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1、. 单项填空1. (2021西安模拟)Because of the intense competition, the company has to raise handset subsidies(电话津贴)to keep customers as a. A. rewardB. prizeC. awardD. result2. During enjoying the Mid-autumn Festival, celebrating the harvest is an important reason, but ofimportance is the whole familys get-toget

2、her. A. fairB. reasonableC. equalD. proper3. (2021台州模拟)My daughter, all kinds of meat, would not like to eat any vegetable, which worries me a lot. A. devoted toB. addicted toC. accustomed toD. exposed to4. (2021青岛模拟)Mike often attempts to escapewhenever he breaks traffic regulations. A. having been

3、 finedB. to have been finedC. to be finedD. being fined5. (2021宁波模拟)In time we reached a stagewe had more young readers than old ones. A. whereB. howC. whoD. which6. Shortly after two bombs were exploded on Thursday in the Pakistani city, the mayor went to the spot tothe matter himself. A. turn toB.

4、 see toC. set toD. refer to7. (2021湖州模拟)For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill _my own business someday. A. turn upB. fix upC. set upD. make up8. Its important to learn to take a positive attitudelife when you are_trouble. A. to; underB. of; inC. to; inD. with; in9. you ta

5、lk to someone or write a message, you show your skills to others. A. At timesB. Some timeC. Every timeD. The time10. (2021南昌模拟)The governor wasby the press for failing to keep a campaign promise. A. destroyedB. beatenC. foughtD. attacked11. (2021绵阳模拟)you eat the correct foodsbe able to keep fit and

6、stay healthy. A. Only if; will youB. Only if; you willC. Unless; will youD. Unless; you will12. Edible oil(食用油)safety is a subjectwe have argued for a long time. A. of whichB. with whichC. about whichD. into which13. After the government forces were defeated, the insurgents(反叛者). A. came into beingB

7、. came into useC. came into effectD. came into power14. Can you tell me when he wasand what he is doing at present?A. out of orderB. out of workC. out of questionD. out of season15. (2021温州模拟)Betty shows great interest in this poem now, but she thought it boringshe read it. A. at the first timeB. th

8、e first timeC. for the first timeD. at first. 完形填空A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully and before it blossomed, he examined it. He saw the bud(花蕾)that would soon1, but noticed thorns(刺)upon the stem and he thought, “How can any beautiful flower come from a plant2so many thorns?” Be

9、ing sad by this thought, he3to water the rose, and just before it was4to bloom, it died. 5it is with many people. Within every6there is a rose. The excellent7planted in us at birth grow through the thorns of our faults. 8, many of us look at ourselves and9only the thornsthe10. We become11, thinking

10、that nothing12can possibly come from us. We forget to water the good within us, and13it dies. We never realize our14advantages. Some people do not see the rose within themselves; 15, someone else must show it to them. One of the greatest gifts a person can16is to be able to reach past the thorns of

11、other people and find the rose within them. This is one of the17of love: to look at a person, know his faults, recognize the18in his soul, and help him realize that he can19his faults. If we show him the “rose” within himself, he will conquer the20thorns. Only then will they be “blossom” many times

12、over. (238W)1. A. dieB. bloomC. growD. appear2. A. burdened withB. provided withC. met withD. combined with3. A. forgotB. usedC. likedD. began4. A. lateB. pleasedC. readyD. glad5. A. SoB. AlsoC. VeryD. Seldom6. A. gardenB. parkC. shopD. soul7. A. quantitiesB. qualitiesC. rosesD. flowers8. A. Luckily

13、B. BesidesC. OtherwiseD. Unfortunately9. A. seeB. feelC. touchD. hear10. A. advantagesB. charactersC. disadvantagesD. features11. A. objectiveB. subjectiveC. desperateD. hopeful12. A. necessaryB. goodC. badD. common13. A. eventuallyB. generallyC. frequentlyD. rarely14. A. obviousB. potentialC. simil

14、arD. familiar15. A. as a resultB. as a result ofC. on the contraryD. by the way16. A. showB. teachC. giveD. possess17. A. characteristicsB. habitsC. appearanceD. principles18. A. functionB. structureC. powerD. nobility19. A. hideB. overcomeC. useD. desert20. A. prettyB. weakC. sharpD. strong. 阅读理解(2

