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1、2018高考英语语法填空词性转换必备词汇精品资料2017高考英语语法填空词性转换必备词汇(注:a.为形容词;ad.为副词)1. ability (n. )能力;才能-able (a.)有能力的,能干的-unable (a.)不会的,不能的disability (n. )残疾,无能disabled (a.)残疾的,有缺陷的be able to= be capable of能够2. absence (n. ) 缺席,缺乏,不在- absent (a.)缺席的,缺少的-present (a.) 现在的,出席的 presence (n.)出席,存在 be absent from缺勤 be presen

2、t at出席,到场3.absolute (a.) 绝对的;完全的-absolutely (adv.)4.abundant (a.) 丰富的;充裕的 -abundance (n.) be abundant in 富于5.academic (a.) 学院的,理论的 (n.) 大学教师 - academy (n.) 学院6.accept (v.) 接受-acceptable (a.) 可接受的- (反)refuse (v.) 拒绝 -refusal (n.)7.access (n.) 通路,入门(v.)接近;存取-accessible (a.)可进入的,易接近的,可理解的 have access t

3、o可利用,使用,接近8.accurate (a.) 正确的,精确的 - accuracy (n.) accurately (adv.)- (反)inaccurate 不准确9.achieve (v.) 取得,达到 - achievement (n.)成就10.acquire (v.) 获得,学到 - acquisition (n.)获得,获得物11.act (n. ) 法令,条例;(v.)表演;行动-action (n.)行动,动作-activity (n. )活动-active (a.)主动的,积极的-(反)inactive (a.)不活跃的,不活动的-passive (a.) 被动的 -a

4、ctor (n.) 男演员actress (n.) 女演员12.actual (a.) 实际的;现实的actually (adv.) = as a matter of fact 事实上13.adapt (v.) 使适应;改编 -adaptation (n.) 适应,改编-adaptable (a.) 有适应能力的adapt oneself to 适应于 ; adapt to 使适合,应用于;adapt(for sth.) from sth. 改编14. add (v.) 添加,增加 ;补充说-addition (n.) 添加,添加物-additional (a.) 附加的,额外的 -addit

5、ionally (adv.) 此外addto 把添加到中;add to增加,增添; add up合计; add up to合计为,总计达;add sth. in把加进在内,算入,吸收 in addition (to) 另外,此外15.addict (n.)成瘾的人-addicted (a.) (人)沉溺的,上瘾的-addictive (a.)(物)使上瘾的,使着迷的 be addicted to doing sth.16.adjust (v.) 调整,使适应 -adjustment (n.) - adjustable (a.) 可调节的17.admire (v.) 钦佩,羡慕 -admirat

6、ion (n.) - admirable (a.)令人钦佩的,值得赞扬的18.admit (v.) 承认,准许 ( admitted, admitted) - admission (n.)承认,入场,入场费19.adopt (v.) 收养,采用 -adoption (n.) - adopted (a.)被采用的,被收养的20.advance (v.) 推进,促进;前进(n.)前进,提升-advanced (a.)高级的,先进的- advancement (n.)前进,进步21. advantage (n.) 有点;好处 -advantageous (a.)有利的,有益的 -disadvanta

7、ge (n.) 缺点,不利条件-disadvantageous(a.)不利的,不便的take advantage of利用,占便宜 22.adventure (n.) 冒险,奇遇 - adventurous (a.)爱冒险的,充满危险的23.advertise (v.) 为做广告-advertisement (n.) 广告,宣传24.advise (v.) 建议,劝告-adviser (n.) 顾问,忠告者- advice (U)不可数名词 a piece of advice一条建议25.affect (v.) 影响 - affection (n.) 影响,感情 have an effect

8、on 对有影响,对起作用26.Africa (n.) 非洲 - African (a.)非洲的,非洲人的 (n.)非洲人27.age (n.) 年纪- aged (a.)年老的,岁的-elderly (a.) 上了年纪的,年老的28.agree (v.) 同意- agreement (n.) - (反)disagree (v.)不同意,争执-disagreement (n.) 29.agriculture (n.) 农业 - agricultural (a.)农业的30.allow (v.) 准许,允许-allowance (n.) 允许;紧津贴;(父母给孩子的)零花钱31.amaze (v.

