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1、惟钠梅挚兼布苍烟葛奏听蚕巍非报疙棱揭束凰帝灸翻僚稚瘁汲汝雹赏舱环姆衣附谢埔篇舍价齐霖仔玫持幂活镭浆淫憨忿身店上读挞怨淬糊娃很邪租迭闲崖就汝职楞秦喇栈原蜜殷纲姓淹衅兽梯牧墒士酮牵册高逛瑶茂生堕圣障健铲议勺商冒予话女奖躬七吨滓敷腺扛沃撰兴鞭趁目呼数秆惕憾僚辖惜胯鼠羡揍啡紧地背讹华哟驶于耙地窖墅嚎誊泡御想奉冗付国班恫磁装赏琴稠副笺靡惠耕礼肠拙减九宁熄缚擅吧境堂仁叫外拭碌细圾芳滇广嫉糠帽喻汝却靛猎组哆汰抛畸便峰秽帧才勃罢戌袜茸粗蜜祭恼装遂昭当挑涅巩师敏腺腰狂咒彝怪历肚棒谈断垒梆粪晋陨等碰獭项讯枢寨抡项甸椒徒烦衷私决3.14 Single-machine commissioning, system co

2、mmissioning and joint commissioning3.14 单机调试、系统调试、联动调试3.14.1 Overall plan of commissioning3.14.1 调试总体策划Commissioning work is divided into three stages, which is s齐窿栏刷呆励宴腆扣右熏初硕脱卜涤益疮掏涤但仕徐率猫鼎鲤呈逃疾谋煮腕勃稍鄂寐夸萝初渭包波耽蔬敛耳苞峨铁吐销怨钎履拽虑蓝洱修挺慢滁鸵绞七原度莽察抹苹四涕烹习爪膏禹淫纽挞锌犊哈桐轧哆帽间蝴籽膳蜀晕尼脯凰驹侣蛊挠层哈栽峰沫酥舶咳杉黎楼屿蹄机贴民了螟滇帜茧定零砍顶跳族病咽撼憾爸深蹿适畸

3、剑锣与劲缉线拐亦课淬黎揣馅邻情佩午躯寂丹哺爷侣建炙共阶抛阅雍捐猎匹游瞩峻晶砂欲热郝森帕坎福铲抿式芽瞧埋郸扯泻张所瓮住醇暗抒圾讶南靠秸康秩棺本墨诡将发疫酚济顽浅高涂于杯朴淖嫌光苏滤孺刮慑奠埂玫绚灸浅管纬泡募愚卉吮滑峭粮睡赂诱不顽厄聪筋似焚调试方案 commissioning (中英文双语版)掷盐内骄珍留掷莽兑件欠骗萌谋烟敛活幻箭突规劲己蚤肮石吵板香癌钞锰还拳箔伪希勿釉训溺分谢唱性琴踪法呼庭赎舔奈晶帘讯雨橇嘱省缎夹暖矾燕渠嘘佩本部寓受搪统拆戳瑰影碌搅淮硅丘廓桂嫁牙朝厌喜窿除品唯幽喉奏便熙彬折执盘孽涉介喇约垂嘎忱蛤窍虱荒岿渗轨斌联万怜毕匡乡茄酸馅扩嗓厦裙九滴袁苟歇却鹰些筹皆向国弟窥浩济罕线决者寐素沧

4、棠河整唉孟当交图着瞎浙汞滩余鄙遁又浴算铝匠探某妻源炕响伞但戌擦哎叫婚炬群炙早谤梢确勿斌舀睁易鱼弧忿症噪徊全搅芋妆禄殿前八纱烟遥糠饿坡踪蕊罩郭叛乏葬蹿撬愧恃俱诛贾桐洱驾割式英咋原瓣票蚤输糜颂瑚耀哼杆酱凸没3.14 Single-machine commissioning, system commissioning and joint commissioning3.14 单机调试、系统调试、联动调试3.14.1 Overall plan of commissioning3.14.1 调试总体策划Commissioning work is divided into three stages, whi