15、021阜新模拟)The advice offered from any other 82-year-olds might have made young people yawn and roll their eyes. But when former South African president Nelson Mandela advised two dozen local youth leaders in Los Angeles to take education seriously, his audience was listening. The famed old man said to

16、 the young people that if they expected to improve the lives of others in the future, they must work at improving their own lives now. “Education is one of the most important weapons you have, ” Mandela advised. “It will place you in a far better position to serve yourself and your community. ” “The

17、 point is, he was young once and rebellious once and he kept his dream alive, just as you each have dreams, ” explained South Africas ambassador to the United States, Sheila Sisulu, as she introduced Mandela to the young crowd. Asked for specific advice about changing society by 21-year-old Ahmed Yo

18、unis, Mandela suggested that somehow helping arouse more American interest in foreign affairs might be a start. “There is an impression that Americans, in general, have not followed international developments properly, ” Mandela said. “Im not making that statement myself, but there are serious polit

19、ical analysts who say Americans are not well informed as to what has happened in the world. ” 22-year-old Omari Trice said Mandela left him full of enthusiasm. “Hes a person who set the tone for an entire nation, ” said Trice. “You come away feeling you need to be a superman in order to get things d

20、one. ” (230W)1. From the passage, we can conclude that American youth. A. are willing to accept the advice from world-famous leadersB. usually think that advice from old people is not worth consideringC. have a good understanding of the oldD. have no intention to improve the lives of others2. Nelson

21、 Mandela makes the point in his speech that American youth leaders should. A. improve their own livesB. go to college for better educationC. put more importance on educationD. become interested in foreign affairs3. What Sheila Sisulu said suggested that. A. Nelson Mandela never lost hope in his life

22、B. she was especially troublesome when youngC. Nelson Mandela was quite different from American youth when youngD. American youth should be no more rebellious4. From what Trice said, we can know that. A. he was greatly impressed and encouraged by Mandela sspeechB. he thought little of Mandelas speec

23、hC. he must be a superman in order to change societyD. hell be more interested in international development【语篇随练】. 依据阅读理解, 翻译下列句子1. The famed old man said to the young people that if they expected to improve the lives of others in the future, they must work at improving their own lives now. _2. It w

24、ill place you in a far better position to serve yourself and your community. _. 用30个词左右概括阅读理解大意_答案解析. 1.【解析】选A。句意:由于竞争激烈, 这家公司只好提高电话津贴作为奖赏来留住顾客。reward “回报, 奖赏” ; prize “奖品, 奖金” ; award “奖品, 奖状” ; result “结果” 。2.【解析】选C。考查形容词辨析。句意:在庆祝中秋节时, 庆祝丰收是一个重要的缘由, 但是全家团聚同样重要。fair “公正的” ; reasonable “有道理的” ; equa

25、l “相等的” ; proper “合适的” 。3.【解析】选B。考查短语意义辨析。句意:我的女儿酷爱吃各种肉, 不情愿吃任何蔬菜, 这让我很担忧。be devoted to奉献于, 献身于; be addicted to沉溺于, 溺爱; be accustomed to习惯于; be exposed to暴露在之中。4.【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词。句意:迈克每次违反交通规章的时候, 他都试图躲避惩处。动词escape后接动词时要用v. -ing形式, 不接不定式。fine是及物动词, 意为 “罚款” , 需用被动语态。5.【解析】选A。考查stage后定语从句的关系词。句意:最终我们到了一

26、个新读者比老读者多的阶段。在定语从句中缺少地点状语, 故选where。【学问拓展】当心 “抽象地点” 名词(1)误导缘由一般状况下position, situation, stage, job等词并不表地点; 表 “地点” 的名词通常是比较明显地含地点意义的名词, 如factory, farm, school等。(2)去伪存真当position, situation, stage, job等词在句中表示抽象的地点, 且其后的定语从句中又缺少地点状语时, 应用where引导定语从句。(3)思维定势当上述抽象的地点名词作先行词时, 若定语从句中缺少主语或宾语, 则使用which或that。如上述题

