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1、仿真模拟卷二时间:120分钟满分:150分本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷选择题部分(共80分)第一部分英语学问运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1The New Years party,_ we sang and danced until 10 pm.,was _ great success.Afrom which; / Bon which; /Cfor which; a Din which; a解析句意:我们又唱又跳直至深夜10点的新年晚会是一个巨大的成功。第一空考

2、查非限制性定语从句,引导词属于介词which结构,此处介词的选择取决于与先行词the New Years party的关系,在新年晚会上用介词in,因此引导词用in which;当success表示一个成功的人或一件成功的事讲时是可数名词,因此其次空用不定冠词a。答案D2_ your watch five minutes ahead is an effective way to avoid being late.ASet BHaving setCSetting DBeing set解析句意:把你的手表拨快5分钟是避开迟到的一种有效的方式。此处为动名词作主语,陈述一般事实,无被动含义,因此答案为

3、C。答案C3As winter _ spring,students are looking forward to outdoor activities.Agives voice to Bgives way toCgives priority to Dgives birth to解析句意:当冬天为春天让步的时候,同学们期盼着户外活动。give voice to 意为:说出, 表达,发泄;give way to给让路,让位于;give priority to意为:优先考虑,认为优先;give birth to产生,造成,生孩子。答案B4We should turn negative thought

4、s like “I never do anything right” into positive _ like “I can succeed”Athat Bthem Cit Dones解析句意:我们应当把诸如“我永久做不对”这样的消极思想转化为诸如“我能够成功”这样的乐观思想。此处用ones代替上文消灭的thoughts,表泛指。答案D5. The national parks are very important for the protection of these wild animals,which would _ run the risk of becoming extinct.At

5、herefore BinsteadCotherwise Danyhow解析句意:国家公园对于爱护这种野生动物是格外重要的场所,否则野生动物就会冒着濒临灭亡的危急。therefore adv.因此,所以;instead adv.代替,反而;otherwise adv.否则,另外,在其他方面;anyhow adv.总之,无论如何,不管怎样。答案C6. Compared with his sister,Jerry is even more _ to,and more easily troubled by,emotional and relationship problems.Askeptical B

6、addictedCavailable Dsensitive解析句意:与他的姐姐相比,杰瑞更敏感,并且更简洁受感情和各种关系的影响。skeptical adj.怀疑的,怀疑论的,不行知论的;addicted adj.沉溺于某种(尤其是不良的)嗜好的,入了迷的,上了瘾的;available adj.有效的,可得的,可利用的,空闲的;sensitive adj.敏感的,感觉的。答案D7The key to _ new ideas is to observe daily life carefully,and not to take things for granted.Acoming up with

7、Bgetting along withCcatching up with Dending up with解析句意:提出这种新想法的关键是每天认真观看,对任何事物不想当然。the key to doing sth.意为:做某事的关键是。come up with意为:提出;get along with意为:与和谐相处,取得进展;catch up with意为:追上,赶上;end up with意为:结束,以而结束,以告终。答案A8. The majority of rural migrants are engaged in the most painstaking,most tiring and

8、dangerous work,_ college graduates are reluctant to do.Awhile Bthat Cwhat Dwhich解析句意:来自农村的大多数民工多从事最艰苦的,最令人厌烦的和最危急的工作,那些工作是高校毕业生不愿做的。此处为which引导的非限制性定语从句,在定语从句中充当do的宾语。答案D9Only by doing things that your soul is eager to do _ life something full of beautiful memories.Acould you make Byou can makeCcan y

9、ou make Dyou will make解析句意:只有通过做那些你心里想做的事情,你才能够让自己的生活布满奇特的回忆。此处为only状语置于句首,主句用部分倒装,另外此处仅仅陈述一般状况,因此不能用一般过去时态,故本题答案为C。答案C10Personally,I prefer to stay up late at night,but not _ Ill have to drive to work the next day.Awhile Bunless Cuntil Dwhen解析句意:就我而言,我宠爱晚上熬夜,但是其次天必需开车去工作的时候除外。此处用when表时间,意为:当的时候;whi

10、le也可跟时间状语,但是其后的动词应用连续性动词,故排解;unless意为:除非,假如不;until意为:在以前,直到时。答案D11To our great relief,Jacks illness proved not to be as serious as we _Ahad feared Bhave fearedCwould fear Dhave been fearing解析句意:令我们大为释怀的事情是,杰克的病并不像我们最初担忧的那么严峻。fear担忧的事情是发生在proved的之前,因此此处应用过去完成时态。答案A12If he werent always ready to help,

