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1、课时作业四A(全员必做)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).选词并用其适当形式填空average,harm,like,offer,focus,destroy,view,suggestion,fancy,destination1An earthquake hit the city,destroying many buildings and roads.2The government called on people all over the country to offer their help to the disasterhit area.3I suggest that you should

2、tear up the composition and start over again.4The programme was intended to focus attention on global warming.5To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us,we were surprised by the view6Eating and drinking too much is likely to give ones stomach trouble.7Fancy sitting in the sun a

3、nd doing nothing all day!8Parents spend an average of $200 a year on toys for their children.9We headed for the destination at first light the next morning.10The boys didnt mean any harmthey just did it for fun.完成句子1The water and electricity supplies in the city were cut off(被切断)2The government took

4、 immediate action to help(马上实行行动挂念)the people there.3I feel as if(感觉好像)I have been in a different world.4At first,rescue workers couldnt get in touch with(无法和取得联系)the people there.5It was clear that(很明显)local peoples life was greatly affected.联句成篇(选用练习、中的句子,依据语篇中的提示加以改写,完成语篇翻译)这个城市发生了地震,毁坏了很多建筑,水电供应

5、被切断(用and连接)。政府马上实行行动挂念那里的人们。但是起初救援人员不能和那里的人们取得联系。很明显当地人的生活受到了极大的影响。因此政府号召全国各地的人们向灾区供应挂念。答案An earthquake hit the city,destroying many buildings and roads,and the water and electricity supplies were cut off.The government took immediate action to help the people there.However,at first,rescue workers c

6、ouldnt get in touch with the people there.It was clear that local peoples life was greatly affected.Therefore,the government called on people all over the country to offer their help to the disasterhit area.阅读理解AMy grandma whom we all called Nanny was a solid,firstgeneration,Italian immigrant.She ca

7、me to this country with her family on a tiny ship during World War I when she was only 8 years old.During the trip she survived stormy seas,little food,and an attack by a German Uboat.After getting here,her large family worked hard to build a new life in America.They never had much money but were ri

8、ch in love.One day,when I was about 5 or 6 years old,my parents and brothers went on a trip.It was just me and Nanny in the house for the weekend.Nanny seemed so happy to be taking care of me all by herself.She made me a special breakfast that first morning.However,all I could do was complain about

9、how the food was not how Mom always made it.Nanny quietly put down the plate and went into the living room.I followed a minute later and saw that she had tears in her eyes.It was the first time I had ever seen my strong and proud grandmother cry and I was the one who had caused it.I walked over to N

10、anny,climbed on her lap,and for the first time in my short life I did something else too.I apologized without being told to and asked Nanny to forgive me.She smiled,rubbed my head,and told me I was a good boy even though I didnt feel like one then.That memory just like my Nannys love will stay in my

11、 heart forever.It is a sign of both strength and wisdom.Asking for forgiveness helps us to learn,to grow,and to love.解题导语通过叙述小时候的一件事,作者想要告知我们这样一个道理:恳求原谅会挂念我们学习、成长并懂得爱。1Nannys family immigrated to America mainly because Athey suffered starvation in their homelandBthey wanted to start a rich life in t

12、he new landCthey tried to get away from the terrible climateDtheir country was in war and they needed peaceD考查推理推断。依据第一段中的“She came to this country with her family on a tiny ship during World War I when she was only 8 years old”可推知,祖母一家移民美国主要是为了躲避战乱,因此选择D。2The boy complained to Nanny that the food A

13、wasnt cooked the way his Mom didBwas served a bit later than usualCwas prepared in a special wayDwas just to his parents tasteA考查细节理解。依据其次段中的“However,all I could do was complain about how the food was not how Mom always made it”可知,作者埋怨祖母做饭的方式和妈妈做饭的方式不一样。A项正确。3When seeing Nanny crying in the living r

