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1、双基限时练(十三)Unit 5Part .单词拼写1There is an _(相等的) number of boys and girls in the class.答案equal2There were 16 _(票) in favor of my suggestion, and 15 against.答案votes3This is her first time to perform on the_(舞台)答案stage4He had been a talented artist in his _(青年时期)答案youth5There is too much _(暴力)on TV, which

2、 may have a bad effect on children.答案violence6Im _(乐意)to do anything for you.答案willing7Under the teachers _(指导), he can speak some English soon.答案guidance8The man _(攻击) her with a knife.答案attacked9We aim at _(质量) rather than quantity.答案quality.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1Things might get better, but it doesnt l

3、ook very _ (hope) right now.答案hopeful2_ (self) people must learn to share so as to make themselves become _ (self)答案Selfish; selfless3They have an _ (activity) holiday, sailing and swimming.答案active4Its so _ (fair)Mary gets more money for less work.答案unfair5The money was divided _ (equal) among her

4、four children.答案equally6_ (devote) to their work, most of the parents spend little time with their children.答案与解析Devoteddevoted to “认真于;从事于 ;热衷于的”。7Im worried _ her driving the car tonight on the wet road.答案与解析aboutbe worried about为固定搭配,表示“为焦急、担忧”。句意:我很担忧她今晚在湿的大路上开车。8The soldiers were fighting brave

5、ly _ their people _ the enemy.答案与解析for/with; againstfight for“为而战”; fight with“与并肩作战;和交战”。fight against“与作战”。句意:士兵们正在为了他们的人民而与敌人进行英勇地战斗。9. When he was out _work, he was involved in crimes of violence and was put _ prison at last.答案与解析of; in/intoout of work“失业”和put sb. in/into prison“把某人投入监狱”,都是固定短语。

6、10Only by practicing a few hours every day _ you be able to master English.答案与解析willonly放在句首时,用部分倒装; can和be able to不能连用,故用will。.介、副词填空1What can I do if Im out _ work?答案of2As we cant agree _ the matter, lets vote _ it.答案on; on3At dawn they made an attack _ the airport.答案on4The plane blew _ in midair.

7、答案up5He is equal _ Tom in height.答案to.词语学问1He is not_to the position and wed better get somebody else to do it.A. fit B. goodC. equal D. interested答案与解析Cbe equal to“胜任”。2Please ask the lawyer what his _ would be to take the case to court.A. wage B. incomeC. fee D. welfare答案与解析Cfee“(付给专业人员的)酬金、酬劳”,符合

8、题意。wage“工资”; income“收入”; welfare“福利”。3The efforts he has devoted during the past few years _ the children in the remote areas have achieved a lot; several children have been admitted to key universities.A. to teach B. to teachingC. teaching D. in teaching答案与解析B句意:在过去的几年里他为偏远地区孩子们的训练所作的努力有了很大成就;好几个孩子

9、已经考入了重点高校。during the past few years作时间状语, he has devoted to teaching the children为定语从句,修饰the efforts。devote to doing sth.“献身做某事”, B项正确。4You should be _ in class. Only listening without speaking is not good for you.A. active B. silentC. modest D. peaceful答案与解析Abe active in“在方面活跃”,由题干后半句可知不赞成“只听不说”的行为

10、,所以建议对方要乐观点、主动点。5He is _ in giving help.A. generous B. willingC. means D. ready答案与解析A句意:他乐于助人。generous指乐于以金钱资助别人,为别人供应挂念和做好事,有乐于赐予和宽宏大量的含义。6_ is the first thing to consider when customers buy certain goods.A. Quantity B. QualityC. Value D. Reward答案与解析Bquantity“数量”; quality“质量”; value“价值”; reward“酬劳,

11、奖赏”。句意:当顾客买东西时首先考虑的是质量。由句意可知选B项。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My name is Elias. I began school at six _1_ studied for only two years because my family couldnt afford the school fees and bus fare. It was hard to get a job for I had very little _2_(educate)After trying hard I got a job i

12、n a gold mine in Johannesburg. But I had to be out of work _3_ I didnt have a passbook to live there. It was during the very difficult period of time _4_ I met Mandela, who offered guidance to black people on their legal problems. I was grateful because he was generous _5_ his time and help. With hi

13、s help, I became hopeful about my future. When he _6_ (organize) the ANC Youth League, I joined it as soon as possible. During that time, black people could not vote or choose their leader. Everything _7_(decide) by white people. We began to fight the government and attack the law in a _8_(peace) wa

