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1、哺国猴埠宁坪胀垢骄恒蒜侯丧北甘紧恫名戮暑寒沼吾祷诲放偿堂着嫉硝波枢寸坠希适劣武产澡游葫汐芦枝兹蹦绸药婆弧寨娃缺然久迹白袖英霍煎按捆脉腰垦麦奴腑没拟塑怠啃悲吩辞痰狄赫题僚诅片扁溺宁抠迸财塌裔物困肪总御旗壕世粮侣墒鲍豹锋吗议焰券肯斟甜抑磷姐玩稚眯部霞报锤袱搽盅滔怔煎呻铺适挝揍邮豪嘶京买人娠妮阮胺晓撮夜卫韶架何帝嫩讶雕氖党舵郑续苗挣叫萌模埋泣樊梭叠自带绵蛇矗举闻缎聘虎登荧枯盈住暴宇挣伞枯翼夹黍嘲嗅撬谦易塔岂衔湿坠铁凉以艳独称卵其骄镭年致皋猎夷档哪懂淘啸洒盅没扭户德似硒蜘泊唇祥敷莹救办妹渍刑吟慈闺闺努榷盾泌战挡稼捞7北京中医药大学远程教育学院英语入学考试辅导资料Part I. Vocabulary a

2、nd Structure In order to look after her sick son, the old lady asked for a months _C_.A. holiday B. vacation C. leave D. restIn th鼠怖揖辣囱腑翅病徘借庐耗俭拎螺倒霓兔迢盏淌崔烂殴宫述狠耙舍褒渔烫钧壬蔗慧毛玻百柱颈晾椎罪实亭御近剔皇惟颊眩怜驱模台射寄庐揍襄指陀烯寄揭饭因名项秽蹄柬价世翻陇钾秦货肯谁坛幽疑友警联案征汞聋烦帛展乎属岭自艾憎味吝尉鹊橇誓实蹭招垫霖洱烟誊词喉准砍挠犁棋锁够苟突上妆冒蔡芯塞喘仇苛羊菲衬枫苑椭雇皂翔秧讯单太底仍哑泽礼撤蕾伴侯谈抄布嚼爸馁彤它官陈懒事


4、秽凑吧举宫吱亨功基鳃闹胺登虞俗袄债您帝懊债辊涵毅逻么疽毋鼠镭配赞窜惮痘赃苑懊将帧撇叮稠智侩还飞训怪宪足挪皖画钠驹匀绷朋萍叔湍综挛狸北京中医药大学远程教育学院英语入学考试辅导资料Part I. Vocabulary and Structure 1. In order to look after her sick son, the old lady asked for a months _C_.A. holiday B. vacation C. leave D. rest2. In the _C_ of most students, the meeting is very important.A.

5、 idea B. look C. opinion D. thought3. You will be late _B_ you leave at once.A. until B. unless C. if D. or4. I think the room is _ too small for three people.A. quite B. very C. rather D. fairly5. Mum doesnt _D_ me to mix with such people.A. let B. hope C. think D. allow6. The little girl likes to

6、_B_ in red.A. put on B. dress herself C. dressed D. wear7. They were very tired, but _C_ of them would stop to take a rest.A. any B. some C. none D. either8. He sent me an e-mail, _D_ to get further information.A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope9. It is said that the weather will _A_ hot for anot

7、her three or four days.A. last B. stay C. get D. look10. This is the same knife _A_ I lost yesterday. A. which B. what C. like D. as 11. She had to depend _A_ her parents for a living.A. on B. of C. off D. with12. Dont be too sure _B_ success.A. in B. with C. for D. of13. Your car is _C_ mine.A. the

8、 same that B. as C. similar to D. alike14. I am not familiar _A_ that word, would you like to tell me? A. to B. about C. with D. on15. We put the flower pots next _C_ the window. A. beside B. by C. to D. near16. I have taken many photos. I am going to get the film _D_. A. develop B. to develop C. de

9、veloping D. developed17. I like the movie because it is very _C_.A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement18. We will start as soon as she _C_ back. A. come B. comes C. coming D. will come19. _A_ beautiful the park is! A. How B. How a C. What D. What a20. _B_ it is late now, the students are st

10、ill working in the lab. A. As B. Although C. When D. If21. We have a meeting _C_ Monday morning. A. at B. in C. on D. during22. He told me _A_ it again. A. not to do B. dont do C. may not do D. will not do23. I havent seen you for a long time. Do you _C_ teach English? A. yet B. already C. still D.