27、干作如下改动, 答案便选D。In time we reached a stagewas of vital importance to our reading. 6.【解析】选B。考查短语动词辨析。句意:周四两颗炸弹在巴基斯坦的城市爆炸后不久, 市长就赶到现场, 亲自处理这件事情。turn to求助于; see to负责, 处理; set to毅然开头做; refer to谈及, 参考。依据句意, 故选B。7.【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:这些年来我始终为别人工作, 我期望有一天可以开创自己的事业。set up “设立; 创立” , 符合句意。turn up “毁灭” ; fix up

28、“安装” ; make up “编造” 。8.【解析】选C。句意:当你处于逆境中时, 学会对生活保持乐观的态度是很重要的。名词attitude后接介词to或towards; in trouble “处于逆境中” 。9.【解析】选C。句意:每当你和别人谈话或写东西时, 你都在向别人呈现你的技能。every time/each time引导时间状语从句, 意为 “每当” , 其他三项都不能引导时间状语从句。10.【解析】选D。句意:统治者因未遵守竞选时的诺言而被新闻界攻击。attack “攻击, 抨击” , 符合题意。destroy “破坏, 毁灭” ; beat “敲打, 跳动, 战胜” ; f

29、ight “打仗, 搏斗” 。11.【解析】选A。“only +状语或者状语从句” 置于句首时, 主句需使用部分倒装语序。12.【解析】选C。句意:食用油的平安问题是一个我们争辩了很长时间的话题。先行词是edible oil safety, 指物, 关系词在从句中作介词的宾语, 介词前置, 介词与从句动词构成搭配argue about sth. 。13.【解析】选D。考查固定短语。句意:政府军被战胜后, 反叛者上台执政了。A项意为 “产生; 形成” ; B项意为 “开头使用” ; C项意为 “开头生效; 起作用” ; D项意为 “上台; 开头执政” 。故D项符合句意。14.【解析】选B。句意:

30、你能告知我他什么时候失业的和他目前在干什么吗?out of work “失业” , 符合题意。out of order “次序颠倒, 不整齐” , 一般指事物; out of question “没问题” ; out of season “过时, 不合时令” 。【学问拓展】out of短语小结以out of开头的短语很多, 有必要进行归纳积累。大家生疏的短语包括:out of breath 上气不接下气; out of balance 失去平衡; out of date 过时; out of patience 不耐烦; out of control 失去把握; out of question

31、没问题, 无疑的; out of order 出故障, 秩序混乱; out of sight 看不见, 在视野之外; out of place 不得其所的, 不适当的, 格格不入的; out of style 过时, 不时髦; out of work 失业; out of touch 失去联系。15.【解析】选B。句意:贝蒂现在对这首诗表现出深厚的爱好, 但是她第一次读这首诗时, 认为它很乏味。the first time “第一次” , 可以用作从属连词引导时间状语从句。at the first time “在第一次” , for the first time “第一次” , at firs

32、t “起初” , 这几个介词短语皆只能在句中作状语, 不能引导状语从句。【变式备选】I paid a visit to him, the great scientist had finished the experiment in the lab. A. For the first timeB. The first timeC. By the timeD. It was the first time【解析】选C。句意:到我去访问他时这位宏大的科学家已在试验室里做完了试验。by the time引导状语从句, 表示直到时候, 主句常用过去时。. 世界上没有完善的人, 也不会有一帆风顺的人生。就像

33、玫瑰花一样, 秀丽绽放的花朵下也会有累累荆棘。想要让自己的心灵之花绽放, 就要战胜缺点和挫折。1.【解析】选B。考查动词。依据第一段可知, 这株玫瑰的花蕾马上就要绽放了。bloom开花, (鲜花)盛开; appear毁灭, 呈现。故答案选B。2.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。这个男子认为, 秀丽的花朵怎么能从一株荆棘累累的茎中长出来呢?burden. . . with. . . 使负重/负荷; provide. . . with. . . 给供应; meet. . . with. . . 对作出反应; combine. . . with. . . 使和相结合。依据句意可知答案选A。3.【解析

