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1、 EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK 员工手册Shenzhen Representative OfficeNew Scope Resources Limited香港鑫豪股份有限公司深圳代表处November, 2007RVSD3 December, 2008目录 Contents第一章 人事管理 Section 1 Personnel Management第二章 福利政策Section 2 Welfare Policies第三章 薪金管理制度Section 3 Salary Management Systems第四章 出差及款待费用Section 4 Travel and Entertainm

2、ent Expenses Guidelines第五章 其他规定Section 5 Other RegulationsAppendix List 附录列表Appendix 附录Section reference所在章节Appendix A Recruitment Request Form附录 A招聘申请表Section 1A1Appendix B Application for Employment附录 B职位申请表Section 1A2Appendix CRegistration form 附录 C中国员工登记表Section 1A3Appendix DDismissal Form附录 D离职

3、手续表Section 1C3第一章 人事管理Section 1 Personnel ManagementA.招聘 Recruitment1. 如果部门经理需招聘或替换员工,需要填写(见附件A)。表格填好后,经首席代表批准方可交由人事行政经理去执行招聘任务。工资由首席代表核准,试用期为两个月。In the event a departmental manager should need to recruit or replace an employee, the relevant manager will complete the company Recruitment Form (a samp

4、le of which is shown in Appendix A). Upon completion, the form should be submitted to the Chief representative for authorization before submission to the HR to enact recruitment. The salary range will be approved by the Chief representative and a 3 month probationary period salary will be agreed.2.

5、招聘程序 Recruitment process a. 如公司内没有合适人选,则对外进行招聘。When looking for candidates the management will consider whether to fill the vacancy internally or if external recruitment is neededb. HR负责招聘程序并确定对外公布空缺职位的合适的媒体。HR department will manage the recruitment process and identify suitable media for advertisin

6、g a vacancyc. 鼓励有意愿的职员递交简历给HR进行评估。Suitable interested persons will be encouraged to submit their resume (Curriculum Vitae) to the HR for review.d. 根据如下表格安排面试: Interviews will be arranged according to the chart below.初试Initial CV sift初试Initial interview复试 Second interview审核Approval部门经理Department Mana

7、gerHR or Department Manager部门经理/首席代表Department Manager/Chief Representative首席代表Chief Representativee. 外部应聘者面试前填写“职位申请表”(如附件B)The applicant from external should fill the “Application Form for employment”(as show in Appendix B) before interview.B.聘用 Employment1. 受聘用的员工需在指定日期及时间来公司报到。如果新员工没在指定日期来报到,则此次

8、录用视为无效。Those employed shall be registered on the appointed date and time. In the event that a new member of staff does not report on the allotted day, then it may be assumed that employment is null and void.2. 所有新员工需于指定日期完成下列表格:On the allotted date, all new employees shall be required to complete th

9、e following forms;a. 中国员工登记表(如附件C所示)Employee Registration Form (as shown in Appendix C).b. 聘用员工合同Contract with HH CHINA and Fesco.c. 暂住户口登记表Shenzhen Temporary Stay Registration Form3. 员工尚需提供以下资料The employee is also required to provide the following;a. 身份证ID cardb. 学历证书 All certificates of educationc

10、. 职业资格证书 Any professional qualification certificatesd. 健康证明Health certificatee. 两张一寸的个人彩照 (如新员工没有暂住证,需另交二张照片办理)Two 1-inch photographs of the employee(Should a new employee not possess a temporary stay card, then the employee is expected to provide a further 2 photographs)4. 公司向每位新员工介绍HH CHINA,提供公司背景

11、资料。Every new employee will be provided with a presentation on the HH CHINA to provide background information for the employee5. 如以虚假文件取得公司职位者,一经发现立即中止合同,不作任何补偿。In the event an employee is found to have assumed a role in the organization using counterfeit documents, then the employees contract will b

