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1、定时训练(13).专题特训(完形填空)A 体裁:夹叙夹议文话题:人生态度时间:15分钟As my husband,Mark and I rode our bicycles on the treelined streets in our neighborhood this spring,we took great _1_ from the beauty and fragrance of the flowering trees and shrubs.We drew in deep breaths as we passed by the honeysuckle and lilac,and _2_ t

2、heir sweet scents.One particular street is lined with Bradford pears.The flowers _3_ in early spring and bring a magnificent burst of _4_We made our route _5_ when the buds started to open in order to be surrounded by the canopy of _6_ that the street trees provided.Last week,for three consecutive(连

3、续的) days,we biked that _7_On the fourth day,as we approached the street,I mentioned to Mark that we should _8_ again.He said,“The flowers are _9_ and there is nothing to see.”I turned to look down the street and saw a _10_ of white blossoms on the trees and said,“No,those trees are in full bloom!”I

4、was _11_ at what Mark said.How could he have seen the same trees as _12_ and past their prime flowering time,and I saw them in full bloom. _13_ our perceptions at that moment in time were amazingly _14_I can see no point in arguing or trying to _15_ Mark about his perceptions.Perhaps my view of life

5、 tends to lean towards _16_.Maybe because of my spinal cord injury and the life I have regained,I view things differently,as I see life full of _17_Spring is an ever _18_ season.One strong rainstorm or heavy wind removes the blossoms from the trees.The growing cycle that follows _19_ the new growth

6、of leaves,followed by the emergence of fruit.Some people choose to spend their lives focusing on the faded flowers _20_ others see their lives flourishing with flowers.【语篇导读】本文是夹叙夹议的文章。作者和丈夫在春天骑车看花,丈夫看到的是一幅凋零的景象,而在作者眼中却是一番鲜花烂漫的景象,由此作者生疏到,人们的世界观是不一样的,对待同一事物,有人悲观,有人乐观。1A.pleasure Btrouble Clesson Dben

7、efit解析依据语境,作者和丈夫看到鲜花盛开的景象应当感到“欢快”,故用pleasure。答案A2A.reflected BexperiencedCtasted Dreceived解析依据上文的描述,作者和丈夫“体验”到了鲜花发出的芳香。答案B3A.fall Barrive Cwave Dappear解析由下文中的“in early spring and bring a magnificent.”可知,此处表示花刚刚“消灭”。答案D4A.feeling Blaughter Ccolor Dtears解析花蕾绽放,是一幅“颜色”斑斓的景象。答案C5A.possible Bpurposeful C

8、meaningful Dchangeable解析从后文中的“作者和丈夫为了被鲜花包围”可知,他们的路线很明确(purposeful)。答案B6A.leaves Bgrass Cflowers Dshade解析从上文中的“when the buds started to open”可知,作者和丈夫是想被鲜花环绕。上文中的“The flowers”也是提示。答案C7A.route Btime Cday Dcity解析上文中的“We made our route”是提示。答案A8A.come up Bturn aroundCfind out Dride by解析从上文中的“Last week,for

9、 three consecutive(连续的)days,we biked that _7_”可知,第四天,当作者和丈夫快到这条街的时候,作者向丈夫提到他们应当再次“骑车经过”这条街道。ride by “骑车经过”。come up“走上前”;turn around“转过来”;find out “弄清楚,搞明白”。答案D9A.picked Bdestroyed Cfaded Dblown解析依据后面的“and there is nothing to see”可知,作者的丈夫认为,花已经“凋谢”。答案C10A.sea Bpicture Cpart Dcorner解析从后面作者的回答“No,those

10、 trees are in full bloom!”可知,作者看到的是一片“花海”。答案A11A.pleased Bexcited Cfrightened Damazed解析由于丈夫看到的景象跟作者所看到的完全不同,因此作者感到“吃惊”。答案D12A.unimportant BunattractiveCimproper Dpriceless解析从上文作者丈夫说的话可知,他认为眼前的花已经不值得看,已经“没有吸引力”了,故选unattractive。答案B13A.Obviously BFortunatelyCNaturally DUnluckily解析从上文作者和丈夫不同的回答可知,“明显”他们

11、的观点完全“不同”。答案A14A.correct Bsimilar Cdifferent Drealistic解析参见上题解析。答案C15A.warn Bconvince Cargue Dpoint解析从上文中的“I can see no point in arguing”可知,作者认为没有必要去跟丈夫争辩或尽力去“说服”他。convince“使信任,说服”。答案B16A.optimism Bsight Cromance Dreason解析从后文可知,作者从伤痛中获得了新生,因此她对生活布满了“乐观”,故用optimism。答案A17A.challenge Bhardship Cpromise

