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1、沈阳二中20212022学年度上学期暑假验收高三(16届)英语试题 命题人:高三英语组 审校人: 高三英语组说明:1.测试时间:120分钟 总分:150分 2.客观题涂在答题纸上,主观题答在答题纸的相应位置上。第一部分 英语学问运用(共三节,满分110分)第一节 单词填空(共100小题:每小题0.5分,满分50分)1. Daily _ (supply) were sent to children in poor areas.2. The _(面试者) for the job is a graduate from Peking University.3. - Dont worry, Mum. T

2、he doctor said it was only the flu! - What a _ !(真欣慰) Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious !4. Jiuzhaigou attracts tens of thousands of visitors by its beautiful natural s_ .5. It was difficult to know her because she always kept everyone at a _. (距离)6. The girl is always _ (energy) as though she nev

3、er knows tiredness.7. Read the i_(说明) on the bottle carefully before taking the medicine.8. The trip to Paris was so _ (印象深刻的) that the girl went back to Paris again.9. To the _(amaze) of these scientists ,they discovered that blood passing through the brain, when it is active, shows no fatigue at a

4、ll!10. The homeless children _ (感谢) receiving your gifts on Christmas Eve.11. The mother is _ (急躁的) with her children, and she always speaks in patience.12. Tom appeared _ (放松) and confident before the match, and to our excitement, he got the first place in it.13. No one is allowed to leave early wi

5、thout _. (permit).14. High school students should learn to develop their _ (独立) thinking.15.One _ (优势,好处) of living in the countryside is the clean and fresh air.16. I realized he had been doing what music teachers stress: c_ on the music and pretend the others arent there.17. After the meal, she pl

6、aced a little box _ (contain) an old pen in my hand.18.Besides,without much experience, its easy for us to make bad friends and be _ (影响) to do stupid things.19. The headmaster made a _ (结论) at the end of speech contest.20. Beijing has built many sports centers, which have the latest _(设施).21. The p

7、rofessor mixed milk with cola and asked the students to taste the m_.22. It is no use _(埋怨) about the bad weather.23. Please state your name, age and _(occupy).24. Only very rich people can _ to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel.25. Its five years since we separated, but I s

8、till find the memories quite _(pain).26. He suffered serious _ (injure) in the car crash, and die on the way to hospital.27. If one often takes cannabis and cocaine, he will be _ (上瘾) to them.28. If a serious addict cant get timely _ (treat), he is likely to die.29. All the laborers were arrested, b

9、ecause they entered the country _(legal).30. By the time he was 14, Mozart had _(作曲)many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as foe orchestras.31. Bill marched off angrily in the opposite _(direct).32. Everyone agrees that _(传统的) Chinese painting is considered to be very pretty.33.

10、 Fish-keeping is a widespread hobby and the keeper can _(观看)their behaviour in the glass tank and study its entire life cycle.34. People already take too many pills instead of a_(接受) a healthier lifestyle.35. The house looks very old, but in _ (realise) its quite new.36. The floods led to many death

11、s and serious _(destroy) to the area.37. - I got that job I wanted at the public library. - C_! Thats a good news.38. The plane crashed killing all 200 people a_.39. My brother has never been _ (出国)before, so he thinks this trip very exciting.40. It is important to look at the novel in its _(历史的) co

12、ntext.41. There is an _(argue) within the Government over whether to publish an official report on wind farms impact on the countryside.42. After the war, my uncle was awarded a medal for _(brave).43. It is generally agreed that the more expensive the goods, the higher the _(质量).44. Paris is the cap

13、ital and the largest city of France, _ on the River Seine.45. We feel that wearing a red ribbon to support AIDS victims is an important _(symbol) gesture.46. It is a great honor to attend the conference as a _(代表) of our company.47. Jack is _(疼惜的), while his wife is just the opposite.48. We need an

14、effective strategy to fight _(poor).49. The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. _(类似的), fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.50. Hearing his voyage experiences, I knew that he was an e_ sailor.51. They have bought some _(家具) for their new home, mostly second-hand.52. Teena

