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1、教案7B朱骏颖M1U1(7B)Period 1Teaching objectives1.To review direction words and phrases (in dialogues)2.To learn new words and a phrase:creek, oriental, pearl, botanical, technology, guide, pigeon, reason, sightseeing, take part in (by reading pictures, E-E explanation and multiple choices)3. to introduce

2、 interesting places in Shanghai (in dialogues)Pre-task1. Make suggestions on traveling in ShanghaiWhile-task1. Read pictures to learn new wordsthe Suzhou Creek; the Bund, Shanghai Grand Theatre; Shanghai Botanical Gardens; Oriental Pearl TV Tower; Century Park; Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

3、; 2. listen and say1). listen and answer Kitty and her classmates have just been to Shanghai. They have decided to take part in a competition to see who knows Shanghai best. take part in :*Which places do students suggest to travel in Shanghai?3. Read sentence by sentence after the audio4. Read toge

4、ther with the audio5. Fill in blanks to tell the reasons in WRITE on page 26. Review direction expressions 1) review directions 2) ask and answer in pairs to review direction 3) learn new words : sightseeing7. Make dialogues on page 3 in pairs with the map aboveHomework:Oral : to give your suggestio

5、n on traveling in Shanghai to your friendWritten: workbook page 1 ;to copy phrases 1.take part in a competition参加一个竞赛2.design a travel guide设计一个旅行指南3.Make some suggestions给出一些建议4.eat different local snacks 吃不同种类的地方美食5.In large department stores在大型百货公司6.Shanghai Grand Theatre上海大剧院7.Oriental Pearl TV

6、Tower 东方明珠电视塔8.Shanghai Science and Technology Museum上海科技馆9.Shanghai Wild Animal Park上海野生动物园10.Suzhou Creek苏州河11. Where can tourists go for sightseeing in Shanghai?在上海,游客可以去哪里观光?Boarding the Suzhou Creek; the Bund, Shanghai Grand Theatre; Shanghai Botanical Gardens; Oriental Pearl TV Tower; Century

7、Park; Shanghai Science and Technology Museum; Comments: it is hard for ss to read and spell out some names of placesM1U1(7B)Period 2Teaching objectives1.To review direction words and phrases (in dialogues)2.To learn new words and a phrase:creek, oriental, pearl, botanical, technology, guide, pigeon,

8、 reason, sightseeing, take part in (by reading pictures, E-E explanation and multiple choices)3. to introduce interesting places in Shanghai (in dialogues)Pre-task1. listen and review While-task1. Learn new phrases in situation and consolidate by making examples be famous for; be known as 2. learn n

9、ew words and phrases by reading pictures night view; shopping paradise; district; Maglev; state; resort; observatory3. learn new words in E-E explanation get on well with4. read silently and answer questions for the first paragraph; 5. answer questions to complete the second paragraph; 6. read parag

10、raph 3 silently and do True or False; retell according True or False7. read paragraph 4 silently and answer questions; explain HomeworkOral: recite paragraph 1+2/3/4; read the leftWritten: workbook page 4,5; copy words and phrases:词汇: 1. therefore 因此 adv.词组: 2. an observatory 一个天文台3. get on with 进展4

11、. be famous for night views以夜景而著名5. be known as 被认为;誉为6. a shopping paradise 购物天堂7. one of the largest cities 最大的城市之一8. a huge open area with green grass一片巨大的开放的绿地9. Pudong New District 浦东新区10. go there for sightseeing and fun 去那里观光游乐句子:11. How are you getting on with your travel guide? 你们的旅行指南进展怎样了

12、?12. Its convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi. 在浦东和浦西之间通行很方便。13. The Maglev takes you to the international airport in about eight minutes.你乘磁悬浮列车大约8分钟就可以到达国际机场。Boarding be famous for; be known as night view; shopping paradise; district; Maglev; state; resort; observatoryget on well withComme

13、nts: ss are a little confused with uses of be famous for and be known as , but ss do better after more practice.M1U1(7B)Period 3Pre-task1. Review new words learned in last periodWhile- task1. 1.read text again 2. 2.analyze the textget on withbe famous forbe known astherefore VS sosurprise N/V- surpr

14、ising surprisedshop, fish, water, shop, work N/Vif :conditional sentences 1)The verb in the if clause is in the simple present tense. 2)The verb in the main clause is in the simple future tense. 3)We can also use other model verbs such as can in the main clause. Practice!3. 3.learn new words by read

15、ing picturesplaza, cruise, floating4. 4.read a travel guide with a contents page and help Kitty to complete the blanks5. 5.make a travel guide in Shanghai to introduce some other placeshomework:Oral: to know more information about some other places to make a travel guide by interviewingWritten: to m

