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1、新概念英语第一册阶段测试题一、 单词填空(1分/题,共10分)01. (颜色)02. (时髦的)03. (黄色的)04. (护照)05. (地毯)06. (助手)07. (疲乏的)08. (哪一个)09. (瓶子)10. (报纸)二、 根据单词写音标(1分/题,共10分)01.upstairs/ /02.customs/ /03.tourist/ /04.orange/ /05.employee/ / 06.thirsty/ /07.open/ /08.knife/ /09.shelf/ /10.cigarette/ /三、 根据下列数字写出对应的英语单词(1分/题,共10分)01.13 02

2、.40 03.19 04.80 05.12 06.99 07.37 08.18 09.26 10.15 四、 用复数形式改写以下句子(2分/题,共10分)01.This is my friend. 02.This is his case. 03.This is her hat. 04.This isnt my passport. 05.This isnt her handbag. 五、 用括号中正确的词填空(2分/题,共10分)01.Whats her job?-Shes a (engineer/housewife)02.What are their jobs?-Theyre (policem

3、an/policemen)03.Whats Michaels job?-Hes a (sales rep/keyboard operators)04.Whats his job?-Hes an (Customs officer/office assistant)05.What are Tim and Johns jobs?-Theyre (milkmen/housewives)六、 用me,him,her,us或them填空(2分/题,共10分)01.Give the boy these pens.And give these pencils.02.Give Anna and me some

4、magazines.And give some newspapers.03.Give the men these cigarettes.And give some glasses.04.Give the woman this blue book.And give that black one.05.Those are my books.Give my books,please.七、 用表示国籍的形容词填空(1分/题,共10分)01.My friends arent D or S .02.The students are R and N .03.The tourists are E and A

5、.04.The girls are J and the boys are C .05.The man is F and his wife is I .八、 句型转换(2分/题,共10分)01.Whats the matter?(同义句)02.My hat is green.(就划线部分提问)03.We are Chinese.( 就划线部分提问)04.They are keyboard operators.(就划线部分提问)05.Show me your passport,please.(祈使句)九、 补全对话(1分/题,共10分)MOTHER: Whats the ,Susan?SUSAN:

6、 tired.MIKE: And thirsty,Mum.MOTHER: Im tired thirsty, .Look!Theres ice cream .Two ice .Are you all right,now?CHILDREN: Yes,thanks,Mum.These ice creams very .十、 英汉互译(1分/题,共10分)01.你的连衣裙是什么颜色的?02.你们的朋友也是丹麦人吗?03.那些女人很勤快,她们是做什么工作的?04.请拿本书给我05.怎么啦,孩子们?06.Thats a lovely hat.07.Are your friends tourists to

7、o?10.Come upstairs and see it.Lesson 27 Mrs. Smiths living room史密斯太太的客厅Listen to the tape then answer this question.Where are the books?听录音,然后回答问题。书在哪里?Mrs. Smiths living room is large.史密斯夫人的客厅很大。There is a television in the room.客厅里有台电视机。The television is near the window.电视机靠近窗子。There are some maga

8、zines on the television.电视机上放着几本杂志。There is a table in the room.客厅里有张桌子。There are some newspapers on the table.桌上放着几份报纸。There are some armchairs in the room.客厅里有几把扶手椅。The armchairs are near the table.那些扶手椅靠近桌子。There is a stereo in the room.客厅里有台立体声音响。The stereo is near the door.音响靠近门。There are some

9、books on the stereo.音响上面有几本书。There are some pictures in the room.客厅里有几幅画。The pictures are on the wall.画挂在墙上。New Word and expressions 生词和短语living room客厅nearprep.靠近windown. 窗户armchairn. 扶手椅doorn. 门picturen. 图画walln. 墙Notes on the text课文注释1 There are的结构中要用复数名词。2 near the window (door),靠近窗(门),为介词短语。在本句中

10、作表语。3 on the wall 在墙上。介词短语作表语。Lesson 28 Where are they?它们在哪里?New Word and expressions 生词和短语trousersn.(复数) 裤子Lesson 27-28 自学导读First things first课文详注 Further notes on the text1Where are they?它们在哪里?句中they指图中的那些东西。(可参见第25-26课_Mrs Smiths kitchen语法部分。)2数字9999与10001的英文写法9999-nine thousand nine hundred and

11、ninety-nine10001-ten thousand and one语法 Grammar in use1therebe结构(2)(1)therebe结构变成疑问句时,只需将动词be和there互换位置,句子其余部分不变。如:Is there a dirty fork on the plate?碟子上有一个脏的叉子吗?Is there a full bottle in the cupboard?橱柜里有一瓶酒吗?Are there any ties on the floor?地上有一些领带吗?Are there any newspapers on the shelf?架子上有些报纸吗?(2