15、gers are deeply influenced by the _ (暴力) shown on TV.53. The government has taken measures to cope with the _(紧急的) needs of the earthquake victims.54. Jobs made a great _(contribute) to the development of the iPhone.55. Bell was the _(invent) of the telephone.56. The new school for homeless children

16、 is still under c_.57. These books are mainly _ (设计) for the use of the beginners.58. Universities have to provide a_(住宿) for first-year students.59. Ebola virus is spreading with frightening speed, which has aroused _(globe) attention.60.You must have a good education, but practical training is _(同

17、等的) important.61. The general c _ (命令)his men to defend to the end. 62. She is not _ (optimist) about the future.63. There is a _ (limited) to the amount of pain we can stand.64. Is it _ (便利的) for you to come out now?65. There is only one _ (solve) to the problem.66. Can you imagine his _ (react) wh

18、en he heard that?67. She s_ (张开) her arms and her child ran to her.68. They were in a state of _ (恐慌) on hearing the big explosion.69. The_ (受害者)suffered a dreadful injury and lost a lot of blood.70. Scientists have made a great _(突破)71. Only a small q_ (数量) of water was polluted. 72. He found no wa

19、y to _ (逃跑).73. _ (brief), what he said was of importance.74. _ (surround) by a crowd of fans, the famous star couldnt get off.75. Leaping on a _ (狭窄的) board is not safe.76. The doctor f_ him to drink wine because of his poor health.77. She sighed, then continued in a soft,_ (安静的)voice. 78. Tigers w

20、ill not a_ people unless they sense they are in danger.79. She soon built her r_ (声誉) as a first-class cook.80. He _ (宣称) himself to be an artist. 81. C_ with English, Chinese is rather difficult to learn.82. John made an a_ to leave early, but was stopped.83. His expression suggested he got _ (conf

21、use) by the problem.84. He always asks _ (vary) questions beyond your expectation.85. Cold drinks will be a_ (可获得的) at the Sports Center.86. It seems that more than 100 applicants will a_ for the position.87. The company s_ huge losses in the financial crisis.88. There was much_ (curious)about what

22、manner of man he was. 89. Im _ (决心) to find out the murder.90. We believe he can be _ (quality) for his job.91. They are going out to _ (庆祝) Jacks passing the exam.92. In New Zealand, the Maori people maintain a strong _ (culture)tradition.93. Susans idea of_ (free)was to have variety in her life st

23、yle. 94. The play was first _ (表演) in 2022.95. Germany d_ war on France on 1 August, 1914. 96. I have to change my approach to facing the_ (compete). 97. Finally, the number has i_(增长) to 2,000.98. A strong man will s_ (奋斗) no matter what difficulty is facing him.99. I got from the article that sand

24、storms are_. (danger)100. Your arms and legs need_ (protect)from light bouncing off glass.其次节 短语填空(共30小题:每小题1分,满分30分)1. Today is April 29th. He is to arrive the day after tomorrow. _ _ _, he will be here on May 1st. 2. What the teacher said at class_ _ _every student.(适用于)3. In 1944, he met Edith Pi

25、af, and his career_ _.(腾飞)4. He decided that he would arrive all the way home instead of_ _at a hotel for the night.5. Getting close to nature_ _the joy of life.(增加)6. Most commentators fail to_ _ _a convincing explanation for this English weather-speak.(提出)7. The driver stopped the bus and_ _three

26、more passengers.(搭载)8. A burglar_ _the house from the window last night.(闯入)9. As is well known, Edison was one of the greatest scientists_ _ _.(有史以来)10. Our daughter is a great dancer, and she_ _above the rest.(脱颖而出)11. How much do you have to pay_ _ if four of you go together.(总共)12. When will the

27、 new dictionary_ _?(出版)13. They are brothers, but they_ _ _ _ with each other.(毫无共同之处)14. Four and a half hours of discussion took us_ _midnight.(直到)15. Thanks to the help of Mr. Smith, or our task would have_ _ _failure.(以失败告终)16. To improve my health, Im trying to_ _on smoking.(削减)17. The Smiths a