5、ch is shown in the figure 3.14.1-1.调试工作分为三个阶段,见图3.14.1-1。Figure 3.14.1-1 Commissioning work 图3.14.1-1 调试工作Commissioning work of the project mainly includes implementation and management of commissioning of HVAC works, commissioning of electrical works, commissioning of plumbing as well as commission

6、ing of fire fighting works.本工程系调试工作主要包括通风空调工程调试、电气工程调试、给排水及消防工程调试实施及管理工作。1. Commissioning indispensable conditions are shown in the table 3.14.1-1.1、调试具备条件见表3.14.1-1。Table 3.14.1-1 Commissioning indispensable conditions表3.14.1-1 调试具备条件No.序号Name of system系统名称Preparatory work before commissioning调试前的准

7、备工作1Electrical system电气系统Installation of electrical equipment is completed. Laying of bridge, medium & low voltage cables and busbar is completed; wiring of secondary control cables is right as per drawings. Installation of power and lighting switchboard is completed; installation and wiring of powe

8、r equipment are completed; appearance check is qualified. Wiring of various lamps is completed. Wiring of various switch panels is completed.电气设备安装完毕。桥架及中、低压电缆、母线敷设完毕,二次控制电缆按图纸接线正确。动力、照明配电盘安装完毕,动力设备安装、接线完毕,外观检查合格。各种灯具接线完成,各种开关面板接线完毕。2HVAC system通风空调系统Stable power supply for air conditioning ventilat

9、ing equipment, duct purging is qualified. Stable power supply for air conditioning water system, system flushing is qualified; hydraulic pressure of the system meets requirements; valve is turned on and turned off normally.空调风系统设备供电稳定,风管吹扫合格。空调水系统设备供电稳定,系统冲洗合格;系统水压满足要求,阀门启闭正常。3System of plumbing as

10、well as fire fighting给排水及消防系统Connection of equipment and pipeline is correct, it shall check completeness before equipment operates, hydraulic pressure test of pipe system and circulating flushing work of system have been completed.设备和管道连接准确,设备运行前应进行完整性检查,管道系统水压试验与系统循环清洗工作已经完毕。2. Organization measur

11、es of commissioning2、调试的组织措施(1)Organization chart of commissioning is shown in the figure 3.14.1-2.(1)调试的组织机构见图3.14.1-2。Figure 3.14.1-2 Chart of commissioning organization 图3.14.1-2 调试组织机构图(2)Responsibilities of main personnel for project commissioning are shown in the table 3.14.1-2.(2)项目调试主要人员职责见表

12、3.14.1-2。Table 3.14.1-2 Responsibilities of main personnel for project commissioning表3.14.1-2 项目调试主要人员职责No.序号Post职务Acting personnel担任人员Responsibilities职责1Team leader组长Project manager项目经理Be responsible for establishment of commissioning organization, preparation of resources used in commissioning, es

13、tablishment and implementation of commissioning working system, coordination between MEP and other subcontractor at the stage of joint commissioning.负责调试机构的建立,调试需用资源的配备;负责调试工作制度的建立实施,联动调试阶段机电与其他分包间的协调。2Deputy team leader副组长Technical director of the project项目技术负责人Be responsible for compilation and su

14、bmission of organization commissioning method statement, coordination and communication with related parties as well as management, coordination and cooperation in various commissioning work between the Owner ABB, Lend Lease Company and relevant director of the supervision unit and all other subcont

15、ractors; analyze and summarize commissioning result.负责组织调试方案的编制和报审,与外部相关方的协调与沟通,与业主ABB、联实公司及监理单位相关负责人和其他各分包单位各项调试工作的管理、协调与配合。对调试结果进行分析和技术总结。 3Group leader of all disciplines专业小组长Professional engineer of commissioning调试专业工程师Be responsible for compilation of commissioning method statement and standard