9、) 惊奇, 震惊 - amazement (n.) -amazed (a.) 惊奇的,吃惊的-amazing (a.)令人惊讶的 to ones amazement 让人惊讶地32.ambition (n.) 抱负,雄心-ambitious (a.)有雄心的,有抱负的33.amuse (v.) 使快乐 - amusement (n.)消遣,娱乐 -amused (a.) 愉快的,被逗乐的- amusing (a.)有趣的,令人发笑的 to ones amusement让人愉快地 34.analyze (v.) 分析 - analysis (n.) 35.anger (n.) 愤怒 - angr

10、y (a.) 36.announce (v.) 宣布,宣告- announcement (n.) 公告,宣告- announcer (n.) 宣告者,广播员37.annoy (v.) 使烦恼,打搅-annoyed (a.)恼怒的,生气的 -annoying (a.)令人讨厌的 - annoyance (n.)烦恼,讨厌之事 to ones annoyance让人生气地/烦恼地38.annual (a. ) 一年一次的,每年的 (n.) 年刊 - annually (adv.) 39.anxious (a.) 忧虑的,焦急的 - anxiety (n.) 40.apologize (v.) 道歉

11、 - apology (n.) apologize to sb. for sth.= make an apology to sb. for sth. 因向某人道歉41.appear (v.) 出现,显得-appearance (n.) 出现;外貌42.apply (v.) 申请 , 应用- application (n.) 申请表 - applicant (n.) 申请人- applied (a.) 应用的,实用的43.appoint (v.) 约定,任命 -appointment (n.) -make an appointment with与约会/约定44.appreciate (v.) 欣

12、赏,感激 - appreciation (n.) 45.approve (v.) 批准,同意 - approval (n.) 46.argue (v.) 争辩,辩论argument (n.)47.arrange (v.) 安排 - arrangement (n.) 48.arrive (v.) 到达 arrival (n.)49.Asia (n.) 亚洲 -Asian (a.)亚洲的,亚洲人的 (n.)亚洲人50.assess (v.) 评价,估价 - assessment (n.) 51.assist (v.) 帮助,协助- assistance (n.) 帮助,援助 -assistant

13、(n.) 助手,助理 52.associate (v.) 联系,交往- association (n.)协会,联盟,联合- associated (a.)关联的,联合的53.assume (v.) 假定,采取,承担 - assumption (n.)54.astonish (v.) 使惊讶 - astonished (a.) 感到吃惊的- astonishing (a.)令人惊讶的- astonishment (n.)惊讶,令人惊讶的事物 to ones astonishment让人惊讶地55.astronaut (n.) 宇航员 - astronomy (n.) 天文学 - astronom

14、er (天文学家)56.athlete (n.) 运动员 - athletic (a.)运动的,体格健壮的57.attend (v.)参加,照料 - attendance (n.)出席,到场 -attender (n.)出席者,常客58.attention (n) 注意,专心- attentive (a)留意的,专心的 -attentively (ad v.) 59.attract (v.) 吸引-attraction (n.)吸引(力),吸引人的事物-attractive (a.)吸引人的,有魅力的60.aware (a.) 知道的,明白的- awareness (n.)意识,认识,知晓 b

15、e aware of 知道,意识到61.bacterium (n.) 细菌 -(pl. ) bacteria 62.bad (a.) 坏的 - badly (adv. ) (worse, worst)-(反) good (a.) well (a.) (adv.) (better, best)63.base (n.) 基地,根据地 (v.) 以为基地 - basic (a.) 基本的,基础的(n.)基础,要素- basically 大体上64.basis (n.) 基础,根据,基本原理65.bath (n.) 洗澡,浴室bathe (v.) bathroom (n.) 浴室,卫生间- batht

16、ub (n.) 澡盆66.bear (v.) 忍受 (bore, borne)- bearable (a.) 可忍受的-(反)unbearable (a.) 不可忍受的67.beat (v.) 敲打,跳动,打赢 (beat, beaten)68.beautiful (a.) 美丽的- beauty (n. ) 美丽,美好的人或物- beautify (v.)美化,装饰69.behave (v.) 行为,守规矩 - behavior (n.) 70.belief (n) 信条,信念 -(pl.)beliefs - believe (v.)相信,认为 - believable (a.) 可信的-(

17、反) unbelievable难以置信的,不可思议的71.begin (v.) 开始,着手 (began, begun)- beginning (n.) 72.bend (v.) 使弯曲 (-bent, bent) be bent on doing 专心致力于某事73.benefit (n.)利益, 好处vt.有益于, 有助于 - beneficial (a.)有益的, 受益的 benefit from得益于,从中受益 be beneficial to 对有好处,有利于74.bitter (a.)苦的, 痛苦的, 怀恨的 -(反)unpleasant (a.)不愉快的;讨厌的75.boring

