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1、部分基础课中英文描述精品文档课程名称:高等数学课程类别:学科基础课课程简介:该课程主要包括函数、极限、连续、导数、微分、中值定理、导数的应用、微分学在经济学中的应用、不定积分、定积分及在经济学中的应用、无穷级数、多元函数微积分(偏导、全微分、复合函数与隐函数的微分法、极值应用、二重积分、多元函数极值)、微分方程(一、二阶微分方程及高阶线性微积分方程等),差分方程简介,及在几何、经济等方面的应用。通过本课程的学习,使学生获得必要的微积分知识,学习从数量的角度观察问题,分析问题,培养抽象思维和逻辑推理能力。Course Name:Advanced Mathematics Course Descri

2、ption:This subject introduces mainly function, limit, sequence, derivative, differential, theorem of mean, application of derivate, application of differential in the economics, indefinite integration, definite integration and its application in Economics, infinite series, multi-variables function c

3、alculus(partial derivative, total differential, composite function and differential method of implicit function, application of extreme, double integral, extreme value of multi-variable function), differential equation(first and second order differential equation and higher order linear equation), b

4、rief introduction to difference equation and its application in geometry and economy. By learning this subject, students could understand essential knowledge of Calculus, observe and analyze questions from quantity. 课程名称:大学物理课程简介:本课程主要包括热学与力学两个部分,热学研究的是自然界中物质与冷热有关的性质及这些性质变化的规律。力学主要是以牛顿定律为基础展开的。阐述了守恒

5、定律,对其中势能的概念作了清晰的解说。其所学具体内内容涉及:运动学、动力学、刚体的定轴转动、狭义相对论、气体运动论、热力学基础、静电场、静场中的导体和电介质、稳恒磁场与电磁相互作用、磁介质、电磁感应、麦克斯韦方程组、机械振动、机械波。Course Name:College Physics Course Description:The course includes two parts, thermal and mechanical, thermal studies the nature of the material and the hot and cold about the nature

6、and the changing nature of these laws. Mechanics based on Newtons laws are mainly carried out. Expound the law of conservation, the concept of potential energy which made a clear explanation. The specific content involves: kinematics, dynamics, the fixed axis rotation of rigid body, the special theo

7、ry of relativity, thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, electrostatic field, electrostatic field in conductor and dielectric, magnetic field and the electromagnetic interaction, magnetic media, electromagnetic induction, Maxwell equations, mechanical vibration, mechanical wave.课程名称:物理实验 课程简介:所学课程

8、涉及实验的基本程序,测量与不确定度的基本概念,不确定度的评估,有效数字与数据处理。开设 20 多个实验,内容涉及力学、热学、声学、电磁学、光学、虚拟仪器、设计与 综合等各个方面。本课程结合现有的条件,用高科技的手段来设计、研制出适合学生的设计性、研究性物理实验的内容及装置。在教学实践的基础上总结、整理教材,从而拓展学生的思路和研究方向。Course Name:Physics Experiment Course Description:This course involves the basic experimental procedures, the basic concepts of mea

9、surement uncertainty, uncertainty assessment and digital data processing. The creation of more than 20 experiments, cover all aspects of the mechanical, thermal, acoustic, electromagnetic, optical, virtual instrument design and integration. This course combined with the existing conditions, using hi

10、gh-tech means to design and develop the content and device physics experiments which are suitable for students. Summary and finish materials based on the teaching practice, which expand the students ideas and research directions.课程名称:线性代数 课程简介:线性代数是一门重要的基础理论课程,通过本课程的学习,使学生获得应用科学中常用的矩阵方法、线性方程组、二次型理论及

11、有关的基础知识,并且有熟练的矩阵运算能力和矩阵方法解决一些实际问题的能力,从而为提高学生的数学素质。Course Name:Linear Algebra Course Description:Linear algebra is an important foundation for the theory courses, through this course of study, students can commonly used in applied science-matrix method, linear equations, quadratic form theory and the

12、 basic knowledge and skilled operation of matrix capacity and matrix methods to solve some practical problems, such as powers, roots, ratios, and proportions, so as to improve the quality of students in mathematics.课程名称:概率论与数理统计 课程简介:该课程的主要内容包括,随机事件与概率、随机变量及其分布、多维随机变量及其分布、随机变量的数字特征、极限理论初步、数理统计基本概念、参

