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1、双基限时练(十)Unit 4Part .单词拼写1What he said did not _(影响) my decision.答案affect2. This hat will give _(爱护) against the sun.答案protection3. The company suffered a heavy _(损失) of that mistake.答案loss4. The airport is about ten miles _(距离) from the city, so youd better take a taxi.答案distant5. What he said in th

2、e meeting is of great _(重要性), so we should pay attention to it.答案importance6. You should_(申请) immediately, in person or by letter.答案apply7. These seats are_(留给) for special guests.答案reserved8. The western food_(含有) too much fat and sugar.答案contains9More and more have come to realize the importance o

3、f the safety. So the number of traffic accidents _(削减) last year.答案decreased10. Butterflies, bees, flies, and ants are all _(昆虫)答案insects.用适当的介词或副词填空1I had a sudden feeling that his life was _ danger.答案in2Many college students will apply _ the job, so it is difficult for you to be employed.答案for3As

4、a result _ the earthquake, Jack cant work any longer.答案of4He gave me no chance to reply _ his question.答案to5He raised his arm to protect his face _ being attacked.答案from6You should pay more attention _ your handwriting in future.答案to7We woke _ very early and then we woke _ our children.答案up; up8She

5、succeeded _ passing the final examination.答案in9Turn _ and let me look at your back.答案around/round10The cruel girls killed the little cat _ mercy.答案without.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1I really appreciate _ (have) time to relax with you on this nice island.答案与解析havingappreciate后接动名词作宾语。2 You cant imagine _ fantas

6、tic fun web chatting is. Really? But it may cause a lot of trouble sometimes.答案与解析whatwhat引导宾语从句,同时修饰不行数名词fun。实际上这个宾语从句也是一个感叹句。3I was at _ loss for words when he told me the bad news.答案与解析a句意:当他把那个坏消息告知我时,我一下子不知说什么好了。be at a loss for a word/words“找不到恰当字眼;不知怎样解释才好”。4_ foolish what the six blind men s

7、aid sounded!答案与解析How句意:这六个盲人所说的话听上去多么愚蠢啊!副词how修饰形容词foolish。5Although _ my opinion, the old professor didnt come up with his own.答案与解析against句意:虽然反对我的见解,但那位老教授却没提出自己的见解。against ones opinion“反对某人的见解”。6Elephants would die _ if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.答案与解析outdie out“灭亡;消逝;毁灭”。7

8、Nathalie suggested the problem worth paying attention to _ (discuss) at the meeting.答案与解析be discussedworth paying attention to是the problem的定语,为简化句子结构可把它去掉,suggest后面接的是宾语从句,从句的谓语动词为be discussed,可以理解为省略了should。8None of us appreciate _ (make) fun of in our daily life.答案与解析being madeappreciate后面接v.ing或名

9、词,同时none of us与make fun of之间为被动关系,所以用being done形式。9The film was_great success,_received several awards at home and abroad.答案与解析a; whichsuccess“成功的事”,为可数名词;which引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,且在从句中作主语。10Ouch! You hurt me!I am sorry. But I didnt mean any harm. I _ (try) to drive a rat out.答案与解析was trying用过去进行时,表示当时正在

10、进行的动作。.词语学问1The boy was seriously hurt in the chest and his life was _.A. in danger B. dangerousC. a danger D. in the danger答案与解析Ain danger“处于危急中”;dangerous“危急的”;a danger“危急的事物”;D项搭配错误。2No response was _ rapidly _ our demands for the equipment which was most needed.A. gave; to B. made; toC. offered;

11、 for D. give; for答案与解析B考查动词的搭配。make no response (to .)“对未作回答/反应”。本题中该短语用了被动语态,增加了解题的难度,若变成主动语态,答案便一目了然了。3We all feel it _ that our team will win the game with ease.A. certain B. sureC. certainly D. surely答案与解析A选项在句中作补语,故排解C、D两项;本句中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为that从句。这时certain不行被sure替换,故A项正确。4This kind of medicine

12、has a bad _ on our brains.A. affection B. affectC. effect D. result答案与解析C句意:这种药对我们的大脑有不良影响。affection“情感”;affect“影响;感动”;result“结果”;have a bad effect on .“对有不好的影响”。5For a moment Arthur was _ how to reply to the question.A. have no idea B. not knowingC. puzzling D. at a loss答案与解析D句意:有那么一会儿,亚瑟很茫然,不知如何回答

13、问题。at a loss“不知所措;困惑”,符合句意。6As soon as she saw her boyfriend, she _ tears.A. burst into B. broke outC. burst out D. broke in答案与解析Aburst into tears“突然哭起来”,符合句意。break out为不及物动词短语,表示“爆发”;burst out doing sth.“突然开头做某事”;break in“强行闯入”。7Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your _, please? I have something urge

14、nt to announce.A. notice B. attentionC. attentions D. notices答案与解析B考查词义辨析。这是在说话时要引起对方留意时常用的一句口语,即“请留意”,这时的attention只用单数形式,因此选B项。8Have a good rest; you need to _ your energy for the tennis match this afternoon.A. leave B. reserveC. hold D. get答案与解析Breserve ones energysave ones energy“把体能、精力保留(以待后用);养

15、精蓄锐”。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Daisy had always longed _1_(help) endangered species of wildlife. One day a flying carpet took her to a _2_ (distance) land in Tibet where Daisy saw an antelope looking sad. It told Daisy that they were being killed for the wool _3_ their stomachs. As

16、 a result, they are now an endangered species.Then the flying carpet took Daisy to Zimbabwe, _4_ Daisy burst into laughter _5_ relief. There an elephant told her that they used to be an endangered species, _6_ that their numbers were increasing with the governments help. Daisy smiled when she heard

