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1、英语教案模板范文英语教案模板范文 篇 1一、教学资料新课程标准小学英语 book7 leon5 how do you usually go to school?二、学生分析六班级的学生大胆且独立, 好奇心重求知欲强, 并且爱表现自我。 在经过一段时光的师生磨合和配合之后, 进入第五课学习时, 学生们 就基本熟悉了老师的课堂英语。 爱玩是孩子的天性, 六班级的学生不 喜欢机械重复乏味的课堂, 他们喜欢在游戏中学习, 所以在教学过程 中我采纳了情景教学和游戏教学的模式, 让学生们乐观主动地参加到 英语学习中。 六班级的学生注意力能够集中的时光比较短, 借助多媒 体手段等激励方式, 使学生集中注意力

2、在学习上。 六班级的学生喜欢 自我表现, 采纳小组合作的方式完成情景教学, 使学生体味团队协作 取得成功的喜悦,增强他们学习英语的自信心。三、教学目标1、知识目标a.使学生能熟记 bus, car, train, on foot 新词汇b.使学生能熟记用句子 how do you usually go to school?i usually go to school by?进行对话2、本事目标使学生能把学到的知识运用到实际生活中去3、情感目标培育学生的自我表达本事和团队合作精神四、教学重点与难点1.熟记所学新单词,做到发音准确,拼写正确 2.能过把新单词运用到句型 i usually go t

3、o school by?五、教学方法情景教学法与游戏教学法相结合六、学习方法自主学习与小组合作相结合七、课前准备单词卡片、短语卡片、幻灯片等八、教学过程1.新课导入首先全班同学起立合唱 leon3 中的歌曲 where do you e from?吸引 学生注意力到课堂学习中, 同时营造一个良好的英语学习氛围, 为新 课学习做准备。2.新课呈现3.巩固操练a、做游戏 手动跳舞毯。满足学生的自我表现欲,同时培育 合作学习的意识。进一步巩固所学单词和句型,使学生在一种宽松、愉快的氛围中获得满足感和成就感。b、做游戏 传话游戏。每一行最终一个同学将听到的句子经 过耳语传递给前一位同学, 依此类推,

4、最终一个听到句子的同学将句 子大声朗读出来并写在黑板上, 传的最快最准确的组获胜, 对猜对的 组给予奖励。由于孩子好胜心强,所以他们愿意猜,这既调动了学生 的进取性,又巩固了所学知识。4.布置作业a 、做练习册中本课相应练习,以检测对所学资料的掌握程度b、课后问自我的同学、朋友 how do you usually go to school? 并 整理答案,锻炼自我的英语听、说和写的本事九、教学反思在本课的学习中, 由于多媒体的运用, 使得教学过程得以高效进 行。学生们在实际生活情境中练习英语,使得他们有话可说,并敢于 开口,逐渐建立了学习英语的自信心。在游戏中做练习,激发了学生 学习英语的爱

5、好, 使得他们在简便愉快的氛围中掌握所学知识。 从整 节课的讲授和学生的反馈情景来看, 基本到达了预期教学目标, 加强 了学生的英语表达本事。 但仍存在一些不足, 如小组练习由于授课时 光限制未能涉及到每一个学生。在今后的教学中我会不断总结自我, 查漏补缺,以求讲课得以更加完善!英语教案模板范文篇 2一.Teaching aims: Language goals1、 Talk about how to study。2、 Find out your suitable learning methods。 Ability goals1、 Words and phrases: aloud pronun

6、ciation work with friends ask the teacher for help, read aloud, look up, practice pronunciation2、 Sentence patternsHow do you study English?I learn by working with a group。Do you learn English by reading aloud?Yes, I do。 It helps my pronunciation。How can I read faster?You can read faster by reading

7、word groups。二.Emotion and attidute: Developing students ability of learning English三.Key points and difficulties1、 Key words and phrases2、 Questions intrduced by “how”and the sentence pattern: “by +doing ”四.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming upT: How do you study English?Do you study English by the

8、 following ways?(Show some pictures and present the important phrases。 )T: How do you study English?S: I study English by _。by working with friends。by making word cards。 by asking the teacher for help。 by readingthe textbook。 by working with a group 。 by listening tapes。 Step 2 1a Check the ways you

9、 study English。 Then add other ways you sometimes study。 _ a。 by working with friends。 _ b。 by making word card。 _ c。 by reading the textbook。 _ d。 by listening to tapes _ e。 by asking the teacher for help。 Step 3 Listening1)Listen。 How do these students study for a test?Write letters from 1a above。

10、 2)Check the answers: b(Meiping);e(Peter);d(Tony)Step 4 Gue Show some pictures。Gue: How does heshe study English?HeShe studies English by How do they study English?They study English by Step 5 Pairwork 1c Make conversations about how you study for a test。A: How do you study for a test?B: I study by