28、re praised for the way they_ _their children.(抚养)18. Their friendship_ _ _their college days.(追溯到)19. After a day of hard work, my strength_ _completely.(用光)20. I hadnt thought we would_ _ _the traffic jam on the freeway on National Day.(困在)21. He smiled and didnt_ _his real feelings.(暴露)22. Restaur

29、ants in every corner of the city not only provide job opportunities but_ _ lots of taxes as well.(赚得)23. Lets hope we never have to_ _another war.(经受)24. In fact, half of the 6,000-7,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely_ _ by the next century.(灭亡)25. Ill raise both hands_ _ _banni

30、ng smoking inside the schoolyard.(赞成)26. Jack Ma_ _e-business after the visit to America for the first time.(开头从事)27. Hard work can often_ _ _a lack of intelligence.(弥补)28. Tim Cook_ _Apple Company as CEO in August, 2011.(接管)29. Unemployment in that country is_ _ _.(正在增加)30. The policeman arrested t

31、he thief_ _ _.(当场)第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Before I spoke to his school, Matt was waiting for me. He sat in his wheelchair 1 to move. As soon as he saw me, he started 2 . He could not talk, 3 his laugh melted the hearts of everyone walk

32、ing by.One of the teachers told me he was actually very smart. He just lost 4 of his muscles due to a childhood disease. He was 5 and very popular at his school his parents love and encouragement made all the difference. 6 , at a book signing session, I met a girl 7 the name of Anne. She walked up w

33、ith her mom with a 8 smile. Anne asked about my book with difficulty in her speech 9 a slight head-injury. I told her about it and she smiled the whole time and asked me to 10 one for her. I did.Five minutes later, I heard a voice from Annes father, “You know you will not understand the book. You ca

34、nt 11 well.” He said it so 12 that people were staring in their direction. Her confidence was absolutely 13 and her bright smile was now replaced with a 14 of total disappointment. He 15 the book from her, brought it back to me and asked me to take it back. I asked him if he would allow me to buy th

35、e book for Anne. He said no with a 16 response. I thought back to Matt. He could not speak, walk, or play but was actually very happy and 17 doing well in school because of the love and 18 of his parents. Anne, on the other hand, had a slight 19 problem and may never know happiness or success becaus

36、e of a cold-hearted father. The truth is that whatever you are telling your 20 makes the difference between their success and failure in life.1. A. unableB. unwilling C. uncomfortableD. unexcited2. A. runningB. speakingC. smilingD. glaring3. A. and B. so C. or D. but4. A. possession B. controlC. hop

37、e D. right5. A. lucky B. friendly C. funny D. happy6. A. On the contraryB. By the wayC. In other words D. As a result7. A. in B. byC. for D. below 8. A. shy B. tightC. bigD. strange9. A. pretending B. indicatingC. telling D. spreading10. A. signB. buy C. choose D. provide11. A. write B. recite C. re

38、adD. reflect12. A. quietly B. quickly C. calmly D. loudly13. A. destroyedB. declined C. doubted D. inspired14. A. mind B. lookC. decision D. choice15. A. stole B. prevented C. seizedD. protected16. A. kind B. cruel C. coldD. sudden17. A. almost B. rather C. ever D. even18. A. contribution B. devotio

39、n C. sacrifice D. support19. A. behavior B. learningC. education D. finance20. A. parents B. teachers C. kidsD. readers其次部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAttractionsDo you:Love the National Park, value it and hope to safeguard its future?Wis

40、h to see the beautiful landscape of the Park protected?Like to enjoy peaceful, informal recreation within the Park?AimsThe Friends organization aims are to help protect and improve the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park for all to enjoy. We are a voluntary organization and registered charity without

41、financial links to the National Park Authority.ActivitiesWe encourage everyone to enjoy the National Park through regular talks and visits to interesting places in the Park with expert guides.We keep an eye on planning applications, Park Authority policies and threats to the National Park such as ma

42、ssive leisure complexes. We work with likeminded organizations such as the Campaign for National Parks to make our voice more effective. We help children to understand the National Park by sponsoring publications such as an adventure booklet and projects in local schools.BenefitsGuided visits to places of interest which may not always be available to the general public.All members receive our regular News and Views.Talks by experts in their fields on curre

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