13、数估计;通过本课程的学习,使学生在运用概率统计的思想和方法解决实际问题的能力方面得到系统的培养和训练,通过各个教学环节,逐步培养学生掌握概率论与数理统计的基本知识、基本理论和基本运算技能;培养学生的概括问题的能力、逻辑推理能力,提高学生建立数学模型的抽象思维能力.Course Name:Probability and Mathematics Statistics Course Description:The main content of the course, random events and probability, random variables and their distribu

14、tion, multi-dimensional random variables and their distribution, the numerical characteristics of random variables, the initial limit theory, basic concepts of mathematical statistics, parameter estimation; Through this course, make students to get the systemic development and training in the use of

15、 probabilistic ideas and methods to solve practical problems of capacity, through the various aspects of teaching, and gradually students master the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, basic knowledge, basic theory and basic computing skills; cultivate students the ability to general

16、problem, logical reasoning ability, improve their mathematical model of abstract thinking ability.课程名称:测量学 课程简介:测量学课程是土木、地理、城规、资环、地信等专业的一门主干专业课程。其主要任务是:使学生了解工程制图、识图及常见土建工程建设的基本知识,初步掌握工程制图的基本原理和方法,具有初步的识图能力;了解工业民用建筑、道路、桥涵、水利设施等常见工程的建设程序及有关的基本知识; 对于工程测量的外业,内业都有一定程度的认识,熟悉一些传统仪器和高端仪器的操作,不仅可以从外界获取数据,也可以从

17、事内业分析和处理。Course Name:Surveying Course Description:Surveying course is a main course of civil engineering, geography, urban planning, resources and environment, information and other professional courses. The course requires students to understand the basic knowledge of engineering drawing, identify

18、the images and common construction, basic principle and method of engineering drawing, the learners can preliminary identify the images, can understand the industrial and civil buildings, roads, bridges, water conservancy facilities and other common construction procedures and the basic knowledge of

19、 the related course; in addition, they also have a certain degree of understanding the measurement field, familiar with some traditional instruments and high-end equipment operation, for them ,they not only can access data from outside, can also be engaged in industry analysis and processing.课程名称:结晶

20、学与矿物学课程简介:结晶学及矿物学主要内容包括:晶体的概念及晶体形态特征、晶体内部结构的基本概念、矿物晶体化学、物理性质的基本概念、各大类矿物的主要特点以及常见矿物种的成分、结构、物理性质、成因。一些主要内容, 如47种单形、32种点群、14种布拉维格子等, 均可采用多媒体可视化教学, 晶态物质的结构也可采用三维方式实时表达。通过课堂讲授和实习, 重点培养学生独立思考问题、分析问题以及自己动手解决问题的能力。Course Name:Crystallography and Mineralogy Course Description:A study of the concept of crysta

21、ls and crystal morphological characteristics, the basic concepts of the internal structure of the crystal, the basic concept of mineral crystal chemistry, physical properties, the main features of the major minerals as well as the species composition, structure, physical properties and causes of the

22、 common mineral. Some contents, such as 47 kinds of single-shaped, 32-point groups, the 14 Bravais lattice, etc., which can be used in Multimedia Visualization teaching, the structure of the crystalline material can also be used in a three-dimensional real-time expression. Through lectures and pract

23、ice, we focus on training students to think independently, analyze problems, and do-it-yourself problem-solving abilities.课程名称:晶体光学及光性矿物学 课程简介:晶体光学及光性矿物学阐明了晶体光学的基本原理和基本知识;介绍了晶体光学鉴定的用仪器;系统阐述了用偏光显微镜对透明造岩矿物及宝石薄片进行晶体光学鉴定的基本原理和详细操作方法,以及油浸法测定透明造岩矿物及宝石折射率的原理;简述了对宝石制品进行晶体光学鉴定的主要内容和基本方法。介绍了常见的多种透明造岩矿物、透明玉石矿物

24、、透明宝石矿物的光学性质、偏光显微镜下的鉴定要点,以及与性质相近的矿物的主要区别。Course Name:Crystal-optics and Optical Mineralogy BCourse Description:This course clarifies the basic principles and knowledge of crystal optics; the instruments for crystal optical identification, systematically expatiates the basic principle and detailed op