12、)therebe结构变成否定句时,需在动词be后加not(any)或no。如:No, there is not a fork on the plate.没有,碟子上没有叉子。No, there isnt one in the cupboard.没有,橱柜里一个也没有。No, there arent any ties on the floor.没有,地板上没有任何领带。No, there are no newspapers on the shelf.没有,架子上没有任何报纸。2some和any的用法在英语中,some和any是两个最常用的数量词。用some和any时,一般不必精确地说明数量到底有

13、多么大或多么小。它们的作用常常像是a/an的复数。(1)some(表示确定的数量)表示某些但不是全部的意思,通常用于肯定句中。在疑问句中,所希望的回答是Yes时也可使用some。如:There is some water in the glass.玻璃杯里有些水。There are some cigarettes in the box.盒子里有些雪茄。Have you got some paper-clips in that box?你那只盒子里有一些回形针吧?(我知道或我认为你有一些,故希望你会说有。)some加可数名词或不可数名词时,在流畅的话语中一般不重读,而念为 /sm/ 。(2)an

14、y(表示不确定的数量)通常用在含有not或-nt 的否定句中,也用于表示我们不能确定答案是肯定还是否定,或者用于预料得到的回答是No的疑问句中。如:There are not any spoons in the cupboard.橱柜中没有任何汤匙。There arent any plates on the dressing table.梳妆台上任何碟子都没有。Are there any cigarettes on the floor ?地板上有一些烟吗?No,there arent.没有。词汇学习 Word studynear adj.(1)靠近的,接近的:The television is

15、 near the window.电视机在窗户旁边。There are some shoes on the floor. Theyre near the bed.地板上有些鞋子。它们在床附近。(2)关系接近的,亲近的:She is a near friend of mine.她是我的一位密友。My uncle is my nearest relative.我叔叔是我血缘最近的亲戚。(3)近似的;几乎是的:The picture may not be an exact replica but its pretty near.这幅画也许不是一件一模一样的复制品,但它已酷似原作了。Lesson 29

16、 Come in, Amy.进来,艾米。Listen to the tape then answer this question.How must Amy clean the floor?听录音,然后回答问题。艾米需要如何来清扫地面?Come in, Amy.琼斯夫人:进来,艾米。Shut the door, please.琼斯夫人:请把门关上。This bedroom is very untidy.琼斯夫人:这卧室太不整洁了。What must I do, Mrs. Jones?艾 米:我应该做些什么呢,琼斯夫人?Open the window and air the room.琼斯夫人:打

17、开窗子,给房间通通风。Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.琼斯夫人:然后把这些衣服放进衣橱里去。Then make the bed.琼斯夫人:再把床整理一下。Dust the dressing table.琼斯夫人:掸掉梳妆台上的灰尘。Then sweep the floor.琼斯夫人:然后扫扫地。New Word and expressions 生词和短语shutv. 关门bedroomn. 卧室untidyadj. 乱,不整齐mustmodal verb 必须,应该openv. 打开airv. 使 通风,换换空气putv. 放置clothesn.

18、衣服wardroben. 大衣柜dustv. 掸掉灰尘土sweepv. 扫Notes on the text课文注释1 英文中需用祈使语气来表示直接的命令、建议、告诫、邀请等多种意图。祈使句一般省略主语you动词采用动词的原形。如本课对话中的Come in, shut the door. open the window等均为祈使句。2What must I do?我应该做些什么呢?其中的must是情态动词,表示不可逃避的义务或不可推卸的责任。3 make the bed 铺床。 What must I do?我应该做什么?New Word and expressions 生词和短语empty

19、v.倒空,使变空read v.读sharpenv.削尖使锋利put on 穿上take off 脱掉turn on 开(电灯)turn off 关(电灯)自学导读First things first课文详注 Further notes on the text1untidy 乱,不整齐。un-是前缀,表示not这类否定的意思。2air the room 给房间通通风。这里的air作动词用。名词作动词用是英语构词法的一种。又如:dust (n.)灰尘;(v.)掸掉灰尘。语法 Grammar in usemustmust是一个情态助动词,表示必须、应当,与have to相似,表示不可逃避的义务。在说

20、话人看来,没有选择余地。但是,must带有个人色彩,表示说话人的主观意图。表示个人感情时通常用must。You must(你必须)表示说话人说/认为是必要的。如:You must sweep the floor.你必须扫地。(我说这有必要)词汇学习 Word study1air(1)n.空气,新鲜空气:Lets go out and breathe some fresh air.咱们出去呼吸点新鲜空气吧。(2)n.空中,空间:He likes to stay in the open air.他喜欢在户外呆着。(3)v.晾(衣服、被褥等);使通风:Open the windows and air

