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1、精品文档 高考英语常见一词多义 / 熟词生义总结l 中文意思中加粗的斜体字为该单词的生义,请特别注意。l 请翻译下列带有下划线的单词和词组。l 本材料不包含词组的多义。l above / beyond: 后面接抽象而不是具体名词时表示“无法做到”,例如:“ above / beyond comprehension ” l absent adj缺席的; 茫然的,恍惚的 He looked at me in an absent way l absence n. 缺席,缺乏 in the absence of something: 。 l absorb v. 吸收,理解;使全神贯注 She is a

2、bsorbed in the pursuit of knowledge. l about prepadv到处(美)around (熟义:关于) We spent the whole afternoon walking about town l abuse v.& n.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,谩骂 I was left shouting abuse as the car sped off. What went on here was an abuse of power. Janet had been abused by her father since she was eleven l accept

3、 vtvi同意(接受别人的观点,看法) (熟义:接受) Tom accepted her explanation 认可,领受,认为 I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea l have access to something: 通道,通路;机会。“have access to town”表示“ ”,“have access to the teacher”则是“ ”。l account “帐户,解释,解说,叙述”。 These figures disagree with our account. His

4、 account contradicted itself l acknowledge v. 承认, 答谢;报偿;告知已收到He refused to acknowledge defeat. I acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 1. Jack acknowledged the gift with a pleasant letter. l act n. 行动;法令,条例;(戏剧,歌剧的)一幕 v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事; 起作用 It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to

5、act The prosecution was brought under the emergency act. l acquire获得,学会,兼并,占有。比如,acquire bad habits”“ 坏习惯”,acquire a language( 一门语言);acquire a firm( 一家公司)。l adapt v. 使适应,改编 She adapted the novel for movies. He adapted himself to the change quickly. l adopt 采取;接受;收养;正式通过 She was left an orphan and a

6、poor peasant woman adopted her. They adopt new techniques in raising sheep. l address vt称呼向发表演说;(熟义:地址,写地址) The president should be addressed as“Mr President He is going to address the meeting in a minute l admit vt允许进入 容纳 (熟义:承认) The servant opened the door and admitted me(into the house)l afford:

7、担负得起(损失、后果等);足以;经得起;能受得住,够得上(做某事): He cant afford to lose his job. l against prep衬着,迎着,靠着,防备,预防;跟反方向;(在比赛中) 与 (某人) 对阵(熟义:反对,违背)The picture looks good against the white wall / to drive against the traffic /We have saved some money against our old age This is the first of two games against Denver in t

8、he next five days. / Joan was very much against commencing drug treatment. l age vi. 成熟;变老 vt. 使成熟;使变老,使上年纪 Shes aging rapidly. l agent: 代理人,代理机构,特工。在生物化学领域,这个词翻译成“介质,载体”,而在计算机英语中则是“服务器”.l agree with: 与相符合 (气候、食物等)相宜,适宜,适合 Your story agrees with the facts. Long plane trips dont agree with me l air n

9、. 气氛,氛围,神态,风度;空军,航空;飞机 v. (用电视或无线电)播送:晾干;使通风The television interview will be aired to all parts of the country. There was a comfortable air about her room l allow 允许进入,让进入; 承认(权利、要求等);认可:allow somebody to do something: 中文可以翻译成“让,使得某个人可以去做某件事”。 Dogs and cats are not allowed. The invention of air-cond

10、itioners allows most of us to work in hot weather. l alone: 阅读中有时和“only”是同一个意思,即“仅仅”,但是要用在单词或者句子后面。 You cant live on bread alone. l amount n. 金额,数量/ v 总计;等同于The bill amounts to$102. His failure to reply amounts to a refusal. l answer 回答,答复;回信; 应(门);与相符;满足要求,代用,(for): 负有责任,对(某事)负责(to, for):to answer

