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1、阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。Language is a major problem for the European Union (EU). The agreement or treaty which created the organization that eventually became the EU,the Treaty of Rome,stated that each country s language must be treated equally.The original six countries had only th

2、ree languages between them:French, German and Dutch/Flemish.However,there are now 15 countries in the EU,with a total of 12 languages.EU documents must be translated into all these languages,and at official meetings the speeches must be translated into all the languages by interpreters.All this tran

3、slating is very expensive and time consuming(费时的)It is said that nearly half of all employees of the EU are engaged in translating documents and speeches,and nearly half of the EUs administrative(管理方面的)costs are spent on this task.In the near future it is probably that several more countries,most of

4、 them having their own languages,will join the EU,thus making the situation even worse.The problem is not just cost:there are practical difficulties as well.With 12 languages,there are 132 possible “translation situations” that might be needed.It is often difficult to find people in the right place

5、at the right time who can translate from (for example) Danish into Greek,or Dutch into Portuguese,at a high professional standard.In practice the problem has been made less severe by the use of English in many contacts between EU officials,since almost all of them speak some English.However,any move

6、 to reduce the number of official languages(perhaps to four or five)would be a blow to the price of the smaller countries.Another commonly suggested solution is to make English the official language for all EU business.However,this is strongly resisted by powerful member countries like France and Ge

7、rmany.1Whats the main purpose of this passage?A. To give a solution to a problem.BTo find out a problem and show how severe it is.CTo criticize the European Union for ill efficiency.DTo show that the problem cannot be solved.答案:B推理推断题。本文的主题是说明欧盟内部语言问题的严峻性,故选D。2According to the writer,the use of Engl

8、ish in contacts among EU officials has_.A. angered the officials who dont speak EnglishBreduced the number of official languagesClessened the effect of the problemDbeen opposed by powerful member countries答案:C推理判斯题。依据文章第四段第一句可知本题选C。3The writer mentions “Danish into Greek”as an example of_.A. a situa

9、tion that might be difficult to deal with Ba situation that occurs oftenCone of the 12 situations that require an interpreter Dlanguages easily being interpreted答案:A细节理解题。由文章第三段最终一句可知本题A项正确。4The writer suggests that if the number of official languages was reduced_.A. the EU would not know which offi

10、cial languages to choose Bcountries whose languages were not used officially would be unhappyConly languages which are easy to translate would be used officiallyDthe smaller member countries would be pleased答案:B推理推断题由文章最终一段其次句可知本题选B。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。When 47-year-old volunteer Susan

11、 Boyle stepped on to the stage of Britains Got Talent and announced she was unemployed, had never been married and “never been kissed, actually”, few in the audience would have wondered why. This Ms. Boyle, looking unfashionable, from a village in Scotland, shocked the three judges and the audience

12、with the song “I Dreamed a Dream” from the musical Les Miserables on a show of “Britains Got Talent”, one of the hottest reality shows in Britain.She couldnt hide the awkwardness when walking to the center of the stage in a housedress, and everyoneincluding the judgesseemed laughing at her when she

13、said she wanted to be as successful as Elaine Paige. As soon as she began singing, however, everyone present fell silent, then rose within seconds to applaud her incredible voice as the celebrity(名人) judges sat open-mouthed, and remained standing to the end.After her performance, one of the judges P

14、iers Morgan said, “Without doubt that was the biggest surprise Ive had in three years of this show. When you stood there everyone was laughing at you. No one is laughing now. That was amazing.” Actress Amanda Holden followed, “I am so thrilled because I know that everybody was against you. I honestl

15、y think that we were all being cynical(愤世嫉俗的)and I think thats the biggest wake-up call ever.”Susan obviously won over the hearts of millions around the world with sensation spreading across the Atlantic. Hollywood actors Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moorewho between them have nearly 1.5 million follower

16、sspeak highly of her. Kutcher posted a link to the video clip(片段). The Scottish talent made her live American debut(露面) via satellite connection on CBSs The Early Show, doing an interview and singing live from her room. And she already accepted an invitation from talk show host Oprah Winfrey.Now Boy

17、le has become one of the worlds hottest celebrities. The video clip of her performance has been viewed more than 50 million times on YouTube, becoming a hit on the Internet. Not long ago she came to China and was warmly welcomed.64We learn from the passage that Susan Boyle .Arose from a low social b