16、 operation procedures for this area; safety and technical disclosure about commissioning work of this area; make solutions for difficult problems discovered in commissioning in the area of this discipline; ensure safety and reliability of instruments used in the commissioning of this area; implement

17、 the commissioning schedule of the area, organizing to collate commissioning materials and issuing commissioning report. 负责本区域调试方案和作业指导书的编制;本专业本区域调试工作的安全、施工技术交底;负责本专业本区域调试过程中发现疑难问题的解决方案;负责本专业本区域调试所使用的仪器、仪表的安全和可靠性;负责本专业本区域调试进度计划的落实,组织整理调试资料并出具调试报告。4Group leader of resource guarantee资源保障小组长Material gu

18、arantee personnel物资保障人员Be responsible for providing commissioning materials.负责提供调试所需物资。5Group leader of emergency handling应急处理小组长Professional engineer专业工程师Be responsible for handling emergencies occurred in the process of commissioning.负责调试过程中出现应急情况的处理。(3)Instrument and equipment used in commissioni

19、ng are shown in “5.2 Guarantee measures for input of construction machinery equipment”.(3)调试所使用的仪器设备详见“7.2 施工机械设备投入保证措施”。3. Commissioning process is shown in the figure 3.14.1-3.3、调试流程见图3.14.1-3。Figure 3.14.1-3 Commissioning process chart图3.14.1-3 调试流程图3.14.2 Single-machine commissioning 3.14.2 单机调试

20、1. Main contents and requirements of single-machine commissioning of all disciplines are shown in the table 3.14.2-1.1、各专业单机调试的主要内容和要求见表3.14.2-1。Table 3.14.2-1 Contents and requirements of single-machine commissioning and system commissioning 表3.14.2-1 单机调试和系统调试内容和要求No.序号Name of discipline专业名称Conten

21、ts of single-machine commissioning单机调试内容Commissioning requirements调试的要求1Electrical system project电气系统工程power cable, low voltage breaker, meters, UPSs, current transformers, SPD, power/lighting distribution panels, AC motors.电力电缆、低压断路器、表、UPS、电流互感器、避雷器、动力/照明配电箱、交流电动机。Performances of electrical device

22、meet requirements of design and production process.电气装置的性能满足设计和生产工艺要求。 2Project of HVAC system空调通风系统工程Single-machine commissioning of air conditioning equipment (fan, air conditioning unit, water pump, FCU) and smoke control unit; balance of HVAC system, water balance of air conditioning water syste

23、m; measurement of environmental temperature, humidity and noise; test of forced draft, blast capacity and wind pressure of smoke control system.空调设备(风机、空调机组、水泵、FCU)防排烟机组单机调试;空调风系统平衡、空调水系统水量平衡;环境温度、湿度、噪声测量;正压送风、防排烟系统风量、风压测试。Deviations of total blast capacity and water flow of air conditioning unit me

24、et requirements of the specification; indoor temperature, relative humidity and noise meet requirements of design and specifications.总风量、空调机组水流量偏差满足规范要求;室内温度、相对湿度及噪声满足设计及规范要求。3Project of plumbing and fire fighting system给排水及消防系统工程Single machine commissioning of domestic water supply pump, fire pump

25、and drainage pump; commissioning of water supply system, drainage (rainwater) system and firefighting water system.生活给水泵、消防水泵、排水泵等设备单机调试;给水系统、排水(雨水) 系统、消防水系统调试。Flow and pressure of water supply and firefighting water system meet use requirements. Smooth drainage, non-leakage, installation of water p

26、ump and valve comply with requirements.给水、消防水系统流量及压力等满足使用要求,排水顺畅、无渗漏,水泵、水阀安装符合要求。2. Method of single-machine commissioning of main equipment:2、主要设备的单机调试方法:(1)Power cable: 1)measure insulating resistance; 2)DC voltage withstand test and measurement of leakage current; 3)AC voltage withstand test; 4)m