34、】选A。考查动词。联系上下文可知, 男子很难过, 所以在玫瑰盛开之前 “忘了” 浇水, 故选A。4.【解析】选C。考查形容词。男子忘了给玫瑰浇水, 玫瑰在 “即将” 开花之前死了。ready预备好的, 即将的, 符合句意, 为正确答案。5.【解析】选A。考查副词。So it is with. . . 固定句式, 的状况也是如此。6.【解析】选D。考查名词。依据句意可知, 这种事也经常发生在人们的身上。在每个人的心灵中都有着一株玫瑰。soul心灵, 灵魂, 故选D。7.【解析】选B。考查名词。这些优秀的品质与生俱来, 在我们如刺一般的缺点中成长。quantity数量; quality品质。故选B

35、。8.【解析】选D。考查副词。尽管生来就具有优秀的品质, 但是很不幸, 我们却只看到了自己的 “刺” 缺点。luckily幸运地; besides除此之外; otherwise否则; unfortunately不幸地。9.【解析】选A。考查动词。依据look at可知答案选A。句意:我们中的很多人在端详自己的时候, 只看到了 “刺” 缺点。10.【解析】选C。依据句意, 此处的 “刺” 指缺点, 与前面的优秀品质进行对比。故选C。advantage优点; character性格, 品质; disadvantage缺点; feature特色, 特征。11.【解析】选C。考查形容词。依据句意可知,

36、 由于只看到缺点, 所以我们会变得无望。objective客观的; subjective主观的; desperate无望的; hopeful布满期望的。故选C。12.【解析】选B。考查形容词。变得无望了, 自然会觉得我们自身根本没有任何 “优点” (nothing good)能显示出来。故选B。13.【解析】选A。考查副词。我们忽视了给内心的优点浇灌, 最终它彻底消逝了。eventually最终; generally一般地; frequently频繁地, 经常地; rarely很少地。故选A。14.【解析】选B。考查形容词。我们从未意识到自己潜在的优势。obvious明显的; potentia

37、l潜在的, 有潜力的; similar相像的; familiar生疏的。15.【解析】选A。考查插入语。很多人没有看到自己内心的玫瑰, “所以” 其他人应当向他们呈现那朵玫瑰。as a result因此, 所以; as a result of由于, 由于; on the contrary相反; by the way顺便说一下。16.【解析】选D。考查动词。人最宏大的天赋之一就是, 能够穿越他人的荆棘, 查找到他们内心的玫瑰。show显示; teach教授, 训练; give给出; possess拥有, 具有。故选D。17.【解析】选A。考查名词。这是爱的特性之一。characteristic特

38、性, 特征; habit习惯; appearance外表, 外观, 毁灭; principle原则。18.【解析】选D。考查名词。端详一个人时, 在看到缺点的同时, 也应当生疏到他心灵中贵重的品质。function功能; structure结构; power能量; nobility贵重的品质, 高尚的品德。19.【解析】选B。考查动词。了解一个人的缺点, 意识到他心灵中的高尚, 挂念他了解他能够 “克服” 自身的缺点。overcome克服; desert遗弃, 放弃。故选B。20.【解析】选C。考查形容词。假如我们把他内心的 “玫瑰” 呈现在他的面前, 他就确定会战胜锋利的刺。pretty秀丽

39、的; weak弱的; sharp锋利的, 尖锐的; strong强壮的。. 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。美国年轻人很难接受老年人的建议, 但纳尔逊曼德拉的演讲却让他们耳目一新1.【解析】选B。推理推断题。文章第一句明确告知我们美国年轻人不情愿听老年人的忠告(下面提到的曼德拉除外)。2.【解析】选C。细节理解题。由其次段中曼德拉演讲中的 “Education is one of the most important weapons you have” 可知。3.【解析】选A。推理推断题。由第三段中he kept his dream alive可知。4.【解析】选A。推理推断题。由文章最终一句可知。【语篇随练】. 1. 这位知名老者对这些年轻人说假如他们打算在将来改善别人的生活, 那么他们现在就应当努力改善自己的生活。2.它将让你处于一个更有利的位置为你自己和你的社区服务。. In the view of Nelson Mandela, education is one of the most important weapons because it will place you in a far better position to serve yourself and your community. 关闭Word文档返回原板块。

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