11、the door This dog answers your description. I will answer for her safety. This isnt a good one but it will answer. l appeal呼吁,恳求;appeal to somebody: “吸引某个人的注意力”。 appeal to court: 法律用语,“上诉”。 l appoint v. 任命,委任,安排,确定(时间地点)We appointed the school-house as place for the meeting. Who shall we appoint as

12、chairperson?l apply: 申请;日常生活中是“涂抹,敷药”的含义。 apply to something: “适用于”。 to apply paint to a wall These remarks apply to every town in this country. l appreciate v. 欣赏; 感激 In order to appreciate the novel, one must be able to enter the spirit of the work l approach: 名词表示“方法,手段”,动词则是“处理,处置, 靠近”。 A storm

13、is approaching. Most vendors have come around to recognizing that this is the most reasonable approach l argue: 在写作中可以表示“认为”,如果与介词同时使用,如“ argue for ”表示“支持”,“ argue against ”表示“反对”。 argument: “观点,主张”。 l arrest ones attention: “引起某个人的注意”。 l article: 日常生活购物场景下表示“一件商品”;法律之条款。The cost of this article inc

14、ludes packaging. We express our strong opposition to the willful interpretation of this article by a local Japanese court l associate: “联想”。 We associate dark clouds with depression and gloom. l attached: 附加的,附属的,依赖,眷恋;喜欢;Weve grown very attached to this village l arm n武器v武装 (熟义:n手臂) Lay down your a

15、rms or well fire! l attend vtvi看护,治疗 (熟义:出席,上学) If you go out,wholl attend to the baby? l available a. 可获得的,有空的Mr. Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment. l average adj.平均的,一般的,通常的 He is an average man. l awkward a. 尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不方便的I was the first to ask him awkward questions but ther

16、ell be harder ones to come. It was small but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry. Amy made an awkward gesture with her hands. Bl back vt支持 (熟义:n背) Many of his friends backed his plan l badly adv迫切;严重 (熟义:坏)=desperately The boy badly wants a bike l balance:在经济英语中指的是“账面余额” (熟义:平衡) Id like to chec

17、k the balance in my account please. l ball n. 球;舞会。 l bank n. (河海湖的)岸,堤 n. 银行l bar n. 条(长方)块,棒,横木 n. (酒店的)买酒柜台;酒吧;(卖东西的)柜台 Fisher was behind bars last night, charged with attempted murder. 进了监狱。l bat n. (棒球、板球的)球棒 n. 蝙蝠l bargain: v. 讨价还价;议价;名词形式在口语中很常用,表示“物超所值的商品”。 At this price the wine is a bargai

18、n. l bear v. 承受,承担;忍受;容忍; 携带; 生 (孩子) n. 熊 .the constitutional right to bear arms. The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men. They will have to bear the misery of living in constant fear of war. Patients should not have to bear the costs of their own treatment. l beat (beat, bea

19、ten) v. 敲打;跳动;打赢 n (音乐)节拍In yesterdays game, Switzerland beat the United States two to one. l beauty n. 美丽,美人l before conj才;就 (熟义:以前) It was a long time before I got to sleep again / I hadnt waited long before he came / Id die before I give up. / Do it before you forget.l benefit v. 有益于;对。有好处; n. 好处

20、;优势;救济金 Both sides have benefited from the talks. Steve didnt have the benefit of a formal college education. .the skyrocketing cost of health care and medical benefits. l bill n.账单;法案,议案; (美)钞票,纸币l blank n.& a 空格,空白(处);空的;茫然无表情的 l The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look My minds a compl

21、ete blank! l block n. 大块;(木、石等)块;街区;路障 vt. 阻塞;阻挡 She walked four blocks down High Street. Some students today blocked a main road that cuts through the centre of the city. l blue n. 蓝色 a.蓝色的 a. 悲伤的;沮丧的l board: 名词最常用的含义是“委员会,董事会”,动词后面接交通工具则是“上火车,上船,上飞机”。l book n. 书;本子 v. 预定,定(房间、车票等)l boom n. / v. 繁荣