11、working with a group。A: How do you study for a test?B: I study by Step 6 Listening2a Listen and check the questions you hear 。 1 _ Does anyone learn English by watching videos?2 _ Do you have conversations with friends in English?3 _ What about listening to tapes?4 _ What about reading aloud to prac

12、tice pronunciation?5 _ Have you ever studied with a group?Answers:1,2,4,5 2b Listen again。Match each answer below witha question above。a、 Yes, I have。 Ive learned a lot that way。b、 Oh, yes。 It really improves my speaking skills。 c。 I do that sometimes。 I think it helps。 d。 No。 Its too hard to unders

13、tand spoken English。Answers:d,b,c,a Step 7 Pairwork 1。2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2bA: Have you ever studied with a group?B: Yes, I have。 Ive learned a lot that way。Show some pictures。1)A:Do you learn English by watching movies?B: Yes, its a very interesting way。C: No, its

14、too hard to understand spoken English。2)A: What about writing letters to a pen pal in America?B: Yes, it helps to improve my writing skills and know a lot about America。3)A: Do you have conversations with friends in English?B: Of course, we can talk about plenty of things like school, pets, movies,

15、and our parents。Step 8 SummaryHow do you study English?1、 by working with friends2、 by watching English movies。3、 by making word cards。4、 by reading the textbook。5、 by listening to tapes。6、 by asking the teacher for help。7、 by reading aloud。 Step9 Homework How do you studyEnglish?What about physics

16、and Chinese?Make a list。英语教案模板范文篇 3Teaching objectives: Knowledge objectives1、 Students can master the usage of the simple future tense。2、 Students can recognize the simple future tense when they meet。Ability objectivesStudents can use the simple future tense appropriately in daily munication。Emotio

17、nal objectives1、 Students will have more confidence in learning grammar。2、 Students will pay more attention to the grammar duringmunication。Teaching Key point:To master the usage of the simple future tense and try to use themin munication。Teaching difficult point:Students would like to use this gram

18、mar item correctly。Teaching methods:Communicative teaching approach, task based teaching approach, group work。Teaching ads:Multi mediaTeaching procedures:Step 1 warming up(8mins)Greeting and free talkShow four pictures about Jim, ask students to tell a story according to the story。(Justification: ar

19、ouse students interests in learning with games and make a good preparation for learning “the simple future tense”)Step 2 Presentation(22mins)Task 1 Read the sentences。 Then teacher helps students to find the principle of “the simple future tense”Im watching TV。Shes washing her clothes。Theyre listeni

20、ng to a CD(Justification: During this activity, students can find the principle of “the simple future tense” actively)Task 2 After learning the principle, ask students to do exercise “Write sentences following the examples。1)Jennyclean the housenowJenny is cleaning the house now。2)Bobmake dinnerever

21、y Saturday。_3)Marys parentsdrink teaafter dinner。_4)Billtalk on the phone now。_5)Becky and Bobwatch TV on weekends_Task 3 Number the sentences in order to make a telephone conversation。 Then practice it with a partner。_Do you want to go tomorrow then?_OK。 See you tomorrow evening!_ Im reading a book

22、。_Lets go at seven oclock。_ No, this book is really interesting。_What are you doing?_Do you want to go to the movies now?_Sure, what time?(Justification: in order to master the usage of the grammar item during practice)Step 3 consolidationWork in groups。 Students will be asked to describe the pictur

23、es by the grammar item, which were shown before class。(Justification: consolidate the usage of the grammar item in municative way。 )Step 4 summary and homeworkReview the language point by asking questions and write a short article by using “the simple future tense”(Justification: students can review

24、 can consolidate what they have learnt。 )Class Reflection:Blackboard Design:英语教案模板范文篇 4【教学重点】日常用语 Wheres .?及其 Its in/on/under .【教学难点】句子: Where is my car? In the toy box?的理解【教具准备】1.老师准备 Lets talk 部分的教学课件。2.老师和学生都准备 plane, car, doll ,bus, ball 等玩具和 book, pencil, ruler, eraser 等学习用品。3.学生准备纸和笔,准备画画用。【教学

25、过程】一、热身1. GreetingHello, boys and girls! Im Miss Deng.Whats your name? /My name is .Nice to meet you./Nice to meet you, too.Where are you from? Im from.2. Sing a song: Whats this? (曾经学过的一首英文歌曲)唱歌之后 ,介绍这节课的竞赛规则 ,通过爬登山夺红旗的活动 ,来 调动学生的乐观性 .利用学生年纪小好胜心强的特点,采纳竞赛使学生 更乐观主动的投入到学习当中 .答对者分男女生各得一分,最终获胜一 方,将得到老师的

