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1、第一单元 春天来了第1课【听和说】Can you play ping-pong with me?你能和我一起打乒乓球吗?Im sorry I cant.对不起,我不能。Why not?为什么不呢?Im making a gift for my mum. Tomorrow is Womens Day.我在为我的妈妈准备一份礼物。明天是妇女节。Oh, yes. Tomorrow is March 8th. I want to make a gift for my mum, too.哦,是的。明天是三月八日。我也想为我的妈妈准备礼物。Lets do it together.让我们一起做吧。【听,看,

2、学】Can you play ping-pong with me?你能和我一起打乒乓球吗?Im sorry I cant. / yes, lets go.对不起,我不能。/是的,走吧。play ping-pong 打乒乓球play basketball 打篮球go ice-skating 去滑冰fly a kite 放风筝第2课【听和说】What are you going to do this afternoon, Lingling?今天下午你要去干什么,玲玲?We are going to plant trees. March 12th is our Tree-planting Day.我

3、们打算去植树。3月12日是我们的植树节。Planting is fun. Please join us.植树很有乐趣。请加入我们吧。Do you have Tree-planting Day?你们有植树节吗?Yes. In the U.S., it is in April.是的,在美国植树节是在四月。【听,看,学】What are you going to do this afternoon?今天下午你打算做什么?We are going to plant trees.我们去植树。this afternoon/plant trees 今天下午/植树this morning/make a cak

4、e今天早上/做一个蛋糕today/see the monkeys at the zoo今天/在动物园看猴子this evening/make a card今天晚上/做一张卡片第3课【听和说】Spring is here. I like spring.春天来了。我喜欢春天。People plant many things in spring.春天人们种很多东西。Yes. Spring is my favourite season.是的。春天是我最喜欢的季节。Well done! What do you see in spring?做得好!春天里你们看到什么了?The trees turn gre

5、en.树变绿了。Birds sing. Do you hear them?鸟儿歌唱。你听到它们了吗?Yes. And grass comes out.是的,还有草长出来了。【听,看,学】What do you see in spring?春天里你看到什么了?The trees turn green.树变绿了。the trees/turn green 树/变绿bears/wake up 熊/醒来butterflies/dance 蝴蝶/飞舞第4课【学习发音】al ball 球 tall 高 small 小 call 呼叫 always 总是or sports运动 short 短 forty四十

6、horse马our four四Paul is walking towards the sports ground.保罗向运动场走去。Mr Short bought forty horses.肖特先生买了四十匹马。I have four short forks.我有四个短叉子。【让我们歌唱】Spring brings birds from far away.春天带来了远方的鸟,Happy music they sing all day.快乐的音乐,他们唱了一整天。Spring is colourful and bright.春天是丰富多彩的。It is March, April, and May

7、.它是三月,四月和五月。第二单元 我喜欢这个款型第5课【听和说】Look. This is our national flag. Its a rectangle, and its red.看,这是我们的国旗。它是长方形的,它是红色的。I see. There are five yellow stars, one big star and four small ones.我看到了。有五颗黄色的星星,一颗大的和四颗小的。Look at our national flag. Its also a rectangle.看看我们的国旗。它也是矩形的。Oh, how many stars are ther

8、e? Let me cout.哦,有多少颗星星?让我数数。There are fifty stars. Our flag is red, white, and blue.有五十颗星星。我们的国旗是红色,白色和蓝色组成的。【听,看,学】How many stars are there?有多少颗星星?There are five yellow stars, one big star and four small ones.有五颗黄色的星星,一颗大的和四颗小的。star/big/small 星星/大/小pencil/long/short 铅笔/长/短cats/big/small 猫/大/小monke

9、ys/old/young 猴子/年老/年轻第6课【听和说】I have a new watch. Its from my grandpa.我有一块新手表。这是我爷爷送的。Whats it like?它是什么样的?Look! Its square, and its black.看!它是方形的,黑色的。Wow! I like the shape. It looks cool.哇!我喜欢这款型。它看起来很酷。Whats your watch like?你的手表是什么样子的?It is round, and its blue. Its my favourite colour.它是圆的,而且是蓝色的。这

10、是我最喜欢的颜色。【听,看,学】Whats your watch like?你的手表是什么样子的?Its square, and its black.它是方形的,黑色的。your watch/ square / black你的手表/方形的/黑色的your box/round/red你的盒子/圆的/红色的your clock/round/pink你的闹钟/圆的/粉红色的Your eraser/square/green你的橡皮擦/方形的/绿色的第7课【听和说】What shapes do you see in the house?你在房子上看到什么形状?I see a triangle.我看到一个