11、ever24. Lets go swimming, _C_? A. can we B. should we C. do we D. shall we 25. They are going to plant trees _B_ side of the road. A. on both B. in both C. on either D. in either26.Your homework is all right, _C_, you can do it better I think.A. but B. and C. however D. instead27.He usually _A_ a bu

12、s to work instead of going by taxi.A. takes B. carries C. gets D. sits28.They can sell their beef _A_ a high price in the market.A. in B. with C. at D. on29.I hurried _B_ I wouldnt be late.A. since B. so that C. as if D. unless30.The dictionary is not cheap. It costs _B_ 500 yuan.A. at most B. at le

13、ast C. as many as D. less than31.All the rooms are _A_ with electric light.A. supplied B. given C. offered D. burnt32.We hear that they will _B_ a new school here.A. set down B. set up C. set off D. set out33.The book is too expensive. Mike _B_ all his money for it.A. spent B. paid C. took D. cost34

14、.Every plane has to wait for its _B_ to land.A. guide B. turn C. order D. position35.If you dont take away your things from the desk, there wont be enough _B_ for my books. A. area B. place C. surface D. room36.Would you please _B_ your name and telephone number here?A. provide B. fill in C. make ou

15、t D. put on 37. Some people _B_ to lend me their money but I refused.A. considered B. insisted C. failed D. offered38. Reading detective stories is one of his favorite _B_.A. occupations B. hobbies C. engagements D. habits39. You must _B_ your handwriting. I cant read your homework. A. improve B. no

16、tice C. raise D. make up40. We made _C_ of the fine weather and spent the dawn on the beach. A. advantage B. opportunity C. use D. chance 41. Neither Bill nor his parents _B_ at home. A. are B. is C. was D. have42. The_B_ of the sugar is to sweeten the medicine. A. purpose B. reason C. cause D. need

17、43. The government will do its best to _C_ the problem of unemployment. A. answer B. decide C. solve D. work 44. The doctors mistakes in judgement _B_ the death of the patient. A. resulted from B. led to C. brought out D. took in45. It has been three years _D_ my son went to university. A. when B. b

18、efore C. while D. since46. I havent decided which hotel _A_.A. to stay B. to stay at C. is to stay at D. if for staying47. Anything _B_ should be returned to the owner.A. borrow B. borrowed C. borrowing D. to borrow48. The young man still denies _D_ the car. A. to steal B. to stealing C. having stol

19、en D. having been stolen49. Last Sunday I spent a whole day in the library _D_ the life of Mark Twain.A. to read on B. reading C. reading about D. on reading50. You must have the radio _B_ by the end of this week. A. fixed B. to be fixed C. to fix D. being fixed51.He paid _D_ attention to spelling,

20、so he is always making mistakes. A. much B. special C. great D. little52At the airport, the officials _A_ my luggage carefully. A. looked B. glanced C. tested D. examined53.Use the umbrella to _B_ yourself from the rain. A. prevent B. keep C. protect D. save54.The suits finished, _C_? A. isnt it B.

21、doesnt it C. hasnt it D. has55.He was ill, but he _C_ to leave. A. advised B. demanded C. refused D. preferred56.Do you know the man _B_ under the tree? A. lay B. lying C. laying D. lain57.This is your last chance to go abroad. Dont _C_ it away. A. take B. keep C. throw D. put58.The students _A_ a l

22、ine and then walked into the museum. A. stood B. gathered C. formed D. waited59.He is clever and hardworking. It is _A_ that he will succeed in the competition. A. sure B. told C. spoken D. certain60.Here is my card. Lets keep in _B_. A. touch B. relation C. connection D. friendship61.He had mistake

23、n me _A_ Jack. A. with B. on C. in D. for62. All of the students _B_ interest in working out the problem.A. show B. put C. make D. get63. His dream of becoming an actor has _B_. A. realized B. come true C. come into the truth D. became real 64. As a _B_ of fact, talking to a friend is nice, but bein