25、eration method of optical identification of transparent crystal rock-forming minerals and gemstones sheet with polarizing microscope, determination principle of transparent rock-forming minerals and gems of refractive index and immersion method; introduces the main content and the basic methods of o

26、ptical identification of gem crystal products. It introduces the common kinds of transparent rock-forming minerals, transparent jade mineral, optical properties of transparent gem minerals, polarizing microscope technique, and the main differences between the similar minerals.课程名称:水力学课程简介:水力学要求学生正确理

27、解水力学基本概念(如恒定流与非恒定流、均匀流与非均匀流、层流与紊流、缓流与急流等)。掌握水力学基本理论,如连续方程、能量方程、动量方程等。掌握分析水流运动的总流分析法。对工程中的一般水流问题具有分析与计算的能力。如静水总压力的计算;管道及明渠断面尺寸的确定;堰闸过流能力的分析与计算等。掌握测量水位、压强、流量、流速的基本方法和操作技能。Course Name:HydraulicsCourse Description:This course ask the students to properly understand the basic concepts (such as the consta

28、nt flow of unsteady flow, uniform flow and non-uniform flow, laminar and turbulent, slow stream with rapids, etc.) of hydraulics. Master the basic theory of hydraulics, such as continuity equation, energy equation and momentum equation. Master the analysis of the total flow of the water movement ana

29、lysis. To have the ability of analysis and calculation on the general flow problems in engineering, such as the calculation of hydrostatic total pressure; determine the size of the pipe and open channel cross-section; analyzing and calculating the weir gates over current ability. To grasp the basic

30、methods and operational skills to measure the water level, pressure and flow.课程名称:建筑制图课程简介:建筑制图是城市规划专业的重要基础课。课程学习的主要内容:(1)制图基本技能及基本知识:学习制图仪器和工具的正确使用方法、基本制图标准及常用的几何作图方法。学习投影的基本知识、简单立体的投影、轴侧投影等的基本原理和方法。(2)建筑工程施工图:主要学习建筑工程图的种类、特点和识读、抄绘、描绘施工图的方法。(3)阴影透视:学习阴影、透视的基本知识以及绘制阴影、透视基本原理和方法。Course Name:Building

31、Engineering GraphicsCourse Description:Drawing construction of urban planning is an important foundation for professional courses. Curriculum of the main elements: (1) mapping and basic knowledge of basic skills: learning equipment and tools for mapping the correct use of common standards and basic

32、mapping of the geometric mapping methods. Projection learning the basic knowledge, the simple three-dimensional projection, the projection axis side, such as the basic principles and methods. (2) Construction plans: major construction plans study of the types, characteristics and readers, copy the p

33、ainting depicts the construction plans of the way. (3) Shadow Perspective: Learning shadow, perspective and the mapping of the basic knowledge of the shadow, perspective basic principles and methods.课程名称:大学化学 课程简介:本课程主要以化学热力学基础和物质结构基础为主线,包括基础和应用两个部分。基础部分主要包括化学反应热、化学反应进行的方向和限度、化学反应速率、溶液及溶液中的离子平衡、氧化还原

34、反应与电化学以及分子结构与晶体机构等。应用部分主要包括化学与材料、化学与能源、化学与环保、化学与生命。Course Name:College Chemistry Course Description:The course is mainly based on chemical thermodynamics and physical structure of the main line basis, including basic and applied two parts. Base includes some of the major chemical reaction heat, chem

35、ical reaction in the direction and limits, chemical reaction rate, solution and the solution of the ion balance, and electrochemical redox reaction and crystal and molecular structure of institutions. Some of the major applications include chemical and materials, chemicals and energy, chemical and e

36、nvironmental protection, chemical and life.课程名称:分析化学 课程简介:分析化学其主要内容包括酸碱滴定、络合滴定、氧化还原滴定、沉淀滴定等四大滴定分析方法,以及重量分析方法和吸光光度法,同时还向学生传授定量分析的基本化学原理和基本分析方法;分析测定中的误差来源分析、误差的表征、实验数据的统计处理的原理与方法,分析测试过程中的质量保证与有效测量系统;定量分析中的试样准备与常用的分离和富集方法的原理及应用;分光光度分析的物理与化学原理、技术与应用等知识。Course Name:Analyze Chemistry Course Description:Th

