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1、2021高考英语安徽黄山市语法填空及阅读类自选练习(3)及答案【2022高考英语广东省华侨中学四模】 语法填空阅读下面短文,依据句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填在答题卡标号为1625的相应位置上。When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your anger. But forgiveness is possibleand it can be surprisingly beneficial _16_ your phy

2、sical and mental health. So far, research _17_ (show) that people who forgive report more energy, better appetite and better sleep patterns. People who forgive show _18_ (little) anger and more hopefulness, says Dr. Frederic Luskin, who wrote the book Forgive for Good. So it can help reduce the tire

3、dness out of the immune system and allow people to feel more energetic. _19_ when someone has hurt you, calm yourself first. Take a couple of breaths and think of something _20_ gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love. Dont wait for an _21_ (apologize). Many times the pe

4、rson who hurt you may never think of apologizing, says Dr. Luskin. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just dont see things _22_ same way. So if you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting a very long time. Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean _23_ (accept) the act

5、ion of the person who upset you. Instead, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Finally, try to see things _24_ the other persons perspective. You may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance. To gain perspective, you may want to write a letter to _25_ from that perso

6、ns point of view.【参考答案】语法填空:16. to17. has shown18. less19. So20. that21. apology22. the23. accepting24. from25. yourself【2021届宁夏银川一中高三上学期第一次月考(202208)】其次节:(共10小题;每题1分,共10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Today I received a sweet letter from Brianna, one of my “cookies”. It was wonderful to h

7、ear 76_her. You see 77_ I taught kindergarten, I called all 78_ sweet children “cookies”. Brianna said that every day she would walk into kindergarten and see a smile 79_ my face. I named them “cookies” because I always feel that children can bring great happiness and 80_ (excite) to my life. I stil

8、l feel that all children are the 81_ (great) joy I could ever have. So far I 82_ (adopt) and taught children for over 35 years. All my children were 83_ are now a great joy of my life. 84_(hope), I feel much fortunate to be able to use my lifes talent to teach children and have fun 85_(do) it every

9、day. I am able to spread my wings and help my “cookies” to spread their wings.【答案】【学问点】语法填空【答案解析】76. from hear from sb. 收到某人的来信77. when 在幼儿园教书时,我把全部的小伴侣叫“cookies”。when引导的时间状语从句。78. mythe all mythe +名词复数79. on a smile on ones face 面带微笑80. excitement and 前后两个词保持词性全都,这里也要用excite的名词excitement。81. greate

10、st 依据句意这里要用形容词great的最高级greatest. 82. have adopted so far(到目前为止)提示我们这里要用现在完成时态。83. and 两个并列谓语用and. 我教过的孩子不论是过去还是现在都是我人生中欢快的源泉。84. Hopefully Hopefully(但愿)=I hope that85.doing have fun doing sth. 固定用法广东省语法填空阅读下面短文,依据句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Stress is difficult to define or measure.

11、 Some people enjoy a busy lifestyle and are able to deal well with life crises. _1_ people feel tensed or stressed by the slightest deviation from their set daily routine. Many people fall somewhere _2_ between,but may have periods when levels of stress increase.You may have many signs if your stres

12、s builds up. For example,you wont be _3_ to sleep properly with worries going through your mind. You can be _4_(patience)or irritable at minor problems. You may not be able to concentrate due _5_ many things going through your mind. Some may lose their _6_ and dont feel like eating. In addition, you

13、 will be unable to relax, and always feel that something needs _7_(do)Ongoing stress _8_(think)to be bad for health,although this is difficult to prove. Stress may also contribute to other physical illnesses in ways little _9_(understand). For example, it is thought that many physical problems and o

14、ther conditions are made worse by an increased level of stress. Besides, your work performance,and relationships, may also be affected by stress. _10_, we should try our best to get rid of our stress and live more comfortably.1解析Some.other经常搭配在一起,表示“一些一些”。依据语境这里可以选择other或者some都可以。答案Other/Some2解析考查介词

