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1、沈阳二中20212022学年度上学期期中考试高三(16届)英语试题 命题人: 高三英语组 审校人: 高三英语组说明:1.测试时间:120分钟 总分:150分 2.客观题涂在答题纸上,主观题答在答题纸的相应位置上 第卷 (40分) 第卷 (110分) 第I卷第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A.It was Thanksgiving morning. I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving

2、 turkey when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together on the top step. Any old papers, lady? asked one of them. I was busy. I wanted to say no until I looked down at their feet. They were wearing thin littlesandals(凉鞋), wet with heavy snow. Come

3、 in and Ill make you a cup of hot cocoa. They walked over and sat down at the table. Their wet sandals left marks upon the floor. I servedthem cocoa and bread to fight against the cold outside. Then I went back to the kitchen and started cooking. The silence in the front room struck me. I looked in.

4、 The girl held the empty cup in her hands,looking at it. The boy asked in a flat voice, Lady, are you rich? Am I rich? Pity, no! I looked at my worn-out slipcovers(椅套). The girl put her cup back in its saucer(茶碟)carefully and said, Your cups match your saucers. They left after that, holding their pa

5、pers against the wind.They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful. Plain blue china cups and saucers were only worth five pence. But they matched. I tasted the potatoes and stirred(搅动)the meat soup. Potatoes and brown meat soup, a roof overour heads, my man with a regular job, t

6、hese matched, too. I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The muddy marks of littlesandals were still wet upon my floor. Let them be for a while, I thought, just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.1. The writer let the two children come in and served them well

7、 because_.A. she wanted to sell old papers to them.B. she wanted to invite them to her Thanksgiving party.C. she showed great pity and care on them.D. she had the same experience as them in the past.2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. The girl thought the wri

8、ter was rich just because she wanted to make the writer happy.B. The writer had thought she wasnt rich because her supplies were not expensive.C. If cups and saucers match well, they are a best pair even though cheap.D. After hearing what they said, the writer seemed to understand what a rich life w

9、as.3. The writer left the muddy marks of little sandals on the floor for a while to_.A. show that she was a kindhearted lady.B. remind her that she shouldnt forget how rich she was.C. leave room for readers to think about what being rich is.D. prove that she had understood what meant being rich.4. I

10、t can be inferred from the text that whether you are rich depends on_.A. how much money you have made.B. what attitude you have had towards life.C. the way you help others.D. your social relationship.B.Extracts (摘录) From Information Booklet For Car Ferry Passengers CAR DECKS Car drivers are advised

11、to use the handbrake before leaving their cars, to lock all doors and to take with them all belongings that may be needed during the crossing. CURRENCY EXCHANGE We regret that there are no facilities aboard for the exchange of cheques of any kind but most European currencies together with Euro cards

12、 and various types of international credit cards are accepted for payment in restaurants, shops, cinemas, etc. and to carry out other transactions (交易) on board. PASSENGER FACILITIES ON BOARD The following are a small selection of those available. PROMENADE DECK(闲逛甲板): Here you can enjoy a pleasant

13、stroll, go for a jog, or sit or lie back in the sunshine in adaptable reclining seats(躺椅). We would however suggest passengers that decks may be slippery in wet or freezing weather. VIEWING BRIDGE: This is situated below the Captains Bridge and offers a view over the bow of the ship. The viewing bri

14、dge is reached from the promenade deck via the foremost stairway. A LA CARTE RESTAURANT: This serves the same breakfast buffet as the main dining room. Scandinavian(斯堪的纳维亚的) and international specialties are available at lunch and dinner times. No reservations required. DUTY-FREE SHOP: This is a sup

15、ermarket offering Scandinavian and international goods, foodstuffs, spirits, tobacco goods, sweets etc.OPENING TIMES: The opening times of the various shops, restaurants and other facilities are shown on the relevant entrance doors as well as on the boards in the main halls on Decks 4.5. Which of th

