrosion processing plant in the above work focused on the complete, reach the maintenance period, transported into the con

11、struction site installation, pressure test after passing the required repairing and mending.地下管道、管件防腐工作由专业3PE防腐厂家完成,鉴于重庆地区3PE涂敷技术及生产规模达不到沿海地区的防腐水平及规模,现目前重庆地区3PE管道防腐生产范围在20-950mm,对于管径超过950mm的管道采用热缩带缠绕防腐,且所有管件、补伤、焊口同样采用聚乙烯热缩带防腐,以上防腐工作集中在加工厂内完成,达到养护期后,运入施工现场安装,试压试验合格后按规定补口补伤。四、3PE anticorrosive product

12、ion process 3PE管道防腐生产工艺流程4。1 The following 950mm pipeline anticorrosion process950mm以下管道防腐流程Bottomsprayepoxy powder 底层喷涂环氧粉末middle levelextrusioncladdingadhesive 中层挤出包覆胶粘剂outer sphereextrusioncladdingPE 外层挤出包覆PE 1) Pipe sandblasting管道喷砂2) Pipeline through the lines into the high-frequency heating to

13、 heat, after the glue machine glue.管道经过流水线进入高频加热机进行加热,经过涂胶机上胶。3) High frequency heating equipment to polyethylene particles of molten polyethylene高频聚乙烯加热设备将聚乙烯颗粒熔化4) Pipeline coating machine to start coating 3PE 管道包覆机开始包覆3PE5) Enter the cooling production line进入冷却生产线6) Inlet pipe grinding processing

14、进入管口打磨处理7) Inspection and identification of issuance procedures indicated factory 检查合格并注明标识发放出厂手续4。2 More than 950mm pipeline, welding, pipe, heat shrinkable tape anticorrosive process950mm以上管道、焊口、管件、热收缩带防腐流程五、3PE anticorrosive specific production steps 3PE防腐具体制作步骤5.1 3PE pipeline anticorrosion 3PE管

15、道防腐5。1。1Preparatory process准备工序1) According to the production task list in the steel pipe specifications, adjust all transmission lines on both sides of the driving wheel of the distance and angle。De-rusting production line pipe bottom height from 540 mm; 3PE coating production line pipe end away fr

16、om 630mm.根据生产任务单中的钢管规格,调整好所有传动线两侧传动轮的距离和角度.除锈生产线管底离地高度 540 mm; 3PE防腐生产线管底离地630mm。2) Adjust the good adhesive and PE extruder of front and rear position。调整好胶粘剂和PE挤出机的前后位置.3) Adjust the position and angle of silicon rubber.调整硅胶轮的位置和角度。4) Adjust the spray gun position in radial and point to the pipe ax

17、is, the discharge needle into the steel pipe surface distance 120150mm。调整喷粉枪的位置在钢管径向并指向钢管轴心,放电针针尖到钢管表面的距离120-150mm。5) Size extruder in the plan started 3 hours before the start of heating.大小挤出机在计划开工前3小时开始加热.6) 1 hour before the start of PE raw material preheating and drying, the drying temperature i

18、s not higher than 80 DEG c。计划开工前1小时进行PE原料预热烘干,干燥温度不高于80。7) Check the operation condition of equipment, give the transmission parts lubricating oil filling; the fastening shaft coupling screws, cross shaft and the expansion joints to add enough oil; inspection of lifting mechanism position and limit

19、device reliability.检查设备运行情况,给各传动部位加注润滑油;紧固传动轴的联结螺丝,给十字轴和伸缩节加足油;检查升降机构的位置及限位器的可靠性.8) Anticorrosion epoxy powder coating, adhesive, polyethylene their quality shall meet the specifications, and through inspection and acceptance.防腐用的环氧粉末涂料、胶粘剂、聚乙烯其质量应满足规范要求,并经过检查验收。5。1。2 Bare pipe tube裸管上管a. According

20、to the production, task orders to pipe transport tube on the platform.根据生产任务单将钢管转运到上管平台。b. Inspection of the appearance quality of steel pipe, to see if there are any extrusion deformation, scratches and other defects, such as timely to make a mark, put its material unqualified area or repair area.检

21、查钢管的外观质量,察看有无挤压变形、碰伤等缺陷,如有及时作出标记,将其放到材料不合格区或修复区。5.1。3 Blast cleaning抛丸除锈1) Rust must be checked and cleared both inside and outside the pipe surface greasy dirt, burrs, attachment and other impurities。除锈前必须检查并清除钢管内外表面的油污、毛刺、附着物等杂质。2) Pipe surface temperature is below 3 steel pipe must be heated to 4

22、0 60 , then the pipe uniform through the derusting machine, derusting grade reaches GB/T8923-88 standard Sa2。5 grade, the anchor lines to a depth of 50 - 75 M.钢管表面温度低于3时钢管要加热到4060,然后将钢管匀速通过除锈机,除锈等级达到GB/T892388标准的Sa2。5级,锚纹深度达到5075m。3) Rust after placement of 4 hours or more or return stainless steel