22、,轰鸣,激增 An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction. Sales are booming. l bound adj. 有义务的;受约束的;装有封面的;一定的 v 束缚;跳跃 There are bound to be price increases next year. He bounded up the steps and pushed the bell of the door. l box n. 箱,盒子;包厢;一拳 vi. 拳击 On Friday, boys gathered after sc

23、hool in the backyard of Bryan Campbell (at far left) to wrestle and box. l branch: “分支机构”,看上下文可以翻译成为“分校,分公司,银行分行”等等。 l break v. 打破;折断;弄坏;(使)破;打破(纪录);突破;破晓;n. 破裂;间断;间歇They continued the search as dawn broke. l brief: 动词可以表示“做简短介绍”,名词则是“短会”。 The chairman will brief the Board on the most recent develop

24、ments. l budget: 日常生活中可以翻译成“购物计划”。l build n身材,体型 (熟义:v修建) =figure Perfect body build is what people crave to get. l business: 商业;贸易 生意;企业;事务The majority of small businesses fail within the first twenty-four months. If she doesnt want the police involved, thats her business. l but: prep 后面接名词时是“除以外”,

25、因此“anything but”中文为“就不是”,而“nothing but”则为“就是”Cl campaign n. 活动;运动,战役 During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet. l can n罐头vt做成罐头 (熟义:能) Mother cans fruit l capital n.首都.省会.大写;资本 Companies are having difficulty in raising capital. l cap: 本身的含义是“帽子”,但使用的时候则可以表示“最高部分,上

26、限”。 l carry v. 拿,扛;携带;支持;搬运; 传送;传播 Flowers are designed to attract insects which then carry the pollen from plant to plant. l cash n. 现款,现金 vt. 将兑现;支付现款 cash a cheque l cast: 日常生活中的含义是“铸造,塑造”,但是有一些固定的词组搭配,比如“ cast a glance at something / somebody ”是“将眼光投向某个事物或某个人”,“ cast light on something =throw li

27、ght upon”是“提供新信息,帮助理解”,而“ cast a shadow on something ”则是“在某件事情上投下阴影”。l case: 通常的含义是“情况“,如果在法律环境下则是“案例”。 l cause n事业 (熟义:n起因,v引起) The UN has done a lot for the cause of world peace l celebrate vt. 庆祝;举行;赞美;祝贺 Do you celebrate life or do you hide in the shadows? l ceiling: 在经济和数学用语中通常表示“上限”。 l cell: 日

28、常生活中,“ cell phone ”是“移动电话”的美式用法,在生物学领域则是“细胞”的意思。 l center : “以 为中心,围绕”。 Their talks always center around politics. l chair: 动词的意思是“主持”。 l challenge v&n. 挑战;怀疑 The move was immediately challenged by two of the republics. l change . 变化;找回的零钱l chance: 科技英语中是“偶然性,可能性”的含义,因此“ by chance ”的意思是“偶然地”。l choic

29、e: 形容词的意思是“精选的”。 l channel: 动词的含义是“引导”,名词是“渠道,路径”的意思。l Charge n. 费用;电荷;掌管;控告;命令;负载vt. 使充电;使承担;指责;装载;对索费;向冲去vi. 充电;控告;索价;向前冲;记在账上 He was arrested on a charge of armed robbery. / How much do you charge per unit? Alex had forgotten to charge the battery. l circulate 传播,流传;循环;流通 The document was previou

30、sly circulated in New York at the United Nationsl class n. (学校的)班;年级;课; 阶级;种类;等级; 品位非正式 vt. 分类;把分等级;把归入某等级 What it will do is create a whole new ruling class. I class myself as an ordinary working person. The most elegant woman Ive ever met she had class in every sense of the word. l claim: 主张;断言;声称