12、e immediately terminated without compensation.C 岗位说明书Job description a 各部门领导在分配部门人员任务时应具有创造性。分配每日或每周,甚至每月及每年的任务,使部门人员工作充实及活跃,具生产力。不应有任何部门人员落后或缺乏沟通。如有合理之情况,应做出汇报,进行讨论及采取行动。It is part of every department managers job to show creativity in assigning job assignments, to provide job assignments on daily

13、and weekly basis or even on monthly/yearly basis, department managers should keep their employees busy/active and productive, no employee should be left behind and not communicated to, if there are justifiable reasons, then it should be reported for discussion and action.b 各部门领导应为每位部门人员拟定一份清楚的职位说明书。

14、Every department manager writes up a clear job description for every department member.D.试用期 Probation Period1. 员工需经过两个月的试用期。Each member of staff is employed on a 2 months probation. 2. 两个月试用期结束前5个工作日,HR会同相关部门经理将安排同此员工的会谈评估下列事项:Upon 5 working days before expiration of the 2 months probation, HR and

15、relevant departmental manager will arrange a meeting with the employee to review;a 出勤记录Attendance recordb 工作表现 Performance3. 如会谈结束后,员工表示离开公司,职工需提交辞职申请书和离职表(见附件D)并得到公司所应支付费用。If after the review an employee should decide to leave the company, the employee should refer a Resignation Request and the dis

16、missal form (see Appendix D) and will be compensated for any outstanding amount.4. 如员工无法胜任其职务,HR将发出辞退通知书要求员工离职。公司支付此员工未付相关费用。Should the employee not meet the requirements of the role, the HR will issue a dismissal notice and the employee will be asked to leave the company. The employee will be compe

17、nsated for any outstanding amount.5. 离职人员的当月工资结算日为公司工资发放日期(每月27日);如离职人员没过试用期,其当月工资离职当天结算。salary will be paid on the leaving date if the employee didnt pass the probation.E 考核 Assessment1. 根据考核程序,公司对全体员工每年进行一次年终考核。员工考核将在次年一月进行,工资调整将在次年的三月一日正式执行。All employees of the company will be assessed annually i

18、n accordance with the employee. Employee assessments will take place in Jan. each year with pay adjustments commencing from Mar. 1st of the same year.2. 考核目的是对员工过去一年的表现,直接反应在升迁、调薪、及培训需要方面。部门经理进行考核,如果员工认为考核有失公平,可将自己的评语加入考核中。The purpose is to assess the previous years (or months) performance of every

19、employee that will have a direct bearing on promotions, salary adjustment and training needs. The assessment will be conducted by the employees manager and in the event an employee feels the comments to be unfair, the employee has an opportunity to add their own comments to the assessment.3. 每位员工须以积

20、极的有建设性的态度来做好准备来讨论自己的表现。并且应该在考核前考虑自己的发展及培训需求以便与部门经理讨论。部门经理必须与HR 沟通以便安排合适的培训课程。Each employee should be prepared to discuss his or her performance in a positive and constructive manner. Every employee should also consider their development and training needs before the assessment for discussion with th

21、eir department head and coordinate with HR Dept. to plan the future training and progress objective.4. 考核范围 Areas to be reviewed in the assessment:a 员工达成目标的成绩 Employee achievements against objectivesb 出勤记录 Attendance recordc 工作态度Attitude of an employee during working hoursd 员工的沟通及技术技能 Employee inter

22、-personal and technical skillse 员工的培训需求及发展需求 Employee training and development needsf 下一年度的目标 Objectives for the next year.F.工作调动 Transfers1. 公司有权根据员工的能力,工作表现和公司的实际需要,将员工调至公司内的任何工作岗位工作,因为公司深信这将更有利于发挥员工的潜质。岗位调整由原部门经理提出,并最终由首席代表批准。员工调离原部门必须完备移交手续,交接好工作。Company has the right to transfer employee to any

23、 position within the company according to employees ability, performance and requirements of the company as company believe this will help the employee to use his potential for future improvement. Transfer of employee will be applied by the original department manager and to be approved by the Chief