15、短语的用法。in between表示“介于之间”。答案in3解析考查短语be able to的用法。依据句子意思选择。答案able4解析空格前面是一个系动词,故用所给单词的形容词形式在句中作表语。另外,从句子的规律来看,此处用表示否定意义的形容词impatient才能在含义上与短文相符。答案impatient5解析due to是一个固定的短语,意为“由于,由于”,常用来表示缘由。答案to6解析lose ones appetite也是一个固定的短语,意为“没有食欲”。答案appetite7解析动词need的后面经常用不定式的被动式或动名词的主动式表示被动意义。答案to be done/doing

16、8解析本句的主语it是所给动词think所表动作的承受者,故应用所给动词的被动式。答案is thought9解析考查过去分词做后置定语。答案understood10解析考查连接词。答案Therefore/Then/Thus/Thereby完形填空Elaine was a saleswoman,who drove all over the city five days a week. When all the freeway lanes were at a dead stop,she would drive quickly along the emergency lane. While driv

17、ing she usually_1_on her cellphone,drinking a soda or eating a sandwichher hands,legs and mouth were always_2_while she was driving.Last night she got_3_in Friday evening rush hour. She was going to be _4_for her date. She was already_5_when things seemed to be getting worse and all the traffic stop

18、ped. Elaine drove_6_over to the emergency lane. Soon she saw the red flashing lights in the mirror. She had to_7_her car. A goodlooking officer walked up.“Officer,my boyfriend left me after he got me pregnant. I have constant morning sickness. Im just trying to get to the nearest store to buy my_8_.

19、” She looked at the officer with_9_eyes.He looked at her pitifully,then said_10_,“Okay,maam. Take the first exit. I hope youll be feeling better.”The officer walked back to his car and Elaine drove on. This was the second time that_11_had worked for her. She had one more thing to do before she got h

20、ome. She had to mail a package. When she got to the shopping mall at 7 pm,no parking was_12_,except for the handicapped space. Elaine drove right into it. She would only be a minute,she told_13_.All she had to do was _14_the post office,get the package_15_,and pay the clerk.Fortunately,there was no_

21、16_in the store. Everything was done so _17_that she was whistling while she walked back out to her car. Then she stopped_18_.There was an envelope on the windshield (挡风玻璃)She opened it slowly. She knew_19_it was,but not how much it was. She screamed when she saw the_20_.A dog started barking.【语篇解读】

22、本文主要叙述了在晚上回家的途中发生在女推销员Elaine身上的事情。1. A. dependedBcarriedCtalkedDsold解析她在开车时通常打电话、喝苏打汽水或吃三明治。talk(to sb.)on ones cellphone意为“用手机(和某人)通话”。答案C2A. full Bopen CfreeDbusy解析在开车时她的手、腿和嘴巴总是闲不住。busy劳碌的,符合语境。答案D3 A. stuckBhurt Cannoyed Dpunished解析昨晚她赶上了周五晚上的交通高峰期。get stuck in意为陷入。答案A4A. late Bready CexcitedDma

23、d解析她的约会要迟到了。be late for迟到,符合语境。答案A5A. satisfiedBangry CexhaustedDcalm解析就在事情好像变得更糟糕,全部的交通都停止的时候,她已经生气了。angry生气的,发怒的。答案B6A. reluctantly BimmediatelyCguiltilyDgratefully解析Elaine马上(immediately)将车开上应急车道。此空与文章第一段其次句中的“quickly”相呼应。答案B7A. stop Bstart Cdiscard Dspeed解析她不得不将车停(stop)下。答案A8A.gas Bticket Cmedici

24、neDpackage解析她说她只是想到最近的商店买点儿药(medicine)。答案C9A.innocentBaggressive CaddictedDproud解析她用无辜的(innocent)眼神望着那名警官。答案A10A. softly Brudely CstrictlyDskeptically解析他满怀怜悯地看着她,温存地(softly)说:“那行,女士。走第一个出口吧。我期望你会好起来。”答案A 11A. officer Bexcuse Cdriver Dmistake解析这是那个借口(excuse)其次次奏效了。答案B12A. adoptableBaccessible Caccept