12、 Duncertainty解析从上下文可以看出,在她的眼中,生活布满了“期望”。promise“期望”。答案C18A.lasting Bchanging Ccoming Dmoving解析从下文中的“One strong rainstorm or heavy wind removes the blossoms from the trees.The growing cycle that follows.”可知,春天是一个不断“变化”的季节。答案B19A.takes over Bgets onCmakes out Dbrings on解析此处指会“带来”新的生气。bring on“带来”;take

13、 over“接管”;get on“与相处,进展”;make out “辨认出”。答案D20A.while Bsince Cwhen Dunless解析前后是对比关系,故用while“而”。答案AB 体裁:说明文话题:世界文化时间:14分钟Would you dare to put your shoes on the table? If so,then you may face death.Putting a hat on the bed could cause _1_ spirits to slip into your clean sheets! And opening an umbrella

14、 indoors might bring punishments.Most superstitions(迷信)are _2_ to something negative,or the thought that something will bring bad luck.For example,the number thirteen is _3_ by many to be unlucky,especially Friday falls on the 13th of the month.In many cultures,twelve is a number of _4_there are twe

15、lve months of the year and 12 animal zodiacs(黄道十二宫图) in Chinese culture._5_,thirteen is considered incomplete,unusual and therefore unlucky.Walking under a ladder is also _6_ that many people believe will bring bad luck.Some think that walking under a ladder is not polite to God,so they dont take th

16、e _7_Others,perhaps,are afraid that something will _8_ on their head from a great height!One of the most famous superstitions is that _9_ a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck.In ancient Greek culture,many people held the _10_ that a mirror reflected a persons soul.The soul would be _11_ too,i

17、f the mirror was broken._12_ cats have long been linked to luck.If one crosses your path,it is _13_ to bring you ill fortune _14_ even death.However,in the UK and Ireland,its generally considered to be a sign of future _15_ if a black cat crosses your path.Superstitions have been _16_ in many cultur

18、es for thousands of years,and many of these beliefs can still be found in _17_ societies.Dr.Kevin Foster,from Harvard University,believes it is an example of humans interpreting(诠释) and _18_ to threats.Most people know these threats are _19_But why are people still so superstitious? Well,it seems th

19、at many people would prefer to be better _20_ than sorry.【语篇导读】本文为说明文,介绍了世界各地的一些迷信观念。1A.high Bevil Cgood Dsmart解析依据本段的内容以及后文说到大部分迷信通常是消极的。故此处应为表示负面意思的词,evil意为“邪恶的”,符合语境。答案B2A.related Bdevoted Caddicted Dreturned解析大多数迷信与消极的东西相关。be related to意为“与相关的”,符合语境。答案A3A.reported Bannounced Cdesigned Dthought解析

20、数字13被很多人“认为”是不吉利的,尤其是当一个月的13号又是星期五的话就更不吉利了。答案D4A.business BsadnessCcompleteness Dweakness解析依据破折号后的内容以及与后文的“thirteen is considered incomplete”对比可知,此处应为completeness,意为“完整”。答案C5A.In contrast BIn timeCIn addition DIn particular解析空处前后是12和13的对比,故应选In contrast表示“相比之下,相反”。in time“准时”;in addition“除此以外”;in pa

21、rticular“尤其”。答案A6A.nothing BsomethingCanything Deverything解析在梯子下走也被很多人认为是会带来厄运的事。答案B7A.time Bluck Crisk Dtrouble解析一些人认为在梯子下走对上帝不礼貌,所以他们不会去冒这个险。take a risk意为“冒险(做某事)”,符合语境。答案C8A.fall Bexplode Cmove Dchange解析另外一些人或许担忧从很高的地方“掉落”什么东西砸到他们头上。答案A9A.buying Bwatching Ccleaning Dbreaking解析依据后文的“if the mirror

22、was broken”可知,此处指“打碎”镜子。答案D10A.fact Bbelief Chope Dcomment解析在古希腊文化中,很多人有这样的信念,认为镜子反映人的灵魂。belief意为“信念”,符合语境。答案B11A.saved Brepaired Charmed Dprotected解析人们认为镜子反映人的灵魂,假如镜子碎了,灵魂也会“受损”。答案C12A.White BBlack CBrown DYellow解析黑猫始终与运气相关联。后面的“a black cat crosses your path”是提示。答案B13A.certain Bimpossible Cglad Dfr

