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1、1-2中空注浆锚索实物图图 1中空注浆锚杆、锚索结构示意图软岩巷道修整中锚注一体化技术应用研究王智儒(山西汾西中兴煤业有限责任公司,山西交城030500)摘要:某矿+630 m 轨道运输石门围岩为软岩并采用锚网索方式支护围岩,支护完成后运输石门呈现出底鼓严重、围岩变形量大特点,给后续辅助运输、行人及通风等工作开展带来较大制约。因此,依据轨道运输石门现场条件,将锚注一体化技术应用到巷道围岩修整中,并对采用的支护材料、修整技术方案等进分析阐述。现场应用后,轨道运输石门围岩变形量大问题得以彻底解决,修整 150 d 后围岩变形基本稳定,其中底板、顶板及巷帮最大变形量分别为35 mm、15 mm、49

2、 mm,轨道运输石门采用锚注一体化技术修整后可满足后续使用需要。研究成果可为其他矿井软岩巷道围岩修整工作开展提供经验借鉴。关键词:软岩巷道;锚注一体化技术;围岩支护;中空锚杆;围岩加固中图分类号:TD322文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-1152(2023)05-0236-030引言软岩巷道具有围岩承载能力差、胶结程度低以及易风化等特点,巷道掘进开挖时在掘进扰动、应力集中等多因素影响下,软岩巷道围岩容易出现大变形,严重时导致巷道围岩失稳1-2。传统的软岩巷道支护手段包括有砌碹支护、金属支架支护、锚网索联合支护以及锚喷支护等,虽然可短时间内控制软岩变形,但是随着巷道使用时间的增加围岩会出现较大

3、变形。近些年来,将注浆与锚喷、金属支架等方式结合支护,在软岩巷道围岩控制方面表现出显著优势,但支护成本高、工作量大成为制约其推广应用的主要因素3-7。锚注一体化技术在隔绝软岩空气、堵水、提高软岩强度及增强软岩稳定性等方面表现出较好应用效果,现场应用时依据实际情况选择注浆材料、设计支护参数等8-9。山西某矿+630 m 轨道运输石门在软岩巷道中掘进,采用锚网索支护方式,随着使用时间增加巷道围岩出现较大变形,严重影响巷道使用。为此,文中提出采用锚注一体化技术对巷道修整,以便提升巷道围岩控制效果。1工程概况+630 m 轨道运输石门在开采的 5 号煤层顶板掘进,巷道围岩以承载能力及稳定性较差的泥岩、

4、砂质泥岩为主,掘进区域内地质构造复杂程度中等,巷道断面为直墙半圆拱型,采用锚网索支护方式。+630 m轨道运输石门在支护完成 6 个月时围岩变形量较大,围岩表层喷浆层开裂、底鼓量大,监测发现运输石门两帮收敛量、顶板下沉量、底板底鼓量最大可分别达到 636 mm、413 mm、267 mm,给石门内运输系统以及行人等均带来一定制约。后期虽然进行了修整,但修整效果不佳。为实现运轨道运输石门围岩变形有效控制,某矿经过技术探讨提出将锚注一体化技术应用到巷道围岩变形修整中。2锚注一体化技术概述锚注一体化技术是通过中空注浆锚杆(锚索)并通过高压注浆泵将注浆材料注入到巷道围岩(软岩)裂隙中,通过浆液胶结提高

5、围岩承载能力、稳定性,并封堵漏水通道;注浆锚杆及注浆锚索综合使用可实现浅部、深部注浆,有利于提高围岩变形控制能力。在+630 m 轨道运输石门围岩变形修整中,中空注浆锚杆杆体材质为 40Cr,结构包括有杆体、螺母、止浆塞以及托盘等;中空注浆锚索结构包括钢绞线、中空注浆软管、止浆塞、托盘、螺母等,具备有强度高、松弛值低以及抗拉强度高等特点,可充分发挥锚索悬吊作用。中空注浆锚杆、锚索结构图如图 1 所示,技术参数如表 1 所示。注浆材料为无机加固复合砂浆(型号 KWJG-1),通过中空注浆锚杆、注浆锚索将浆液压注到围岩裂隙中。采用的注浆浆液与传统的水泥浆相比,水灰比降低,可降低注浆浆液中水对围岩弱

