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1、阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 “So what is Quintura?” you may ask. “I like the search engine I currently use, My Favorite Search Engine. Why do I need anything else? My Favorite Search Engine knows everything about every subject I am interested in and I can access all of the information avail

2、able on the Web with My Favorite Search Engine.” “Oh, yes!” we answer. “Indeed! We have no doubt that you have chosen the best search engine for your own search purposes! We dont want you to part with your favorite Yahoo, MSN or Google.” However, what if you think about searching in a different way.

3、 Have you ever raked through the paper card index of a big library? You have to find the necessary letter (or their combination), take the correct drawer, and start sorting through the cards. Ring any bells? After much time and effort, finally you find the long-awaited card! Of course web search eng

4、ines take away the laborious task of sifting (筛选) through paper index cards. And if you know the books exact author and title, either search is easy on the web or in a library. But what if you know only your general search scope? Neither the authors name nor the book title. In a library, the only wa

5、y out is to ask a librarian. But on the web, what do you do? You are on your own. Until now, Quintura is the very know-all librarian! Imagine a conversation between you and the search engine you use most often, My Favorite Search Engine (MFSE). You: I need some books on physics. MFSE: No problem. We

6、 have a lot of good literature. You: Oh. . . so many of them! MFSE: You asked for books on physics, here, Ive found some more. You: No, I need only one branch of physics. MFSE: But I have all the branches! Thousands of books. Choose whatever you want. You: But I need the branch on solid movement: ac

7、celeration, friction and so on. MFSE: Here they are. Books on physics. . . Now imagine beginning the same conversation with Quintura (Qu). You: I need some books on physics. Qu: OK! We have a lot of good literature; what branch of physics do you need? You: Branch? Im not sure of its name. Qu: What i

8、s your branch about? You: Solid movement: acceleration, friction and so on. Qu: Lets see. Here is mechanics! Please note this list of books, our visitors mostly ask for these books on mechanics. You: Thank you. 1. Quintura is the name of. A. a web search engineB. a well-known websiteC. a big library

9、 D. a librarian2. What is the purpose of the writers talking about the paper card index of a big library? A. To tell us how to find your book in a big library. B. To remind you of your school life. C. To advise you to think about searching in a different way. D. To prove the paper card index is wors

10、e than web search engines. 3. In the writers opinion, if you know only your general search scope youd better use. A. Quintura B. YahooC. MSN D. MFSE4. From the two conversations we can learn. A. MFSE can provide you with more books than QuinturaB. MFSE always offers you some useless informationC. Qu

11、intura can help you find what you are searching for more quickly than MFSED. Quintura can offer you more information than MFSE【参考答案】14、.ACAC阅读理解。Fear plays no part in this latest problem“Im not afraid Ill lose my childrenI wont lose my children. We live together, and nothing, nothing,” she repeats,

12、her voice rising when speaking to Johns lawyer, “will stop me from being with my children. A law? Year, right. Dont disturb me when it comes to my children. You are never going to win. If John wants to see them, I cannot stop him. Hes their fatherI want them to see him! However, his visit in his pre

13、sent condition will disturb the childrens stable (稳定的) life” John, who has spent much of his time in California recently, has only hired a house for himself in Pennsylvania, according to his lawyer. If hed like to stick to a regular life, Id be more than happy to do that, Jane says. The best thing f

14、or any child of a divorced (离婚的) parent is a stable life. I want nothing more than for him to set up a stable life for himself, so that he can be part of making our childrens lives more stable. While matters of money and care wont be settled for weeks, Jane hardly puts her life on hold. Last week th

15、e ABC network announced that Jane would return with her own show, Twist of Jane, in which she gives advice to other momsJane and her eight children will also return to ABC in a series of Jane Plus 8 specials showing them on various adventuresIts a rest for Janewho insists that she needs her new,busy

16、 life to provide for her family“I have to lead such a lifeand Im thankful that Ive built it to the top where now I can support my children”she says And whether a bellicose(好斗的)dance judge or a bellicose former wife,Jane plans to keep 0n facing attacks on her “Some people try to knock me downonly to

17、make me more fierce,more protective,more determined to do better,”she says“Go ahead,take me onThis will just make me stronger”w_w*w.k_s*5_u.c_o m( ) 1. According to Jane in the first paragraph,the low w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*mA. cant take her children away from herB. cant do anything with the caseC. will

18、best settle the problemD. will disturb her children( ) 2. What does “to do that” refer to in the second paragraph?A. To live with John.B. To hire a house for John.C. To allow John to see the children w_w*w.k_s*5_u.c_o mD. To ask John to set up a regular life.( ) 3. What does the underlined sentence

19、in the third paragraph mean? A. Janes life is very difficult. B. Jane continues to live as usual.w_w*w.k_s*5_u.c_o m C. Jane almost cant control her lire D. Jane works very hard to live a happy life.( ) 4. Which word can best describe Jane?w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*mA. ProudB. FierceC. DeterminedD. Independ

20、ent语篇解读:本文为记叙文。主要记叙Jane在和丈夫离婚后下决心面对一切困难,争取孩子的抚养权,并在婚后钱财和孩子抚养等问题短期内难以解决的状况下努力生活的故事。57. 答案:C考点:细节理解解析:依据文章第一段第5,6句 “A law? Year, right. Dont disturb me when it comes to my children. You are never going to win.”可知58. 答案:C解析:依据上一段的 “If John wants to see themHowever, his visit in his present condition ”可

