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1、大学英语大学英语 wordword 教案模板教案模板少 儿 英 语 教 案 模 板一、Teaching Demands and Aims(教学目标)二、Teaching important and difficult point(教学重点)1、words2、sentences3、grammars三、Teaching Aids(教具)四、Teaching procedures(教学过程)Greeting(问候)warm up(热身)Review(复习)New Leon(新课)Step One:Step Two:Step Three:Followup(叮咛)五、Homework(作业布置)作 业

2、的 布 置一、书面作业1、每节课后教师可适当选择课后习题(书本或课外参考书)及字母作业。2、低年纪的孩子适合听磁带读课文、画图、连线、写字母等简单作业;每学期两次测试:半期考和期末考试。3、高年纪的孩子要求抄单词、背单词、背课文等书面作业;每节课前可做适当的听写练习;每个月可做适当的单元测试;期间两次大考:半期考和期末考。二、磁带作业1、适时布置(条件允许可每周一次):将本周学习的内容录进磁带,下周上交。2、录制要求:首先让学生和老师打招呼,接着报朗诵单元,然后录作业内容,最后与老师说再见。(如:Hello!Amanda.I am Go go.This is Unit 11Goodbye!Am

3、anda!)3、听音修正:第 1 页 共 15 页(1)书面记录:边听边把学生的错音登记在学生手册上。(2)修正过程:A:打招呼,先表扬肯定,后提出错误,注意错音的跟读 B:说悄悄话,增进师生感情交流 C:提出问题。D:结束 Say:“Good bye!”三、电话教学1、时间安排:每月两次的电话教学,每生教学时间不超过 8 分钟。2、教学内容:(1)本周学习单词及课文的朗诵。(2)词句的翻译。(3)疑难解答。(4)家长的经验交流。Unit 8 Book 1 E_periencing English I.Teaching objectives1.Skills:1)Reading:Reading

4、Between the Lines 2)Writing:how to usepunctuations in a sentence 3)Listening:understanding the paages aboutlove and friendship,listening for the main idea and the importantdetails,learning to take notes while listening 4)Speaking:talkingabout love and friendship 2.Vocabulary development:1)Words:acqu

5、aintance,barely,encounter,incline,intimate,occasional,principle,recall,recognize,replace,summarize,upset,bow,depart,enclose,endure,identical,intense,occupy,provoke,standing,trim,2)E_preions:pare to,drift apart,ever after,even if/though,joinhands(with),no matter what/how,etc.,succeed in,try on,go by,

6、incase,pa away,work out 3.Grammar and structure:1)Adverbial clause 2)Attributive clause 3)modal au_iliaries in subjunctive moodII.Important points:第 2 页 共 15 页Leave nothing to chance,pare to,even if/though,no matter how/what,go by,work out,recognize as/by,pare with/toIII.Difficult points:1.distingui

7、shing replace,substitute,takethe place of;confront,encounter,meet;bear,endure,put up with,stand,suffer,tolerate;acknowledge,admit,confe,recognize 2.Speaking:talking about love and friendship 3.Listening:understanding the paages,listening for the main idea and the important details,learning to takeno

8、tes while listeningIV.Teaching arrangements:1.Total cla time for this unit:8 periods2.Suggested arrangement:1)Talking:(duty report,group discuion,freetalk etc.)40 2)Pre-reading activities:15-20 3)Understanding thestructure of te_t A:15-201 4)Detailed study of the language:100 5)Writing skills:15 6)T

9、e_t summary 10 7)E_ercises:55 8)Reading skills:15-25 9)Detailed study of of te_t B:60-70 10)prehensive e_ercises:20IV.Lecture scripts:(by the teachers)2大学英语教案模板范文【篇 1:大学英语教案模板】天津大学仁爱学院 英语教学部教案 20 11 20 12 学年第 二 学期授课部门:英语教学部 授课教师:young【篇 2:大学英语教案模板】unit 8 book 1 e_periencing english i.teaching object

10、ives 1.skills:1)reading:reading between the lines2)writing:how to use punctuations in a sentence3)listening:understanding the paages about love and friendship,listening for the main idea and the important details,learning to takenotes while listening第 3 页 共 15 页4)speaking:talking about love and frie

11、ndship 2.vocabularydevelopment:1)words:acquaintance,barely,encounter,incline,intimate,occasional,principle,recall,recognize,replace,summarize,upset,bow,depart,enclose,endure,identical,intense,occupy,provoke,standing,trim,2)e_preions:pare to,drift apart,ever after,even if/though,join hands(with),no m