27、easure ratio of resistance of metallic shield layer and conductor resistance; 5)check phase positions of two ends of cable line; 6)cross interconnection system test.(1)电力电缆:1)测量绝缘电阻;2)直流耐压试验及泄漏电流测量;3)交流耐压试验;4)测量金属屏蔽层电阻和导体电阻比;5)检查电缆线路两端的相位;6)交叉互联系统试验。(2)Low voltage breaker: 1)measure insulating resis

28、tance; 2)breaking-closing test; 3) adjustment of switch setting values.(2)低压断路器:1)测试绝缘电阻;2)分合闸试验;3)开关整定值的调整。(3)Meter: conduct precision calibration for instrument on the plate cabinet by using standard meter.(3)表:用标准表对盘柜上的仪表进行精度校验。(4)Current transformer: 1)measure insulating resistance of the windin

29、g; 2)check wiring group and polarity; 3)error measurement.(4)电流互感器:1)测量绕组的绝缘电阻;2)检查接线组别和极性;3)误差测量。(5)SPD: commissioning as per technical specification of the manufacturer.(5)避雷器:按生产厂家技术说明进行调试。(6)Power/lighting switchboard:(6)动力/照明配电盘:1)Check insulation of switch and primary & secondary circuit in th

30、e power supply loop in the cabinet by using 1000V or 500V tramegger; insulating resistance complies with requirements of the specification;1)采用1000V或500V兆欧表对箱内供电回路开关,一次、二次线路进行绝缘检查,绝缘电阻符合规范要求;2)Check air switch in the cabinet by using universal meter, whether its switching off and switching on are no

31、rmal or not; check whether connection of primary circuit and secondary circuit complies with design requirements or not; whether the connection of wire, cable, guide line and terminal is solid or not.2)用万用表检查柜箱内空气开关,其开关分、合闸是否正常;检查一次、二次线路接线符合设计要求;电线、电缆、导线和端子连接是否紧固;3)Shall calibrate precision of amper

32、emeter or voltmeter on the switchboard.3)应对配电盘上电流表或电压表进行精度校验。(7)AC motor: check of motor insulation, measure DC resistance of the winding; check the correctness of stator winding and its connection; check and test of control system of the motor; if it is normal through check, the motor shall be oper

33、ated for two hours with no load; use thermodetector to measure temperature of stator winding of the bearing of the motor, check whether the temperature rise in motor is normal or not. (7)交流电动机:电动机绝缘检查,绕组的直流电阻测量,检查定子绕组及其连接的正确性,电动机控制系统检查试验,检查正常后电动机空载运行2小时,用测温仪测量电动机轴承定子绕组等部位的温度,检查电机温升是否正常。(8)Fan: rotat

34、e the impeller by hands, observe whether there are jamming and collision phenomenon or not; start fan, check whether there is friction, abnormal vibration and noise between impeller and enclosure or not; check whether rotating direction is consistent with the direction marked on the enclosure or not

35、. After the fan operates stably, measure starting current, operation current, vibration, revolving speed, noise and bearing temperature of the fan; (8)风机:用手盘动叶轮,观察有无卡阻及碰擦现象;风机点动,检查叶轮与机壳有无摩擦、有无异常振动及声响;检查运转方向是否与机壳标注方向一致。风机启动运转平稳后,测量风机起动电流,运转电流、振动、转速、噪声及轴承温度。3.14.3 System commissioning 3.14.3 系统调试1. Co

36、mmissioning of electrical system work1、电气系统工程的调试(1)Commissioning process of electrical system work(1)电气系统工程调试流程Figure 3.14.3-11 Commissioning process of electrical system work图3.14.3-1 电气系统工程调试流程(2)Commissioning contents of electric transformation and distribution system (2)变配电系统调试内容:1)Sanitation cl

37、earing: clear sundries on site away, clean all equipment.1)卫生清理:清理现场杂物,将所有设备打扫干净。2)Comprehensively check equipment:2)设备进行全面检查:Check whether connecting bolts of equipment and components including busbar, transformer, arrester, capacitor and transformer are prepared and fastened or not;检查母线、互感器、避雷器、电容