21、知以John现在的状况不适合见孩子们,结合画线词所在句 “if hed like to stick to a regular life”可以推断出假如John生活稳定了Jane允许他见孩子们。59. 答案:B考点:考查同学的推断力气解析:依据第三段首句 “While matters of money and care wont be settled for weeks, Jane hardly puts her life on hold.”此处while引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管钱和抚养的问题在几周内难以解决,”划线部分由于Jane几乎不让生活受到影响。因此正确答案为B60.答案:C考点:推

22、理推断题。解析: Jane面对一切压力,坚决要求孩子的抚养权;钱和孩子的抚养短期内不能解决的状况下,努力克服困难维持生活表现了她的坚强决心。w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*m完成填空。阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Tracy Wong is a wellknown ChineseAmerican writer. But her writing_21_was something she picked up by herself. After her first_22_, teaching disabled children, she becam

23、e a parttime writer for IBM. _23_, writing stories was simply a_24_interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher(出版商). _25_, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long_26_and paid Tracy a $ 50,000 advance. “A pretty money,”said the publisher, “for_27_w

24、riter.” _28_Tracys characters(人物)are interesting, her stories sometimes_29_readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “My mother believed I could_30_the afterlife world,”she told a close friend. “She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”“Can I? I dont think I can,”T

25、racy said with a laugh. “But I do have_31_when things come to me_32_.” Once, she was wondering how to complete a_33_set in ancient(古代的)China. _34_the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese_35_. It came without her having_36_it. Though she has published 10 books,

26、 Tracy has remained_37_by her fame. She lives in the same_38_she lived 27 years ago although in a more comfortable home. Theres more room for_39_in her lifeand it wasnt just_40_. 21A.skill BexperienceCpractice Dmethod答案:A从上下文我们知道,本文讲的是美籍华人女作家Tracy Wong如何开头写作及其作品的主要特点等,再结合搭配很简洁得出答案为A。writing skill意为“

27、写作技能”,pick up writing skill意为“培育写作技能”。experience不能与pick up搭配。22A.duty BeffortCjob Dtask答案:C逗号后的teaching disabled children是her first_22_的同位语,同时也与后面的a parttime writer相呼应,故此处选job。23A.Instead BNormallyCCertainly DThen答案:D前面说she became a parttime writer for IBM,以下说写作只是个人爱好,即那时写作只是她的个人爱好,故填Then。 24A.gener

28、al BdeepCpersonal Dlively答案:C从上下文来看,writing stories并非专职工作,只是一件parttime job,由此可推断这是personal interest。25A.Interested BAnxiouslyCSeriously DEncouraged答案:A从后面的他们(the publisher)马上提出了修改等来推想,出版商对她写的故事产生了爱好。26A.film BstoryCprogram Darticle答案:B由they immediately suggested that she put them together to make.可推

29、想,此处说的是把3篇短的故事糅合在一起构成1篇长故事,故选用story。27A.a foreign Ba popularCan unusual Dan unknown答案:DTracy Wong刚刚开头写小说,名不见经传,故可推想她是“不出名”的作家最为恰当。28A.Now that BEven thoughCJust because DExcept that答案:B该题考查依据上下文来选用适当的连接词的把握状况。前面说Tracy所写的人物很有意思,后面说her stories sometimes_29_readers uneasy可推想,该从句应为让步状语从句,而even though正符合

30、这一意义。29A.find BturnCleave Dhold答案:C此处说她写的故事有时让读者担忧或不舒适。在这4个选项中只有leave具有这一用法。30A.make up Bconnect withCcontrol Dexplain答案:B从后面她说的话She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago及下段的内容说明可知,她与afterlife world有关,故用connect with。31A.events BchancesCfeelings Dmoments答案:D前面说“我认为我不能”,紧接

31、着用but引出确有这些时刻发生了一些事,故用moments,后面的when things come to me.是修饰moments的定语从句。32A.for no reason Bfrom a distanceCby accident Das gifts答案:A从上下文来看,此处是Tracy说自己与afterlife world有关的故事创作,这里是举例说明有时一些事情会“无缘无故”地发生。33A.description BpaintingCscene Dtalk答案:C从语境来看,这里谈论的是她写书时的一件怪事。句意为“当时她正不知道怎么完成一个以古代中国为背景的场景”。这是她写的故事中一

32、个场景,故用scene。从结构来看,此处补充完整为:.how to complete a scene which was set in ancient China。34A.Surprisingly BSuddenlyCExpectedly DFortunately答案:B依据语境“正值她不知怎么完成一个以古代中国为背景的场景时,突然门铃响了”。此处用suddenly突出两个动作的发生相继而来,连接紧凑,同时突出了“没想到”。35A.cooking BhistoryCplay Dmedicine答案:B她正构思以古代中国为背景的某个场景,而邮政快递人员送来的书正好解了燃眉之急,故可推想应是一本有

33、关中国历史的书。36A.known BsentCrealized Dordered答案:Dorder意为“订购,预定”,在此符合语境。37A.unchanged BexcitedCdetermined Dunmoved答案:A从后面的She lives in the same.及动词remain来看,这里说的是尽管她出版了10本书,Tracy并没因成名而转变,即仍保持不变。 38A.life BcityChouse Dway答案:D前面说她并没有因成名而变化,即此处说的是她成名后生活方式没有变化,照旧保持着27年前的生活方式。 39A.success BworkCjoy Dvariety答案:C由下文可知她的时间不是全用来写作,有“消遣”的时间。40A.writing BreportingCluck Dfun答案:A从上文的although in a more comfortable home及下文it wasnt just.来看,此处说的是Tracy并没有只是埋头“写作”,而是生活中有更多的空间留给“消遣”。

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