12、atter what/how,etc.,succeed in,try on,go by,in case,pa away,work out 3.grammar and structure:1)adverbialclause 2)attributive clause3)modal au_iliaries in subjunctive mood ii.important points:iii.difficult points:1.distinguishing replace,substitute,take the place of;confront,encounter,meet;bear,endur

13、e,put up with,stand,suffer,tolerate;acknowledge,admit,confe,recognize 2.speaking:talking about love andfriendship3.listening:understanding the paages,listening for the main ideaand the important details,learning to take notes while listeningiv.teaching arrangements:1.total cla time for this unit:8pe

14、riods 2.suggested arrangement:1)talking:(duty report,group discuion,free talk etc.)40 2)pre-reading activities:15-203)understanding the structure of te_t a:15-20 4)detailed studyof the language:100 5)writing skills:156)te_t summary 10 7)e_ercises:558)reading skills:15-259)detailed study of of te_t b

15、:60-70 10)prehensive e_ercises:20iv.lecture scripts:(by the teachers)第 4 页 共 15 页【篇 3:大学英语 friendship 教案模板】teaching plan for friendship-all the cabbie had was a letter班级:2 英语 13-1姓名:梁欢学号:20_41908105teaching aims and demands:1.get more background information on the article.2.learning knowledge about

16、the type of the writing and thestructure.3.the prehension of the te_t.4.the mastery of the vocabulary and the language points.5.the familiarization with the language and the writing techniques.teaching content:1.learning all the cabbie had was a letter.2.keys to the meaning of friendship.3.listening

17、 prehension.important points:1.analysis of thestructure of the te_t.2.students can read and understand the article,in the proce ofreading to consolidate and improve the students reading skills and theability to e_tract important information.3.the cultivation of students effective reading skimming an

18、dreading skills and strategies.difficult points:1.the difficulties areletting the students grasp the type of writing featurearticle.2.identifying figures of speech.3.paraphrasing some ple_ sentences.4.translating some sentences.6.employing sentences variety for special effects.teaching period:period

19、 1-2第 5 页 共 15 页i.warm-up questions/activities listen to the recording two orthree times and then think over the follog questions:1.have you everheard of dionne warwick?have you hened to hear her sing?2.what does a fair weather friend mean?3.what does dionne warwick think friends are for?4.does the

20、song give you any idea of what the stories in this unitwill be about?ii.teaching schedule.step 1 lead-in listening task1.listening practiceplete the follog statements according to whatyou have heard.step 2 reading task read the article and skim for themain idea of this article.part one(1-20)from a c

21、onversation with the cab driver the authorlearned how much he regretted failing to keep up corre-spondence withhis old friends ed.part two(21-35)reading the letter by himself,the author learnedmore about the lifelong friendship between the driver and old ed.part three(30)the drivers e_perience urged

22、 the author to reachfor his pen.step 3 detailed reading1.pair work-one of you ask the questions and the other answers.2.do the e_ercises and then pare your answers with a partner.3.read aloud paragraphs 6 to 15 until you have learned then byheart.then try to plete the paage from memory.4.think of th

23、ese questions.what does a cabbie do?who wrote the letter to the cabbie?第 6 页 共 15 页why was all the cabbie had only a letter?5.read the last sentenceand try to gue what the story is about.6.summarize the story with three sentences?period 3-4iii useful e_preions1be lost in/lose oneself in:be absorbed

24、in;be fully occupiedwith.2or something:used when you are not very sure about what youhave just said.3go ahead:continue;begin(sometimes followed by with+n.)4estimate:vt.form a judgment about(a quantity orvalue)n.ro_imate calculation or judgment made about a quantity or value.5.might/may(just)as well:

25、if you say that you might/may(just)as well do sth.,you mean that you will do it although you do not have astrong desire to do it and may even feel slightly reluctant about it.6.not much of:not a good 7.keep up:continue without sping.iv summaryfrom a conversation with the cab driver the author learne

26、d how muchhe regretted failing to keep up corre-spondence with his old friends ed.reading the letter by himself,the author learned more about thelifelong friendship between the driver and old ed.the driverse_perience urged the author to reach for his pen.v homeworkwrite a letter to one of your frien

27、d.vifeedback学习目标:1、疏通文意,明确文言实词、虚词在文中的意思。2、感受文章的内容,体会人物的心情和个性特点,感受兄弟亲情。一、课堂学习第 7 页 共 15 页1、你认为课文中哪些语句最能表达子猷与子敬的兄弟之情?“弦既不调”说明了什么,你理解“人琴俱亡”的含义了吗?2、王子猷是一个怎样的人?你喜欢这个人物吗?3、课文描写子猷先是“了不悲”“都不哭”,后又写他“恸绝良久”,他前后的表现是否矛盾?为什么?二、课外拓展:结合材料探究魏晋风度材料一:伤逝十二郗嘉宾(郗超)丧,左右白郗公:“郎 丧”既闻不悲,因语左右:“殡时可道。”公往临殡,一恸几绝。材料二:雅量谢公东晋名相谢安的侄子