11、三角形。I see a square.我看到一个正方形I see two squares。我看到两个正方形。Good job!做的好!What shapes do you have?你们有什么形状呢?We have triangles and squares.我们有三角形和正方形。We also have circles and stars.我们也有圆形和星星形。Now try to make a ship with these shapes, please.现在请试着用这些形状拼一艘船。【听,看,学】What shapes do you see in the house?你在房子上看到什么形

12、状?I see a triangle. 我看到一个三角形the house/ triangle 一所房子/一个三角形the bus/two circles 公共汽车/两个圆形the ship/five rectangles 船/五个矩形第8课 现在我能理解【学习发音】oo afternoon下午 too也,太 pool 池塘fool 傻瓜 boot 长靴 tool 工具u blue蓝色 rude 粗鲁的This afternoon were going to learn how to cook soup.今天下午我们要去学习如何做汤。The blue boot fell into the po

13、ol.蓝色靴子掉进池塘里。Are you going to school or to the swimming pool?你是去学校还是去游泳池?第三单元 我最喜欢苹果汁第9课【听和说】Mum, Im back.妈妈,我回来了。Hi, honey. How is school today?嗨,亲爱的。今天学校怎样?Wonderful. May I have some chocolates?很精彩。我可以吃点巧克力吗?Sorry, you cant.对不起,你不可以。Do you want a banana before dinner.晚饭前你想要吃一个香蕉吗?No, thank you. Ar

14、e there any sweet potatoes?不,谢谢你。有红薯吗?Yes. They are in the kitchen.有的,红薯在厨房里。【听,看,学】Do you want a banana?你想要一个香蕉吗?Yes, please. / No, thank you.是的,麻烦您了。/不,谢谢。some biscuits 一些饼干a banana 一个香蕉a sweet potato 一个红薯a pancake 一张煎饼第10课【听和说】Whats favourite food, Lingling?你最喜欢的食物是什么,玲玲?Ita jiaozi. I like jiaozi

15、 best. How about you?是饺子。我最喜欢吃饺子。你呢?Its my favourite, too!那也是我最喜欢的!Please stay and lets have jiaozi together.请留下来和我们一起吃饺子吧。Great! Id love to.太好了!我也想吃。My dad is making jiaozi in the kitchen.我的爸爸在厨房里包饺子。Lets go and help him.让我们去帮他吧。【听,看,学】Whats favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?Ita jiaozi.是饺子。jiaozi 饺子 noodle

16、s 面条fish 煎鱼 meet balls 肉丸子第11课【听和说】What are you doing. Maomao?你在做什么,毛毛?Im making apple juice for Dad. Its his favourite drink.我为爸爸做苹果汁。这是他最喜欢的饮料。May I have some?我可以要一些吗?Sure. Wait a minute.当然,等一分钟。Here is your apple juice.这是你的苹果汁。Thank you. How about you?谢谢你。你呢?May I have a cup of milk tea. Please?我

17、可以要一杯奶茶,好吗?Sure.当然。【听,看,学】May I have a cup of milk tea. Please?我可以要一杯奶茶,好吗?Sure.当然。a cup of milk tea 一杯奶茶a cup of green tea 一杯绿茶a cup of black tea 一杯红茶第12课【学习发音】oor poor 可怜的ure sure 当然our tour 旅游I am sure he is very poor.我相信他很穷。I am sure I will enjoy the tour.我肯定我会喜欢这次旅行。【让我们歌唱】Open your mouth,张开你的嘴

18、巴,Open your mouth.张开你的嘴巴。Close your eyes,闭上你的眼睛,Close your eyes.闭上你的眼睛。And you will get你会得到A big, big surprise.一个大的,大的惊喜。第四单元 回顾第13课 你明白吗?【你会读吗?】March 8th is Womens Day. March 12th is the Chinese Tree-planting Day. Many people like spring, because trees turn green and everything is so lovely.三月八日是妇女

19、节。三月十二日是中国的植树节。许多人喜欢春天,因为树木变绿了,一切都是那么的可爱。There are many different shapes around us: stars, circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles. The Chinese national flag is a rectangle. There are five yellow stars, one big star and four small ones. It is red an yellow.在我们身边有许多不同的形状:星形的、圆的,正方形的,三角形的和矩形的。中国的国

20、旗是长方形的,有五颗黄色的星星,一颗大的和四颗小的。它是红色和黄色的。第14课 你明白吗?【你会读吗?】Yangyang is back from school. He is hungry. He does not want any bananas. He wants to have a sweet potao.阳阳从学校回来。他饿了。他不想要香蕉。他想吃一个红薯。People like different food and drinks. Some people like pizaa, some like jiaozi, and others like noodles. Some peopl

21、e like milk, some like juice, and others like tea.人们喜欢不同的食物和饮料。有人喜欢比萨,有人喜欢饺子,也有人喜欢面条。有些人喜欢牛奶,有些人喜欢果汁,而有些人喜欢茶。第五单元 儿童节第15课【听和说】Tomorrow is Childrens Day.明天是儿童节。Its our holiday. Lets go to the park.这是我们的节日。让我们去公园吧。Mike, do you want to fly my new kite?迈克,你想放我的新风筝吗?Yes, I do!是的,我想!I will have no school

