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1、阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。体裁:记叙文话题:逸闻趣事时间:7分钟There was once a tiny country that was suffering from a long drought.It had gone so long without rain that the people there were starting to go hungry because of the bad harvests.It just so happened that a group of musicians were traveling the c

2、ountry,trying to make a living from their concerts.But with so many problems in the land,no one felt like listening to music.“But music can help overcome any problems,” said the musicians,without anyone paying them the slightest attention.So the musicians tried to find out the reason it wouldnt rain

3、.It was very strange,because the sky was overcast,but no one could provide an answer.“Its been cloudy like this for many months,but not a single drop of rain has fallen,” people told them.“Dont worry,well bring rain to the country,” the musicians responded,and they began rehearsing for a concert at

4、the summit of the highest mountain.Everyone who heard the music was seized by curiosity and went up the mountain.And the conductor of this strange orchestra gave the order,and the musicians began to play.From their instruments came small,playful musical notes that rose and rose into the clouds.The m

5、usic was so joyous,happy and fun,and the notes started playing with the clouds soft,fluffy bellies,running here and there,up and down,and the whole sky turned into one big game of tickle torture.Before long,the giant clouds were thundering with laughter.The musicians continued playing joyfully and a

6、 few minutes later the clouds,crying with laughter,soaked the little country below with their precious tears,bringing happiness to all.And in memory of that musical rain,everyone in the country learned how to play an instrument and,taking turns,would go up the mountain every day to bring joy to the

7、clouds with their beautiful songs.【语篇导读】一个干旱已久的小国,却由于音乐家们的到来,转变了他们的命运音乐家通过在山顶上演奏音乐,从而为当地降下了甘霖。为了纪念那场音乐雨,人们开头学习音乐,并轮番到山上为云彩演奏音乐。1Why did the country have the bad harvests?ABecause its too hot. BBecause its too cold.CBecause its too wet. DBecause its too droughty.解析细节理解题。依据第一段可知那个国家歉收的缘由是由于长期干旱少雨,故选D项

8、。答案D2Whats the attitude of the people toward the musicians?AActive. BEnergetic.CCold. DEnthusiastic.解析推理推断题。依据其次段中的“But with so many problems in the land,no one felt like listening to music.”和“without anyone paying them the slightest attention.”可以推出人们对音乐家们的态度是冷淡的。故选C。 答案C3Whats the meaning of the un

9、derlined word in the third paragraph?ACloudy BRainy CSunny DWindy 解析词义猜想题。依据第四段中的“Its been cloudy like this.”可以推出overcast的意思与cloudy意思一样。故选A项。答案A4Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?AGreat musicians BMusic for the cloudsCLaughing clouds DMusic rehearsing解析标题概括题。本文主要叙述了音乐家通过在

10、山顶上为云彩演奏音乐,从而使云彩流淌起来,最终降下了期盼已久的雨,为当地人们带来了欢快。由此可以推出文章的标题应选B项。答案B5From the last paragraph we can learn that the people in the small country _.Ahate music Blove musicCteach music Dpractice music解析推理推断题。最终一段中讲到为了纪念那场音乐雨,人们开头学习乐器,并轮番到山上为云彩演奏音乐。由此可以推出人们宠爱音乐。答案BPassage Sixteen (Crime in Computer) New and b

11、izarre crimes have come into being with the advent of computer technology. Organized crime to has been directly involved; the new technology offers it unlimited opportunities, such as data crimes, theft of services, property-related crimes, industrial sabotage, politically related sabotage, vandalis

12、m, crimes against the individual and financially related crimes Theft of data, or data crime, has attracted the interest of organized criminal syndicates. This is usually the theft or copying of valuable computer grogram. An international market already exists for computerized data, and specialized

13、fences are said to be playing a key role in this rapidly expanding criminal market. Buyers for stolen programs may range from a firms competitors to foreign nations. A competitor sabotages a companys computer system to destroy or cripple the firms operational ability, thus neutralizing its competiti

14、ve capability either in the private or the government sector. This computer sabotage may also be tied to an attempt by affluent investors to acquire the victim firm. With the growing reliance by firms on computers for their recordkeeping and daily operations, sabotage of their computers can result i

15、n internal havoc, after which the group interested in acquiring the firm can easily buy it at a substantially lower price. Criminal groups could also resort to sabotage if the company is a competitor of a business owned or controlled by organized crime. Politically motivated sabotage is on the incre

16、ase; political extremist groups have sprouted on every continent. Sophisticated computer technology arms these groups with awesome powers and opens technologically advanced nations to their attack. Several attempts have already been made to destroy computer facility at an air force base. A universit

17、y computer facility involved in national defence work suffered more than $2 million in damages as a result of a bombing. Computer vulnerability has been amply documented. One congressional study concluded that neither government nor private computer systems are adequately protected against sabotage.