29、摆脱世俗的一切利害得失、荣辱毁誉,寻求一种超然的风度。为此,尽管子敬很悲痛,却还是要强自抑制。二、课后学习:阅读下面的文言文,完成题目。(甲)王子猷、子敬俱病笃,而子敬先亡。子猷问左右:“何以都不闻消息?此已丧矣。”语时了不悲。便索舆来奔丧,都不哭。子敬素好琴,便径入坐灵床上,取子敬琴弹,弦既不调,掷地云:“子敬子敬,人琴俱亡。”因恸绝良久。月余亦卒。第 8 页 共 15 页(乙)魏武将见匈奴使,自以形陋,不足雄远国,使崔季硅代,帝自捉刀立床头。既毕,令问曰:“魏王如何?”匈奴使答曰:“魏王雅望非常;然床头捉刀人,此乃英雄也。”魏武闻之,追杀此使。1、给下列字注音猷()笃()恸()舆()2、解

30、释加点词的含义。王子猷、子敬俱病笃()()子敬素好琴()何以都不闻消息()()此乃英雄也()3、用现代汉语疏通下列句子的意思,加点字的意思要力求译准。(1)语时了不悲。译文:_(2)便索舆来奔丧。译文:_(3)便径入坐灵床上。译文:_(4)因恸绝良久,月余亦卒。译文:_4、曹植有一首七步诗,和(甲)文都是写 的,请你把它工整地写在下面。5、(甲)(乙)两文都选自世说新语,(乙)文中的魏武就是曹操。文中的他是怎样的形象?大学英语教案-31、Insure vt.给保险;保险 保障;保证;确保insure sb.s property against fire给某人财产保火险 have oneslif

31、e insured给自已保人寿险Carefulne insures you against errors.谨慎细致可使你避免发生差错。2、insurance 安全保障措施 保险(业)保险单 保险费;保险额 保证第 9 页 共 15 页3、unwanted 不需要的;多余的 不受欢迎的;有缺点的4、in return adv.作为报答5、put back 放回原处,向后移,推迟,倒退,使后退6、pre-pref.表示“前、先、预先”之义 preadult未成年人 precancel取消前 prewar 战前7、factor n.adj.n.因素;原动力;主因【数】分解因子,因数;【物】系数,率;

32、【化】当量换算因数;【生】基因,遗传因子;【摄】曝光系数 倍;乘数;商 经销人;经纪人;代理商;苏土地经管人 Rain and heat are factors in grog plants.雨水和热是使植物生长的原动力。8、offer 提出供 供奉;贡献 试图 开价;出售 呈现;使出现 演出offer ones own characteristics表现出自己的特点 offer a new edy上演一出新的喜剧9、major adj.vt.较大的;较多的;主要的;主修的 较优的;较大范围的成年的;英(学校中同姓同学中的)年长的【音】大调的,大音阶的 themajor part主要部分 ma

33、jor subjects主修(专业)课程 major party(有竞选力量的)主要政党10、shop around 逐店进行搜购,到处寻找好职业,到处寻找好主意11、work 网络 格子砖 网状织物网状系统,广播网;电视网 网络电路n.广播电视联播公司12、advisable 适当的,可取的;合理的 能劝告的 可施行的It is not advisable to drink too much.喝酒不可过量。I consider his suggestion as advisable.第 10 页 共 15 页我认为他的建议是可取的。I think it advisable to wait.我

34、认为等待才是明智之举。14、advise vt.adj.劝告,忠告;给出主意通知;【商】通告 advise sb.to do sth.劝某人做某事15、in turn adv.依次,轮流16、auto n.(pl.autos)美口汽车 auto parts汽车零件17、claim vt.(根据权利)要求,索取,索赔,认领,申请 主张,声称,自称,断言 值得,需要重视注意 claim a large amount againsthim要求他赔偿大量金额Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.每一公民均可要求法律的保护。Does anyo

35、ne claim this umbrella?有没有人认领这把伞?He claimed that he had done the work without help.他声称没有得到帮助而完成了这项工作。There are several matters that claim my attention.有好几件事值得我注意。18、broadly ad.宽广地,明白地,无礼貌地19、employee 雇员,雇工There are 30 employees in his firm.他的公司有 30 名雇员。20、employern.n.雇主;雇用者,经理,老板21、permanentadj.永久性的

36、,耐久的,固定不变的 常设的,常任的 permanent addre永久地址 permanent aets【会计】固定资产 a permanent job固定职业第 11 页 共 15 页a permanent mitee常设委员会22、on a short-term basis短期的23、foremost 最初的,最先的 第一流的;主要的 习惯用语first and foremost 首先,第一head foremost 轻率地;头朝前的24、entire adj.adj.整个的,完全的;全部的,全体的 纯粹的25、soght-after adj.很吃香的;广受欢迎的26、attack n.