24、 representative. Employee should finish the handover of his previous job.2. 对年度考核结果中显示出具有潜在发展并能一直超额完成任务的员工,在其年度考核表上将给予考虑晋升建议。所有晋升建议的年度考核表将交由部门经理并在执行前交给总经理批准。An employee who as a result of the annual assessment shows good development potential and consistently exceeds objectives will be considered fo

25、r promotion. A departmental manager should make the recommendation for a promotion on the employees annual assessment forms. All assessment forms with a promotion recommendation should be correlated by the department manager and reviewed with the General Manager before a promotion is awarded.3. 如年度考

26、评结果体现员工在公司内工作表现不佳,未能按时完成任务,常表现出缺乏其职务的能力。 部门经理应在员工年度考评表上提出降级建议。所有写有降级提议的考评表需交由部门经理并在执行降级或终止合同前交由总经理审核。An employee who as a result of the annual assessment consistently; underperforms against objectives fails to meet deadlines and generally shows a lack of ability in relation to the employees role wit

27、hin the company. A departmental manager should make the recommendation for a demotion on the employees annual assessment form. All assessment forms with a demotion recommendation should be correlated by the department manager and reviewed with the General Manager before a demotion or termination of

28、the contract is authorized.G.离职 Leaving Company Employment1. 员工离职会为五种原因:合同期满、辞职、退休、冗员及解雇。There are five reasons for leaving employment of the company; Expiration of contract, resignation, retirement, redundancy and dismissal.2. 合同期满 Expiration of contract合同期满,员工同公司的劳动关系终止。经双方同意,在原劳动合同终止后的10个工作日内,不迟于

29、劳动合同期满前24小时,公司可与员工签订新的劳动合同。任何劳动合同不存在自动续约的情况。The labor relations between employee and company will be terminated on expiration of the employment contract. By mutual consent, an employee will be offered a new contract of employment within 10 working days, but no later than 24 hours before the expirati

30、on of the current contract. Any employment contract is not automatically renewable.3. 辞职 Resignation任何员工需于合同期满日前终止合同,则需提交书面辞职信给部门经理或HR。Any employee wishing to terminate the employment contract prior to the expiration date should submit an official letter to the head manager and reviewed by HR depart

31、ment.如员工在试用期内提出终止劳动关系,须于最少五个工作日提交通知。如果公司已为其办理暂住证,则办理费用须从员工的工资内作相应扣除。If an employee desires to terminate employment within the probation period, the employee should give a minimum of 5 working days notice. In the event the company has processed temporary stay papers for the employee, a transaction fe

32、e will be deducted from any outstanding amount the employee is due.如员工在试用期满后提出辞职,则需提前至少一个月给出通知,否则视为放弃当月工资,以此补偿因此给公司带来的经营或生产的不便。在此期间,员工如需请年假,日期及时间须经部门经理同意,否则视为作废。If an employee desires to terminate employment after expiration of the probationary period, the employee should give a minimum of 1 month n

33、otice. Otherwise, it shall be viewed as relinquishment of the salary for the current month as the compensation for any convenience for the operation of the company or production. During this period if the employee has accrued any annual holiday leave, this must be taken at a date and time agreed wit

34、h the employees manager or will be forfeit.4. 退休 Retirement正常退休年龄为男60岁,女55岁。任何接近此年龄段的职员将会提前六个月收到HR通知。The normal retirement age of employees is 60 for males and 55 for females. Any employment nearing the normal retirement age will be notified 6 months in advance by the HR5. 冗员 Redundancy公司提前三十日向职工说明情

35、况,经向劳动行政部门报告后,可以裁减冗员。公司按国家规定予以补偿。Redundancy has to be notified to all affected employees 30 days in advance and implementation can be done after reporting to the Labor Bureau. Company compensation in accordance with national regulation after company reports to labor admin bureau.6. 解雇 Dismissal如员工有重