6、化作用;同时该注收稿日期:2022-03-17作者简介:王智儒(1983),男,河北元氏人,本科,毕业于太原理工大学,工程师,现从事采矿工程方面的工作。总第 208 期2023 年第 5 期山西冶金Shanxi MetallurgyTotal 208No.5,2023DOI:10.16525/14-1167/tf.2023.05.0901-1中空注浆锚杆结构图表 1中空注浆锚杆(索)技术参数类型型号杆体长度/mm杆体直径/mm杆体破断力/kN中空注浆锚杆MZGK190-42/242 50024190中空注浆锚索SKZ22-1/18604 30022420螺母托盘 止浆塞杆体技术应用2023 年

7、第 5 期浆材料具备高流动性、微膨胀、无收缩等优点,与软岩、煤体等粘结性好,提升围岩强度。依据+630 m 轨道运输石门现场情况,将采用的KWJG-1 型注浆材料水灰比确定为 1.03.5,注浆时应确保压力在 6 MPa 以上。3锚注钻孔布置方案的设计锚注技术主要应用于巷道底鼓较大区域,具体锚注加固段长度为 60 m,锚注钻孔布置钻孔见图 2 所示。底板中空注浆锚杆规格为 24mm2500mm,间排距2 000 mm1 000 mm;在巷帮距离底板 1 200 mm 处各施工一根中空注浆锚杆(规格为 24mm2500mm),布置间距为 1 000 mm。在巷道帮脚处各施工一根中空注浆锚索(规格

8、为 22 mm4 300 mm),布置间距为 2 000 mm。中空注浆锚杆、中空注浆锚索锚固均用K2350 锚固剂,使用量分别为 1 支、2 支;中空注浆锚杆、中空注浆锚索外漏长度分别控制在 1050 mm、150200 mm。中空注浆锚杆、中空注浆锚索均为暗锚杆、暗锚索,在打地坪时在锚杆、锚索施工地面均预留施工空间(长、宽、深均为 100 mm),锚杆及锚索注浆完成后将预留空间用水泥抹平。对于巷道表面喷浆开裂区进行修复,顶板用规格18.9 mm4 300 mm 普通钢绞线锚索、钢帮用规格18.9 mm3 300 mm 普通钢绞线锚索进行强化支护,间排距 800 mm800 mm,用 K23

9、50、Z2350 锚固剂锚固,外漏 150200 mm,预紧力 190 kN 以上。4巷道修复效果分析布置测点对运输石门围岩变形进行为期 150 d监测,具体各测点获取到围岩变形量情况见图 3 所示。从图 3 看出,锚注一体化技术应用后轨道运输石门围岩变形量大问题得以有效解决,各测点围岩变形量均较小。锚注技一体化技术在+630 m 轨道运输石门修整应用后巷道现场情况见图 4 所示,巷道修整后,断面可满足需要,同时底板、顶板变形较小,可满足轨道运输石门通风、行人及辅助运输需要。5结论1)锚注一体化技术采用中孔注浆锚杆、中孔注浆锚索以及注浆材料等,通过高注浆压力、高预紧力等技术手段对软岩巷道围岩变

10、形进行控制,可提高软岩承载能力及强度。中空注浆锚杆及注浆锚索可充分发挥锚杆及锚索主动支护效果,而锚注后浆液在软岩中固结,锚杆及锚索均为全锚,提升了锚杆及锚索对围岩变形控制能力。2)软岩巷道围岩变形量大、控制难度高,将锚注一体机技术应用到软岩巷道修整中,可起到有效控制巷道变形能力。结合+630 m 轨道运输石门围岩变形特点及围岩岩性特征,对锚注一体化技术布置方案进行设计并进行工程应用。结果表明,采用锚注一体化技术对软岩巷道围岩变形修整后,巷道围岩持续变形、控制难度大等问题得以有效解决,为运输石门行人、通风及辅助运输工作高效开展创造良好条件。参考文献1王冠赵,路长键,张磊,等.锚注一体化支护在软岩


12、11):69-72.7邵德盛,杨永刚,李世辉,等.预应力全长复合锚固及锚注一体化综合支护技术及工程应用J.煤矿安全,2018,49(9):114-117.8郭建伟,赵万里.矿井深部软岩巷道锚注一体化支护应用研究J.能源与环保,2018,40(3):185-188.2-2剖面图图 2锚杆(索)布置示意图(mm)2-1平面图图 4修复后巷道断面图图 3围岩变形监测结果注浆锚索1 0004 6002 300注浆锚杆3 700巷道中心线3 0001 0002 000注浆锚索注浆锚杆80400变形量/mm12345观测点两帮收敛量顶板下沉量底板鼓起量王智儒:软岩巷道修整中锚注一体化技术应用研究237山西

