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1、小学英语句子基本结构汇总本章主要讲解两个方面:(1)句子的成分和基本句型;(2)句子的种类。一、句子的成分和基本句型1句子的成分主语+谓语=主题成分表语+宾语(直接/间接宾语)+宾语补足语+定语+状语 =次要部分 主语subject主语是谓语讲述的对象,表示所说的“是什么或“是谁”。一般由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词或短语来充当.它在句首。We study in NO. 1 Middle School(we是主语,我们在一中上学。)The classroom is very clean(The classroom 是主语,这个教室很干净.)Three students were abse

2、nt(Three students是主语,三个学生缺席。)To teach them English is my job。 (To teach them English是主语,教他们英语是我的工作)It is my job to teach them English.(此句为特殊句式,it作形式主语,真正的主语是to teach them English) 谓语predicate说明主语“做什么、“是什么”或“怎么样,谓语(谓语部分里主要的词)必须用动词。谓语和主语在人称和数两方面必须一致,它在主语后面。 His parents are doctors他的父母是医生。 She looks we

3、ll她看起来不错。 We study hard我们学习很刻苦. We have finished reading the book我们已经读完了这本书。 He can speak English他可以说英语。 表语predicative表语说明主语“是什么”或者“怎么样,由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式及相当于名词或形容词的词或短语来担任。它的位置在系动词后面。You look younger than before你看起来比以前更年轻了.I am a teacher我是个老师。Every body is here. 所有的人都在这.They are at home now他们现在在家。

4、My job is to teach them English我的工作是教他们英语。 宾语object宾语是动作、行为的对象,由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词、短语来担任,它和及物动词一起说明主语做什么,在谓语之后.She is playing the piano now她现在正在弹钢琴。He often helpsme 他经常帮助我.He likesto sleep in the open air他喜欢在室外睡觉。We enjoyliving in China我们喜欢在中国生活。 宾语补足语object complement宾语后面加上一个词或一个短语用来对宾语的特征、状态等情况进行补充

5、说明,这个词或短语叫做宾宾语补足语.它和前面的宾语一起形成“复合宾语”它可以是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词或动词不定式等。“宾语+宾语补足语” =复合宾语Leave the door open. (open是door的宾补)让门开着。We found Li Ming out when we arrived。 (副词out,是李明的宾补)当我们到达的时候发现李明出去了。Make yourself at home。 (at home副词短语做yourself的宾补)别拘束,随便。就像在自己家一样。I saw a stranger enter the building. (enterthe b

6、uilding做a stranger的宾补)我看见一个陌生人进入了大楼.The boss kept them working all day。 (working all day 做them的宾补)老板让他们一整天都在工作。Yesterday he got his leg broken。 (broken做his leg的宾补)昨天他的腿受伤了。 状语adverbial 状语用来修饰动词、形容词或副词。它表示行为发生的时间、地点、目的、方式程度等意义,一般放在句末,但有的可以放在句首、句中。 He did it carefully他认真的做这件事。Without his help,we could

7、nt work it out没有他的帮助,我们不能完成这件事.(In order) to catch up with my classmates,I must study hard为了赶上我的同班同学,我必须努力学习. 定语attributive定语用来修饰名词或代词,凡是有名词、代词的地方都可以有定语形容词、代词、数词、名词、介词短语,不定式或相当于形容词的词或短语等都可以担任定语.。The blackbike is mine(形容词black修饰名词bike)这个黑色的自行车是我的。What is yourname? (形容词性物主代词your修饰名词name)你叫什么名字?They ma

8、de paperflowers。(名词paper修饰名词flowers)他们制备纸花。The boysin the room are in Class Three Grade One。 (介词短语in the room修饰名词boys)这个房间里的男孩们在一年级三班。I have somethingto do. (动词不定式to do修饰名词something)我有一些事要做。基本句型 第1种句型S+V (主语+谓语)主语谓语(不及物动词)Classbegins. (class主语,动词begins做谓语)We begin our class at 8。(we做主语,begin做谓语) 第2种

9、句型S+V+O 主语谓语(及物动词)+宾语My fatherreadthe book。 (my father做主语,read做谓语,the book做宾语)我爸爸读书。She likes English。 (She做主语,likes 做谓语,English做宾语)I know him very well。 (I做主语,know做谓语,him做宾语)我很了解他He stopped writing。 (he做主语,stopped做谓语,writing做宾语)You must listen to me.(you做主语,must listen to做谓语,me做宾语)你必须听我的。第3种句型S+V+P