23、pipes need to rust.除锈后放置4小时及以上或返锈钢管须要重新除锈。5。1。4 3PE top pipe 3PE上管a. On the front tube in a deposition-management platform inspection and removal of steel pipe with inner and outer surface of the burr, dust and other impurities。 If defects to return material unqualified area or repair area。上管前在存管平台上

24、检查并去除钢管内外表面的毛刺、灰尘等杂质。如有缺陷返回材料不合格区或修复区。b. The paste evenly in the protective paper (100mm width), and on its left side of 10 mm wide dont spread the paste; and then the protective paper formation attached to the pipe end, note no smear paste side at a distance of nozzle inner.将浆糊均匀涂抹在防护纸(100mm宽)上,并在其

25、一侧留10宽不要涂浆糊;然后将防护纸平整贴附在钢管管端,注意没有抹浆糊的一侧在距管口的内侧。c. The pipe into the pipe pulling device, through the tube is put into the transmission line steel pipe; pipe and nozzle distance as close as possible to, pay attention to the good joint。将管放到拔管器上,通过拔管器把钢管放到传动线上;上管时前后管口的距离尽量靠近,注意对好接头。d. Before the start o

26、f production process in a timely and clear driving wheel on the dust, debris。开工前和生产过程中及时清理传动轮上的灰尘、杂物。5。1.5 Intermediate frequency heating中频加热1) Start the cooling water pressure pump, check if the heater water outlet pipe of the water cooling system in each case whether there is abnormal.起动冷却水加压泵,检查中

27、频加热器冷却系统每个出水管的出水情况是否有异常。2) Starting the drive line, steel pipe to move uniformly。启动传动线,让钢管匀速前进.3) Start frequency heater, slowly rotating heating power adjustment knob, the steel temperature to 200 - 220 , for at least 30 minutes retest once.启动中频加热器,缓慢旋转加热功率调整旋钮,将钢管温度加到200220内,至少30分钟复测一次。4) After wo

28、rk to stop and start in reverse order。 工作完毕时停止过程与启动顺序相反。5。1.6 Dry dusting 喷粉a. After heating the steel pipe into the spray box, open the spraying equipment; according to the pipe size identify open equipment number。 The coating thickness to achieve the requirements in Table 1; coating on the surface

29、 of a steel pipe to be uniform。加热后的钢管进入喷涂箱后,打开喷涂设备,根据钢管的大小确定打开的设备数量。使涂层厚度达到表1要求;涂层在钢管表面要均匀。b. A pressure of not more than 0.1MPa, two pressures shall not exceed 0.05MPa.一次气压不宜超过0。1MPa,二次气压不宜超过0.05MPa。Table1表1Steel pipe DN(mm)钢管公称直径Epoxy powder coating环氧粉末涂层(m)Adhesive coating胶粘剂涂层(m)Minimum thicknes

30、s of anticorrosive coating防腐层最小厚度(mm)Ordinary grade普通级(G)Strengthen grade加强级(S)DN100801702501.82。5100DN2502。02。7250DN5002。22。9500DN8002。53.2DN8003。03。75.1。7 Adhesive, PE winding胶粘剂、PE缠绕1) According to the pipe size and the transmission line speed regulation of the speed of extruder, cross-linking ag

31、ent, polyethylene thickness (coating thickness gauge test) according to table 1 control:根据钢管的大小和传动线的速度调节好挤出机的转速,胶联剂、聚乙烯层厚度(用涂层测厚仪检测)按表 1控制:2) Ensure that the thickness of the coating, control of seam width of 15 5 .保证防腐层厚度,控制压缝宽度155.3) After work in time to clear up the powder, spray gun and the pip

32、eline, to prevent fouling, prepare for the next use.工作完毕及时清理好出粉器、喷枪及管道,防止其结垢,为下次使用做准备.4) In the anticorrosion layer intermediate forbidden having voids and bubbles。在防腐层中间严禁有空洞和气泡产生。5。1.8 The cutting head、 coolingand lower pipe割头、冷却和下管a. Finish coating of steel pipe in the cooling must be cleared bef

33、ore entering on the joint of PE layer and crosslinking agent。做完防腐层的钢管在进入冷却前必须清理掉接头上的PE层及胶联剂。b. Cooling water to slowly and evenly flow into the pipe, cannot have water shock point。冷却水必须缓慢均匀地流到钢管上,不能有水激点产生。c. Control of transmission speed in the pipe, tube and pipe before undocking, time out joint, p

34、revent the card in the transmission line squeeze bad semi-finished tube made of accidents.控制好下管的传动速度,在下管前脱开前后钢管,及时取出接头,防止卡在传动线上挤坏半成品管造出成事故。d. Semifinished pipe down to the platform when a collision between before and after the pipe is strictly prohibited.半成品管下到平台上时严禁前后钢管之间碰撞.5。1。9 Semi-finished prod