13、冶金E-mail:第 46 卷Application of Geophysical Exploration and Drilling Technology in Advance Detection ofTunnel ExcavationCui Yuke(Shuangliu Coal Mine,Shanxi Fenxi Mining Industry(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Liulin Shanxi 033300)Abstract:A certain mine in Shanxi is a resource integration mine,which uses a combinatio

14、n of geophysical exploration and drilling toconduct advanced exploration of the mine.By analyzing the results of geophysical exploration,guidance is provided for the efficientimplementation of drilling work.When the 3503 transportation roadway was excavated to a range of 780 meters,geophysical explo

15、rationdetected a low resistance area within a range of 50100 meters in front of the right side of the roadway.After comprehensive analysis,it wasfound that the type of the abnormal area was a local water rich area rather than a small coal mine mining area.Afterwards,drilling was usedto detect the lo

16、w resistance abnormal area and drain the accumulated water in the abnormal area.The advanced detection technologycombining geophysical exploration and drilling can be used in 3503 transport roadway to detect the tectonics in front of tunneling andwhether there is rich water body,which can improve th

17、e safety guarantee ability of roadway tunneling to a certain extent.Key words:tunnel excavation;advance detection;geophysical technology;drilling;rich water areaResearch on Preventive Grouting Technology for Leakage Prevention of Drifting in Three SoftCoal SeamsZhen Shilei(Shanxi Fenxi Mining Group

18、Zhengwen Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.,Xiaoyi Shanxi 032300)Abstract:Lane 3130 is excavated along the floor of the 13th coal seam,which is a typical three soft coal seam.The problem of roof cavingand large deformation is more obvious,especially when Lane 3130 is excavated within the range of 1 5601 620 met

19、ers,the roof is brokenand cracks develop due to the influence of regional fold structures,resulting in a more prominent risk of roadway roof fall.Propose the use ofgrouting method for advanced reinforcement of the roof to improve its stability and bearing capacity.Based on the characteristics of the

20、surrounding rock of lane 3130 and combined with previous grouting experience,propose the use of pipe shed grouting method to reinforcethe roof rock mass,and specifically design a technical plan for advanced grouting reinforcement.After on-site application,the roof remainedstable throughout the tunne

21、l excavation period,without any problems such as roof fall or collapse.At the same time,the overall deformationof the surrounding rock in the tunnel was relatively small,and the deformation control effect of the surrounding rock was significant.Key words:tunnel excavation;three soft coal seams;roofi

22、ng;broken roof;pipe shed grouting;surrounding rock support9魏夕合,黄庆显,蒋敬平,等.深部巷道高强全锚注一体化技术研究与应用J.煤炭工程,2017,49(2):43-45;48.(编辑:苗运平)Research on the Application of Integrated Anchoring and Grouting Technology in the Repairof Soft Rock TunnelsWang Zhiru(Shanxi Fenxi Zhongxing Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.,Jiaoche

23、ng Shanxi 030500)Abstract:The surrounding rock of+630 m rail transportation crosscut is soft rock and is supported by anchor mesh cables.After the supportis completed,the transportation crosscut exhibits severe floor heave and large deformation of the surrounding rock,which poses significantconstrai

24、nts on subsequent auxiliary transportation,pedestrians,and ventilation work.Based on the on-site conditions of the rail transportationcrosscut,the integrated anchoring and grouting technology is applied to the repair of tunnel surrounding rock,and the supporting materialsand repair technology scheme

25、s used are analyzed and elaborated.After on-site application,the problem of large deformation of thesurrounding rock of the rail transportation crosscut has been completely solved.After 150 days of repair,the deformation of the surroundingrock is basically stable,with the maximum deformation of the

26、bottom plate,top plate,and roadway side being 35 mm,15 mm,and 49 mm,respectively.The rail transportation crosscut can meet subsequent usage needs after being repaired using the integrated anchoring andgrouting technology.The research results can provide experience and reference for the repair of soft rock roadway surrounding rocks in othermines.Key words:soft rock roadway;anchor injection integration technology;surrounding rock support;hollow anchor rod;surrounding rockreinforcement(上接第 215 页)(上接第 222 页)238

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