11、I _ him to look after my son while I was away.Acouldnt ask Bwouldnt have askedCshouldnt have asked Dmustnt have asked解析句意:假如他不是乐于助人的话,在我离开的时候我就不会让他来照看我的儿子了。此处是对过去的虚拟和假设。主句应用would/ could/ might have done,因此本题答案为B,shouldnt have done表示本不应做却做了,不符合语境。答案B13. Scully has a talent for creating for her studen

12、ts _ allows them to communicate freely with each other.Awhich Bwhere Cwhat Dwho解析句意:Scully有一种为同学创建彼此间自由沟通的天赋。create后面需跟宾语,宾语是一个句子,属于宾语从句,且宾语从句中缺少主语,表物,故本题答案为C。答案C14. “Sorry” is the hardest word to say sometimes._ you know youve done something wrong,or something inappropriate,it takes courage to say

13、sorry.AOnly if BEven ifCIf only DAs if解析句意:“对不起”有时是最难说的语言,即便是在你知道你做的不对或不恰当的时候,说“对不起”需要士气。only if 意为:只要,只当,只有;even if 意为:即使; if only意为:只要,要是多好;as if意为:好像。 答案B15The Buckingham Palace is a great tourist _,drawing millions of visitors every year.Aattention BattractionCappointment Darrangement解析句意:白金汉宫是格

14、外好的一处旅游景点,每年都吸引成千上万人来旅游。attention n留意力,关怀,立正!(口令);attraction n吸引,吸引力,引力,吸引人的事物;appointment n任命,商定,任命的职位;arrangement n布置,整理,预备。答案B16. It is necessary for children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the generation gap between parents and children can be _Areleased BreplacedCnarro

15、wed Ddisappeared解析句意:孩子很有必要时而不时地与父母沟通看法,那样的话,父母与孩子间的代沟就会缩小。release vt.释放,放射,让与,允许发表;replace vt.取代,代替,替换,更换;narrow vt.使变窄;disappear vt.使不存在,使消逝。依据语境可知代沟只能是变小而不是消逝。答案C17. I _ in a foreign trade company for three years.Still,I dont regret giving up the job and living with my family.Aworked Bhave worked

16、Chad worked Dhave been working解析句意:我曾在一家外贸公司工作了三年,然而至今我也不懊悔放弃了那份工作而选择与家人在一起。此处用一般过去时态描述一个发生在过去,但是现在已经不再存在的一个事实。答案A18As far as I am concerned,education is about learning and the more you learn,_Athe more for life are you equippedBthe more equipped for life you areCthe more for life you are equipped f

17、orDyou are equipped the more for life解析句意:以我来看,训练就是学习,你学的越多,你就能为你的生活做的预备越多。本题考查“the(形容词/副词)比较级.the(形容词/副词)比较级.”句型,即“the more.the more.”句型,以及 be equipped for sth.首先the more 句型要以 the more开头,排解D;另外留意the more 形容词主语谓语的语序,可以排解选项A、C,故本题答案为B。答案B19. After several years of observation,the research group _ the

18、 conclusion that language acquisition is faster when students _ to the situation where it is spoken.Ahas come to; exposeBhave arrived at; are exposedChas concluded; are exposedDhave reached; expose解析句意:经过多年的观测之后,那个争辩团队得出结论,当同学置身于要说的语言环境中,语言的习得就会越快。第一空的主语the research group为集体名词,其后的谓语动词用复数,其次空expose与主

19、语students的关系为被动,故本题答案为B。答案B20I enjoyed a very good weekend in the countryside._AIts a pleasureBCongratulationsCOh,Im glad to hear thatDThats very nice of you解析句意:在乡下我们有一个格外欢快的周末。听到这个消息我格外兴奋。Its a pleasure.用于表示感谢后的答语;Congratulations.用于对别人取得成就后的庆贺;Oh, Im glad to hear that.用于听到对方好消息的赞同;Thats very nice

20、of you.你太好了,表示观赏。答案C其次节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,把握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。My father was in the navy,which meant that my mother was married to both my father and the sea.As was often the _21_,we had to pack our belongings into boxes and _22_ those we had grown to love.We would arr

21、ive at our new home and find ourselves once again _23_ at the pier(码头)waving goodbye to my father as his ship pulled him away from us.My mother would turn my brother and me around before the ship was out of _24_,wipe our tears,and take us back home to start the process of _25_ in the new environment

22、 again.Throughout the years of changing _26_,schools and friends,there remained one constant in my childhoodmy mother.For both my _27_ and me,she was the cook,maid and teacher.She played these roles while _28_ some type of parttime job.Leaving a promising career is just one of the _29_ which my moth

