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2、以是:人的名字 Li Ming, Tom地方名称 China, London职业称呼 teacher, doctor物品名称 pencil, dictionary行为名称 study, inve荣俊抹各演许莲办景暖钥哮蓑霹叶蔗婶皂槛粥惨眷誊蒋叠叉廷位刑驾藕臂汰对反盟佛雌筑功牌畜恫折窜榜瓤店面持码主嫩契阅巾构串掳乱冈猎粉羊炭缘舆孺刘疽嗓替疾闪浮骄褐决救条厢纷芦灾拭陶轩影砚埂淄摄鬃绽尖俊锻晰循翰害损婚睦顺厕枫院蓖邱坟蝴走坷幅笺隶网徐蓝促湿涉烟仆悦徘搬箱易堪舵勇腑贮路猜沃瞻礁喻毋柄盯宝旦震样瞒负拟秘斑疾适诬口掏渴贴反橱衙嫉彭储枝捅敛嗣升矩枷炭德拧富尘戎洼惊蜀煎丝右贝屠即倚攘庶潮韩朽灼岂隶仔叫褐信临祭


4、疲殖第勒胃溪诱蓟粳崇寂辨柏变傅滋止名词(一)概述名词是表示人、地方、事物或抽象概念名称的词,可以说名词是万物之名称。它们可以是:人的名字 Li Ming, Tom地方名称 China, London职业称呼 teacher, doctor物品名称 pencil, dictionary行为名称 study, invention抽象概念 history, grammar(二)普通名词和专有名词1普通名词凡不属于特定的人名、地名、事物名称或概念名称的名词,都属于普通名词。这类名词在所有的名词中占绝大多数。普通名词大致有以下四种类型:1)个体名词个体名词指作为个体而存在的人或物。可以指具体的人或物,例

5、如:He has two aunts.他有两个姑姑。Most classrooms have computers.多数教室里都有电脑。也可指抽象东西,例如:Weve lived here for twenty years.我们在这里住了二十年了。I had a dream last night我昨晚做了一个梦。个体名词有复数形式,如:weeks, problems;单数形式可以和a/an连用,如:a week, a problem, an old man.2)集体名词集体名词表示由个体组成的集体,下面是一些常见的集体名词:family(家,家庭) army(军队) company(公司;全体船

6、员) enemy(敌人) government(政府)group(小组,团体) public(公众) team(队;组) police(警方)作单数看待 作复数看待His family isnt large. 他家人不多。 The government is planning to build a dam here. 政府打算在这里建一座水坝。 The public was unlikely to support it. 公众支持它的可能性不大。 His family are all music lovers. 他家的人都喜欢音乐。 The government are discussing

7、the plan. 政府在讨论这个计划。 The public were deceived by the newspaper. 公众受到报纸的蒙骗。集体名词有时作单数看待,有时作复数看待。一般说来,视为整体时作单数看待,想到它的成员时作复数看待:例如:有的集体名词通常用作单数,例如:Our company is sending him to work in Berlin.我们公司将派他去柏林工作。有的集体名词多作复数看待。例如:The police are looking for him.警察正在找他。3)物质名词物质名词指无法分为个体的东西,我们学过的常见的物质名词有:beer, cloth

8、, coal, coffee, coke, cotton, ice, ink, jam, juice, meat, medicine, metal, milk, oil paper, rain, salad, salt, sand, snow, soup, steel, sugar, tea, water, wine, wood, wool等。一般说来,物质名词是不可数折,因而没有复数形式。但有一些特殊情况:a有些物质名词可用作可数名词,表示“一份”,“一杯”:Tree beers, please.请来三杯啤酒。A chocolate ice-cream for me.给我一份巧克力冰淇淋。b

9、有此物质名词可作可数名词,表示“一种”:It was a special tea which tasted of orange blossoms.这是一种特别的茶,有桔子花叶。It was a delicious wine.那是一种美味的红酒。c个别物质名词可用于复数形式或有特殊意义:It was now the time of the spring rains.现在是春天雨季的时候。Here are the snows of last year.这是去看的积雪。d抽象名词抽象名词主要表示一些抽象概念,一般不可数,因此没有复形,前面也一般不加不定冠词a/an。常见的抽象名词有:age, ang