22、tomorrow, Mum.我明天不上学,妈妈。Oh, yes. Its Childrens Day. Do you want to go shopping with me?哦,是的。是儿童节。你想和我一起去购物吗?Yes! May I have a new pencil case, Mum?好的!我可以要一个新铅笔盒吗,妈妈?Sure you can.当然可以。【听,看,学】Do you want to fly my new kite?你想放我的新风筝吗?Yes, I do. / Sorry, I cant.是的,我想/对不起,我不会。fly my new kite 放我的新风筝go to

23、the bookstore 去书店go to the cinema 去电影院go for lunch now 现在去吃午饭第16课【听和说】Lingling, what will you do at the party?玲玲,你会在晚会上做什么?I will sing a song.我要唱一首歌。You have a beautiful voice.你有一副甜美的嗓音。Thank you.谢谢你!What will you do, Guoguo?你会做什么,果果?I will dance. How about you. Mike?我会跳舞。你呢,迈克?I will play the piano

24、.我弹钢琴。【听,看,学】What will you do? 你会做什么?I will play the piano. 我弹钢琴。play the piano 弹钢琴dance 跳舞,舞蹈play the drum打鼓do magic tricks变魔术第17课【听和说】You have a new pencil case, Maomao.你有一个新铅笔盒,毛毛。Yes. Its my Childrens Day gift. Its from my Mum.是的。这是我的儿童节礼物。这是我妈妈送的。Its cool. I like the colour.它很酷。我喜欢这颜色。So do I.我

25、也是。I like your new water bottle, Guoguo.我喜欢你的新水壶,果果。This is my Childrens Day gift!这是我的儿童节礼物!Its looks cool. I like the shape.它看起来很酷。我喜欢这个形状的。So do I.我也是。【听,看,学】I like the shape. 我喜欢这个形状。So do I. 我也是。the shape 形状the story books 故事书our new teacher 我们的新老师第18课【学习发音】ire wire 电线 tire 轮胎 tired 疲倦的 admire 赞

26、赏iar liar 骗子 diary 日记There is a tire on the wire.电线上有一个轮胎。The wire is under the tire.电线在轮胎下面。I dont admire the liar.我不欣赏说谎的人。I dont like the liars diary.我不喜欢骗子的日记。【让我们歌唱】Childrens Day is really cool,儿童节是真的很酷,We have a party at our school.我们在学校聚会。Its really, really fun真的真的很有趣!To play out in the sun.在

27、阳光下玩耍真的很有趣。第六单元 母亲节第19课【听和说】Happy Mothers Day, Mum! I have a box of chocolate for you.母亲节快乐,妈妈!我有一盒巧克力送给你。Oh, thank you, honey!哦,谢谢你,亲爱的!Lets go to see my mum.让我们去看看我的妈妈。Will dad drive us there?爸爸开车送我们去那里吗?Yes, he will.是的,他会。Lingling and her parents are coming to see us.玲玲和她的父母要来看我们。Oh, yes! Its Mot

28、hers Day. You will get gift.哦,是的!今天是母亲节。你会得到的礼物。Sure. I will.当然,我会的。【听,看,学】Will dad drive us there?爸爸开车送我们去那里吗?Yes, he will. 是的,他会。dad/ drive us there爸爸/开车送我们去那里he/kiss his mum他/亲吻他的妈妈she/give her mum a big hug她/给她的妈妈一个大大的拥抱第20课【听和说】What are you doing, Baobao?你在做什么,宝宝?Im making a card for Dad. Fathe

29、rs Day is coming.我在为爸爸做一张卡片。父亲节快到了。Oh, yes. Its the third Sunday of June.哦,是的。那是六月的第三个星期日。What are you writing on the card?你在卡片上写些什么吗?I am writing “I love you. You are the best dad!”我写的是“我爱你。你是最好的爸爸!”Good. Your dad will like it.好的,你爸爸会喜欢它。【听,看,学】What are you doing? 你在做什么?Im making a card. 我做一张贺卡。第21

30、课【听和说】Happy Fathers Day!父亲节快乐!Thank you!谢谢你!I have a gift for you, Dad!我有一个礼物给你,爸爸。Can I open it now?我可以现在打开它吗?Please do.请打开。Oh, its a book and a card. Thank you so much!哦,这是一本书和一张卡片。非常感谢你!Do you like my gift?你喜欢我的礼物吗?Yes, I like it.是的,我喜欢它。Im glad you like it.我很高兴你喜欢它。【听,看,学】Can I open the gift now