17、that so many things _7_(do) there to save local wildlife, which showed the _8_ (important) of wildlife protection.Finally the flying carpet and Daisy were in a thick rainforest, where a monkey was protecting _9_from mosquitoes by rubbing an insect over his body. The monkey also told Daisy to pay mor

18、e attention to the rainforest and appreciate _10_ the animals live together.答案1.to help2.distant3.beneath4.where5.in6.and7.were being done8.importance9.himself10how.完形填空We find different kinds of animals in the world. Some animals, such as tigers and lions, live in big forests and they are called _1

19、_ animals. Some others like sheep and dogs are _2_ by men and they are called domestic animals (家养动物). These animals are very different from one another, but we can _3_ them into big groups: those that eat other animals and those that eat grass and leaves. Animals like the _4_ belong to the first gr

20、oup.Animals are _5_ great use to human beings. Men _6_ wild animals for their fur and meat. Domestic animals are _7_ more important to men. Without them, life will be _8_. People make use of animals in many _9_.Cows and pigs are useful to mens _10_. They give 80% of the _11_ men eat every year. Skin

21、 of some animals can be _12_ into expensive overcoats and shoes, which are warm and comfortable and _13_ a long time. They are very welcome in _14_ countries.Wool, which is now one of the most important materials for textile (纺织) _15_, comes from some certain _16_. From cows, we get milk. And we sho

22、uldnt _17_ that some domestic animals are kept for transport (运输). Many people _18_ ride horses. Arabs ride on camels that travel in deserts for days without _19_. In some places animals are still used to plough the field. _20_ is clear that men just cant live without these animals.1A. wild B. serio

23、us C. terrible D. fighting2A. trapped B. treated C. sold D. kept3A. separate B. divide C. turn D. change4A. chicken B. tiger C. cow D. goat5A. with B. to C. for D. of6A. hunt B. discover C. raise D. care for7A. quite B. very C. even D. some8A. smooth B. difficult C. easy D. perfect9A. ways B. groups

24、 C. places D. kinds10A. life B. work C. family D. food11A. meal B. meat C. dinner D. animal12A. put B. turned C. made D. changed13A. last B. cost C. take D. dress14A. cool B. cold C. warm D. foreign15A. business B. worker C. industry D. factory16A. sheep B. goats C. cows D. animals17A. forget B. rem

25、ember C. realize D. notice18A. always B. hardly C. still D. just19A. resting B. drinking C. sleeping D. stopping20A. That B. This C. It D. So答案与解析1Awild意为“野生的”,由前面的“live in big forests”可知是野生动物。serious“严峻的”, terrible“可怕的”和fighting“斗争的”均不符合语境。故选A项。2Dkeep意为“饲养”,由后面的“domestic animals (家养动物)”可知此处填kept。tr

26、ap意为“使落人圈套(或逆境)”, treat“对待;治疗”和sell“卖,销售”均不符合语境。故选D项。3Bseparate . from .“把与分开”不符合搭配。turn/change . into .“把变成”不符合句意。divide . into .“把分成”符合搭配和句意。故选B项。4B由常识可知老虎是属于吃别的动物肉为生的。而鸡属于杂食性动物,奶牛属于食草动物,山羊也属于食草动物。故选B项。5Dbe of great usebe very useful是固定搭配,意为“格外有用的”,其他选项均无此搭配。故选D项。6Ahunt意为“狩猎”,此处是指人类捕猎野生动物是为了得到它们的皮

27、毛和肉。discover“发觉”, raise“增加;提高”和care for“照看;宠爱”均不符合句意。故选A项。7Cquite, very和some不能修饰比较级。故选C项。8Bdifficult意为“困难的”,此处是指没有家养动物,生活将很难。smooth“顺当的,光滑的”, easy“简洁的”和perfect“完善的”均不符合语境。故选B项。9Away“方面”,此处是指人们从很多方面利用动物。group“群;组”, place“地方”和kind“种类”均不符合语境。故选A项。10Alife意为“生活”,此处是指奶牛和猪对人类的生活是有用的。food“食物”, work“工作”和fami

28、ly“家庭”均不符合语境。故选A项。11Bmeat意为“肉”,此处是指它们供应人类所食用的肉的80%。meal“(一顿)饭”, dinner“晚餐;正餐”和animal“动物”均不符合语境。故选B项。12Cbe made into意为“被制作成”,此处是指一些动物的皮能被制成昂贵的外套和鞋子。be put into“被放入”和be turned/changed into“被转变成”均不符合语境。故选C项。13Alast“维持;够用”,此处是指昂贵的外套和鞋子经久耐用。cost“花费”, take“拿走”和dress“(给)穿衣”均不符合语境。故选A项。14B由前面的“warm”可知动物的皮制成

29、的温存外套和鞋子在寒冷的国家受欢迎。cool“凉快的”, warm“暖和的”和foreign“外国的;生疏的”均不符合语境。故选B项。15Cindustry意为“行业”,此处是羊毛是纺织行业最重要的材料之一。business“商业,生意”, worker“工人”和factory“工厂”均不符合语境。故选C项。16D毛来自某些动物。A、B和C三个选项概括不全面。故选D项。17Aforget意为“遗忘”,此处是指我们不应当遗忘一些家养动物可以当作运输工具。remember“记得”, realize“意识到;实现”和notice“留意到”均不符合语境。故选A项。18Cstill意为“仍旧”,现在仍旧有很多人骑马。always“总是”, hardly“几乎不”和just“正好,仅仅”均不符合语境。故选C项。19Bdrink意为“喝水”,骆驼在沙漠里行走好几天都不用喝水。rest“休息”, sleep“睡觉”和stop“停止”均不符合语境。故选B项。20CIt is clear that .为固定句型,意为“明显”,其他选项均不符合句型要求。故选C项。

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