14、oom,the author felt AsurprisedBashamedCshocked DannoyedB考查推理推断。依据其次段最终一句及第三段的内容可知,作者第一次看到祖母哭,而且是自己把祖母惹哭了,所以觉得很惭愧,打算向祖母赔礼,故应选B项。ashamed“惭愧的,惭愧的”。4The author mainly wants to tell us that Aforgiveness can be beneficial to people asking for itBhardships can make children more indifferentCgrandparents ar

15、e more tolerant than their grandchildrenDfamily ties can sometimes be misusedA考查主旨大意。依据全文内容,尤其是文章最终一句可知,宽恕对于恳求宽恕的人是有益的。A项正确。BEco City Farms are becoming more popular in cities and towns around the United States.Eco City Farms in Edmonston,Maryland,is located near shopping centers,car repair shops an

16、d homes.The neighborhood is a workingclass community.People do not have very much money,and they have limited access to fresh food in markets.Over the past two years,the farm has attracted volunteers from the community like Marcy Clark.She schools her four children at home.On a recent day she brough

17、t them to Eco City Farms for a lesson.Her son Alston Clark thinks his experience is very valuable.“I like coming out here,”he says,“You know,you connect with the earth,where your food comes from.You appreciate the food a little bit more.”Margaret Morgan started Eco City Farms.She thinks of it as a p

18、lace where people can learn to live healthier lives.“Growing food in a community brings people together,”she continues,“Every piece of what we do here is a demonstration to show people everything about how to have an ecofriendly community.”she says.From the Eco City Farms people come to know that th

19、ey are not only growing food and raising chickens and bees,but improving the soil with compost (肥料) made from food waste.Eco City Farms is an experimental operation.The farm gets its power not from the local electricity networks,but from the sun with solar panels.In winter,the green houses use a geo

20、thermal (地热) system.Vegetables can be grown all year.So once a week,all winter long,neighbors like Chris Moss and her three children bike to the farm to pick up a share of the harvest.“I like eating the vegetables,”says fiveyearold Owen Moss.解题导语本文是一篇报道。文章介绍了美国各地日益流行的“生态城市农场 Eco City Farms”。它不但可以带动生

21、态社区,引领人们过上绿色健康的生活,更成为人们了解地球、了解食物的好去处。5What is mainly talked about in the passage?AEco City Farms save a lot of energy.BEco City Farms are gaining popularity.CEco City Farms are influencing community life.DEco City Farms help the workingclass live better.B主旨大意题。通读全文特殊是文章首段可知,本文就“生态城市农场在美国各地日益流行”进行了相关

22、介绍。故答案选B。6According to the passage,Eco City Farms are close to the following places EXCEPT Ashopping centersBcar repair shopsCfastfood restaurantsDworkingclass communityC细节理解题。依据其次段第一、二句可知,答案选C。7What is the authors attitude towards Eco City Farms?AEnthusiastic. BDisappointed.CSurprised. DDoubtful.A观

23、点态度题。依据第三、四段所使用的语言“the farm has attracted volunteers.I like coming out here.”“brings people together.From the Eco City Farms people come to know.”可知,作者对“生态城市农场”持乐观乐观态度,对其很感爱好。C项文中并未提到,B、D两项不符合文意。故答案选A。8In which column of a newspaper can you most probably read this article?APeople. BTravel.CEnvironme

24、nt. DEducation.C推理推断题。依据文章的主旨大意可知,“生态城市农场”并不是一个旅游项目,其目的也并不是训练人,文章并未以人为中心进行介绍,故可排解A、B、D三项。依据第三段倒数其次句中的“connect with the earth”,第四段最终一句中的“improving the soil with compost (肥料) made from food waste”及第五段中的“from the sun with solar panels.In winter,the green houses use a geothermal (地热) system”可推知,本文应来源自报纸

25、的“环境”专栏。故答案选C。.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Nong Luhuan wanted to become a cartoonist and publish books of his own when he was little.Now,the 22yearold art design major at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute has achieved his dream.His micro blog cartoon has more than 260,000 1 (follow)and he will

