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1、精品文档Unit1 Getting Ready for SchoolLesson1教学目标:词汇:were,was,just,now,bought,schoolbag,bookstore.句型: Were you in the supermarket? Yes, I was./ No, I wasnt. I bought.功能:使用was/were谈论过去发生的事情。教具的准备:1、 实物:两支钢笔,三支铅笔,两个铅笔盒,四把尺子。2、 单词卡片、教学挂图、录音机。教学过程一、 热身活动1、 师生问候。2、 教师与个别学生对话。二、 复习导入1、 教师出示钢笔等,复习pen,pencil等。2

2、、 由单词卡片school 与bag导入新词schoolbag.三、 教授新课1、课题Unit1 Getting Ready for School2、教授:supermarket、in the supermarket。(用升降调、开火车等形式进行操练)3、教授:bookstore、in the bookstore.(用大小声的形式进行操练)4、教师再指着挂图,用英语介绍对话发生的情景,引出were, was, bought, 并进行教学。5、课文教学1)播放录音,引出句型:Were you in the supermarket? Yes, I was./ No, I wasnt.并板书进行教学

3、。2)再次播放录音,并在本课的新词和句型下画线。3)播放录音生跟读,然后分角色表演。四、巩固提高1、完成课本的Look and say.2、做课本的Play a guessing game.3、学说课本的Chant.五、课后作业1、听录音,熟读课文。2、完成活动手册上本课的练习。3、预习Lesson2. lesson 2.教学目标 1. Go over the words of Lesson2.2. Learn the new words: jacket, fruit store, yesterday, did, went, favorite, Where did you go ? I wen

4、t to the supermarket.3. Learn to talk about something happened in the past time.教学重难点 重点 Learn the new words: jacket, fruit store, yesterday, did, went, favorite, Where did you go ? I went to the supermarket.难点 Learn to talk about something happened in the past time.教学准备 A record, some cards.教学步骤 Gr

5、eetingsStep1Review1. Ask the students to go over the Learn to say. Read it together.2. Go over Look and say and Practice in pairs.Step2Lets chant1. Let the students look through and try to understand it.2. Listen to the tape and repeat.3. Let s chant.Step3Learn to say1. Look through the books and le

6、arn the new words and patterns.wasntdid-do Where did you go?wentgo I went to the supermarket.bought-buypinkfavoritecolor2. Listen to the tape and repeat.3. Listen again and repeat.Step4Look and say1. Look through the pictures. 2. Listen to the tape and repeat.3. Practice the dialog.Step5Listen and c

7、ircle the right answer.1. Look through the questions and choices.2. Listen to the tape and circle the right answer.3. Listen again and check the answers.Step6板书设计Getting Ready for School Unit1 Lesson2wasntdid-do Where did you go?wentgo I went to the supermarket.bought-buypinkfavoritecolor作业设计Finish

8、the workbookLesson2Unit 2Welcome back to schoollesson3第1课时教学内容A. Lets talk Lets practise C. Culture教 学目 标1. To learn the sentence: “Im from America/Canada/ China.” and make dialogue.2. To learn introduce oneself and others.3. Can say the names of the countries: America Canada China Australia.4. To k

9、now about the Womens Day.教 学重 点Sentences: Im from Welcome!教 学难 点Pronunciation of “America”.教学准备Tape, recorder, masks, flags教 学 过 程Step 1 Warming-up1. Lets sing: Boy or Girl.2. Lets chant: Boy or Girl.3. Free talkT: Good morning. How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you.T: How old are you?Ss: Im 10. Nice t

10、o see you.T: Nice to see you, too.Step 2 Presentation1. T: We have a new friend today. Whats your name?Teach the whole class to read the sentence.We have a new friend. / Welcome.2. Use the flags to present China, America, Canada and the sentence pattern:Im from a. Teacher shows a Chinese flag and in