16、ake a travel guide in another city (at least four places) A4, print or drawBoarding get on withbe famous forbe known astherefore VS sosurprise N/V- surprising surprisedshop, fish, water, shop, work N/VComments: It is clear to deal with the main points of this period. Ss can finish such kind of exerc

17、ises correctly. Lesson plan for Unit 2Period 1Teaching objectives:Students are required to talk about different kinds of films and childrens likes and dislikes; writing a film guide, finding ones way on street plans and writing about the way to get to a particular place.Main points:I like funny film

18、s.So do I ./ Neither do I . Teaching strategy:a. a.Learn-in-situationb. b.Learner-basedc. c.Ask and answerd. d.Introduce Means of Teaching: Multimedia / discussion / role-playTeaching aids: Tape-recording / slide Teaching procedure:Step 1Pre-task preparation1. 1.Do you often go to the cinema?2. 2.Wh

19、ich films have you watched?3. 3.Which film do you think is the best one that you have seen? Why?Step 2-while task activities.1. 1.Whats this?- a film guide2. 2.what does a film guide tell us?-tells us information about the film.Details : name -brief introductiondurationstaff and cast3. 3.read the di

20、alogue and answer the questions 4. 4.read in rolesstep3 -post task 1. 1.practice the structures: so do I / neither do I .assignment: copy and read the dialogue on P9.Phrases:M1U2(7B)1, read a film guide 读一张电影指南2,discuss which film to see 讨论看哪部电影3,take a look at看一看4, the Stupid Clown愚蠢的小丑5,funny film

21、滑稽片6,an action film一部动作片7,policemen and robbers警察和盗贼8,the adventure of some astronauts in space太空中一些宇航员的历险9,a cartoon一部卡通片10, lets not do让我们不要做11,Which film would you like to see this Saturday?这周六你想看哪部电影?12,What about Police Story?警察故事怎么样?13,What is the film about?这部电影是关于什么的?Boardingname -brief intr

22、oductiondurationstaff and castkinds of films:funny films- adventures-horror films-police filmsaction filmso do I / neither do I .Comments: The topic is quite interesting. Ss like to talk, but because of the limitation of vocabulary. They need much help to finish the complete description.Lesson plan

23、for Unit 2Period 2Teaching objectives:Students are required to use wh- questions to find out specific information and use adj. Main points:So do I ./ Neither do I . Teaching strategy:e. e.Learn-in-situationf. f.Learner-basedg. g.Ask and answerh. h.Introduce Means of Teaching: Multimedia / discussion

24、 / role-playTeaching aids: Tape-recording / slide Teaching procedure:Pre-task preparation1 1To review the period 1, and kinds of films.While-task activities2 2To practice “ so do I / neither do I”3 3To read the film guides and discuss in groups which film to see in a dialogue. S1: Which film would y

25、ou like to see? S2: Id like to see _. Its a/an _ film. Its a film about_.S3:I like_ films/ I like films about_. / I dont like_.S4: so do I , because_. / Neither do I .Consolidation :5. 5.To invite Ss to express their own opinions on different film According to the film guides , I choose/decide/would

26、 like to see_, because_. Its a/an _film. Its about _.Assignment: 1. copy phrases 2. Write some sentences about the film you choose to see and reasons and finish the film guide on P11.BoardingSo I / he /she.Neither. I /he /she.According to the film guides , I choose/decide/would like to see_, because

27、_. Its a/an _film. Its about _.Lesson plan for Unit 2Period 3Teaching objectives:Students are required to use adverbs of time and imperatives to give instructions; to use connectives to link similar ideas.Main points:Do sth!First, Next,.Turn left/right!Teaching strategy:i. i.Learn-in-situationj. j.L

28、earner-basedk. k.Ask and answerl. l.Introduce Means of Teaching: Multimedia / discussion / role-playTeaching aids: Tape-recording / slide Teaching procedure:Pre-task preparation1. 1.To review first, next, While-task activities2. To look at the map and read the names of the road.3. To listen to the t

29、ape with the question and find out how to get to the right place.4. To read with the tape.Consolidation 5. In pairs, ss prepare and practice the dialogue between Jill and Kitty in Think and Say.Assignment: 1. copy and recite2. 2.workbookBoardingDo sth!First, Next,.Turn left/right!Comments: Unit 5 Wh

30、at can we learn from othersPeriod: First PeriodAims and Demands:Students are supposed to A. learn new words fairy, wife, hard-working, comfortable; greedy, learn although and its usage B. read a story in simple past tenseMain points: A. HopeB. wishC. learn fromD. althoughTeaching strategy:m. Learn-i