26、publish his first book this week.Under the penname of Jin Sili,he draws stories of reallife people struggling to achieve their life goals.One story is about a middleaged cleaner 2 used to have a good job in Guangdong 3 a salary of 6,000 yuan a month.But he quitted 4 (work)in Beijing for only 1,000 y

27、uan per month.This way he could audit(旁听)at the Central Conservatory of Music and realize his 5 (imporrtance)dream of becoming a composer.Another widely reposted story is about 6 accounting student who is determined to become a flight attendant.The 21yearold man has spent a whole year 7 (learn)etiqu

28、ette(礼仪)and emergency medical aid to achieve his goal.Though each story consists of only several pictures, 8 takes Nong a lot of effort to finish them.Many fans 9 (send)Nong private messages,telling him that his work has encouraged them to pursue their life goals and that 10 they succeed they will s

29、hare their stories with him.答案1.followers2.who3.with4.to work5.important6an7.(in)learning8.it9.have sent10.ifB(自主选做)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).完形填空Fouryearold Cris lived with his cruel father,who beat him when he would not earn money to 1 his alcohol and drugs.Cris could no longer 2 this kind of life and deci

30、ded to run away from their home.He lived in an empty tomb and searched in the dump site for anything he could 3 to the junk store.There were also old shoes,clothes,and leftover food.He did this for days 4 With the money he earned,the clothes,shoes and the food,he would 5 all the small children to gi

31、ve them their 6 He used to say that he may be poor with 7 things but he is rich with love.He taught the kids how to clean their bodies and brush their teeth,and cleaned their 8 He had some 1,000 kids in this group.Some of these kids decided to 9 with him to help in his work.About 10,000 kids had 10

32、from the group.It became known as the“Championing Community Children”With the help of volunteers,they 11 in colorful boxes all the necessities of street children and gave these out at 12 times.Cris had 13 to be a handsome,wellmannered 13yearold boy.His 14 to all the kids he met are 15 here.Your weal

33、th is your health.Be healthy and you are able to think 16 and go to school.Love the people around you in many ways.No street children will be left 17 help.Cris got his 18 for all his good work.He was entered in the search for 19 children in an international search held in Netherlands.Cris got the aw

34、ard for this distinct 20 He was named as the winner of the International Childrens Peace Prize,winning the title and a prize of 130,000 dollars.解题导语一个少年由于忍受不了家庭暴力而流落街头,但是他内心的爱使他挂念了其他的流浪儿童,也使他获得了“国际儿童和平奖”。1A.bringBproduceCbuy DpayC语境表示当四岁的Cris不情愿赚钱给父亲买(buy)酒和毒品时,父亲就会打他。留意:这里不能选D,假如用pay则应当是pay for sth

35、.表示“花钱购买某物”。2A.afford BcoverChold DbearD语境表示四岁的Cris难以忍受父亲的残忍与暴虐,故用bear表示“忍受”。3A.sort BsellCundertake DdealB这里与下文中的“With the money he earned”相呼应,故用 sell“卖”:他在垃圾堆里拣废品,卖给旧货商店。4A.on end Bon averageCat length Dat bestA这里说的是Cris接连几天都做这样的事情,用on end表示“连续地,不断地”。B“平均”;C“具体地”;D“充其量,至多”。5A.gather BteachCencoura

36、ge DintroduceA这里表示他把那些与他一样在外流浪的孩子们叫到一起,把卖废品得到的钱,以及在废品中收集到的衣服等东西分发给他们,因此用gather表示“集合,聚集”。6A.salaries BtricksCchances DneedsD从语境来看,这里表示给这些孩子们生活必需品,故用needs。7A.spiritual BhopefulCworldly DoccasionalC这里与下文中的“rich with love”呼应,后面说的是精神世界,那么本空应表示物质方面的匮乏,故用worldly“世俗的,尘世的”。8A.homes BwoundsCemotions Dessentia