10、主语+系动词+表语Hebecamea scientist. (He做主语,became做系动词,名词短语a scientist做表语).他成为了一个科学家。They are honest。 (They做主语,are是系动词,形容词honest是表语)他们是忠诚的。They are at home now。(They是主语,are是系动词,介词短语at home是表语)他们现在在家。My job is to teach them English。(My job是主语,is是系动词,动词不定式to teach them English是表语)我的工作是教他们英语。在句子中经常作为系动词的动词有ke

11、ep look smell sound taste feelgrow get go turn第4种句型S+V+IO+DO 主语谓语(及物动词)间接宾语直接宾语直接宾语是及物动词的直接对象间接宾语表示动作是对谁做的,或是为谁做的双宾语 :直接宾语(表示动作结果)和间接宾语(动作目标)HegaveToma present. (he是主语,gave是谓语,Tom是间接宾语,a present是直接宾语)Giveit to me。 (give是谓语,it是直接宾语,me是间接宾语)必背:p。7间接宾语在后面时, 其前必须加to(“给”)或for (给 、 “替 、 “为 )直接宾语和间接宾语的使用间+

12、直当直接宾语是人称代词时,为了强调间接宾语,直+间我把它递给我妈妈。 I passed itto mymother。 (it是直接宾语,my mother是间接宾语)她把它们扔给我. She threw them to me. (them是直接宾语,me是间接宾语)我为他找到多余的书/票。I found spare books/tickets for him。 (spare books是直接宾语,him是间接宾语)“疑问词+不定式作直接宾语他教我如何读这个单词。He taught me how to read the word。(me是间接宾语,how to read the word是直接宾

13、语)我告诉他做什么。I told him what to do。(him是间接宾语,what todo是直接宾语)他问我为什么唱这支歌。He asked me why to sing this song。(me是间接宾语,why to sing this song是直接宾语)她问我走哪条路.She asked me whichway to go。(me是间接宾语,which way to go 是直接宾语)第5种句型S+V+O+OC主语谓语(及物动词)宾语宾语补足语call,name,make,think,and,leave 他们使她幸福. Theymadeherhappy。(They 是主语

14、,made是谓语,her是宾语,happy是宾补)我们叫她康妮。WecallherConnie。(we是主语,call是谓语,her是宾语,Connie是宾补)我觉得这部电影很有意思。 I found the movie interesting(I是主语,found是谓语,the movie是宾语,interesting是宾补) 他让这个窗户开着. He left the window open(He是主语,left是谓语,the Window是宾语,open是宾补)我看见她跳舞了.Isawherdance。(I是主语,saw是谓语,her是宾语,dance是宾补)第4种句型和第5种句型(双宾

15、语和复合宾语)的比较第4种句型变为被动语态,有两种情况:We sent them a telegram.我们给他们发了个电报。They were sent a telegram。A telegram was sent to them.第5种句型变为被动语态时,只有一种句式。I will make you king. You will be made king。He gave me a book.He calls meTom。宾语+宾语补足语可以形成逻辑上的主谓关系,即“我是汤姆;间接宾语和直接宾语不存在逻辑上的主谓关系,即不能想像为“我是一本书。1 用所给的单词组成句子1。to, the, b

16、ox, I, want, take, to, room, heavy, theI want to take the heavy box to the room。2。look, things, the, after, boys, their, mustThe boys must look after their things。3。here, all, are, youYou are all here.4。today, who, duty, is, onWho is on duty today?5。Miss, them, 3 years ago, Wang, taught, JapaneseMis

17、s Wang taught them Japanese 3 years ago.6。is, rice, bag, in, there, much, the There is much rice in the bag. 2 根据中文提示,完成下列句子1。Have you ever been to(最远的小岛)?2.We must(保持清洁) our classroom.3。Theyand(每两小时,必须坐下休息)two hours。4。After work he always(感到有点儿累).5。There is(有点儿毛病) with Lindas cats eyes。6.I can see(