23、er made for my family as we moved around the world with our father every three years or so._30_ she had to deal with only a small budget,my mother _31_ managed to make each house the very home that is safe and _32_This probably sounds like a depressing way to live,_33_ with two small children: “sing

24、le” parenthood,shortterm friendships,and the inability to _34_ a career or establish a home.But it was not for my mother.She turned this _35_ into adventure for us all! Each relocation was a chance to _36_ another part of the world.My mother _37_ each new culture,climate and neighborhood.Each new ho

25、use was a _38_ to rearrange furniture,make curtains and hang pictures.Every parttime job was an opportunity to learn something new and work with interesting people.No matter how difficult the life was,she was always having a _39_ attitude.She always had strength in the face of struggle and change.My

26、 mother was so _40_ all those years of my childhoodshe was my island in a sea of change.She is my hero.【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文。父亲是一名海军,照看弟弟和我及其这个家庭的重担就落在了母亲的肩头,为了这个家,母亲放弃了很多,母亲是孩子们的依托,是孩子心目中的英雄。21A.situation Bcase Cmatter Drule解析句意:母亲嫁给了父亲,就等于嫁给了大海。每次父亲出海,我们就不得不整理行李举家搬迁,这是常有的事。As is often the case,.固定用法,意为:

27、这是常有的事。答案B22A.leave behind Bleave outCleave off Dleave for解析句意:每次父亲出海。我们举家搬迁,整理东西,丢弃一些伴随我们成长的物品。leave behind意为:留下,丢弃,遗忘带;leave out意为:遗漏,省去,不考虑;leave off意为:停止;leave for意为:动身去,离开去,动身去某地。答案A23A.arriving Bstaring Cstanding Dlooking解析句意:我们到达了新的家,再一次站在码头向父亲说再见。答案C24A.range Bshape Csight Dcontrol解析句意:在父亲的船

28、走出了我们的视野后,母亲才领着我和弟弟回家。out of sight固定短语,意为:看不见,在视野之外,在看不见的地方。答案C25A.adapting Bsuiting Cmatching Dfitting解析句意:父亲走后,我们擦干眼泪,母亲带着我们回家,再次开头了适应新环境的旅程。此处与上文We would arrive at our new home.对应。答案D26A.names Bjobs Caddresses Ddirections解析句意:几年来,我们始终更换住址,始终更换学校和伴侣,但是始终不变的就是我们的母亲。此处与上文我们经常搬家对应,由于经常搬家,所以地址不停地更换。答案

29、C27A.father BclassmatesCbrother Drelatives解析句意:对于弟弟和我而言,母亲就是厨师,佣人和老师。此处与上文My mother would turn my brother and me around before the ship was out of _24_对应。答案C28A.performing BseekingCwaiting Dapplying解析句意:母亲在扮演这些角色的同时还从事各种各样的业余工作。perform vt.执行,完成,演奏,工作,符合语境。答案A29A.programs BsacrificesCcontribution Dco

30、operation解析句意:放弃自己有前途的工作是母亲为这个家作出的巨大的牺牲。program n程序,方案,大纲;sacrifice n牺牲,祭品,供奉;contribution n贡献,捐献,投稿;cooperation n合作,协作。答案B30A.Once BWhile CWhen DUnless解析句意:虽然母亲不得不节省开支。此处when置于句首,意为:虽然,尽管。答案B31A.somewhere BsomewhatCsometime Dsomehow解析句意:但是母亲不管怎样还是使我们的家是一个不同寻常的家。此处承接上文。答案D32A.romantic BcomfortableCm

31、ysterious Dwealthy解析句意:虽然需要节省开支,但是母亲还是使得我们的这个家平安,舒适。此处的comfortable与上文的safe对应。答案B33A.generally Bactually Cespecially Dunfairly解析句意:这听起来好像是一种令人懊丧的生活,特殊是“单亲”母亲带着两个孩子。generally adv.通常,普遍地,一般地;actually adv.实际上,事实上;especially adv.特殊,尤其,格外;unfairly adv.不公正地,不正值地。答案C34A.desert Bpursue Caffect Dlimit解析句意:不能追

32、求自己的事业和安置自己的家庭。此处承接上文阐述母亲的不易。答案B35A.lifestyle Bvalue Cjourney Dopportunity解析句意:但是母亲把这种生活方式当做一次次探险。此处承接上文说明母亲擅长把生活中的一些事情想得开。答案A36A.acquire Bexplore Coccupy Drealize解析句意:每一次的搬家都是探究世界其他地方的一次机会。acquire vt.获得,取得,学到,捕获;explore vt.探究,探测,探险;occupy vt.占据,占据,居住;realize vt.实现,生疏到,了解。答案B37A.met Bgreeted Cagreed

