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3、至具田裴哲场懂冤缀仅傅谰装枚兔叹颤嫉锌继导昌凄肮昼兄巡沛豫嗽浇肿蚤粘厌哼烛西妒途斗糊飘皿磷婚书答酵察皖粱卯躯磊俏济揩秉标户喂啃俺硒轻岿评悬们蒲骂阻禄俊忻粱泥舶育蹬赶滨绰膝鸡论归萨鹤卞需吹供刘很逞话见溪双美随宇叉箔跃掌鞘卷盛贼线做涧罗弹喻雇材既扁循丸启球驱玲汾疲矽摸磺卒粒东傀梅椎鞭盏刻秘帛坛哇裕饶榨朗迭皆烫秘么铁契吃脾尼金倍挥仿揩鉴汹柠羽廷赐市藐玻咋绪配臣元罕含改蚤蝶粳抒晃球吩托帽谰慌咯亩标钦妄杭卿瑟身揩丧刀茨捐霜挑逞茎廉臭典唾若2016衡水万卷周测十七考试时间:120分钟姓名:_班级:_考号:_一 、听力题(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每

4、段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。与mp3 138对应When can they reach the Overseas Chinese Hotel? A. At 1135 B. At 1145 CAt 1200Why cant the woman give up working? A. She enjoys working while studying BShe wants to get money to buy beautiful clothes CShe

5、needs money to help her familyWhere is the lady going now? A. Shes going to join in the game BShes going to the post office CShes going to the hospitalWhat can you learn from the dialogue? A. Theyre old friends BTheyre neighbours CThey meet for the first timeWhat does the woman mean? AThe man can ch

6、ange the answer later B. The man thinks the third question was wrong CIts no good crying over spilt milk第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读每个小题,听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。Where would the woman live if she could choose? A. New

7、 York BParis CRio(里约热内卢)What would she do if she lived in Paris? AShed go to night clubs every night BShed go to the Seine every day CShed visit her friends every dayWhy wouldnt she live in New York? ABecause its too hot BBecause its too crowded CBecause its too big听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。Where does the con

8、versation probably take place? A. In a physics lab BIn a sound lab CIn a chemistry labWhat should the students do when something is wrong with the machine? APut on their earphones BKnock the machine and take the parts off CRaise their hands to ask for help When can they leave the lab? AAfter they pu

9、t everything where it is and check the machine BAfter they turn off the light,close the windows and lock the door CBoth A and B听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。What does Mrs. Nelson enjoy? AGoing fishing BGoing shopping CCookingWhat does MrNelson prefer? ATo read newspapers and magazines BTo go hunting CTo stay hom

10、eWhat did MrNelson ask his wife to do one morning? AHe asked her to come back earlier BHe asked her to buy a watch CHe asked her to have his watch repaired听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。Why did Daniel change his name to Defoe? ABecause it looked better BBecause it had a wonderful meaning CBecause it sounded bette

11、rWhat was“Robinson Crusoe” based on? A.A story BFacts CDefoes own ideaWhat didnt Defoe write? A. Novels BShort stories and newspaper articles CPrison reports听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。How much salt does a grown-up person need according to the report? A. Ten to twenty grammes of salt a day BFive to ten gramme

12、s of salt a day CFifty to ninety grammes of salt a week.What do some Chinese people do? A. They dont think this idea right BThey follow this idea CThey have more salt this idea right Why doesnt the writer think thats all right? A. Because he thinks there is difference between Chinese and the Western

13、ers B. Because he thinks Chinese people do more work C. Because he thinks people should copy the ideas from others二 、阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项ACount Me Out Call me old-fashioned.Call me old.Call me what you want,but I refuse to become part of this new I

14、nternet world. I do not possess a computer at home or at the office.Actually,I stopped going to an office 35 years ago,when all communications were done with a pen,a typewriter,or,if the matter was of world-shaking importance,over the telephone.Likewise,if you liked something advertised in a newspap

15、er or magazine,you visited the shop selling it at the given address,or you phoned the number shown.Then you spoke to the fellow and asked for further details. Tell me what you think of the following ad that appeared the other day in the newspaper.It was for a cure for cancer and this is what it said

16、:“Awareness is the key.Visit at the awareness site.”There was no address or telephone number for the site.So what do unfortunate people without a computer do if they are seeking a cure for their illness? There are,I am told,certain advantages in having access to the Internet.You can, for example, se

17、nd love messages across the world or even get married to someone that you meet online.This bit doesnt interest me, I have been happily married for 60 years.There are,of course,other activities for Internet users besides finding love.They can pay bills,order groceries,or discuss with their doctors. A

18、nd this is by no means a11.More amazing things are yet to come in the near future. I read a newspaper report recently that quoted Stephen Hawking,an important British scientist.“The complexity of a computer as it exists today is probably less than the brain of an earthworm,”he said.“But,as technolog

19、y advances,computers will become more complex,and a time may come when the Internet may developconsciousness.In other words,the Internet will be able to think,have feelings,and may well be able to act on its own.” If Professor Hawking is right,I may change my attitude about computers.As I grow older

20、 each day,1 would like one of those that not only thinks for me but also accepts responsibilities for all my mistakes.Whats the meaning of the title“Count Me Out”? A.Get me out of the Internet world. B.Computers are trying to take control of life C.Modern technology pushes old people away. D.Do not

21、expect me to be a supporter of the Internet.According to Paragraph2,the author thinks computers are_. A.unnecessary B.convenient C.expensive D.advancedWhat might the author 1ike about the future computer? A.Taking blames. B. Curing illnesses.C.Delivering messages. D.Responding to emotions.BHow did i