31、?我可以打开礼物了吗?Please do. / Please dont.请打开/请不要打开。open the gift 打开礼物have some ice cream 吃一些冰淇淋go home 回家go swimming with Maomao和毛毛一起去游泳第22课【学习发音】ou mouse 老鼠 proud 骄傲 out 出去shout 呼喊 ground 地面 cloud 云ow owl 猫头鹰 now 现在 town 镇The mouse is very proud. 老鼠很自豪。It shouts under the ground. 它在地面下大叫。The owl goes to

32、 town on a cow.猫头鹰骑着奶牛去镇上。【让我们歌唱】Fathers Day, Fathers Day,父亲节,父亲节,Every father loves that day.每个父亲都喜爱的节。They get gifts on Fathers Day.他们在父亲节收到礼物。“Thank you, thank you.”“谢谢你,谢谢你。”They all say.他们都说。第七单元 我想成为一名教师第23课【听和说】Its raining hard, and its thundering.雨下得很大,又打雷。Are you afraid of thunder?你怕打雷吗?Yes

33、. How about you?是的。你呢?Im not. I want to be a scientist. I want to know all about the weather.我不怕。我想成为一名科学家。我想知道所有关于天气的事情。What do you want to be, Lingling?你想当什么,玲玲?I want to be a writer. I want to write interesting stories.我想成为一名作家。我想写有趣的故事。What does Guoguo want to be?果果想当什么?She wants to be a swimmer

34、.她想成为一名游泳运动员。【听,看,学】What do you want to be?你想成为什么?I want to be a writer.我想成为一名作家。a writer 一名作家a singer 一位歌手a dancer 一个舞者a football player 一个足球运动员第24课【听和说】Both my aunt and my uncle work at the hospital.我的叔叔和婶婶在医院工作。What do they do?他们是做什么的?My aunt is a nurse, and my uncle is a doctor.我的阿姨是一位护士,我的叔叔是一名

35、医生。My mother also works in a hospital. She is a dentist.我的母亲也在医院工作。她是一名牙医。So she takes care of your teeth.所以她照看你的牙齿。What does your father do?你的父亲是做什么的?He is a teacher.他是一名老师。【听,看,学】What does your father do?你的父亲是做什么的?He is a teacher.他是一名老师。a teacher 一名老师 a policeman 一名警察 a dentist 一名牙医 a worker 一名工人第

36、25课【听和说】I want to be a football player.我想成为一名足球运动员。I like swimming. I want to be a swimmer.我喜欢游泳。我想成为一名游泳运动员。Will you take football lessons?你会去上足球课吗?I will.我会的。Will Lingling take any lessons this summer.这个夏天玲玲要上课吗?No, she wont. She will stay at home and write stories.不,她不会,她会呆在家里写故事。Wow! She is alre

37、ady a writer.哇!她已经是一名作家了。【听,看,学】Will you take football lessons?你会去上足球课吗?Yes, I will. / No, I wont.是的,我会的。/不,我不会。football 足球 ballet 芭蕾舞piano 钢琴 computer 电脑第26课【学习发音】our our我们的 hour小时 sour酸 flour面粉ower tower塔 flower花 shower淋浴Our flour cannot be sour.我们的面粉不能是酸的。The king takes a shower in the tower.国王在塔

38、里洗澡。There are flowers around the tower.有鲜花围绕着塔。【让我们歌唱】What do you want to be? 你想成为什么?What do you want to be? 你想成为什么?I want to be a sailor. 我想成为一名水手。Thats the life for me. 这是我的生命。第八单元 回顾第27课【你会读吗?】There is no school on Childrens Day. Children get gifts. Yangyang has a new kite and Guoguo has a nice w

39、ater bottle. Yangyang and Baobao are going to fly kites in the park. Lingling will sing and Guoguo will dance at the school party. Mike will play the piano.在儿童节那天不用上课。孩子们会得到礼物。阳阳有了一个新的风筝,果果得到一个很好的水壶。 The third Sunday in June is Fathers Day. Fathers get gifts. Baobaos gift for his father is a book. H

40、e will also give his father a card. His father will love the book and the card a lot.在六月的第三个星期日是父亲节。父亲们会得到礼物。宝宝给他父亲的礼物是一本书。他也送给父亲一张贺卡。他的父亲会非常喜爱这本书和贺卡。第28课【你会读吗?】 Lingling is afraid of thunder, but Sara is not. She wants to know all about the weather. She wants to be a scientis.玲玲害怕雷声,但莎拉不怕。她想知道所有关于天气的一切。她想成为一名科学家。 Yangyang likes to play football. He wants to be a football player. Guoguo does not like ball games. She likes swimming. She wants to be a swimmer.阳阳喜欢踢足球,他想成为一名足球运动员。果果不喜欢球类运动。她喜欢游泳。她想成为一名游泳运动员。

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