21、 the room.打开窗户使房间通风。Leave the trousers on the washing-line to air.把裤子挂到晾衣绳上去晾干。2empty(1)v. 使空;把倒出(移出):Empty the bottle of milk.倒光瓶里的牛奶。They emptied the house.他们把房屋搬空了。(2)v. 流出;走出:The river emptied itself into the sea.河水流入大海。It was raining, and the streets began to empty.天下起了雨,街上的行人开始稀少了。(3)adj. 空的:T

22、here are some empty bottles in the refrigerator.冰箱里有一些空瓶子。Her purse is empty.她的钱包是空的。(4)adj. 空虚的,无意义的:Its an empty dream.这是个不现实的梦想。Officials were flattered by empty complements.官员们被空洞的恭维话弄得心里美滋滋的。(5)adj. 呆板的,毫无表情的:She looked at him with empty eyes.她木然地看着他。He said all this in an empty voice.他用一种呆板的声调

23、说了这一切。一、 单词填空01. kettle (水壶)02. (在后面)03. (糟糕的) 04 (现在) 05 (沸腾) 06. (老板) 07. (分钟) 08. (书写)09. (等待)10. (喜欢)11. (新鲜的) 12. (纯净的)13. (甜的) 14. (黑板)15. (干杯)二、用所给的词语组成句子01.George,hard,is,working .02.is,any,bottle,in,water,the,there ?03.are,what,you,do,going,to,now ?04.he,going,is,to,paint,white,the,bookcase

24、 .05.Jack,are,and,Mary,listening,the,to,stereo .06.with,what,are,you,to,going,do,it ?07.put,not,it,here,do .08.is,there,a,bar,chocolate,of,table,on,the .09.that,milk,of,not,bottle,is,me,for .10.any,water,there,not,is,bottle,in,the .11.can,I,find,the,not,cups .12.there,any,is,newspapers,the,on,stereo

25、 ?13.Sam,like,not,any,does,in,coffee,his,sugar .14.teapot,you,can,in,put,the,cupboard,the .15.boy,the,is,in,house,standing,front,of,the ?16.can,open,the,you,door,me,for ?17.he,not,the,heavy,can,box,lift .18.there,any,books,are,the,on,shelf ?19.you,like,any,do,apples ?20.the,boy,can,this,read,little,

26、book .三、就划线部分提问01.He is my father.02.They are under the tree.03.I often watch TV after dinner.(晚饭后) 04.Lily swims in the swimming pool.(游泳池)05.Superman flies in the sky.06.I often brush my teeth in the evening.07.Alan likes to play with Bill.08.Joes father plays badminton(羽毛球) every weekend.09.The s

27、upermarket is near the school.10.The laptop(笔记本电脑) is on the table.四、填写课文中所缺的单词Part ATHE BOSS:Can you come here a please,Bob?BOB: Yes,sir?THE BOSS Wheres Pamela?BOB: Shes next door.Shes in her ,sir.THE BOSS:Can she type this letter for me?Ask her please.BOB: Yes,sir.BOB: Can you type this letter for

28、 the please,Pamela?PAMELA: Yes,of I can.BOB: .PAMELA: Thank you,Bob.PAMELA: Bob!BOB: Yes?Whats the ?PAMELA: I cant type this letter.I cant read it!The bosss is .Part BCHRISTINE:Do you like ,Ann?ANN: Yes,I do.CHRISTINE:Do you want a ?ANN: Yes,please,Christine.CHRISTINE:Do you want any ?ANN: Yes,pleas

29、e.CHRISTINE:Do you want any ?ANN: No, .I dont like in my coffee.I like black coffee.CHRISTINE:Do you like ?ANN: Yes, .CHRISTINE:Do you want one?ANN: Yes,please.五、判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并改正。01.Tom is doing his homework.( )02.They are listening to radio.( )03.What are you going do now?( )04.Are yo

30、ur father going to paint the bookcase?( )05.There is not some milk in the bottle.( )06.Blue is I favourite colour.( )07.She is going to put the vase in front of window.( )08.This bottle of milk is for you.( )09.There is any water in the glass.( )10.She is waiting the bus.( )11.-Can the girl wash the

31、 dishes?-Yes,she does.( )12.Where is the newspapers?( )13.Are you want any biscuits?( )14.There is some bread on the table.( )15.I dont like sugar for my coffee.( )16.She is going to make the bed.( )17.Is there some water in the cup?( )18.The boy is sit beside his mother.( )19.I dont can type this letter.( )20.-Do you like tea?-Yes,I like.( )六、英汉互译01.His grandfather is watering the flower in the garden02.Where are you going?03.Bill and his friend are listening to the radio.04.Are there any pencils on the desk?05.Can you read this letter for me?06.他们正在等公共汽车。07.我打算把这面墙漆成黄色。16

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