23、ee解析假如一只黑猫从你面前走过的话,“确定”会给你带来厄运或者甚至死亡。答案A14A.then Bbut Cso Dor解析参见上题解析。or意为“或者”表示选择关系。答案D15A.disaster Bmistake Closs Dprosperity解析依据However可知,此处与前文为转折关系,故此处指的是在英国和爱尔兰,人们认为遇见黑猫是将来富强的预兆。prosperity意为“富强,兴盛”,符合语境。答案D16A.found Bmissed Cignored Dexplained解析依据后文中的“and many of these beliefs can still be foun

24、d”可知,应选found。答案A17A.local Bold Cmodern Dancient解析很多这些信念在现代社会中也能找到。答案C18A.contributing BreactingCleading Dadapting解析哈佛高校的Dr.Kevin Foster认为这是人类对威逼的诠释和反应的例子。react to意为“对作出反应”,符合语境。答案B19A.incorrect BmeaningfulCinteresting Dstrange解析很多人知道这种威逼是不正确的。答案A20A.easy BsuccessfulCsafe Dhelpful解析好像很多人宁愿更平安也不愿感到圆满。

25、答案C.任务型阅读Job stress hits studentsAs the jobhunting season kicks off,many graduates are suffering from anxiety.Job interview results are becoming the most common conversation topic in dormitories,Worried about not getting satisfactory offers,some students have sleep problems,or lose their appetite.So

26、me might even display symptoms of depression.According to a survey across several universities in Wuhan conducted by Wuhan Yangtze Business University,over 72 percent of student participants were worried about finding a job.Students in the first one or two years were also uneasy about their job pros

27、pects,which contributed to spreading anxiety further.Lang Lei,22,a business major from Renmin University in Beijing,admitted having mood swings when job hunting.The student hoped to get positions with large stateowned enterprises in his hometown of Yantai,Shandong.But when it turned out that things

28、wouldnt be so easy,Lang became concerned.After some struggling moments,he has now changed to more realistic goals.Others feel tortured(受熬煎)while waiting for interview results.Mo Tong,a senior software engineering major at South China Normal University,would fall into a nervous state every time after

29、 he attended a job interview.“For a day or two I couldnt help but keep thinking about how l performed in front of the interviewers,how well I dealt with their questions,and whether they would consider giving me a chance in the end” Mo was unable to focus on other things as his anxiety grew. Media re

30、ports about rising unemployment rates and a difficult job market have touched students nerves.“Im alarmed by articles saying how bachelors degree holders are losing ground”said Wang Hongjuan,a sophomore English major from Putian University in Fujian province.“It suggests to me that good jobs are onl

31、y available to graduate or doctoral students.”As Wang has no plans to further her education,she has to commit herself to all sorts of extracurricular activities to improve her prospects.This throws her into a packed schedule. Wen Fang,a wellknown education psychology expert and consultant in Beijing

32、,advises students not to be misled by depressing surveys and reports about the job market.“Unemployment rates are not linked to an individuals chances of getting a job,” he said.“An individuals chances are actually mainly determined by his or her capability.” According to Wen,a moderate degree of an

33、xiety is normalit can even be helpful.But if it constantly affects a students normal life,one should pay more attention.“Focus on adapting yourself to the needs of society,and never ever overestimate your goals,” Wen added.Title: Job stress hits studentsPresent situation on campusAs the jobhunting s

34、eason comes,most students become 1._ Students 2._ mainly about job interview results in dormitories.Some students are worried about not getting satisfactory jobs and even feel 3._.Students in the first one or two years are also uneasy about their job prospects.ExamplesLang LeiHe 4._ in business and

35、finds it hard to get a satisfying job in his hometown. After having a 5._ time,he has now changed to more realistic goals.Mo TongAfter an interview,he always thinks about how he performed in front of the interviewers and whether he could get a chance 6._. With his anxiety 7._,Mo becomes less focused

36、 on other things.WangShe is alarmed by media reports saying bachelors degree holdersHongjuanhave no 8._ when hunting for jobs.She is busy with extracurricular activities to improve her prospects.Experts opinionsAn individual chance of getting a job largely 9._ on his or her capability.Students shoul

37、d not be misled by gloomy surveys and reports about the job market.Try to adapt yourself to the needs of society,and never ever 10._ too high a goal.答案1.anxious/worried2.talk3.depressed4.majors5.difficult/hard/struggling/tough6.finally/eventually7.growing/increasing/rising8.advantage(s)/edge(s)9.depends10.set

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