26、小奖励.3. Game:传球放音乐 ,音乐停止谁拿球谁就要回答老师提出的问 题.(展示玩具盒中的玩具和学习用品 , 由复习进入新课 .通过游戏能 更进一步吸引学生的注意力,从而有一个好的开始)二、呈现1.老师拿出一个装有各种玩具的盒子,把玩具一件一件从盒子里 拿出来放在讲台上。T: Whats this? Ss: Its a ball (car, bus).T: Yes, theyre toys. Its a toy box.2. Ask and answer:Whats this?Its a desk/chair/box/car.Where is my car?Its on the desk

27、./Its in the toy box./Its under the toy box.用此方法引出单词: in, on, under 的教学。并让学生看词卡,认 读单词,最后将词卡贴在黑板上。3.老师播放 Lets talk 部分录像, 初步了解新对话内容.看录像前提 出问题,带问题去看录像,看过两遍后回答问题。Who is that boy? Hes Mike.(这儿用课件展示一个零乱的房间. 由此问题引出这是 MIKE 的房 间.这里又复习了 Unit 2 学习过的内容)Who is that woman? Shes Mikes mother.(这里引出 MIKE 的妈妈,可能学生对于

28、Mikes 这种表达无法说出, 老师可以有所帮助提示。 )Mike 是一个顽皮的孩子,房间如此零乱,妈妈叫他整理自己的 房间。你来帮 Mike 找找自己的东西,并整理好。从而引出下面的问 题:Where is my car? Its under the desk.Where is my plane? Its on the chair.Where is my bus? Its in the box.4.再次跟读课文,并分角色读。小组练习后进行表演。提示学生:当你想询问某物在哪里,可以说:Where is .? Its on/on/under. 5.趣味操练(Practice)(这些游戏将穿插上面

29、的教学当中)(1)游戏: Listen and do按老师的指令做动作或摆放物品。Put your book on the desk.Put your pencil in your pencil-case.Put your ruler under your book.Put your eraser in your pencil case.(2)小组活动:四人一组,做 Lets practise 的游戏。一名学生藏学习用品并问: Where is my .? ,另一名学生带上眼 罩猜用品在哪里 in your bag?/in your desk? 再有两名学生一个做裁判, 一个做记录员,每人只有

30、两次猜的机会,猜对一次,做一次记录,最 后猜对次数多的是优胜者。之后,俩俩交换,继续进行。(3)老师让学生拿出准备好的纸和笔, 准备按指令画画。 指令内容 如下:Listen and draw1) Draw a ball in a toy box.2) Draw a car on a toy box.3) Draw a plane under a toy box.4) Draw a doll in a toy box.6. 总结:1)提问:为何 MIKE 找不到自己的东西?因为他乱扔东西,如果像现在一样摆好东西,是不是更方便我们寻找呢?所以,我们不要像 MIKE 一样,要养成自己的东西摆放整齐

31、的好习惯。7.作业:1)听磁带,读课文。并表演给父母看。 2)表演完后告诉父母:通过这个小故事你学到了什么?【板书设计】Unit Five Where is my ruler?Where is my car?Its in/on/under英语教案模板范文篇 5活动名称:英语游戏“Where Is Santa?”活动班级:中班活动目标:1、乐观参加各种英语游戏活动, 学习单词 roof, ground, river, cave.2 、初步理解歌曲内容,乐意跟着歌曲进行表演。活动准备:单词卡片;制作雪人、圣诞老人面具;歌曲磁带;游戏锤子。 活动过程:一、 Warm Up(热身活动)1 、英语歌曲律

32、动: “Happy Song”“Are you happy today? Lets sing and dance.”二、 Words(运用 TPR 教学法学习新单词)1、房顶“roof”:“Lets color the roof.”2、地“ground”:“Lets jump/walk/run on the ground.”3、小河“river”:“Lets swim in the river.”4、山洞“cave”:“Lets go through the cave.”三、 Games(运用各种英语游戏,复习巩固单词)1、 Whats Missing.(谁不见了)2、 Hammer Game.(锤子游戏)3、 Happy Squat.(蹲蹲乐)4、 Bomb Game.(炸弹游戏)四、 Lets Sing.(理解歌曲内容,参加歌曲表演)1、老师讲述中英文故事,激发幼儿爱好,帮助幼儿理解歌曲内容。2 、老师带领幼儿学习歌曲表演。五、 Game(激发幼儿表演爱好,巩固歌曲表演)1、 幼儿扮演 Santa Claus ,表演歌曲。2、 圣诞老人送礼物给每个幼儿,体验帮助别人的快乐。

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