36、大不正当行为或违反国家法律,公司将立即终止与员工签订的用工合同,不作任何补偿。如公司因员工的不正当行为而蒙受经济损失,则此部分将从员工工资内作相应扣除,并且,如情节严重者,将追究其责任。The employment contract between company and employee may be immediately terminated without compensation in the instance of Gross Misconduct or violation of National laws. In the event the company should suff

37、er an economic loss as the result of an employees gross misconduct, a same equal to that loss will be deducted from the employees salary. Subsequently, should the act of gross misconduct be of sufficient severity, the company would pursue a prosecution of the employee.如员工没有得到部门经理的事先批准旷工三天或三天以上或未按正常手

38、续离职者将被视作自动离职,并从旷工之日起不支付工资,公司不作任何补偿。If in the event an employee is absent from duty without prior approval from the employees manager for a period of 3 days or more or who resigns without following the company procedures may be deemed to have left the company and no salary will be paid from the comme

39、ncement of absence.书面警告两次视同完全不能胜任职位或严重违反公司规定,将立即解除劳动合同,公司不作任何补偿。口头警告及书面警告由部门经理视乎情节严重程度提出,经首席代表同意,由人事部经理发出。An employee who has been given 2 times of written warning will be considered as totally unsuitable for the position or disobeying company policies and will be dismissed immediately without compe

40、nsation. Oral warning and written warning will be submitted by department managers according to the severity, to be approved by chief representative and send by HR manager to the employee.口头警告包括:工作时间做与工作内容无关的事情(如,上网私人聊天、讲私人电话、与同事闲聊)无故迟到早退打听同事工资奖金影响其它同事日常工作(如办公室内大声喧哗、遭到其他同事的合理投诉)Oral warning includes

41、:Doing something not related to work in working time (e.g. private talk in messenger, private telephone, chatting with other colleagues)Late or work or early leave without reasonChecking other colleagues salary or bonusAffect other colleagues daily work (making noises in the office, being complaint

42、by other co-workers) 书面警告包括:故意怠工,效率低下,无特殊原因下不能按时完成所分配的工作造成公司金钱损失不服从工作分配无团队精神,不协助同事完成工作无故旷工向供应商或客户泄漏公司商业秘密(包括但不限于供应商采购合同明细、客户销售合同明细、产品、价格、数量等与公司业务有关的内容)伪造文件(包括但不限于各种与公司人事及业务相关的文件,如简历、学历、合同、商业文件、病假条等)两次口头警告等同于一次书面警告Written warning includes:Working without efficient on purpose, cannot complete the desi

43、gnated works without special reasonCause company money lostNot obeying job distributionNo team work spirit, not helping other colleague to complete the jobAbsence without reason Release confidential business information to vendors or customers, include but not limit to purchase order detail to vendo

44、rs, sales order to customers, product, price, quantity or anything else related to HH CHINA business)Issue forged documents, including but not limit to any documents related to HR and HH CHINA business, e.g. resume, degrees, contract, commercial documents, doctors note, etc.)Two times of oral warnin

45、g如员工不能胜任职位工作,经培训调岗仍无改进者,公司将会对其辞退。If the employee failed to improve after transfer or training while hes no capable of doing the current job, he will be dismissed.7. 离职手续 Dismissal Procedure离职员工在离职前办妥离职手续,HR于职工在职最后一天(根据职员职位)收齐下列物品The employee shall following the dismissal procedures before leaving th

46、e company and the HR will collect the following items on an employees final day (dependent on employees role):a 公司匙钥 Company keysb 公司工作册及文件 Company books and documentsc 办公文具 Office articlesd 电脑及其它通讯工具 Computer and other devicese 工作服和工卡Company Uniform and work cardf 还清财务借款 Financial settlement of any

47、 outstanding cash advancesg 港澳通行证需交还公司注销由公司办理之签注HK permit need to be returned to company for canceling permits applied through companyh 公司进出门卡Company door cardH.人事档案 Personnel Records1. 自员工报到之日起,员工个人的工资资料由财务部门保管,所有个人资料由HR建档。Upon registration of an employee with the company, a record of the employees salary will be kept in the Finance department and all personnel related records f

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