37、攻击,抨击vt.攻击,抨击,动手干 vi.攻击27、opt vi.选择28、opt vi.选择,抉择opt to do sth.选择做某事They opt for more holiday instead of more pay.他们选择了延长假期而不是增加工资。习惯用语opt for(从多种方案中)作出选择opt in 决定参加opt out(of)决定不参加或退出29、advisor30、homeownern.顾问,劝告者,指导教师n.自己拥有住房者,(住自己房子的)私房屋主Teaching Plan for Friendship-All the Cabbie Had Was a Lett

38、er班级:2 英语 13-1 姓名:梁欢 学号:20_41908105 Teaching Aims andDemands:1.Get more background information on the article.第 12 页 共 15 页2.Learning knowledge about the type of the writing and thestructure.3.The prehension of the te_t.4.The mastery of the vocabulary and thelanguage points.5.The familiarization wit

39、h the language and the writingtechniques.Teaching Content:1.Learning all the cabbie had was a letter.2.Keys to the meaningof friendship.3.Listening prehension.Important Points:1.Analysis ofthe structure of the te_t.2.Students can read and understand the article,in the proce of reading to consolidate

40、 and improve the students readingskills and the ability to e_tract important information.3.The cultivation of students effective reading skimming andreading skills and Strategies.Difficult Points:1.The difficulties areletting the students grasp the type of writing featurearticle.2.Identifying figure

41、s of speech.3.Paraphrasing some ple_sentences.4.Translating some sentences.5.pound nouns and pound adjectives.6.Employing sentences varietyfor special effects.Teaching Period:Period 1-2 1 I.Warm-up Questions/Activities Listen to the recording two or threetimes and then think over the follog question

42、s:1.Have you ever heard ofDionne Warwick?Have you hened to hear her sing?2.What does a fairweather friend mean?3.What does Dionne Warwick think friends are for?4.Does the song give you any idea of what the stories in this unit willbe about?II.Teaching Schedule.Step 1 Lead-in Listening Task1.Listenin

43、g Practiceplete the follog statements according to whatyou have heard.Step 2 Reading TaskRead the article and skim for the main idea of this article.PartOne(1-20)From a conversation with the cab driver the author learned第 13 页 共 15 页how much he regretted failing to keep up corre-spondence with his o

44、ldfriends Ed.Part Two(21-35)Reading the letter by himself,the authorlearned more about the lifelong friendship between the driver and oldEd.Part Three(30)The drivers e_perience urged the author to reach forhis pen.Step 3 Detailed reading1.Pair Work-One of you ask the questions and the other answers.

45、2.Dothe e_ercises and then pare your answers with a partner.3.Read aloudparagraphs 6 to 15 until you have learned then by heart.Then try toplete the paage from memory.4.Think of these questions.What does acabbie do?Who wrote the letter to the cabbie?Why was all the cabbiehad only a letter?5.Read the

46、 last sentence and try to gue what thestory is about.2 6.Summarize the story with three sentences?Period 3-4III Useful E_preions 1be lost in/lose oneself in:be absorbedin;be fully occupied with.2or something:used when you are not verysure about what you have just said.3go ahead:continue;begin(someti

47、mes followed by with+n.)4estimate:vt.form a judgment about(a quantity or value)n.ro_imate calculation or judgment made about aquantity or value.5.might/may(just)as well:If you say that youmight/may(just)as well do sth.,you mean that you will do italthough you do not have a strong desire to do it and

48、 may even feelslightly reluctant about it.6.not much of:not a good 7.keep up:continue without sping.IV SummaryFrom a conversation with the cab driver the author learned how muchhe regretted failing to keep up corre-spondence with his old friendsEd.Reading the letter by himself,the author learned more about thelifelong friendship between the driver and old Ed.The drivers第 14 页 共 15 页e_perience urged the author to reach for his pen.V Homework Write aletter to one of your friend.VIFeedback大学英语教学评语大学英语听力教案模板全英文小学英语教案大学英语教案模板全英文版(共 10 篇)大学医学英语教案模板全英文版(共 4 篇)第 15 页 共 15 页

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