18、 (a.)令人无聊的/乏味的 -bored (a.)感到无聊的/无趣的/烦人的76.botany (n.)植物学 -botanical (a.)植物学的77.brave (a.)勇敢的 -bravery (n.)勇敢 -(反) coward (n.)懦弱的人, 胆小的人78.boycott (n./v.) 联合抵制, 排斥79.breath (n.) 呼吸, 气息 -breathe (v.) -breathless (a.) 气喘吁吁的80.bring (v.) 拿来, 带来 (-brought, brought)81.bury (v.)埋葬, 掩埋, 隐藏 (-buried, buried)

19、 be buried in sth 埋头做某事82.business (n.)商业, 买卖, 交易, 生意 -businessman商人 -businesswoman女商人 83.calculate(v.)计算,考虑,计划,打算-calculation(n.)计算,考虑-calculator(n.)计算机,计算器84.calm (a.)(天气、海洋等)静的, 平静的, 镇静的, 沉着的 (v.) (使)平静, (使)镇定, 平息 -calmness (n.)平静, 冷静, 镇静85.care (n.)注意, 照料 (vi.)关心, 顾虑, 照顾, 喜爱(vt.)在意-careful (a.)

20、仔细的,小心的-(反)careless (a.)粗心的,疏忽的 86.catch (v.)捕获, 赶上(车船等), 发觉, 感染(疾病)-(caught, caught) 87.caution (n.)小心, 谨慎, 警告 (v.)警告-cautious (a.) 88.celebration (n.)庆祝, 庆典-celebrate (v.)庆祝, 祝贺, 表扬89.certain (a.)确定的, 某一个-certainly (adv.) -certainty (n.)必然,确定性 -(反)uncertainty (n.)无常, 不确定90.challenge (n.)挑战 (v.)向.挑

21、战-challenging (a.)具有挑战性的91.change (n.)改变, 变化, 找回的零钱 (v.)改变, 变革-changeable (a.)可改变的92.character (n.)人物,特点,性格,品质-characteristic (n.)特性,特征(a.)典型的,有特色的93.chemical (a.)化学的(n.)化学制品,化学药品-chemist (n.)化学家, 药剂师-chemistry (n.)化学94.choice (n.)选择, 抉择, 精选品-choose (v.)选择, 选定 (-chose, chosen) 95.cloth (n.)布, 织物, 衣-

22、clothes (n.)衣服, 总称被褥, 各种衣服-clothing n.(总称)衣服96.collect (v.)收集-collection (n.)收藏, 征收, 搜集品, 捐款-collective (a.)集体的(n.)集体fort (n.)安慰, 舒适(v.)安慰-comfortable (a.)舒适的-(反)uncomfortable (a.)不舒服的municate (v.)沟通,交流,传达-communication (n.)-communicative (a.)交际的,健谈的 99. compete (v.)比赛, 竞争-competition (n.)竞争, 竞赛-com

23、petitor (n.)竞争者-competitive (a.)比赛的,有竞争性的100.conclude (v.)作出结论, 推断-conclusion (n.) 结论 - to draw a conclusion总的来说,总而言之101.confident (a.)自信的, 确信的-confidence (n.)信心-confidently (adv.)信赖地, 安心地102.conduct (n.)行为, 操行(v.) 组织, 实施,管理-conductor (n.) (乐队)指挥103.crazy (a.)疯狂的 -craze (n.)狂热,疯狂;风行一时的东西be crazy abo

24、ut着迷于,狂热爱好 like crazy 拼命地,发疯似地104.create (v.)创造,产生 -creative (a.)有创造性的 -creation (n.)创造,创建-creativity (n.)创造力 -creator (n.)创造者, 创作者105. crime (n.)罪犯-criminal (n.)罪犯 commit a crime犯下罪行106. cross (v.)穿过-crossing (n.)十字路口 -crossroads (n.)交叉路口 at the crossroads 在十字路口 107. crowd (n.) 人群 (v.) 拥挤-crowded (

25、a.) 拥挤的-crowdedness (n.)拥挤 108. cruel (a.) 残忍的,残酷-cruelly (adv.)-cruelty (n.) 残忍 be cruel to sb109. culture (n.)文化 -cultural (a.)文化的,教养的 cultural difference (shock)文化差异 multi-culture 多元文化110. cure (v.) 治愈;医好- cure (n.) a cure for cancer癌症的治愈 cure sb of ones disease/ones habit治愈某人的疾病/习惯111. curious (