16、e following car ferry passengers might have trouble or difficulty on the ferry? A. A British standing on the viewing bridge below Captains Bridge.B. An Australian taking with him all his belongings in the car.C. A Canadian with only banknotes from his own country.D. A German going for a walk on prom

17、enade deck.6. According to the information given, the promenade deck can be used for _.A. exercise and relaxation B. enjoying the view over the seaC. taking exercise in all kinds of weather D. spending the night7. Passengers to the A La Carte restaurant _. A. can enjoy a buffet free of charge.B. nee

18、dnt reserve a place for lunch or dinner.C. can have the full menu whenever they like. D. can sit wherever they like when they come in.C.In a class this past December, after I wrote some directions on the board for students about their final examination, one young woman quickly took a picture of the

19、board using her smart phone. When I looked in her direction, she apologized: “Sorry. Was it wrong to take a picture?”“I cant read my own handwriting,” the young woman explained.“Its best if I take a picture of your writing so I can understand the notes.”That remark started a class-wide conversation

20、about taking a picture instead of taking notes. For those in the photo-taking camp, motivations extended beyond their inability to comprehend their own handwriting. Some took pictures of notes because they knew their phone was a safe place to store material. They might lose paper, they reasoned, but

21、 they wouldnt lose their phones. Some took photos because they wanted to record exactly the manner in which I had noted information on the board. Others told me that during class they liked to be able to listen to the discussion attentively.Yet the use of cameras as note takers, though it may be con

22、venient, does raise significant questions for the classroom. Is a picture an effective replacement for the process of note-taking?Instructors encourage students to take notes because the act of doing so is more than merely recording necessary informationit helps prepare the way for understanding. En

23、couraging students to take notes may be an old-fashioned instructional method, but just because a method has a long history doesnt mean its out of date. Writing things down engages a students brain in listening, visual, and kinesthetic(触觉的)learninga view supported by a longstanding research. The act

24、 of writing down information enables a person to begin committing it to memory, and to process and combine it, establishing the building blocks of learning new concepts.Taking a picture does indeed record the information, but it deletes some of the necessary mental engagement that taking notes emplo

25、ys. So can the two be equally effective?Im not sure how to measure the effectiveness of either method. For now, I allow students to take notes however they see fithandwritten or photographedbecause I figure that some notes, no matter the method of note-taking, are better than none.8. The woman apolo

26、gized in the class because she_.A. took a picture of the boardB. missed the teachers directionsC. had the bad handwritingD. disturbed other students learning9. Students refuse to take notes by hand because_.A. they are unable to take notesB. they are more likely to lose notesC. they are interested i

27、n using their phonesD. they have a good memory of teachers instructions10. According to the passage, taking notes by hand_.A. requires students to think independentlyB. is unsuitable for students to learn new ideasC. helps students actively participate in learningD. proves to be an old and useless l

28、earning method11. What might be the best title for this passage?A. A modern way of note-taking in class.B. Will note-taking by hand in class be replaced?C. An interesting thing happened in class.D. The importance of note-taking.D.At a primary school in a small town in the east of South Carolina, sec

29、ond-grade teachers Garneau and Lynne are assured that separating elementary-age boys and girls produces immediate academic improvement in both genders(性别) David Chadwell, South Carolinas expert of single gender education says, “Boys and girls learn, hear and respond to their surroundings differently

30、We can teach boys and girls based on what we now know” Male and female eyes are not organized in the same way, he explainsThe organization of the male eye makes it sensitive to motion and direction“Boys understand the world as objects moving through space,” he says The male eye is also drawn to cool

31、er colors like silver and blackIts no accident that boys tend to create pictures of moving objects instead of drawing the happy colorful family, like girls do in their class The female eye, on the other hand, is drawn to warmer colors like red, yellow and orangeTo attract girls, Chadwell says, the t

32、eacher doesnt need to move as much as in boys classUsing descriptive phrases and lots of colors in presentations or on the blackboard gets their attention Boys and girls also hear differently“When someone speaks in a loud tone, girls understand it as yelling,” Chadwell says“They think youre mad and