18、没有异常之物) in the tree。7.Mr。 Fang is(去访问) his aunt。二、句子的种类1、陈述句凡是说明一件事情,提出一个看法,或是表达一种心情的句子有肯定式和否定式。句末用句号“,通常用降调 否定结构应注意事项A、使用not的部分否定如果使用了very,always以及all,both,every及every的复合词I dont play football well。I dont play football very well。It isntalways hot here in summer.B、not的其他否定表示a notat all一点也不我一点儿也不累.Im

19、not tired at all。我一点儿也不喜欢它。I dont like it at all。b notany more, notany longer再也不我再也不在这儿住了。I dont live here any longer. 我再也不能多吃了。I can not eat any more.=I can eat no more。2、祈使句表示请求、命令、建议等.谓语动词一律用原形。通常不用主语,句末用惊叹号或句号,用降调。1含有第二人称主语的祈使句A、肯定式:动词原形(省主语)Stand up。Be quiet, please。 Do study hard。 Li Ming, com

20、e hereCome here, Li Ming含有第一、三人称主语的祈使句A、肯定的祈使句Let第一人称(me, us)Let第三人称代词(him/her/it/them)或名词咱们马上动身吧。Lets go at onceLets go, shall/shant we?。Let us go, will/wont you? Yes, lets/No, lets not。Let me try againLet Tom go there himselfB、否定的祈使句Lets (us, me)not动词原形Dont let第三人称代词的宾格或名词动词原形Lets not say anything

21、 about itDont let them play with fireLet them not play with fire。3、感叹句表示喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈感情。分为两种:一种以what引导,一种以how引导。句尾用感叹号“!”。用降调.what引导的感叹句:What+名词(或形容词名词)陈述句(主语谓语)!(他是个)多么诚实的人啊! What an honest man he is! (这些是)多么大的苹果啊! What big apples these are! 多么好的天气啊!What fine weather it is! 2 how引导的感叹句:How+形容词或副词陈述句(主

22、语谓语)+!今天天气多热阿!How hot it is today!那凤筝飞得多么高啊!How high the kite is flying! 他跑的多快啊!How fast he runs!多么诚实的人啊!How honest the man is!我多想当个老师阿1How I want to be a teacher!1按要求改写下列句子1There is some milk in the bottle(改为否定句)1. There isnt any milk in the bottle. 2Take the chair to the door(改为否定句)2。 Dont take th

23、e chair to the door。3He did the housework yesterday(改为否定句) 3。 He didnt do the housework yesterday。 4The ship is big(改为感叹句) 4。 How big the ship is!/What a big ship it is! 5He does well in maths(改为否定句) 5. He doesnt do well in maths.6They can put the bag in the box(改为否定句) 6。 They cannot put the bag in

24、the box。7Give him a bottle of milk(改为否定句)7。 Dont give him a bottle of milk。8He had done with the goods before he went away(改为否定句)8。 He hadnt done with the goods before he went away. 9These people are very brave(改为感叹句)9。 How brave these people are!/What brave people they are!10Tom has strong arms(改为W

25、hat引导的感叹句) 10。 What strong arms Tom has!11This film is very good(改为How引导的感叹句)11。 How good the film is! 12I want to be a doctor(改为感叹句)12。 How I want to be a doctor!13There was something wrong with the radio(改为否定句)13。 There was nothing wrong with the radio。 or: There wasnt anything wrong with the radi

26、o.14You must be kind to the other people(改为祈使句) 14。 Be kind to the other people!/Do be kind to the other people!15You mustnt eat lunch now(改为祈使句) 15. Dont eat lunch now!16Shall we play tennis after school?(改为祈使句)16. Lets play tennis after school. 17How cold it is today!(改为肯定陈述句)17。 It is very cold t

27、oday. 18I think he will come(改为否定句)18。 I dont think he will come. 19He works very hard(改为HOW引导的感叹句)19。 How hard he works! 20Lets go to see them(改为否定句) 20。 Lets not go to see them.2汉译英1父亲很可怜,他几乎不会写他的名字.1。 His father is poor。 He can hardly write his name。 2我很少看报纸,我不知道每天都发生什么事。2. I seldom read newspapers。 I dont know what has happened /happens every day. 3我的父亲并非每天早上都到办公室去。3。 My father does not go to his office every morning.4好难的工作呀!4. What a difficult job! 5他跳得真高! 5. How high he jumps!

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