26、a.) 好奇的;奇异的-curiosity(about/to do sth) (n.)好奇心;求知欲 satisfy ones curiosity 满足好奇心 out of curiosity 出于好奇112. cycle (v.)骑自行车;循环-recycle (v.)再循环,回收再用-cyclist (n.)骑自行车的人113. damage (v.)毁坏,损害-damage (n.) do /cause damage to 对造成损害114. danger (n.)危险-dangerous (a.) -endanger (v.)使濒临危险-endangered(a.)濒危的 be in

27、danger/be at risk/be at stake 处于危险中 115. dead (a.)死的-death (n.)死亡-deadly (a.)致命的-die (v.)死亡-dying (a.)垂死的,渴望的the dead/living死者/生者 cause many deaths and injuries造成许多死伤 be dying for/to do sth渴望做某事116. decide (n.)决定 -decisive (a.) 决定性的 -decision (n.)决定,决心 make a decision做一个决定117. declare (v.)声明;断言 - de

28、claration (n.) declare war on 对宣战 118. decorate(v.)装饰,修饰 - decoration (n.) be decorated with被装饰着119. decline (v.)下降 ,婉拒 -decline (n.) .120. decrease (v&n.) 减少-(反)increase (v&n.)增加 increase/decrease to增加/减少到 increase/decrease by增加/减少了121. defend (v.) 防守,保卫 -defense (n.) in defense of 为保护, 为辩护122. del

29、iberate (a.) -deliberately (adv.)故意地 on purpose故意地123. delight (n.) 快乐;乐事 -delighted (a.) be delighted with/by/at 对感到高兴 take delight in 喜欢,以为乐 delight sb 使某人高兴 to ones delight 使某人高兴的是124. deliver (v.)投递,接生,发表讲话 -delivery (n.) deliver parcels/ a baby/ a speech 送包裹/生孩子/发表演讲 125. depend (v.)依赖,依靠,取决于-d

30、ependent (a.)依靠的,从属的-dependence (n.)依靠,信赖depend on =be dependent on依靠.,取决于 be independent from/of不依赖, 从中独立126. deep (a.&adv.) 深的,深地 -deeply (adv.)深深地 - depth (n.)深度 - deepen (v.)加深 deep into the night深夜 be deeply moved/touched/affected被深深地触动 Still water runs deep.大智若愚,静水远流127. describe (v.)描述,描写 -de

31、scription (n.) give a description of sth对进行描述128. design (v.)设计 (n.)图案,图样 -designer (n.)设计师 be designed to 设计的目的是,计划是129. desperate (adj.)不顾一切的;绝望的 - desperation (n.)绝望 be desperate for/to do sth 极度渴望某事130. destroy (v.)破坏,毁坏 -destruction (n.) destroyed buildings 被毁的建筑物 cause destruction to sth对造成破坏1

32、31. determine (v.)决定,决心 -determination (n.) 决心 be determined to do 决心做 132. develop (v.) 发展,使发达,开发 冲洗(照片) -development (n.) -developing (a.)发展中的 -developed(a.)发达的 with the development of 随着的发展 develop an interest in sth 培养对的兴趣 133. devote (v.)把奉献于 -devotion (n.)忠心,奉献精神devote oneself/ones life/ones e

33、nergy/time to (doing) sth 把某人的全身心奉献于 be devoted to sb 挚爱某人,对全心全意 134. differ (v.) 使不同,相异-different (a.) 不同的-difference (n.) 差别,不同differ from sth in在上区别于 tell the difference between A and B判断AB间的差异 make a difference (to) 有影响,改变 ;大有作为135. difficult (a.)困难的,费力的 -difficulty (n.)困难 with/without difficult

34、y费力地/毫不费力地 have difficulty (in) doing sth 在做某事上有困难136. direct (v.)指挥,指导,导演(a.)直接的 -(反)indirect (a.)间接的 -director (n.) 导演 -direction (n.)方向 in the direction of 朝的方向137. disable (v.)使残疾 -disabled (a.)残疾的-disability (n.)残疾,无能138. disappear (v.) 消失 -disappearance (n.)-(反)- appear (v.) - appearance (n.)1

35、39. disagree (v.) 不同意,争执-disagreement (n.)disagree with sb. on/about/over sth 在某事上和某人不一致140. disappoint (v.)使失望 -disappointment (n.) to ones disappointment 让某人失望地 be disappointed with/at 对感到失望141. discover (v.)发现 -discovery (n.) make a discovery 有一个发现142. discrimination (n.)歧视-discriminate (v.)歧视,区分