14、y. Then we decided to answer violence with violence. As a matter of fact, I do not like violence. But in 1963, I helped to blow _9_ some government buildings. I was happy to help because I knew I would help us achieve our dream of _10_(make) black and white equal.答案1.but2.education3.since4.that5.wit

15、h6organized7.was decided8.peaceful9.up10.making.完形填空There are many people who say they like to do a little piece of work themselves. They say, “Why _1_ somebody onto the house, or ask a lot of people to help _2_ you can do the job very well alone.”My dear Uncle Podger is just that sort of man. One d

16、ay he bought a _3_.“We dont need a man for this. Ill _4_ that picture on the wall in no time.”Then he took off his coat and _5_. But he had no nails. He _6_ his daughter to buy some. Then he sent one of the boys to tell her what _7_ to buy, Then he shouted, “Now you go and _8_ me my hammer, Will; an

17、d I shall want the ladder, Jim. And wont _9_, Maria, because I shall want you to hold the light. Now, Tom, _10_ me the picture.”When all was ready and Tom handed him the picture, he _11_ it, and it came out of the frame. He tried to save the glass, and _12_ himself. Then he ran round the room, looki

18、ng for his _13_. Suddenly he remembered it was in the pocket of his _14_. Now everybody started looking for his coat _15_ he sat and shouted.However, he discovered that he was sitting on it, and _16_ again.“Oh, I have found it myself. You can _17_ find anything, you fools.”Half an hour had passed by

19、 now. Uncle Podger started to _18_ all over again with the whole family standing round ready to _19_.At midnight, the picture was up at last. Everybody was very _20_ except, of course, Uncle Podger.“There you are!” he said, coming down from the chair. “Why, other people call in a special man to do a

20、 little thing like that!”1A. order B. call C. advise D. invite2A. unless B. once C. when D. though3A. picture B. house C. ladder D. hammer4A. pick up B. take up C. make up D. put up5A. began B. drew C. rested D. washed6A. let B. sent C. made D. allowed7A. size B. sort C. kind D. shape8A. buy B. borr

21、ow C. get D. take9A. go away B. pass away C. run away D. break away10A. hold B. hand C. put D. return11A. dropped B. stole C. lost D. deserted12A. save B. devote C. harm D. cut13A. wound B. handkerchief C. knife D. medicine14A. coat B. sweater C. shirt D. trousers15A. since B. because C. while D. fo

22、r16A. cried B. shouted C. scolded D. laughed17A. never B. already C. ever D. still18A. sleep B. eat C. work D. repair19A. help B. rescue C. spend D. search20A. angry B. shocked C. friendly D. tired答案与解析1B依据上下文内容可知,此处指的是叫人来帮忙,所以用call。2Cwhen在此处意为“既然”,表示:“既然你自己能独立完成这项工作,为什么要别人来你家或让别人来帮忙呢?”3A依据下文内容可知,Un

23、cle Podger买了一幅画。4D这里指的是Uncle Podger打算马上把这张画挂起来。put up“张贴;挂起”; pick up“捡起;拿起”; take up“占据”; make up“弥补;组成”。5A这里表示他脱下上衣开头挂画。6B依据下文Then he sent one of the boys to tell .可知,这里表示他派女儿去买钉子。7A这里表示多大尺寸的钉子,应用size。8C此处表示“Will,你去给我把锤子拿来”。由于后面是my hammer,所以不能是买、借或拿走。9A这里指Uncle Podger让Maria不要走开,留在这里帮忙。10B依据下文When

24、all was ready and Tom handed him the picture可知,此处表示“递给我那幅画”。11A依据下文and it came out of the frame可知,这幅画掉了下来。所以用dropped。12D这里表示被玻璃割伤。13B依据常理只能是去查找手帕包扎伤口。同时依据在上衣兜里也只能是手帕最合理。14A依据下文Now everybody started looking for his coat可知,手帕在他上衣兜里,所以去查找上衣最合理。15C这里表示转折和对比,别人在为他找衣服,而他却坐在那里大喊大叫。16B依据上文的. he sat and shouted和本句中的again可知,应选择shouted。17A依据下文的you fools可知,这里表示Uncle Podger在责怪大家“你们从来什么也找不到”。18C依据下文的again可知,这里表示Uncle Podger又开头工作(挂画)。19A一家人站在四周,随时预备给他帮忙。20D由于直到半夜才挂好画,所以大家都很疲乏。

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