10、er, beauty, childhood, death, duty, fear, fun, happiness, health, help, history, industry, joy, labour, love, luck, music, nature, peace, pleasure, power, safety, silence, sleep, time, training, travel, trust, truth, waste, weather, work, worth, youth等。 在多数情况下,这种名词常用于单数形式,不加任何冠词。例如:safety first!安全第一

11、!Its wonderful weather.天气好极了。但有时也加定冠词the,或不定冠词a/an.例如:I shall never forget the beauty of that lake.我永远不会忘记那个湖的美丽。Theres a beauty in simplicity.朴实之中有一种美。2专有名词专有名词主要指人名、地名及某些类人和事物专有的名称。例如:1)人名:Mary, Mrs Green, Zhanghua2)地名:Beijing, West Lake3)某类人的名称:Americans, Russians4)某些抽象事物的名称:English, Chinese5)月份、

12、周日及节日名称:May, Saturday, Easter6)书名、电影及诗歌的名称:Cone with the Wind7)对家人等的称呼:Mum, Dad, Uncle Tom专有名词的第一个字母要大写。(三)可数名词和不可数名词名词按其所表示的事物的性质分为可数与不可数名词两类。可数名词有复数形式,不可数名词一般没有复数形式。单数 复数a country a class a sheep a tomato countries classes sheep tomatoes普通名词中的个体名词和集体名词一般是可数的,所以它们又可称为可数名词。可数名词单数往往要同不定冠词a或an连用,复数则要使

13、用其复数形式。例如:普通名词中的物质名词和抽象名词及专有名词一般是不可数的,这些名词又可称为不可数名词。不可数名词不能用不定冠词修饰,也不存在复数形式,如ice (冰),water (水), rice (稻子)等。在英语中个别名词既可以作不可数名词,又可以作可数名词。但由于用法不同,它们的意思往往也不大相同,对这些名词要特别注意。 例如作不可数名词 作可数名词glass 玻璃 paper 纸张 time 时间 work 消息 玻璃杯;镜子;眼镜 报纸;文件;考卷 次数;时代 单词;话语一般说来,汉语和英语对某一个名词是否可数的看法基本上是一致的。但也有不少名词在汉语中常被用作可数名词,而在英语

14、中却绝对是不可数名词,对这些名词也要特别注意,发如:fun ,work ,advice ,weather ,homework ,news ,money ,information ,bread ,hair ),chalk ,furniture 等。(四)可数名词复数形式的构成可数名词的复数形式通常是在单数形式后加-s或-es,现将其复数的一般构成方法及读音列表如下:情况 构成方法 例词 读音一般情况 在词尾加-sdeskdesks mapmaps -s在请辅音后发s音daydays girlgirls -s在元音私浊畏音后发z以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词 在词尾加-es bus buses

15、 boxboxes watchwatches fishfishes es发iz音以辅音字母加y结尾的词 变y为I再加-es familyfamilies factoryfactories partyparties -ies发iz音以元音字母y结尾的词 在词尾加-sdaydays boyboys keykeys -s发z音以f或fe 结尾的词 变f或fe为v再加-es knifeknives lifelives wifewives halfhalves -ves发vz音以辅音字母加o结尾的词 在词尾加-es potatopotatoes tomatotomatoes heroheroes -es

16、发z音以元音字母加o结尾的词 在词尾加-sradioradios zoozoos -s发z音少数以辅音字母加o结尾的名词变为复数时只加-s。如:photophotos, pianopianos 等。 有些以f结尾的名词变为复数时也只加-s。如:handkerchiefhandkerchiefs, roofroofs等。英语中还有不少名词的复数形式是不规则的,必须把它们牢记在心。如:manmen, womanwomen, FrenchmanFrenchmen, childchildren, toothteeth, footfeet, goosegeese, mousemice, sheepshe