35、uct inspection 半成品检测1) Electric spark detector by the root of leak detection should be no leakage; single tube has 2 or 2 of the following points, making mark according to the provisions in the leak patch; there are more than 2 or a single point in the axial direction is greater than 300mm the tube

36、is not qualified, exit pipe platform, stored separately to peel processing.用电火花检漏仪逐根进行漏点检测应无漏点;单管有2个或2个以下漏点时,在漏点处作出标记按规定修补;有2个以上或单个漏点在轴向大于300mm时该管为不合格,退出下管平台,单独存放进行剥皮处理。2) Using magnetic thickness tester for measuring circumference direction and uniform distribution of the four points of the thickne

37、ss of the coating, the result shall be as specified in Table 1, each successive batch should be checked at least first, 5, 10 steel anti-corrosion layer thickness, after each 10 measuring at least once, if the deviation of timely feedback to the operation station, in order to make the corresponding

38、adjustment。采用磁性测厚仪测量钢管园周方向均匀分布的四点的防腐层厚度,结果应符合表1的规定,每连续生产批至少应检查第1、5、10根钢管的防腐层厚度,之后每10根至少测一次,如有偏差及时反馈给操作台,以便作出相应的调整。3) Appearance inspection, the polyethylene layer surface should be smooth, no bubbles, no anesthesia, no wrinkles, no crack, color uniformity。外观检查,聚乙烯层表面应平滑、无暗泡、无麻点、无皱折、无裂纹,色泽应均匀。4) Coat

39、ing adhesion test, every 4 hours at least at two temperatures measured once each pumping。防腐层粘结力的检测,每4小时至少在两个温度下各抽测一次.5) Coating performance indicators are as follows: 防腐层性能指标如下:5。2.0 Pipe end treatment 管端处理a. Semifinished product testing qualified anticorrosion tube or pipe beveling machine to be re

40、paired, with removal of tube end parts of the polyethylene layer, the pipe end reserved length 100150mm。半成品检测合格的防腐管或待修复管,用坡口机去除管端部位的聚乙烯层,管端预留长度100150mm。b. The polyethylene layer end chamfering is equal to or less than 300 and a hair。聚乙烯层端面倒角等于或小于300并打毛。c. End of the tube after treatment to repair pi

41、pe repair, repair after check again the pipe is qualified。对管端处理后的待修复管进行修复,修复完后再次检查该管是否合格.d. If qualified to enter the next process, otherwise exit pipe platform individually stacked, peeling process。如果合格进入下道工序,否则退出下管平台单独堆放,进行剥皮处理。5。2。1 Package、spray and marking 打包、喷涂标识1) Qualified anticorrosion tube

42、 in the length direction binding 4 rope, each less than 10 laps; fastened, cannot loosen; pay attention to stagger the position of marking.合格的防腐管在长度方向绑扎4道草绳,每道不少于10圈;绑扎紧固,不能松开;注意错开标识位置。2) Inspection of qualified anticorrosion pipe from the pipe end located about 400mm marked on the product marks, in

43、cluding the specifications of steel pipes, pipe number, anti-corrosion, anticorrosion layer structure model number, grade of anticorrosion, executive standard, manufacturer name, production date。检验合格的防腐管在距管端约400mm处标上产品标志,包括钢管规格、钢管编号 、防腐编号、防腐层结构型号、防腐等级、执行标准、生产厂名、生产日期.3) With qualification certificate

44、 including production factory name, address, product name, product specifications, coating structure, rank of anticorrosion coating, anticorrosive coating thickness, inspector number。随带的合格证包括生产厂名、厂址,产品名称,产品规格,防腐层结构,防腐层等级,防腐层厚度,检验员编号等。5。2。2 Finished product transport stowage 成品转运堆码a. From the worksho

45、p transport freight yard is forbidden during collision drag anticorrosion pipe。从车间转运到货场过程中严禁碰撞拖拉防腐管。b. Stack anticorrosion pipe at the bottom of the two (or more) supporting pad, distance is 4-8M, supporting the minimum width of 100mm, anticorrosion pipe at the bottom of the ground shall not be less

46、 than 100mm。堆放时防腐管底部采用两道(或以上)支垫垫起,间距为48m,支垫的最小宽度为100mm,防腐管底部离地面不得少于100mmc. Extruded polyethylene anticorrosion pipe stacking layers should accord with table 2:挤压聚乙烯防腐管堆放层数要符合下表2:d. 3PE anticorrosion pipe open storage time not more than one year, more than a year in opaque covering on anticorrosion p

47、ipe to support。3PE防腐管露天存放时间不能超过一年,超过一年的要用不透明遮盖物对防腐管加以护。Table2表2公称直径DN(mm)DN200200DN300300DN400400DN600600DN800DN800Stacking layers堆放层数1086543六、 Heat shrinkable tape anticorrosive concrete steps热收缩带防腐具体步骤6。1 Construction preparation 施工准备a. Personnel training and technical disclosure 人员培训、技术交底b. Anticorrosive material purchasing、approachin

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