37、lsB他教这些孩子如何做好个人卫生,同时还帮他们清洗伤口。9A.leave BsettleCstay DpartC在他挂念这些孩子的过程中,有些孩子打算留下来帮他做事,因此用stay“留下”。10A.recovered BresultedCprogressed DbenefitedD这里说的是大约有10 000个孩子从这个团队中获得挂念,benefit from表示“从中获益”。11A.packed BappliedCchose DboughtA语境表示的是他们在志愿者的挂念下,把流浪儿童需要的那些生活必需品装进各种颜色的盒子里,用pack表示“包装,打包”。留意:本句中动词“packed”的

38、宾语是后面的”all the necessities of street children”。12A.secret BregularCfamiliar DimmediateB语境表示他们经常给流浪街头的孩子发放这些生活必需品,故用regular“经常的”。13A.raised BgrownCextended DchangedB文章开头说Cris四岁,这里用grow表示“成长”:如今他已经成长为一个外表英俊,举止有礼的13岁的男孩儿了。故选B。14A.messages BchallengesCsurprises DgreetingsA从下文内容可知,这里表示Cris向自己遇到过的孩子们传递的信息

39、,因此用message“信息,消息”。15A.caught up Bbuilt upCsummed up Dbroken upC语境表示把他说过的那些话进行归纳总结,用sum up表示“总结”。A“赶上,追上”;B“形成,进展”;D“裂开”,均不符合语境。16A.originally BquicklyCclearly DfluentlyC从语境的连贯性及生活常识可知,这里表示拥有健康的体魄,我们才能有清楚的思维,才能去上学,因此选C“清楚地”。A“原先,最初”;B“快速地”;D“流利地”,均不符合语境。17A.beyond BwithoutCexcept DforB这里用的是双重否定:没有一个

40、街头流浪的孩子没有得到挂念。故选B。18A.achievement BpromiseCpleasure DrewardD下文谈到了Cris付出之后得到的回报,因此用reward“酬劳,回报”。下文中的“Cris got the award”也是提示。19A.outstanding BtraditionalCextra DhomelessA语境中提到“winner”和“winning the title”,由此推断这里表示在全球范围内查找杰出的少年儿童,因此选A“杰出的,精彩的”。20A.approval BagreementCchange DhonorD下文中提到的“the Internati

41、onal Childrens Peace Prize”是一种荣誉,因此用honor表示“荣誉”。.阅读理解The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair was the most amazing experience!My daughter Rachel,in 8th grade at the time,flew with me to Phoenix in May 2021 to attend Intel ISEF.We met Sharon,Manager,and her staff who helped us register wi

42、thin minutes.With the help of many other staff and volunteers like her,everything ran smoothly.During the next few days Rachel and I helped students register for Intel ISEF,took them to their assigned places,helped them organize their project displays and ensured they met display and safety standard

43、s by measuring the height of their display,verifying(核实)and pinning disclosure(公开)papers on to their display,making sure that projects were safely placed,and verifying that there wasnt anything electrical that might need the attention of an expert.Most important of all,we answered all and any questi

44、ons that the students had.The most exciting part of volunteering at Intel ISEF was being exposed to so many different projects and meeting students from almost every part of the world.Students from more than 70 countries,regions,and territories competed at Intel ISEF 2021.There was so much excitemen

45、t and work going on,yet the judging had not even begun yet.I often found Rachel reading the poster and engaged in the discussion with the contestant.We also helped check in or out laptops and other materials and helped unload project displays at the loading dock.There were so many ways to help out a

46、nd questions to answer.Rachel and I really wanted to experience the variety of activities volunteers could be involved in,and there was plenty to do.The students you will find at Intel ISEF are always highly devoted to science and engineering,and their projects are very impressive.If you get an oppo

47、rtunity to attend Intel ISEF,dont miss itI promise you will not regret it,and you will have a wonderful learning experience.解题导语本文叙述了作者和女儿Rachel作为Intel ISEF的志愿者参与活动的经受和感受,同时号召人们一起加入志愿者的行列。1Which is the best title of the passage?AThe Students and Teachers at Intel ISEFBIntel ISEFThe Most Amazing ExperienceCSuccessful Intel ISE

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