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Josh’s eating habits英语演讲稿.docx

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1、精品范文模板 可修改删除撰写人:_日 期:_Joshs eating habits英语演讲稿 Hello, everyone. My names Edward. Im from Huamei International school .Its my great honour standing here to share my story with you. There was a clownfish named Josh in the sea. He loved eating and he didnt like exercise also. His favourite foods were c

2、heesecake and chocolate, so he put on a lot of weight. He never listened to his friends who always asked him to eat less and exercise more. Sometimes he even shouted to them.” Its none of your business.”One day, a fisherman came to catch fish. He threw his net into the sea. Every body was scared and

3、 tried their best to swim away. But Josh was too fat, and he couldnt swim fast. So unfortunately he was caught.“Help ,help!” he cried.“Oh, my god” Every one body shouted “Josh is in the net, lets help him out of the net. With the help of his friends, he got out of the net. He was very thankful and a

4、lso ashamed.The doctor came to see Josh. He said” You should go on a diet and change your eating habits. Dont eat so many snacks. You should also exercise more very soon youll be thinner and healthier.”After a few weeks, he got thinner and swam faster. He played with his friends happily every day and he never gets fat again.Thats all, thank you for your listening.第 2 页 共 2 页免责声明:图文来源于网络搜集,版权归原作者所以若侵犯了您的合法权益,请作者与本上传人联系,我们将及时更正删除。

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