37、e main contents of this course include four titration analysis methods, acid-base titration, complexometric titration, redox titration and precipitation titration, as well as the gravimetric method and absorbance spectro-photometry, the course also teach students the basic chemical principles and ba

38、sic analysis method for quantitative analysis; analysis the sources of error in the determination, the characterization of the error, the principles and methods of statistical processing of the experimental data, analysis the quality assurance and effective measurement system in testing process; the

39、 sample preparation in quantitative analysis and the principle and application for commonly separation and enrichment method; spectro-photometric analysis of the physical and chemical principles, technology and application.课程名称:有机化学 课程类别:学科基础课课程简介:有机化学是化学的一个重要分支,是在分子水平上讲授含碳化合物分子结构与它们的相互转换机理,产物及其分离,鉴

40、定和应用的基础科学。本课程主要讲授常见有机化学的基本理论和基本类型,机物的结构,性质以及反应机理,有机化合物的合成,烃和卤代烃、烃的含氧衍生物、生命中的基础有机化学物质,介绍测定有机分子结构的方法,生物分子和生物化学过程,以有机化合物的基本反应为铺垫,用基本化学反应对生物现象的本质进行阐述。要求学生具备分析和解决实际中遇到问题的思维和动手能力。Course Name:Organic Chemistry Course Description:Organic Chemistry is an important branch of chemistry, is teaching the mechani

41、sm of mutual conversion of the carbon compounds and molecular at the molecular level, product and the separation, the identification and application. This course introduces the basic theory and types of the common organic chemistry, the structure , the nature and the reaction of the organism, the sy

42、nthesis of organic compounds, hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons and oxygenated derivatives, the basic organic chemicals in life, the method for the determination of organic molecular structure, the biological molecules and biochemical processes, using the basic chemical reactio

43、n to elaborate the nature of biological phenomena on the organic compounds basic reaction. Require the students to have a thinking and practical ability to analyze and solve practical problem.课程名称:物理化学 课程描述:本课程研究化学科学中的原理和方法,研究化学体系的宏观、微观规律和理论。主要内容:平衡篇、统计篇、速率篇和扩展篇。平衡篇主要是宏观层次,研究热力学规律、热力学方程及在化学平衡和相平衡中的规

44、律。统计篇是从微观到宏观的规律,分子结构、分子能级微观运动规律, 用统计力学的方法研究独立子体系和相依系物质的宏观规律。速率篇是研究速率规律的宏观层次的理论方法。扩展篇研究热力学等原理在电化学、及胶体化学中的应用。Course Name:Physical and Chemistry Course Description:A study of the principles and methods of chemical science research, study the macro and micro law and theory of chemical system. The main c

45、ontent: balanced articles, statistics, articles, rate articles, and extended articles. Balanced articles focus on the macro-level, studying the laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamics equation and the regulation in the chemical and phase equilibrium. Statistics articles is from micro to the macro law

46、, the molecular structure, macro regulation from the microscopic movement of molecular structure, using the statistical mechanics methods to study the independent sub-systems and dependency-based substance macro law. Rate articles are theoretical methods to study the rate regular macro level. The ex

47、tended articles study on electrochemical thermodynamics principle, and colloid chemistry.课程名称:财务管理B课程简介:财务管理课程重点分析现代西方公司财务管理的目标,对现代公司理财中所应用的管理理论、方法、技术手段进行较深入系统的概括,从企业发展总体,介绍投资、金融及确定股息的理论和实践,并进行相关案例分析,增强实际操作性。通过比较系统地学习英语原版财务管理教材,既能进一步理解财务管理的理论、方法;又能熟练掌握财务管理专业词汇、专用术语。Course Name:Financial Management C

48、ourse Description:This course highlights the goal of the modern western corporate financial management, and generalizes the management theory, method, and technology approach deeply and systematically. From the perspective of the whole development of the enterprise,this course introduces the theory

49、and the practice of the investment, finance and determined dividends, and analyzes the related cases to increase the feasibility of the practice. By studying the English original materials of the financial management, the students should be able to understand the theory and method of the financial management, and acquire the professional vocabularies and terms skillfully.课程名称:电子商务课程简介:电子商务课程

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