33、can shut down” Girls are more sensitive to soundsHe advises girls teachers to watch the tone of their voicesBoys teachers should sound more forceful, even excited A boys nervous system causes him to be more cautious when he is standing, moving, and the room temperature is around 69 degrees Fahrenhei

34、tStress in boys, he says, tends to increase blood flow to their brains, a process that helps them stay focusedGirls are more focused when seated in a warmer room around 75 degrees FahrenheitGirls also respond to stress differentlyWhen exposed to threat and conflict, blood goes to their guts(肠道), lea

35、ving them feeling nervous or anxiousThese differences can be applied in the classroom, Chadwell adds“Single gender programs are about making the best use of the learning”12. What is the meaning of the underlined word “assured” in para1?Acommanded Bcombined Cconcerned Dconvinced13. To engage boy in a

36、 class, the teacher _Amust have a moving object in this hand Bneeds to wear clothes in warm colorChas to speak politely Dhad better move constantly while teaching14. Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?(= Paragraph 1 = Paragraph 2 = Paragraph 3 = Paragraph 8 )15. Which of th

37、e following students is most likely to be focused?AA boy sitting in a warm room BA standing boy who is faced with stressCA girl standing in a cold room DA girl who is facing a lot of pressure其次节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)依据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Every person has a great deal of love to give

38、. _16_. Here is a general guide to loving. Say it. When you say the words “I love you”, make sure you really mean it and are willing to do anything for that special person. _17_. If you love someone, you should understand how they feel, where they come from, and who they are. Realize how they could

39、also love you back just as well. Love Unconditionally. Giving unconditional love requires you to love without any expectations. _18_. It seems difficult to only love and not demand anything in return in todays world where everyone is selfish. But even in the world we see many examples of uncondition

40、al love, for example the love a mother gives to her child and the love between two life partners. To love unconditionally, you will have to learn to sacrifice(牺牲) yourself and your desires and also realize that someone may have a different way of showing his and her love for you. _19_. Realize it ca

41、n be lost. If you realize you can lose the one you love, then you have a greater appreciation of what you have. _20_. Dont make idol of the person you love. This will place them under unnecessary pressure and will likely result in you losing them. Never stop loving. Even if you have been hurt before

42、. You should not stop giving love.A. Try loving just for the sake of love.B. Put yourself in someone elses shoes.C. There are many different ways to explain love .D. Think how lucky you are to have someone to love.E. Do not expect to be loved back in exactly the same way.F. It doesnt make you a bad

43、person to desire someone elses love.G. There are many different ways to love someone(or even yourself).第卷其次部分: 英语学问运用 (共三节,满分75分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Since I was 12 years old, Ive suffered from a condition called Compulsive Hair Pul

44、ling (强迫性拔毛癖) . The physical destruction was severe, but the emotional _21_ was worse. When I was young, no one, _22_ my doctor, knew how to help me. I was alone. Growing up, I didnt _23_ anywhere and I suffered great shame knowing Id brought this _24_ upon myself. My hands seemed to have a _25_ of

45、their own. “ Whats wrong with me ?” Id often wonder. Sometimes, people asked about my _26_ of eyelashes(睫毛) and eyebrows. I was lonely, but I kept people at a distance. However, each night, _27_ I fell asleep, Id pray to God to send someone who _28_. Then when I was 25, I read a letter from a mom wh

46、ose child suffered from the same illness. I could _29_ believe my eyes. After all these years, I discovered I was not _30_. At that moment, my journey for _31_ began. I took small _32_ at first telling only a few friends. Some of them tried to understand. Then, they began to _33_ their secrets with

47、me. I learned to see _34_ the way God saw me, someone _35_love. One day, my _36_ happened. A friend called with wonderful news. She just met a woman with compulsive Hair Pulling-someone just like me. She gave me her phone number. I was _37_. I quickly dialed, and from the minute Christina answered, we began to chat like old friends, both thrilled to find someone who understood our pain. We _38_ to meet soon, only to find w

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