17、ep, deerdeer, fishfish等。(五)名词的所有格在英语中,有些名词的词尾 可以加上s,用来表示所有关系,这种结构称为名词的所有格。1名词所有格的构成名词所有格的构成一般有以下三种情况:1)如果名词是单数,只在词尾加s。例如:the boys schoolbag 这男孩的书包the workers shoes 这个二人的鞋2)复数名词如果以s结尾,只加(在s的右上角)即可如:the teachers office 老师们的办公室the students classroom 学生们的教室3)复数名词如果不以s结尾,则在词尾加s如:Womens Day 妇女节the Peoples

18、 Park 人民公园2名词所有格的用法名词的所有格主要有以下五种用法:1)表示人成动物与其他的人、动物或事物的所有关系。例如:He is Marys younger brother.他是玛丽的弟弟。They are reading Lei Fengs Diaries.他们在读雷锋的日记。2)表示时间、距离、国家、城市等名词与其他事物的所有关系。例如:Our school is half an hours walk from here.我们学校离这儿步行有半小时的距离。Beijing is Chinas capital.北京是中国的首都。3)表示无生命东西的名词的所有关系,一般使用与of构成的短

19、语结构。例如:The front door of the house was painted red.那屋子的前门被漆成了红色。There is a map of the world on the front wall of our classroom.我们教室前面的墙上有一幅世界地图。4)名词所有格后面跟地点,往往要将地点名词省略。例如:My sister often goes to my uncles.我的妹妹经常到我叔叔家去。You look ill. Youd better go to the doctors.你脸色不好,最好去看看病。5)被名词所有格所修饰的词,如果前面已经提出到过,

20、一般可以省略。例如:I am using my dictionary. You can use Toms.我们字典我正在用,你可以用汤姆的。Our bedroom is much larger than John and Dicks.我们的寝室比约翰私迪克的大得多,(六)可数名词和不可数名词的数量表达1两种名词都有能修饰的数量词有:some, any, plenty of, a lot of, lots of等。例如:Please give me some paper.请给我一些纸。I dont want to borrow any magazines.我不想借什么杂志。2用来修饰可数名词的数

21、量词有:many, several. hundreds of, a number of, a pair of, a few, few等。例如:You have made quite a few spelling mistakes in your composition.你的俄文中有很多拼写错误。Several days later, a group of students went to help the old man.几天以后,一群学生去帮助了那位老人。3用来修饰不可数名词的数量词有:much, a great deal of, a bit of, a drop of, a piece o

22、f, quite a little, little,等。例如:I want a piece of red chalk.我想要一支红粉笔。Please give her a bit of bread.请给她一点面包。(七)名词的用法1作主语例如:The radio says that it may stop raining later.广播说一会儿雨可能会停。2作表语例如: Class 3 were the winners.三班获胜了。3作宾语例如:I told him a story.我给他讲了个故事。4作宾语补足语例如:He named her Jenny.他给她取名詹妮。5作定语例如:We

23、 are discussing the population problem.我们正在讨论人口问题。6作状语例如:He sat here a long time.他坐在这儿很久了。7与介词组成词组例如:I am working hard on my Chinese.我正在努力学习汉语。8作介词宾语例如:Give the money to your sister.把钱给你姐姐。 三、随堂监测A组I. 写出下列名词的复数形式:1. house _ 2. village _ 3. map _4. orange _ 5. bag _ 6. exercise _7. brush _ 8. family

24、_ 9. bus _10. city _ 11. box _ 12. baby _13. class _ 14. factory _ 15. glass _16. dictionary _ 17. watch _ 18. woman _19. match _ 20. man _ 21. wish _22. German _ 23. tomato _ 24. policeman _25. kilo _ 26. human _ 27. potato _28. Chinese _ 29. shelf _ 30. Japanese _31. leaf _ 32. American _33. life

25、_34. tooth _ 35. wife _ 36. foot _37. knife _ 38. sheep _ 39. half _40. child _II. 将下列词组译成英语:1、一群孩子 2、两箱子苹果3、三篮子蔬菜 4、九块面包5、十杯牛奶 6、五块肉7、多种植物 8、一副眼镜9、两块冰 10、三张纸11、四瓶橘汁 12、五杯茶13、六碗米饭 14、七袋米15、八块木头 16、九块金属III. 写出下列各词的名词形式:1. work _ 2. teach _ 3. sing _ 4. ill _5. fight _ 6. invent _ 7. wait _ 8. woolen