31、n-situationn. Learner-basedo. Ask and answerp. Introduce Means of Teaching: Multimedia / discussion / role-playTeaching aids: slides Teaching procedure:-Pre-task preparationRetell a storyWhile-task 1. to learn new words while introducing the main charactersin the story there are three characters. Fi

32、rst, lets read sth about them. She is beautiful. She is pretty. She always brings good luck to people. She is luck fairy. Fred and Doris are farmers. They are husband and wife. They are hard-working. 2. to learn and matchexcept hard-working , there are many adjs to describe a person or a thing. Now

33、lets read match them in pairs. Comfortable, uncomfortable.3. to read the text and do true or false, and answer questionsnow lets read the text and do true or false. And tell what can we learn from the story? What are the three wishes Luck Fairy planned to give them? What does Luck Fairy wish at last

34、?4. to match and put the sentences in order5. to fill in blanks, and to retell the sentence with although/ butfairys opinion, fairy wants to give farmers opinionnot earn much/ poor, coins,. live happilysmall and old hut, new big house, comfortableold clothes, beautiful clothes comfortable and keep w

35、arm in winter6. to read the last paragraph and learn new wordsdisappear, greedy, happiness, forever, hope, wish, learn form7. to make a conclusionif you were Luck Fairy, what would you say to Fred and Doris?if you were the farmers, what would you do when Luck fairy promised you three wishes?Home-wor

36、k:1 To act it out in a group of four 2 To copy words and phrases我们能向他人学到什么?What can we learn from others?很久以前,有一个叫做弗莱德的农民. Long ago, there was a farmer called Fred.住在一间破旧的小屋内 live in an old small hut一个冬天的晚上 one winter night勤劳的农民 hard-working farmer我想给许给你们三个愿望。I would like to give you three wishes.他们

37、相互笑了下。(过去时) They smiled at each other.我们不需要任何许愿。We dont need any wishes.尽管我们已经年迈,我们还是每日在田间耕作。Although we are old, we work in the fields every day.你挣钱不多。 You dont earn much (money).我们已经住在这里很多年了。We have lived here for many years.尽管衣服旧了,但它们仍然很舒适/不舒适。Although our clothes are old, theyre still comfortabl

38、e/ uncomfortable. 它们能在冬天让我们保持温暖。They can keep us warm in winter.贪婪的 greedy消失/ 出现 disappear/ appear我希望其他人能像你们学习。I hope other people will learn from you.我祝愿你们永远快乐和健康。I wish you happiness and health forever.Unit 5Period: second PeriodAims and Demands:Students are supposed to A. learn new words and phra

39、ses vote, vote for, give up, pocket money B. review although C. learn from model studentsMain points:althoughTeaching strategy:1. Learn-in-situation2. Learner-based3. Ask and answer4. Introduce Means of Teaching: Multimedia / discussion / role-playTeaching aids: slides Teaching procedure:-Pre-task p

40、reparationReview: what can we learn from the story?While-task 1. brain stormthere are some model students in our class. We can learn much from them. In your opinion, what can we learn from them? 2. listen and chooseMr. Hu is asking his students to vote for model students in his class. Listen to an a

41、udio, after listening, tell us who will be model students?3. listen again and fill in the blanks4. think and readask and answer in pairs according to the text5. look and saytalk about the students on the poster with your partner. -What can we learn from?-Although, 6. do a survey1) find out some thin

42、gs you can learn from your classmates. And complete blanks on page 35.2)discuss with your partner with the sentence patterns-Who do you think is a model student?-What can we learn from?-Although, 7. think and sayfinish a poster of model students in your class on page 35.Home-work: 1 copy words选举模范生

43、vote for model students你认为谁是一名模范生? Who do you think is a model student?我们能从他/她身上学到什么?what can we learn from him/ her?尽管数学对于Kitty而言很难,但她从未放弃。Although Maths is difficult for Kitty, she never gives it up.尽管Jill住得离学校较远,她上学从不迟到。Although Jill lives far away from school, she is never late for school.许多零花钱

44、a lot of pocket money浪费钱 waste money忙于功课be busy in studying; be busy with studies规律锻炼 exercise regularly向模范生学习 learn from model studentsModule 2 Better future Unit 6 Hard work for a better lifePeriod: First PeriodAims and Demands:Students are required to b. Write about your feelings about the four seasonsc. Match pictures with words in the bookMain points: A. What does spring make you think of?B. The weather starts getting warm.C. It is + a. + to do.D. It could either be Picture 1 or Picture 3.Teaching st

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