22、t make you feel when you learned that KFCs Beijing restaurants pulled three more items from their menu last week? There were fears that the items may have contained the cancercausing colouring Sudan .Do you have any desire to take the food provider to court because it fed you something dangerous?Aft

23、er all, the law supposedly gives people the right to fight for their rights.But some experts have said it might not be so wise to go directly to court.Qiu Baochang, a lawyer in Beijing, suggested that consumers deal with the problem by consulting KFC.“In addition to the high costs,consumerscomplaint

24、s are unlikely to win their case unless they can prove they have had the banned dye at KFC,”Qiu explained.One problem for those wanting to take action against the fast food chain is that few customers ask for or keep receipts.And, this is just the first step.If they can prove that their health has b

25、een damaged by KFC, they can sue(控告) the company.But that would be almost impossible to do so because the Sudan damage is a longterm effect and is not immediately apparent.A KFC spokesperson said on Monday that the company was confident of being able to handle customers complaints:“We will obey lega

26、l procedure if we receive any complaints.”Why did KFCs Beijing restaurants pull three more items from their menus? _A.Because the company was afraid of not being able to handle customerscomplaints.B.Because colouring Sudan may have been contained in those items.C.Because the KFCs restaurants were ac

27、cused of selling poisonous food to the customers.D.Because these items were no longer popular with the customers.The reason why the expert suggested not going directly into court is that_.A.the costs will be highB.consumers cant prove the food contained Sudan C.consumers cant prove the food at KFC d

28、amaged their healthD.all of the aboveThis passage most probably appears in_.A.a notice B.a book on foodC.a story book D.a newspaperWhat is the general idea of the passage? _A.KFCs Beijing restaurants pulled three more items from their menus last week.B.How the consumers dealt with the KFC problem.C.

29、How KFC handled the customers complains.D.Consumers never forgot to ask for or keep receipts.CAn ExperimentMaterials:Newspaper,ACEhardware ruler(18“thick),a flat table.Purposes:We11 show that there is air pressure pushing on as,from every direction while were on this Earth.Procedure:First put a thin

30、 ruler on a flat table with a little less than half of it hanging off the edge of the table(see the drawing on the right).Next place a sheet of newspaper over the ruler flat against the table.Make sure to have as 1ittle air as possible under the paper so that the fold line of the,newspaper is at the

31、 ruler.Then quick-ly strike the end of the ruler hanging off the edge of the table.If you strike it quick enough,.the ruler will break near the table edge.Whats going on? The Earth is covered in a layer of air that is nearly 80 miles thick and at sea 1evel exerts or“pushes”hard almost 15pounds of pr

32、essure per square inch.That means that a full sheet of newspaper laid out flat has nearly 9,300 pounds of air above it. When you break the ruler above,you are able to break it because of the“heavy”air pushing down on the paper while you quickly strike the ruler.At first, the table is pushing back on

33、 the paper,and if you move the ruler quick enough,other air around the edges of the paper cant get under the paper fast enough,so you are trying to lift that 9,300 pounds with the ruler! Some air gets under the paper,but not enough.so the ruler breaks.By doing the experiment,we may realize .A.that a

34、ir exits everywhere B.why there are directionsC.that we live with air pressure D.how air helps on the EarthHow many steps are there in this experiment? A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5The underlined word”execs”probably means . A.covers completely B.advocates actively C.influences gradually D.presses heavily The r

35、uler breaks under a quick strike mainly because of A.the air pressure on the newspaper B.the heavy weight of the newspaper C.the heavy weight of the flat table D.the strong power used on the rulerDOnce upon a time two brothers who lived on neighbouring farms fell into conflict. It was the first seri

36、ous one in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed .Then the long cooperoration fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of sil

37、ence. One morning there was a knock on Johns door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenters toolbox. “Im looking for a few days work“ he said. “Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there I could help with. Could I help you? ”“Yes,” said the older brother. “I do have a job for you. Lo

38、ok across the creek(河沟) at that farm. Thats my neighbor, in fact, its my younger brother. Last week there was a meadow(草地) between us and he took his bulldozer(推土机) to the river levee(堤) and now there is a creek between us. Well, he may have done this to spite me, but Ill go him one better. I want y

39、ou to build me a fence an 8-foot fence so I wont need to see his place or his face any more. Cool him down , anyhow.” The carpenter said, “I think I understand the situation. Ill be able to do a job that pleases you.” The older brother had to go to town, so he helped the carpenter get the materials

40、ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter worked hard all that day measuring, sawing, nailing, and hammering. About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The farmers eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped. There was no fence there at all. It was a bridge a b

41、ridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of work and his younger brother, was coming across, his hand spread out . “You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all Ive said and done.” The two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they met in the middl

42、e, taking each others hand. They turned to see the carpenter lift his toolbox on his shoulder. “No, wait! Stay a few days. Ive a lot of other projects for you,”said the older brother. “Id love to stay on,” the carpenter said, “but, I have many more bridges to build.”What was the life for the two bro

43、thers before the conflict ?A. They live a poor , miserable life .B. They were friendly neighbours ,helping each other .C. They never speak to each other .D. They live together as one family.The underlined word “spite” in paragraph 4 probably means _. A. try to please B. make angry on purposeC. laugh

44、t at D. look down uponWhich of the following is NOT true according to the passage ?A. The younger brother used his bulldozer to dig a creek .B. After the conflict John was angry with his younger brother.C. At first the carpenter planned to build an 8-foot fence as John asked him to.D. The two brothe

45、rs made peace at last .The best title for this passage is _.A. A Fine Piece of Work B. A Clever CarpenterC. A Conflict between Two Brothers D. Two Brothers第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Love Your Parents Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at t

46、imes, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part a source of who you are. Here are some ways to love your parents. _ A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, we might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world. Respect them more and

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