18、 Organized criminal syndicates have shown their willingness to work with politically motivated groups. Investigators have uncovered evidence of cooperation between criminal groups and foreign governments in narcotics. Criminal groups have taken attempts in assassinating political leaders. Computers

19、are used in hospital life-support system, in laboratories, and in major surgery. Criminals could easily turn these computers into tools of devastation. By sabotaging the computer of a life-support system, criminals could kill an individual as easily as they had used a gun. By manipulating a computer

20、, they could guide awesome tools of terror against large urban centers. Cities and nations could become hostages. Homicide could take a now form. The computer may become the hit man of the twentieth century. The computer opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups, both national and inter

21、national. It calls on them to pool their resources and increase their cooperative efforts, because many of these crimes are too complex for one group to handle, especially those requiting a vast network of fences. Although criminals have adapted to computer technology, law enforcement has not. Many

22、still think in terms of traditional criminology.1. How many kinds of crimes are mentioned in the passage?A. 7. . 8. C. 9. D. 102. What is the purpose of a competitor to sabotage a companys computer?A. His purpose is to destroy or weaken the firms operational ability. His purpose is to weaken firms c

23、ompetitive capability and get it.C. His purpose is to buy the rivals company at a relatively low price.D. His purpose is to steal important data.3. Which of the following can be labeled as a politically motivated sabotage of a computer system?A. Sabotage of a university computer. Sabotage of a hospi

24、tal computer.C. Sabotage of computer at a secret training base.D. Sabotage of a factory computer.4. What does the author mean by “Homicide could take a new form”?A. There is no need to use a gun in killing a person. Criminals can kill whoever they want by a computer.C. The computer can replace any w

25、eapons.D. The function of a computer is just like a gun.Vocabulary1. bizarre 惊异的2. vandalism 破坏,有意破坏文化,艺术的行为3. cripple 使瘫痪,减弱4. fence 贼市,脏品买卖处5. neutralize 使成为无效6. affluent 富有的7. recordkeeping 记录存贮8. havoc 浩劫,大破坏9. resort to 求助于,借助于10. motivate 作为的动机,激发11. extremist 过激分子,极端主义分子12. sprout 萌发快速进展13. a

26、wesome 令人惊惧的,引起敬畏的14. vulnerability 易受攻击,脆弱15. devastation 劫持,破坏16. hospital life-support system 医院的生命维持系统17. hit man 职业凶手(杀手)18. pool 集中(资金)合办,入股19. criminology 犯罪学,刑事学难句译注1. Organized crime to has been directly involved; the new technology offers it unlimited opportunities, such as data crimes, th

27、eft of services, property-related crimes, industrial sabotage, politically related sabotage, vandalism, crimes against the individual and financially related crimes结构简析 句子很长,都是简洁句,中间有分号隔开,后面是举例。参考译文 有组织犯罪团伙也直接参与:计算机新技术较为犯罪供应了无限的机会,如数据信息犯罪,偷窃服务项目,跟财产有关的犯罪,工业破坏,跟政治有关的破坏,破坏文化艺术,对个人和财经方面的罪行等等。2. An inte

28、rnational market already exists for computerized data, and specialized fences are said to be playing a key role in this rapidly expanding criminal market.结构简析 并列句,and 作对比连接词用。参考译文 一个计算机信息的国际市场已经存在,而特地从事脏品交易的市场据说在快速扩展的犯罪市场中起着关键的作用。3. A competitor sabotages a companys computer system to destroy or cri

29、pple the firms operational ability, thus neutralizing its competitive capability either in the private or the government sector.结构简析 主谓宾补结构,后跟thus+从句表示结果。参考译文 竞争对手破坏一个公司的计算机系统为的是摧毁或减弱公司的操作运行力气,从而使其丢失在私人或政府部门中的竞争力。4. The computer opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups, both national a