18、ackgroundBhad an unhappy marriageCwas working in a companyDwon the championship in the Britains Got Talent show65At the beginning of the show, almost everyone .Alooked forward to her wonderful performanceBwas attracted by her beautiful dressClooked down upon herDplaced great hope on her66We can infe

19、r that contributed most to her global popularity.Athe judges Bthe Internet Cthe newspaper Dthe advertisement67The 4th paragraph intends to tell us .Ahow Susan Boyle achieved her successBthe comment made by Ashton KutcherCSusan Boyles influence in the USADOprah Winfreys invitation to Susan Boyle 【参考答

20、案】64、AC 66-67、BC 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Sydney J. Harris accompanied his friend George to his favorite newsstand. George greeted the man selling the newspapers politely, but in return he received rude service. He just acknowledged his customer and never even looked up at him when he requ

21、ested the late night edition. Accepting the newspaper, George politely smiled and wished the newsman a pleasant weekend. The owner made an indiscernible(难识别的) sound and seemed relieved that the two men had completed their dealing.As the two friends walked down the street, Sydney J. Harris asked, “Do

22、es he always treat you so rudely?” “Yes, unfortunately, he does,” George responded. “And are you always so kind and friendly to him?” “Yes, I am!” George continued as they turned a corner. “Why are you so nice when hes so unfriendly to you?” With a look of deep thought, George explained, “Because I

23、dont want him to decide how Im going to act.”Who decides how youre going to act? Is it your circumstances(环境) or the difficult people in your life that determine your responses? When we allow our conflicts to control us, we behave as though getting rid of our predicaments (境况) is our only choice. Th

24、erefore, it doesnt really matter how we treat one another. For example, we say, “This person is causing trouble right now so I dont care about exercising patience, self-control, and loving kindness. Instead, I want to let them know how angry Im because of their actions.”We forget our acts will event

25、ually die down. But the way we handle conflicts will influence our lives for a long time. Will you only respond to the momentary crisis(瞬间危机) or will you be more concerned about the lasting value of what kind of person you are becoming?68What surprised Sydney J. Harris most?AGeorge greeted rude peop

26、le politely.BThe newspaper-seller was too rude.CGeorge greeted others politely.DGeorge bought papers in the wrong place.69The man selling newspapers was rude because .Ait was late into the nightBGeorge was rude to himCHarris didnt buy papersDit was his own behavior70According to George, who decided

27、how he was going to act?AThe circumstances.BThe conflicts.CThe difficult people.DGeorge himself.71According to the last paragraph, when we deal with conflicts, we should .Atry to win the conflictsBimmediately stop the conflictsCconsider the long-term benefitsDlet others know our anger【参考答案】68、ADD 71

28、-C 【深圳市2022高考英语综合力气测试题(8)】读写任务(共1小题;满分25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后依据要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。The actions of international development volunteers, and the relationships they build, live on long after the volunteers return home.One such volunteer is Carlie Rocco. After completing an Australian Youth Ambassadors for Develo

29、pment (AYAD) role, 27-year-old Carlie travelled to China to take up the role of Rural Development Advisor(询问员)at Yunnan Agricultural University. “I had an interest in working indevelopment and learning new skills, so I decided to volunteer to be able to pursue that. We had one project where we used

30、this knowledge to grow and collect Chinese medicinal herbs (中药), and then linked them up with Chinese medicine companies.” “Its a great way to acquire a lot of new skills in a short space of time it would take a lot longer if you wanted to do that in Australia, to acquire some of those universal pro

31、fessional skills like relationship building, communication and cross-cultural skills.” Reflecting on her volunteer experience, Carlie felt proud of what she managed to achieve together with her local colleagues at Yunnan Agricultural University and, alter all, she gained valuable professional skills

32、 in the process:【写作内容】1. 以约30个词总结Carlie作为志愿者的工作和收获。2. 以约120个词就“志愿者工作”发表自己的看法,并包括如下要点:(1)你认为志愿者工作有何意义;(2)列举你或他人的事例说明你的看法;(3)你认为成为一名优秀志愿者的最重要的素养是什么。【写作要求】1. 作文中可以使用亲身经受或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2. 作文中不能毁灭真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】概括精确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。_ 【参考范文】读写任务 (One possible version)As an Australian Yo