11、troduces: Im from China.b. Teacher acts as a travel guide and go to different places. Ss learn the new words: Canada, Americanc. Practice and chant:China, China, Im from China.America, America, Im from America.Canada, Canada, Im from Canada.Australia, Australia, Im from Australia.3. Dialogue learnin

12、g.a. T: We have a new friend today. Guess. Boy or girl?Where is Amy from?b. Listen to the tape and learn the dialogue.Use the mask to talk about Im from 4. Ss practice and act the dialogue.Step 3 Brief summaryDialogue:S1: Im Im from China. And you?S2: Im from Canada.布置作业(1)Read the sentences.(2)List

13、en to the tape.板书设计Unit2Welcome back to schoolIm from America.ChinaCanadaAustraliaLesson3第2课时教学内容A. Lets learn Lets play B. Lets sing教 学 目 标1Ss can listen, say, and read the words: girl, boy.2Ss can understand and say the sentence “Watch out!” and apply to the practical situation.3. Ss can sing the

14、song “Boy and girl”.教 学重 点Words: boy, girl. Ss are able to use “Im a boy. Im a girl.” And introduce themselves.教 学 难 点Ss can understand and say the sentence “Watch out!” and apply to the practical教学准备Word cards, pictures, name cards.教 学 过 程Step 1 Warming-up1. Free talk: T: Good morning, boys and gir

15、ls. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.2. Free talk between 2 students3. Follow the tape and act out A Lets talkStep 2 Presentation1. Show up the picture, saying: Look! This is Mike. Hes a boy.Thus teach boy and Im a boy. Teach girl in the same way.2. Play games: boy or girla. Ask one studen

16、t to stand in front to the teachers desk and guess boy or girl according to the sound they make.b. Look and stick. Teacher prepares some pictures of boy or girl. Some Ss sticks some clothes and heads. Then introduce: This is Mike. Hes a boy.3. Present “Watch out!”Look at the picture in Lets learn an

17、d tell them the meaning of watch out and how to use it. Then let some Ss create this kind of situation and act.4. Listen to the tape and follow it.5. Make dialogue.S1: Hello. Im a boy. Im from S2: Hi! Im a girl. Im from Talk about it in groupsCheck the students to see whether it goes smoothly.Sing t

18、he song with action.Step 3 Brief summaryChant: I am a boy. He is a boy. I am a girl. She is a girl.布置作业(1)Read the sentences.(2)Listen to the tape.板书设计Unit 1 Welcome back to schoolboy girlWatch out!Lesson4第1课时教 学目 标1. To learn the letter “Aa, Bb, Cc ” and the example words “ apple, ant; boy, bag; co

19、ke, coffee”.2. To learn the chant.教 学 重 点To make a good command of the letter.教 学 难 点Lets chant: Its as easy as 1, 2, 3. Its so easy as you see.These two sentences are quite difficult.教学准备Alphabet cards,little blackboard,Activity books.教 学 过 程Step 1 Warming-up1. Lets chant: China, China, Im from Chi

20、na.America, America, Im from America.Canada, Canada, Im from Canada.Australia, Australia, Im from Australia.2. Free talk between 2 students.3. Sing the song of A B C.Step 2 Presentation1. Teacher writes the letter A B C on the blackboard.Thus teach the letter of A B C.Ss practice writing the letters

21、 on their exercise books. Teacher goes around the classroom and correct the students 2. Show up the word cards of A B C to teach the word: apple, ant, boy, bag, coffee and Coke.Read it like this:A for apple, and a for ant,B for boy, and b for bag,C for Coke, and c for coffee3. Listen to the tape and

22、 follow it.4. Practice the letters: Aa, Bb, Cc.a. Listen and d Show me big letter A/ small letter cb. Game: Turn table.5. Listen to Lets chant.a. Listen to the tape and follow the tape.b. Ss try to read it with the rhythem.Teacher emphasizes the sound of as easy as ABC and so easy as 123.Step 3 Brie