30、nd international. It calls on them to pool their resources and increase their cooperative efforts, because many of these crimes are too complex for one group to handle, especially those requiting a vast network of fences.结构简析 两句话。前一句为主谓宾,后一句为主从句,从句内接受tooto 句型,后跟分词独立结构进一步说明。参考译文 计算机为国内和国际有组织犯罪集团开拓了犯罪

31、的广泛领域。它要求它们集中资源,提高通力协作力气,由于很多犯罪太简洁,一个集团难以驾驭,特殊是那些需要巨大的脏品交易时常网络的罪行。写作方法与文章大意文章介绍“计算机犯罪”,接受分类写作手法,先列出种种计算机犯罪项,下面逐一说明。文本只选四种犯罪信息数据偷窃或信息(数据)犯罪,产业破坏,政治破坏,对个人生命破坏。分四段叙述,每段为一种罪行,最终是对比罪犯势力越来越有组织,势力请大,而司法部门却没有预备好。答案祥解1. B. 种,具体罪行。见难句译注。2. B. 他的目的是减弱公司竞争力进而得到它。答案见难句译注及其次段其次句起:“计算机破坏也可以和富有的投资者欲得到对手的公司的企图相连。随着公

32、司对计算机记录存储的信任性加强,破坏他们的计算机可以造成内部大破坏。之后,对取得这个公司感性趣的集团很简洁在级低价格上买进。”A. 减弱公司运转力气。C. 在相当低的价格上买进对手的公司。这两个选项都只是破坏目的的一个方面。D. 偷窃重要资料,文内没有讲。3. C 破坏隐秘训练基础。这可以标以政治目的的破坏计算机。A. 高校B. 医院D. 工厂。这三个地方都难以和政治直接相连,第三段讲的高校是“参与国防保卫工作的高校计算机措施”,和一般高校不一样。只有隐秘训练的基地和真正相连的可能性最大,所以选C.4. B. 犯罪可以通过计算机任意杀人。答案在第五段:“犯罪集团曾实行步骤暗杀政治领袖。医院的生

33、命维护系统,试验室,大型外科手术中都用计算机。罪犯们很简洁把这些计算机转变成破坏的工具。通过破坏生命维护系统计算机,罪犯们就像用枪一样很简洁杀死人。通过把握计算机,他们可以指导这可怖的工具攻击大城市中心。城市和国家都可以成为人质。谋杀具有新的形式,计算机可能成为世纪的事业杀手。”A. 杀人不需要用枪。这话太笼统,不用枪,用什么。用毒药,用刀?C. 计算机可以取代任何武器。D. 计算机的功能就像枪,错误的。【2021嘉定区】阅读理解As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from cu

34、ring disease to preventing diseaseespecially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behavior, such as poor eating habits, smoking, and failure to exercise. The line of thought involved in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutrit

35、ious foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while drunk, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts(血细胞计数), but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This

36、person is not ill. He may not even be at risk for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier.The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely “not ill” and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the bo

37、dys special needs. Both types have simply been called “well.” In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms “well” and “wellness” only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health. People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exerc

38、ise, and they make a point of monitoring their bodys condition. Most important, perhaps, people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related to their health. Even people who have a physical disease or handicap (缺陷) may be “well,” in this new sense, if they make an effort to mainta

39、in the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations. “Wellness” may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it st

40、rikes. And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life. 72. Today medical care is placing more stress on _.A. keeping people in a healthy physical conditionB. monitoring patients b

41、ody functionsC. removing peoples bad living habitsD. ensuring peoples psychological well-being73. In the first paragraph, people are reminded that _.A. good health is more than not being illB. drinking, even if not to excess, could be harmfulC. regular health checks are essential to keeping fitD. pr

42、evention is more difficult than cure74. Traditionally, a person is considered “well” if he _.A. does not have any unhealthy living habits B. does not have any physical handicapsC. is able to handle his daily routinesD. is free from any kind of disease75. According to the author, the true meaning of “wellness” is for people _.A. to best satisfy their bodys special needsB. to strive to maintain the best possible healthC. to meet the strictest standards of bodily healthD. to keep a proper balance between work and leisure【参考答案】72-75 CADB

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