31、有权:理应获得;索赔;需要。如果这个词后面接的是人,表示的含义是“让人丢了性命”。 The earthquake claimed thousands of lives. Now they are returning to claim what was theirs. l coat: 生物、化学及医药用语中是“表面,外皮”的含义 v. 为。加上一层东西 coat fish in flour l coach: n. 教练;旅客车厢;长途公车;四轮大马车 vt. 训练;指导 After her pro playing career, she coached a golf team in San Jo

32、se. A coach is a large, comfortable bus that carries passengers on long trips. l collect vt. 收集,搜集;聚集;募捐The party depends on whether or not we can collect enough money. l Comfort n. 安慰;舒适 vt. 安慰;使(痛苦等)缓和 This will enable the audience to sit in comfort while watching the shows. They will be able to t

33、ake some comfort from inflation figures due on Friday. Ned put his arm around her, trying to comfort her. l command v & n 命令,指挥;控制;指令; 掌握Get in your car and follow me, she commanded. .an excellent physician who commanded the respect of all her colleagues. .the struggle for command of the air. .the F

34、rench general who commands the U.N. troops in the region. I entered the command into my navigational computer. His command of English was excellent. l commercial: adj. 商业的;营利的;名词是“电视商业广告”的含义,而“ advertisement ”一般指报纸中的广告。 l communicate v. 通讯,传达;相通;交流;感染They successfully communicate their knowledge to

35、others. l community: 与其他名词连用表示“界”,比如 scientific community 就是“ 科技界 ”,此外复数 communities 也有“ 社会 ”的含义。 l complain: 在很多时候都是“投诉”的意思。 file complaint: 这个词组的含义也是“投诉”。 l company n. 有人作伴;伙伴;客人(均为不可数) (熟义:公司) Ive really enjoyed your company. l Compare v. 相比,匹敌;比较;比喻 The flowers here do not compare with those at

36、home. l Complex adj. 复杂的;n. 复合体;综合设施;建筑群l be committed to something: “决心做某件事情”。 l concern vt. 涉及,关系到;使担心,使卷入,使陷入。n. 关系;关心;关心的事Provision of shelter was their main concern for the disaster victims. / concerning prep. 关于;就而言l conclude v. 推断;决定,作结论;结束 ; 达成 (协议) The evening concluded with dinner and spee

37、ches. Mexico and the Philippines have both concluded agreements with their commercial bank creditors. l condition 1. C (使某事或另一件事成为可能的)条件,条款,约定 One of the conditions for the job is that you should be able to drive.2 .sing, U 某物或某人所处的条件,现状,状况/ 人的健康状况 be in good, poor, excellent condition, 3. pl condit

38、ions=circumstances poor working conditions 4. v. 对。有影响;决定 Environment conditions an animals development. / be conditioned to中文的含义有点象“习惯于,受 的影响”。 / on condition that =only if / on no condition = not at all, neverl condemn vt. 谴责;判刑,定罪;声讨 Political leaders united yesterday to condemn the latest wave o

39、f violence. He was condemned to life imprisonment. l conduct: 首先,作为名词,含义是“ 人的行为,品行,举止 ”,而作为动词,它的含义与 do 基本一致,但主要用于褒义场合。She conducted an orchestra of forty instruments. l consequence: 本身是“结果,后果”,在词组“ far-reaching consequence ”中则是“影响,重要性”。 l concern oneself of concern consider v. 考虑;认为;You have to cons

40、ider what to do next. We dont consider our customers to be mere consumers; we consider them to be our friends. l consult v. 查阅;商量;向请教Consult your doctor about how much exercise you should get. Consult the chart on page 44 for the correct cooking times. After consulting with her daughter and manager,

41、 she decided to take on the part, on her terms. l Consume 消费,消耗; 吃; 喝. 烧毁;毁灭 The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood We need these countries to do the opposite: consume more and save less. Martha would consume nearly a pound of cheese per day. Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models. 如果是“ be consumed with ”后面接表示情绪的名词,则表示“陷入,不能自拔” Be Consumed With Envy l C

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