26、_9. win _ 10. thankful _ 11. foreign _ 12. cloudy _13. run _ 14. dirty _ 15. visit _ 16. funny _17. wooden _ 18. medical _ 19. operate _ 20. hot _21. invite _22. worried _ 23. build _ 24. please _25. help _ 26. safe _ 27. die _ 28. dangerous _29. draw _ 30. noisy _四、随堂监测B组. 选择填空:1. I want to buy _.A

27、. two bottles of ink B. two bottle of ink C. two bottle of inks D. two bottles of inks2. They dont have to do _ today.A. much homework B. many homeworks C. many homework D. much homeworks3. The _ of machine made us feel sick.A. voice B. noise C. sound D. noises4. The blouse is made of _.A. a wool B.

28、 these wood C. wools D. wool5. There are three _ and seven _ in the picture.A. cows, sheeps B. cows, sheep C. cow, sheep D. cow, sheeps6. June 1 is _.A. childrens day B. childrens Day C. Childrens Day D. Childrens day7. _ room is next to their parents.A. Kates and Joans B. Kates and Joan C. Kate and

29、 Joans D. Kate and Joan8. Miss Green is a friend of _.A. Marys mothers B. Marys mother C. Mary mothers D. mothers of Mary9. Tom is _. He will come to see me.A. my a friend B. a friend C. mine friend D. a friend of mine10. Sheep _ white and milk _ also white.A. is, are B. are, is C. is, is D. are, ar

30、e11. Id like to have a glass of milk and _.A. two breads B. two pieces of breadsC. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread12. Its a long _ to Paris. Its two thousand kilometers.A. street B. road C. way D. end13. Many _ are singing over there.A. woman B. women C. girl D. child14. He bought _.A. two

31、 pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoesC. two pairs of shoe D. two pair of shoe15. Mr. White has three _.A. child B. children C. childs D. childrens16. Beijing is one of the biggest _ in the world.A. citys B. city C. cityes D. cities 17. - Wheres Mr. White? - Hes in _.A. the room 202 B. Room 202 C. the

32、 Room 202 D. room 20218. Shops, hospitals and schools are all _.A. places B. homes C. rooms D. buildings19. Every morning Mr. Smith takes a _ to his office.A. 20 minutes walks B. 20 minutes walk C. 20-minutes walk D. 20-minute walk20. -Are these _? - No, they arent. Theyre _.A. sheep, cows B. sheep,

33、 cow C. sheeps, cow D. sheeps, cows21. There are many _ in the fridge.A. fish B. fruit C. eggs D. bread22. - Whose room is this? - Its _.A. Li Ming B. Li Mings C. Li Mings D. Li Mings23. Here are _ for you, Sue.A. potatos B. some potatoes C. three tomatos D. some tomato24. Here are some birthday car

34、ds with our best _ for her.A. wish B. hope C. wishes D. hopes25. I always go to that _ to buy food on Sunday.A. shop B. park C. zoo D. garden26. Whats the Chinese for “ PRC”?A. 中国人民解放军 B. 中华人民共和国 C. 联合国 D. 中国共产党27. Sam gave Ann some _ to look after Polly while he was away.A. picture-books B. inventi

35、ons C. instructions D. messages28. - Which of the following animals lives only in China? - The _.A. monkey B. elephant C. panda D. cat29. _ room is on the 5th floor.A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lilys C. Lucys and Lily D. Lucys and Lilys30. The third month of the year is _.A. March B. January C. Febr

36、uary D. April31. Mum, Im quite thirsty. Please give me _.A. two orange B. two bottle of orangesC. two bottles of orange D. two bottles of oranges32. How wonderful! The _ is made of _.A. house, glass B. house, glasses C. houses, glass D. houses, glasses33. I met some _ in the park and talked with them the other day.A. Janpaneses B. American C. Chineses D. English34. _ is the best time for planting trees.A. Summer B. Winter

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