23、f summaryChant: Apple, apple, I like apple. Ant, ant, I like ant.Boy, boy, I am a boy. Bag, bag, Carry your bag布置作业(1)Read the sentences.(2)Listento the tape.板书设计Unit 1 Welcome back to schoolAa Bb Ccapple boy coffeeant bag cokeLesson4第4课时教 学 目 标1. To learn the sentences: Where are you from? This is

24、myfriend 2. To consolidate the knowledge.教 学 重 点Where are you from?Ss can use this sentence in practical situation.教 学 难 点The pronunciation of “where”.教 学 过 程Step 1 Warming-up1. Sing a song “Teacher and students”2. Lets chant: China, China, Im from China.America, America, Im from America.Canada, Can

25、ada, Im from Canada.Australia, Australia, Im from Australia.Step 2 Presentation1 Imitation Activities: Teacher shows some pictures of other people, and writes their file on the back. Let some Ss acts as the people.T: Im from China. Where are you from?S: Im from America.Teach the sentence: “Where are

26、 you from?” And ask Mr Black, Amy and Mike the question.The whole class-the groups2. Games: the train ( one by one)S1: Where are you from?S2: Im from Where are you from?S1: Goodbye.S2: See you.3. Listen to the tape and answer the questions as belowWhere is Amy from?Practise the dialogue in three and

27、 act out.Choose a couple of them to show up in front.Step 3 Brief summaryChant: Friend, friend, Where are you? I am from China, you are from Canada. Lets play together.小精灵儿童网站布置作业(1)Read the sentences.(2)Listen to the tape.板书设计Unit 1 Welcome back to schoolWhere are you from?Im from Lesson 5教学目的与要求:1

28、. 词汇:bamboo kangaroo penguin the South Pole eat2. 句型:Whats your favorite food ?Where are you from ?Im from-3.功能:谈论动物及其栖息地和食物。教学重点:1、词汇:bamboo kangaroo penguin the South Pole eat2、句型: Whats your favorite food ?-Where are you from ?-Im from -教学难点:谈论动物及其栖息地和食物。教学时间:2课时教具准备:单词卡片、动物图片、课件教学程序:第1课时教学过程:Ste

29、p 1 warming up1 Greeting.How are you ? Glad to see you . Were you - ?Did you - ?Whats your favorite food ?(板书)2 review : Im from China.- Are you from China / England /Australia/the USA ?-Yes , I am . / No, Im not .Step 2 presentation.1、-Where are you from ?-Im from China / England / Australia /the U

30、SA .(用不同的方法操练。)2、Review the names of animals .Show the pictures: monkey lion tiger horse zebra hen rabbitrooster and so on.Say : Now we are going to visit the zoo and know about more animals.Lets go .we are going to learn Unit 3 A visit to the zoo. Lesson Step 3 presentation.1、Say:There are many ani

31、mals at the zoo.Today we are going to know about two new friends .One is kangaroo .The other is penguin ( teaching : kangaroo penguin )Read after the teacher .(进行: Mrs/Miss/Mr kangaroo/penguin)Say: Panda /kangaroo/penguin is coming .Can you tell me panda/kangaroo/penguin is from (China /Australia /t

32、he South Pole ).(teaching: the South Pole) Panda /Kangaroo /Penguins favorite food is ( grass / fish )。通过师问生答,生问生答等各种方式训练。-Where are you from ?-Im from-.-Whats your favorite food ?-2、Learning part 1 Learn to say .On page 21 ,Play the tape . Listen point and read.play the tape again. Read after the t

33、ape .Read together .The girls ask ,the boys answer .(change)Step 4 Summing up.1、Part 2 play a game .Play the tape .Read after the tape .Then ask some pairs to work it out .2、Part 3 Look and write.1) Look at the picture and say it .Then write .2) Ask some Ss to say it . Then correct .Step 6.Homework.