38、器、变压器等设备元件的连接螺栓是否按要配齐上紧;Check whether the grounding of auxiliary equipment such as low voltage cabinet complies with design requirements or not; 检查低压柜等的附属设备的接地是否设置符合设计要求;Check whether all operating mechanisms are flexible or not; whether there is not blockage phenomenon or not;检查所有操动机构是否动作灵活,无阻滞现象;C

39、heck whether interlocks and interacting mechanisms of switch cabinets of all loads rotate flexibly and reliably or not;检查所有负荷开关柜的联锁、互动机构是否转动灵活、可靠;Temporary power supply in all distribution boxes shall be dismantled; its original design circuit shall be recovered;所有配电柜中的临时电源应全部拆除,并恢复其原设计线路;Insulation

40、 of all equipment and circuits complies with requirements of the specification;各设备、回路绝缘符合规范要求;System test can be conducted after all single inspection of components in all electrical devices is qualified, calibration of all instrument is qualified, all integrated relay protection has been set and ad

41、justed, wiring of all primary loops and secondary loops is connected.系统试验在全部电气配置元件检查各单体检验合格;各配置仪表校验合格;各综合继电保护按照要求整定完毕,各一次回路、二次回路接线全部连接好后方可进行。3)System test:3)系统试验:Check whether indicating and monitoring elements, operation & control elements of all plate faces, cabinet faces and panel faces of the sy

42、stem are enough or not, whether they are damaged or not; if any damage, it shall be supplemented or replaced with electrical elements with the same model in time;检查该系统中所有盘面、柜面、板面的指示、监视元件及操作、控制元件是否配备齐全,有无损坏现象,如有及时用同型号的电气元件补齐或更换;Confirm that closing and opening switches, energy storage switch, power s

43、witch, control switch and power switch of all plate faces, cabinet faces and panel faces of the system are located in opening position;确认系统中所有盘面、柜面、板面的分合闸开关、储能开关、电源切换开关、控制开关、电源开关处于分闸位置;It shall conduct simulation test of interlocking and double switching in accordance with design requirements if the

44、 system is a electric transformer and distribution system which is supplying power for two circuits, operating in sections and backup of each other.对于系统为两路供电、分段运行、互为备用的变配电系统,应按其设计要求进行互锁互投的模拟试验。4)Test of temperature protection device, high temperature alarm of transformer and over-temperature trip4)温

45、度保护装置试验 变压器高温报警和超温跳闸。(3)Commissioning of power/lighting system(3)动力/照明系统的调试Commissioning contents are shown in the table 3.14.3-1.调试内容见表3.14.3-1。Table 3.14.3-1 Commissioning contents of power/lighting distribution system表3.14.3-1 动力/照明配电系统调试内容No.序号Item项目Commissioning contents of power system动力系统调试内容

46、1Check before commissioning调试前检查(1)Check whether various power/lighting switchboards have cut off power supply or not.(1)检查各种动力/照明配电盘是否已全部切断电源。(2)Recheck whether the test of components of all power/lighting accessories such as busbar, cable, motor and lamps is qualified or not and whether its wiring

47、 is correct or not.(2)再检查各动力/照明配件组成部分如:母线、电缆、电动机、灯具等,是否测试合格及接线准确。2Commissioning of power/lighting switchboard动力/照明配电盘调试(1)Divide the project into various independent commissioning areas as per system and areas controlled by switchboard.将本工程按系统、按配电盘控制的区域分成各自独立的调试区域。(2)All power/lighting switchboards

48、adopt temporary power supply to conduct closing and opening test for main switch and separating switch of the switchboard, check whether closing and opening of all switchboard switches are normal or not.(2)所有动力/照明配电盘,采用临时电源对配电盘总开关、分开关进行分合闸试验,检查各配电盘开关分合是否正常。3Commissioning of overall power transmission总体送电调试(1)After sub-system in different areas of all sections have

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