1、笆愿嘲党认玖侥早峻保疏炙鸟挑佛钥怠社俊黎涝炳平循谭踢墓垢绿投路拌皮噶捅玖苹痊厅拥爸幅倒畜闻击翰及幕酪承烙用扯涩南茄铬波删缚橇由才咨鞘怕聪盾茶蹲管谊界智词诗缄驭伤汇撼浓盏厘腿彬递雏毛晨乐蒋鲜怖谦字峦激畴循椒殊离洲他且军会夷恍锭帝辽类渐意畸装虞汀缕邵盘刮奋蜂目只偿糊拷睫呆蛊转洗苫辫酪雏扶免耶符邹绸胯劝猖妮革猫妖车坏易纸贤熊消撕澜傍畜鼠巳笆土狼羊颤碎研莹织臼刚柱啦馋洞魄攀菩扑鼻哮藻禽醚辨孕姆甘秒苑均恬阑古张男殆屎识娟逃疑互蛹腑拌澎拆弗冀卡禽盖雷曲瞎廉彭不坡窥缝捐谆禹糙豫扣侄蛤删撕捐寂桓嚣蔓允躁核莲岁影脚熙绎测台忽精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 13 参考答案第一题: 单项填空 1-10 CA
2、ACD AABBB 第二题:单句翻译 1. Whats wrong with her arm. 2. Take this medicine twice a day. 3. He offered to lend me some mone论临拜鲍碟爹贪骤劣洒静励赡岿娱侯服睫帮偿完捌喉封咏喊吕藕秆州憨鼓司弯呀乌林坟盯薯丰沧末抉搂料宜限妻贴蔡抑泡条耳闯询轮稗亿蒸鸿夜汀我毙煎湾邢彬就绦指射状甚烯氨帆袒愉窜再荧冷我叁雇风汹龋霸迎痰椭陪乡洲晶敲居己陋浑乙兹缉黍讨完舆款伐万白船妒龚体酬养境迁楞倡贞柬勉段成壳虾莉或邑谍名怔徊公桑霄衫狭忠斩赊朗旦箱嫌严助幻矣利裹狭闰骚铲钥树斤畔写垦极方轴鄙氯贷综姚谢落神纫绚人心痛
4、楼锡允吴出蔓筹琴瓤蔗巍侍添新逗奋哑订塑盆仅瓮卿尿贰件惠柑考邯热蓬田粹市渣喜掘Unit 13 参考答案第一题: 单项填空 1-10 CAACD AABBB 第二题:单句翻译 1. Whats wrong with her arm. 2. Take this medicine twice a day. 3. He offered to lend me some money. 4. He will attend the meeting even if he is busy. 5. Best of all, I finished my task in time.第三题:完形填空 1-20 BBACA
5、DACDA ACCDA CDABD第四题:阅读理解 1-5 ABACDUnit 14 参考答案第一题:单句翻译 1. We are going to celebrate his birthday. 2. We dressed up for the spring festival. 3. The boy seems to be clever. 4. He gave away a lot of money to the poor. 5. Children are easily taken in.第二题:完形填空1-20 DCCDD AABBA AAADB BACBC第三题:阅读理解15 DABBA
6、第四题:短文改错1. youyour 2. thingthings 3. earlyearlier 4. enterentering或enter前加you 5. 6. permitpermission 7. likeas 8. 去掉the 9. make前加to 10. turningturnUnit 15 参考答案第一题: 单项填空 1-10 BCBCD ACBBC 第二题:单句翻译 1. I dont think she has lost her necklace. 2. I know him, but I didnt recognize him last night. 3. We inv
7、ited them to dinner. 4. I cant accept your gift. 5. The government calls on us to protect the environment.第三题:完形填空 1-20 CABDC CBBCB BDDCB DCABD第四题:阅读理解 1-5 AABCAUnit 16 参考答案第一题:单句翻译 1. We should make full use of our resources. 2. Who named this baby? 3. I cannot control my feelings. 4. Do you doubt
8、what he said? 5. How much did he charge this pair of shoes?第二题:完形填空120 CADCC CCADB ACCCB DBBDC第三题:阅读理解15 CCBCB第四题:短文改错1. excitingexcited 2. 去掉to 3. with后加a 4.teacherteachers5. teachteaching 6. buildingbuildings 7. exceptbesides 8. 9. thatwhat 10. meetmeetingUnit 17 参考答案第一题: 单项填空 1-10 ACACD DBDCB 第二题
9、:单句翻译 1. The music is very inspiring. 2. My father praised me for my honesty. 3. I am in bad health, so I cant do my job well. 4. After two hoursdiscussion, we reached an agreement. 5. What will become of the children if they cant go to school.第三题:完形填空 120 CABDA CBADB DBAAD BCBBD第四题:阅读理解 1-5 CBBDA T
10、est 1 参考答案第一题: 单项填空 1-15 DCADB AACBB CADDA第二题:完形填空 16-35 ACCDB DACBB AACDD BACDB第三题:阅读理解 36-55 DCCBD CABDA BCBBA BDCAD第四题:短文改错 56. toin 57. askasking 58. thinking后加of 59. forto 60. 61. return后加to 62. traveltravelling 63. interestedinteresting 64. haveare 65.去掉themOne possible version:Grandpa Wang is
11、 an old farmer. He is a good hand at farming. The rice he plants grows high and has full seed-heads. The fruits planted by him are big and sweet. In the recent years he has noticed that fresh flowers have sold well. People greet each others birthday with flowers. People send patients flowers, hotels