25、ableDavailable解析当她晚上7点钟到达购物中心的时候,除了残疾人专区外,已没有可供使用的(available)泊车位。答案D13A. the clerkBthe guard Cthe workerDherself 解析她告知自己,只会停一分钟。反身代词herself在此作told的宾语。答案D14A. take outBget out Crun into Dpush into解析她要做的就是跑进(run into)邮局,将包裹称重(weighed),并付钱给工作人员。答案C15A. weighed Bprinted Crepaired Dpaid解析参见上题解析。答案A16A. c

26、ar Bline Cpolice Dservice解析幸运的是,不需要排队。line队伍,行列,符合语境。答案B17A. quicklyBslowly CstrangelyDquietly解析一切都做得很快(quickly)以至于她往回走向汽车时竟吹起了口哨。答案A18A .talking BdrivingCthinkingDwhistling解析她停止吹口哨(whistling)。答案D19A. how Bwhy Cwhat Dthat解析她知道那是什么(what),但她不知道是多少。答案C20A.letter BorderCamount Dinvitation解析当她看到罚单上的金额(am

27、ount)时,她尖叫起来。答案C阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。Very old people do raise moral problems for almost everyone who comes in contact with them. Their valuesthis cant be repeated too oftenare not necessarily our values. Physical comfort, cleanness and order are not necessarily the most important

28、 things. The social services from time to time find themselves faced with a flat with decaying food covered by small worms, and an old person lying alone in bed, taking no notice of the worms. But is it interfering(干涉) with personal freedom to insist that they go to live with some of their relatives

29、 so that they might be taken better care of? Some social workers, the ones who clear up the worms, think we are in danger of carrying this concept of personal freedom to the point where serious risks are being taken with the health and safety of the old.Indeed, the old can be easily hurt or harmed.

30、The body is like a car, it needs more mechanical maintenance(机械修理,保养) as it gets older. You can carry this comparison right through to the provision of spare parts. But never forget that such operations are painful experiences, however good the results will be. And at what point should you stop to t

31、reat the old body? Is it morally right to try to push off death by seeking the development of drugs to excite the forgetful old mind and to activate the old body, knowing that it is designed to die? You cant ask doctors or scientists to decide, because so long as they can see the technical opportuni

32、ties, they will feel bound to give them a try, on the principle that while theres life, theres hope.When you talk to the old people, however, you are forced to the conclusion that whether age is happy or unpleasant depends less on money or on health than it does on your ability to have fun.1. What d

33、oes the passage mainly tell us?A. The values are different between the old and the young.B. The moral problems raised by old people.C. The personal freedom for the old.D. Old peoples viewpoint on life.2. We can know from the first paragraph that_.A. Very old people would like to live alone to have m

34、ore personal freedom.B. Very old people are able to keep their room clean.C. Very old people like to live with their children.D. Social services have nothing to do with very old people.3. According to the author, which of the following is right?A. The older a person, the more care he needs.B. Too mu

35、ch emphasis has been put on old peoples values.C. The human body cant be compared to a car.D. It is easy to provide spare parts for old people.4.The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to “_”. A. their money or their healthB. the conclusion you come toC. your talk to the old peopleD. w

36、hether age is happy or unpleasant【参考答案及解析】1.B 主旨大意题。依据文章第 1 句 Very old people do raise moral problems for almost everyone who comes in contact with them 及全文内容可知,答案选 B。2. A 推理推断题。依据文章第 1 段最终几句 Some social workers, the ones who clear up the worms, think we are in danger of carrying this concept of per

37、sonal freedom to the point where serious risks are being taken with the health and safety of the old 可知,答案选 A。3. A 推理推断题。依据文章第 2 段第 2 句 The body is like a car, it needs more mechanical maintenance as it gets older 可知,答案选 A。4. D 词义猜想题。依据文章最终一句 you are forced to the conclusion that whether age is happy or unpleasant depends less on money or on health than it does on your ability to have fun 可知,答案选 D(from )。

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