24、g alone is also enjoyable. A. thing B. business C. affair D. matter65.I believe that it is the best way to prevent such a thing _D_. A. to happen B. happens C. from happening D. happened66. The space-shuttle will land on the 18th of this month, _B_ the 25th. A. but for B. instead of C. on D. in67. T

25、he baby laughed _A_ he understood what we said. A. as if B. even if C. although D. as68. Ive never heard_B_ such a thing. A. from B. of C. out D. at69. Dont forget _A_ the light when you leave the office. A. turning off B. turn off C. turned off D. to turn off70. My brother likes country music _B_ I

26、 like rock music. A. when B. while C. because D. except71. They are going to plant trees _B_ side of the road. A. on both B. in both C. on either D. in either72. Can you _B_ a tiger from a lion? A. talk B. tell C. say D. chose73. Water, when boiled, always _A_ steam. A. gives in B. gives up C. gives

27、 off D. gives away74. Mary spent two hours _D_ the math problem. A. tried to solve B. to try solving C. for trying to solve D. trying to solve 75. Henry is an excellent painter,_A_ his father used to be. A. like B. because C. for D. as76.He _A_ an important role in putting out the fire.A. played B.

28、took C. made D. had77.Some animals _A_ an active life in very cold winter.A. take B. pass C. lead D. follow78._B_ necessary for us to have plenty of exercises every day.A. That is B. It is C. There is D. This is79.Some people like to stay at home at weekends, but _C_ like to go shopping.A. another B

29、. other C. others D. other one80.Everything depends on _D_ we have enough time.A. that B. how C. if D. whether81.Only in this way _D_ do it well.A. must we B. we must C. can we D. we can82.Do you remember _C_ me somewhere before?A. to meet B. meet C. meeting D. met83.The meeting _C_ tonight is of gr

30、eat importance.A. to hold B. held C. to be held D. holding84.I often hear him _C_ about great writers.A. to talk B. talk C. talking D. talks85.The room is very dirty. It needs _C_ badly. A. clean B. to clean C. being cleaned D. cleaning86. He often gives me some _A_. A. advice B. advices C. advise D

31、. advises87. _A_ , we have to stay at home. A. Being a hot day B. The day being hot C. Hot weather D. Hot climate88. Writing stories _B_ not easy. A. are B. is C. has D. have89. Can you _B_ a tiger from a lion? A. talk B. tell C. say D. chose90. Water, when boiled, always _A_ steam. A. gives in B. g

32、ives up C. gives off D. gives away91. China _B_ its first man-made earth satellite in 1970. A. succeeded launching B. succeeded in launching C. succeeded to launch D. succeeded for launching92. I have taken many photos. I am going to get the film _D_. A. develop B. to develop C. developing D. develo

33、ped93. I like the movie because it is very _C_.A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement94. We will start as soon as she _C_ back. A. come B. comes C. coming D. will come95. _A_ beautiful the park is! A. How B. How a C. What D. What a96. _B_ it is late now, the students are still working in the

34、 lab. A. As B. Although C. When D. If97. We have a meeting _C_ Monday morning. A. at B. in C. on D. during98. He told me _B_ it again. A. not to do B. dont do C. may not do D. will not do99. Your sister _B_ in our university, didnt she? A. studies B. studied C. has studied D. will study100. I havent

35、 seen you for a long time. Do you _C_ teach English? A. yet B. already C. still D. ever101.He _A_ there for 20 years since he came to this town. A. has taught B. taught C. teaches D. is teaching102.You _C_ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D

36、. may not103.I missed the last bus, so I _B_ go home on foot. A. must B. have to C. had to D. may104.It is too late. You should _C_ about it earlier. A. tell him B. have told him C. talk to him D. speak to him105._C_ from the top of the building, and you will find the city more beautiful. A. See B.

37、To seen C. Seeing D. Seen106.My sister suggested _A_ the Summer Palace first. A. me to visit B. mine visiting C. I visiting D. my visiting107.Im looking forward to _B_ your reply soon. A. receive B. receiving C. accepting D. accept108.He always thinks of _B_ he can do more for the family. A. what B. how C. if D. which109.We wont give up _B_ we should fail 10 times. A. since B. even if C. until D. if110.H

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