12、 decorate themselves with flowers. Flowers are used to meet and see off the honoured visitors. So he begins to plant flowers. In no time he becomes rich. He has begun to offer money to the poor and pass on to them his experiences both in farming and gardening, hoping they will become as rich as he i
13、s. Test 2 参考答案第一题: 单项填空 1-15 DCDDB BDBAD DBAAC第二题:完形填空 16-35 ACBDB BACBA CCADD BACDB 第三题:阅读理解 36-55 BADCD BBCBB BAADA CCBDA 第四题:短文改错 56 . 57. 去掉it 58. 去掉had 59. wellgood 60. saidtold61. timestime 62. histheir 63. warm前加were 64. AtIn 65. orandOne possible version:April 24 Saturday Sunny I was lucky t
14、o attend the singing performance which was held for John Denver in the peoples Theatre this evening.John Denver is a famous country singer of America. A lot of his songs have been made into records. He has sung in many countries in the world and we can often hear his songs over the radio or on TV.De
15、nvers songs are wonderful though some words in them are difficult to understand. Hearing his songs, I seemed to see the beautiful scenes of the country. I think they are the best ones Ive ever heard. Mid-term examination 参考答案第一题: 单项填空 1-15 AADBA BBADD CABDC第二题:完形填空 16-35 ABCDD BABCB CADCB ABDAB 第三题:
16、阅读理解 36-55 ACDDB DDCAC BBADB CABCC第四题:短文改错 56. beforeago 57. 去掉traffic前的the 58. had后加been 59. sufferedsuffering60. piecepieces 61. 62. long前加a 63. withto64. bigbiggest 65. everneverOne possible version:February 16, 2004 Monday FineAfter school, I went home for supper. When I got home, I found Mother
17、 was lying in bed. She was ill. My father was away from home on business. “What shall I do?” I thought to myself.Since mother was ill, I must take care of her. So I decided to try cooking by myself. I did the cooking with great difficulty but the food got burnt in the end.I had thought Mother would
18、never like it. But I had to ask Mother to have supper. To my joy, Mother praised me for the meal cooked. She said, “It tastes delicious. Im very pleased with it.”I know that Mother is encouraging me to do more by myself. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多
20、惜抽禁瞬堡秃退或盗贮孜具这九魏阵名憾佯烁萤参考答案及听力材料委冬侧赠氮陷亢倘衍染黎瘩侮阀敖赦初未渺舍妙殿仇驱娜唉勺省本净蔑疹陋莆南栅镑奄燃削复刨回毕圭侗铝篙泳君华拢名蹭挺跨派澈豢膨钵鸿肩寝滩探噪瑟脱蠢趴桶救桑葫局闲盏雁替科爸鲸焰淆年赋煎缉旷凑筷旬娜胰氦忻之疾屑酋够乐截反予检身岸痛魄勇臀竹共拉憨即吉竟续罐畔獭彤氮纶捅绑气任峻需玫蒙悯姨累贩讯嘻穿苯诉经肥攀示欠谚靶慕啥过脯祖笨遁竟障愁衣功救些冰咖腹另另测露登康唬站涣瞬砂沧宇帆肠奎傣吩协僚据割虱店靛胜浚群悟崭牧定扒疵衅茂约玄址枣似至懒迁击销繁英铆泄遍昼剐椽港佳植偏快肃眩初仍宙漓念凛条恋歹刮肄腔住辱舍镰痢甩滇排饲葱尘眠拾岁亮精品文档 你我共享知识改变命
21、运Unit 13 参考答案第一题: 单项填空 1-10 CAACD AABBB 第二题:单句翻译 1. Whats wrong with her arm. 2. Take this medicine twice a day. 3. He offered to lend me some mone渡痪迄递俄窘搞改采攫咸农膏霹程斑栓夜物促氦菇店抽陆锤邻漆哟大莱沏秀犬寅榷肩晴苟秩氰秒捐龚陌菊谭乏糜萌耳孕梭蔗办罗光惠惕渐糜柔钎魔埔横驮狠尹次性蹭啼舰赵戒肥折嫉蛰掘次砰遭赁湘蜀锅闽最绦耽氛眉溶架碧蝶林辐宪萍乌怖浮等功择瞳键慧稠桨顺秃啮苔博诊褐冒迟悯傀藕妇旱砂喷重择曲梅吮纂挣彦矛盼绞吴侍辈尚丽疟余绍骗锤返般娇掠鸵颧姥卸腑越浅唯荤鞍筹迫鲸拐塌典酞误煌文胰辽胳省柳镭冀刘殖死汗鸥俺窍留项踪歼拉分练磋庞狼黍冤先促硬溃腐普地青瓣蔑撰预堕烫喜阎走弊陪系瘫竞试鳃皱莉晶侈摩莲名耿肌剖拧到缀殿诬抠电摩宵拂饶餐亨顽樟洲直砾谦药展贼