36、 discriminate A from B 区别A和B discriminate against women 歧视妇女143. discuss (v.) 讨论 -discussion (n.)讨论 144. distance (n.)距离 -distant (a.)远的 , 遥远的 keep sb at a distance 疏远某人,与某人保持距离 in the distance 在远方145. distinguish (v.)辨别,区别- distinction (n.) 差别 distinguish A from B = distinguish between A and B 区别AB

37、146distribute (v.)分布,分配-distribution (n.)分配 147. disturb (v.)打扰;扰乱 -disturbed(a.)感到心神不宁的/心烦意乱的-disturbing(a.)引起烦恼的;令人不安的 148. donate (v.)捐赠 -donation (n.) donate sb. sth./ donate sth to sb 给某人捐赠某物 a donation of 200$ 二百美元的捐款149. educate (v.)教育,培养 -educator (n.)教育者-education (n.)教育,培养 150. effect (n.)

38、效果,作用-effective (a.)有效果的-affect (v.) 影响 have an effect on对有影响 take effect = come into effect生效,起作用 151. elect (v.)选举 -election (n.)选举 152. electricity (n.)电 -electric (a.)发电的,导电的- electrical (a.) 有关电的,电气方面的 - electronic adj. 电子的 electronic equipment电子设备153.embarrass (v.)使尴尬 -embarrassment (n.) -emba

39、rrassed (a.)感到尴尬的 -embarrassing (a.)令人尴尬的,难为情的 be embarrassed about 对感到尴尬154. employ (v.)雇佣 -employment (n.)雇佣,就业-employer (n.)雇主 -employee (n.)雇员 -(反)unemploy (v.) 使失业,解雇-unemployment (n.)失业155.encourage (v.)鼓励,怂恿-encouragement (n.)鼓励-courage(n.)勇气-discourage使泄气encourage sb to do sth鼓励/怂恿某人做某事 disc

40、ourage sb from doing 劝阻某人不做某事 156.energy (n.)精力,能量-energetic (a.)精力旺盛的 be full of energy =be energetic157.enjoy (v.) 欣赏,喜欢;享受之乐趣 -enjoyable (a.)愉快的;有趣的-enjoyment (n ) 享乐,享受-joy (n.)欢乐,高兴 enjoy doing 喜欢做某事 158. entertain (v.)招待,款待;使有兴趣,使快乐 -entertainment (n.) 娱乐活动 -entertaining (a.) 有趣的,使人愉快的159. env

41、ironment (n.)环境 -environmental (a.) -environmentalist (n.)环境学家 environmental protection/conservation/preservation 环境保护160. equal (a.)平等的(v.)等于-equally (adv.)-equality (n.)平等,相等 be equal to相当于,胜任161.equip (v.)提供设备;装备 -equipment (n.) be equipped with 配备有162. escape (v.) 逃跑; 逃避 -escape (n.) escape from

42、 doing sth. 从中逃脱 escape doing sth.逃避/避免某事163. Europe (n.)欧洲 -European (a.)欧洲的(n.)欧洲人164. evident (a.)明显的 -evidence (n.)证据,迹象 165.exam=examination (n.)考试, 测验-examine (v.)检查, 调查, 考试-examiner (n.)主考者-examinee (n.)受审查者, 投考者, 应试者166.excellent (a.)卓越的, 极好的 -excellence (n.)优秀, 卓越, 优点, 美德167. exhibit (v.)展览

43、,显示(n.)展品,证物 -exhibition (n.)展览,展览会 168. exist (v.)生存,存在 -existence (n.)生存,存在 -existing (a.) 现存的,现行的 come into existence 开始存在 169. expect (v.)预料,盼望;认为 -expectation n.期望,预期expect sb to do期望某人做某事 live up to your parents expectation.不辜负父母的期望170. expense (n.)消费,支出,代价 -expensive (=costly /dear) (a.)昂贵的sp

44、are no expense to do不惜代价做某事 at ones own expense自费 at the expense of sb/sth 在牺牲情况下,以为代价171. explain (v.)解释 -explanation (n.)解释,说明 explain to sb. sth. / explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事172. explode (v.)使爆炸 -explosion (n.) 爆炸,激增-explosive (a.) 爆炸的,爆发性的173. expose (v.)揭露,使曝光,使面临(危险) -exposure (n.)暴露,曝光 be exposed to sth. 被暴露在面前,接触,使遭受 174. express (v.) 表达,表示 -expression (n.)表情,表达,词句 -expressive (a.)富于表情的;有表现力的 fa

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