34、1、听音熟读课文内容。2、抄写单词。板书设计:Unit 3 A visit to the zooLesson 5-Where are you from ? Panda kangaroo penguin-Im from - China Australia the South Pole- Whats your favorite food ?- bamboo grass fishUnit3 A Visit to the Zoo Lesson 6 教案Teaching Aims:1. 学习动词过去式:seesaw, eatate2. 学习词组:take a photo of, buy a book a

35、bout, on our way home3. 学习句型:What animals did you see?We saw .We ate .Teaching Aids:word cards, tape, PPT, etc.Teaching Steps:.Greetings:T: Class begins! Goodmorning boys and girls.Revision:1. Sing a song:Old Macdonald Had A Farm2. Review the words of animals:T: Boys and girls, I have many photos. L

36、ook! Whats this?Ss: MonkeyT: Whats this?Ss: pandaT: How about this?Ss:Kangaroo按音节击掌拼读kangaroo, kangarooPenguin : How about this one? Penguin.l 介绍评价方式:Today, you are kangaroo group, monkey group, penguin group and panda group. Look, whats your favorite food? 逐个询问各小组最喜欢的食物,并奖励各小组ok. Now, lets have a r

37、ace and see which group can eat more food. Are you ready?3. Review the past tense:am,iswas arewere buybought dodid gowent swimswam taketook havehadNow, look at the screen. Lets review the past tense and play a game: 连环炮T: Did you have a good time? Now lets say a chant.播放PPTChant: Did you have a good

38、 time?Yes, I did.I bought a book.Thats a nice book.Did you have a good time?Yes, I did.I took a photo.Thats a really nice photo.Presentation:1. 导入课题:T: I had a good time last Sunday. I took some photos. Look, I took a photo of the birds. Thats a nice photo.Follow me: a photo of the birds, of the bir

39、ds, I took a photo of the birds.带读2遍And look, I took a photo of thepandas .转换PPTI took a photo of the zebras.(操练: I took a photo of the .)And guess! Where did I go? I went to the zoo.Ss: Zoo.T: The zoo! I visited the Zoo. So today well learn Unit 3 A Visit to the Zoo Lesson 6.2. Teach: What animals

40、did you see? We saw .T: Today I want to show you my visit to the zoo. Please look carefully and remenber what youll see.l 播放一段动物视频剪辑l 播放完毕后T:Class,What animals did you see?l 引导学生回答S:kangaroo 奖励T: We saw .手拿过去式卡片:s, a, w saw摇头晃脑:seesaw再问一个动物 进入快速反应l 快速反应:PPT快速闪现动物图片,学生用We saw .抢答。T:Look carefully! 直接

41、抢答We saw . What animals did you see?Ss: We saw .T: Good! 奖励说得快的小组l 九宫格速记大比拼:T: Lets play九宫格速记大比拼. Here are 9 animals. What are they? Ss: What animals did you see?S1:We saw3. Teach: We ate some bananas.T:Great! Look! What did the monkey eat?S: melonT: 手拿过去式ate词卡 The monkey ate melon. A,t, e ate eatat

42、eeatateate贴上词卡 ateT: What did the monkey eat?Ss: bananasT: 板书 We ate some bananas. What did the kangaroo eat?Ss: We ate some leaves.T: How about penguin and panda?Ss: We ate some fish. We ate some bamboo.4. Teach: I bought a book about penguins.T: We saw many animals just now. Whats your favorite an

43、imal?Ss:T: My favorite animal is penguin. But I didnt see the penguins at the zoo.So I bought a book about penguins. Look, here it is.小声到大声操练短语:a book about penguins读整句I bought a book about penguins.12遍.课文教学T: I visited the zoo. And I bought a book about penguins. In Lesson 5, Chen Ling and Peter also visited the zoo. What did they do?Lets have a look.l 看课文VCDl Answer the questions:1) What animals did they see?2) What did Pet

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