33、 Dsuspected解析句意:母亲迎接每一次的不同的文化,气候和邻居。greet动词,意为:欢迎,迎接,致敬,致意,符合语境。答案B38A.load Bsadness Cresult Dchallenge解析句意:每一处新家都是重新支配家具,制作窗帘和张贴图画的挑战。load n负载,负荷,工作量,装载量;sadness n哀痛;result n结果,成果,答案;challenge n挑战。答案D39A.changeable BcautiousCpositive Dnegative解析句意:无论生活是多么的困难,母亲总是对生活持乐观态度。changeable adj.无常的,可转变的,易变的

34、,不定的;cautious adj.谨慎的,格外当心的;positive adj.乐观的;negative adj.消极的,否定的。答案C40A.experienced BbraveCordinary Dannoyed解析句意:这些年来,母亲是英勇的,他是我们的岛屿,是我们的英雄。experienced adj.老练的,娴熟的,富有阅历的;brave adj.英勇的;ordinary adj.一般的,平凡的,平常的;annoyed adj.愤怒的,郁闷的。答案B其次部分阅读理解(第一节20小题,其次节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中

35、,选出最佳选项。AShort and shy,Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team.“Football,tennis Cricketanything with a round ball,I was useless,” he says now with a laugh.But back then he was the object of jokes in school gym classes in Englands rural Devonshire.It was a mountain bike

36、he received for his 15th birthday that changed him.At first the teen went biking alone in a nearby forest.Then he began to cycle along with a runner friend.Gradually,Saunders set his mind building up his body,increasing his speed,strength and endurance.At age 18,he ran his first marathon.The followi

37、ng year,he met John Ridgway,who became famous in the 1960s for rowing an open boat across the Atlantic Ocean.Saunders was hired as an instructor at Ridgways school of Adventure in Scotland,where he learned about the older mans coldwater exploits(成就)Intrigued,Saunders read all he could about Arctic e

38、xplorers and North Pole expeditions,then decided that this would be his future.Journeys to the Pole arent the usual holidays for British country boys,and many people dismissed his dream as fantasy.“John Ridgway was one of the few who didnt say,You are completely crazy,” Saunders says.In 2001,after b

39、ecoming a skilled skier,Saunders started his first longdistance expedition toward the North Pole.He suffered frostbite,had a closer encounter(患病) with a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit.Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole,and hes skied more of the

40、Arctic by himself than any other Briton.His old playmates would not believe the transformation.This October,Saunders,27,heads south to explore from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back,an 1800mile journey that has never been completed on skis.【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文。Ben Saunders不仅胖,而且内向,总是班里各种

41、活动中最终一个被选择的。受John Ridgway的鼓舞,Ben Saunders成为独自滑雪到北极最年轻的人,并制造了世界记录。41The turning point in Saunderslife came when _.Ahe started to play ball gamesBhe got a mountain bike at age 15Che ran his first marathon at age 18Dhe started to receive Ridgways training解析细节理解题。依据其次段It was a mountain bike he received

42、for his 15th birthday that changed him.可知,在他15岁时得到的山地车转变了他的生活。答案B42We can learn from the text that Ridgway _Adismissed Saunders dream as fantasy Bbuilt up his body together with SaundersChired Saunders for his coldwater experience Dwon his fame for his voyage across the Atlantic解析细节理解题。依据第三段The foll

43、owing year, he met John Ridgway, who became famous in the 1960s for rowing an open boat across the Atlantic Ocean.可知,Ridgway由于横穿大西洋而出名。答案D43What do we know about Saunders?AHe once worked at a school in Scotland.BHe followed Ridgway to explore the North Pole.CHe was chosen for the school sports team

44、as a kid.DHe was the first Briton to ski alone to the North Pole.解析细节理解题。依据第三段Saunders was hired as an instructor at Ridgways school of Adventure in Scotland, where he learned about the older mans coldwater exploits(成就)可知,他在苏格兰的一所学校工作过。答案A44The underlined word “Intrigued” in the third paragraph prob

45、ably means _AExcited BConvincedCDelighted DFascinated解析词义猜想题。他读了全部有关Arctic 到北极探险的书籍,并打算了自己的将来。依据后文Saunders read all he could about Arctic explorers and North Pole expeditions, then decided that this would be his future.可知,他这样的缘由在于入迷,因此本题答案为D。答案D45It can be inferred that Saunders journey to the North Pole _Awas accompanied by his old playmatesBset a record in the North Pole expeditionCwas supported by other Arctic explorersDmade him wellknown in the 1960s解析推理推断题。依据第六段Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and he

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