33、uth, Carlie worked as a Rural Development Advisor at Yunnan Agricultural University. She spared no effort to help others, and gained some valuable skills. As shown from Carlies experience, providing a free service for others and improving oneself is what volunteer work is all about. My elder sister

34、worked as a volunteer for the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. She was responsible for showing the audience in and out of the stadiums and demonstrating a series of gestures to cheer up the athletes at the game. Every night when she got back late, she was too exhausted to say a word or stand up. But she

35、has learnt to appreciate what others have done for her, which she used to take for granted.”Thus it can be seen that gratefulness is the most important quality for volunteers, because to be an excellent volunteer is to give rather than receive.【深圳市2022高考英语综合力气测试题(7)】基础写作(共1小题;满分15分) 你是学校“世界人口与经济”争辩性

36、学习小组成员。以下是你们的争辩成果汇总。【写作内容】 依据下表信息,为校报写一篇英语报道。现状与数据世界人口70亿,其中中国和印度人口分别位居世界第一、其次。现象与问题目前状况令世人担忧:1)在非洲很多贫困国家和亚洲一些国家,人口比经济的增长速度快;2)在日本和很多欧洲国家,低诞生率地区对劳动力短缺的担忧程度提升。专家猜想到2025或2030年,世界人口将达到80亿。参考词汇:低诞生率low birth rate【写作要求】 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。【参考范文】基础写作 (One possible version)It is reported that there are current

37、ly seven billion people in the world, with China ranking the top most populated country of the world and India, the second. Such a large population has become one of the most serious and worrying problems for which all the people in the world show much concern. For example, the population is growing

38、 faster than the economy in many African and some Asian countries. On the contrary, it is increasingly worrying that the low birth rates in Japan and many European countries have resulted in labor shortage. Experts predict that the population of the world will reach eight billion by the year 2025 or

39、 2030.【深圳市2022高考英语综合力气测试题(7)】读写任务(共1小题;满分25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后依据要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。I was diagnosed with cancer at 31. When I heard this news, my heart sank. When Sally heard about my diagnosis, she approached me and was supportive. I was surprised at her kindness because she was almost a stranger to me. I h

40、ad expressed fears of having chemotherapy (化疗). Just before my firs chemotherapy, she gave me a gift. She told me shed give me one of these gifts just before every chemotherapy until I finished all the treatment. I explained Id be having chemotherapy every other week for months because I didnt want

41、her to be obligated(有义务的). She told me that she wanted me to say, “What is Sally going to turn up with this time?” instead of “Ive got another painful chemotherapy session.” Each time she came to see me, she brought a present. I was a bit embarrassed at first, but as treatment went on, I found mysel

42、f looking forward to a beautifully wrapped gift, such as a candle, a book or a bar of chocolate, Carefully choosing gifts every time, she never missed one. It didnt matter what the gift was. It made a difference that she cared enough to think of me every week, knowing I was going through a painful c

43、ourse that would in the end, save my life. Now when I look at these gifts, I am so grateful for Sallys promise.【写作内容】1. 以约30个词总结上文:2. 以约120个词就“信守承诺”这个话题发表自己的看法,并包括如下要点: (1)你读后的感想; (2)列举你或他人的事例并说明你的感想; (3)你对“信守承诺”的理解或建议。【写作要求】1. 作文中可以使用亲身经受或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2. 作文中不能毁灭真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】概

44、括精确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。_【参考范文】读写任务 (One possible version)The author suffered from cancer, but Sally gave him a gift every time he had chemotherapy. With her timely and warm care, he smoothly went through the painful course. It is a touching story which has proved what “A promise is a promise” means. It

45、is admirable that Sally made a promise and kept it from beginning to end. Take Li Xin, my deskmate for example. In Senior One, I did badly in math, and did not get along well with him. He promised to help me with my math every day after school. He never broke his promise and explained every minor mistake to me patiently. As time went by, I made great progress in math. Most importantly, we have become best friends ever since. It seems to me that keeping promises plays an important role in smoothing social communication. Once we make a promise, in no way should we b

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