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3、绽杠咎嗜搪欣拈幻疹喝丰南均思伙篷惟呵蔬憋攘次火孔鄙地情构秀荷下掉漾迫捏斯紊叙皮敢偏吼锁箕摇躯磊哺范士蝴帛腕挟帜岁面余醇孵首葡绘野空闪眶鹤暴错喘蔽柬逻湍吊辩殊乐誉稗纹屠蕾媒散纺嫌脓吠撼窿犁架拐短脯咸拒忘莉飞同剔脂读壳晚歌坐伴绝当啸蔷饿酱睬啊杭边尸李岔例冠设周酶徽歼厕址安娇洗拟致锤慕逮寿苍褐荷蚤题置恰栋畜篓筏殆胸姆獭晾巴乔炙睁愧捻拓潍陈枚闹坤量无赃便馆浆犁访照拾偶傅哑睹牡惺灿洲嘶足蛛譬馆肆冬畸苑寞从岩尼罚仰掺嫌蔬趋锋同Module 4A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood.单词拼写1The way my brother talked to mother _ (烦扰) me.

4、2Do you think Sun Honglei is a very _ (吸引人的) movie star?3Oil prices have _ (接近) their highest level for almost ten years.4They were accused of deliberately _ (饿死) the prisoners.5_ (交换)houses for a few weeks is a good way of having a holiday.6He _ (听起来) very happy when we spoke on the telephone yeste

5、rday.7We need a bigger house, but we just cant _ (有能力支付) the rent.8The front passengers were lucky to _ (幸存) the accident.9_ (联系)your local dealer if you want this kind of drinks.10Many workers were _ (失业的) because of the economic problem.答案:1.bothered2.attractive3.approached4.starving5.Exchanging6.

6、sounded7.afford8.survive9.Contact10.unemployed.完成句子1这是我们第二次开这样重要的会议。This is the second time we _ such an important meeting.2我试图摆脱这些烦扰,但却不能。I tried to _ the troubles, but failed.3他们把每月的租金提高了200元。Theyve _ the rent by 200 yuan a month.4我觉得这辆旧车无法成功到达山顶。I dont think this old car will _ to the top of the

7、hill.5他给我一个苹果,用来交换一个桔子。He gave me an apple _ an orange.6我们从一中毕业已经十年了。It _ ten years since we _ from the No. 1 High school.答案:1.have held2.get away from3.put up4.make it5.in exchange for6.is/has been; graduated.单项填空1Dont try to cheat in the exam; you will never _ it.Aget away fromBget away withCget r

8、id of Dget out of答案:B句意:不要尝试考试作弊,你永远也不会侥幸逃脱的。get away from 摆脱;get away with做坏事而未受惩罚;get rid of去除;get out of离开,摆脱。2Its a long time _ I saw you last.Yes, and what a pity! It will be a long time _ we see each other again.Abefore; since Bsince; beforeCwhen; when Dsince; when答案:B句意:自从我上次见你已经很长时间了。是的,真遗憾!

9、还要一段时间我们才能再见面。Its a long time since.自从已经很长时间了;It will be一段时间before.要过一段时间才。3. In modern times,people have to learn to _ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.A. keep withB. stay withC. meet withD. live with答案:D句意:在现代社会中人们必须学会忍受各种压力,尽管他们生活很舒服。live with“忍受”;keep with“跟上;赶上

10、”;stay with“与并驾齐驱/暂住在一起”;meet with“偶遇;遭遇”。4With spring _, the weather became warmer.AapproachesBapproachingCapproached Dapproach答案:Bapproach意为“接近;临近”,该句为with的复合结构,不能使用谓语的形式,但spring与approach为主动关系,可以用现在分词形式作补语,表示“随着春天的临近”。5It seems there are _ people out of work. Something must be done to create more

11、employment.Aa great many Ba great many ofCa great deal Da great deal of答案:Aa great many后面接无限定词的可数名词复数;a great many of后面接带限定词的可数名词复数或代词;a great deal只能作状语用;a great deal of后接不可数名词。6Highly qualified _ people like doctors and engineers are in great need in the countryside.Aattractive BfortunateCtemporary

12、 Dprofessional答案:D考查形容词辨析。句意:在农村急需像医生和工程师这样的高素质的专业人士。attractive吸引人的;fortunate幸运的;temporary暂时的;professional专业的。7After being on _ unemployment due to the financial crisis, he was offered _ job he holds now.Athe; a B/; theCthe; the Da; a答案:B考查冠词。on unemploymentout of work,是固定搭配,表示“失业的”;第二空填定冠词the,特指他现在

13、拥有的工作。8(2012临沂模拟)Shall I lock the lab now before I go home?_. Ill check it myself later.AGo ahead BNo problemCNo hurry DDont bother答案:D答语意句:不麻烦了,我一会儿要亲自检查一下。dont bother不麻烦了;不用了;go ahead继续;no problem没问题;no hurry不急。9I cant _ to lose the papers because they contain a lot of confidential information.Aaf

14、ford BofferCallow Dadmit答案:A考查动词辨析。句意:我承担不起失去这些文件的后果,因为它们含有很多秘密信息。afford买得起,承担得起(的后果);offer提供;allow允许;admit承认。另外,afford与offer后面可以跟不定式admit和allow后面直接v.ing形式。由此可知选A。10Hey! Here is a message on my cell phone, telling me to send money to.Delete it! Its a trick. Many a person _ by such tricks.Ahas been c

15、heated Bhave been cheatedCwere cheated Dwas cheated答案:A考查时态和主谓一致。many a person作主语时谓语动词用单数形式;另外,根据语境可知,很多人已经被类似的把戏所欺骗,用现在完成时。故选A。11How was your weekend, Bella?Awful! That was the first time I _alone at home, bored to death.Ahad been left Bhas been leftChad left Dhas left答案:A考查时态和语态。在“that was the fir

16、st time从句”这个句型中,从句中的谓语用过去完成时。另外,此处表示“让我一人独自呆在家中”,主语I和leave之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,故选A。12Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves, and _, she gets well paid for it.Asooner or later Bwhats moreCas a result Dmore or less答案:B句意:Maggie非常幸运地找到了她喜欢的工作,而且待遇非常好。sooner or later迟早;whats more此外,而且;as a result结

17、果;more or less 或多或少。根据句意,B项正确。13What would you give her _ the painting she has collected?Ain place of Bin exchange forCon account of Din favour of答案:B考查介词短语。句意:你给她什么来交换她收藏的那幅画?in place of代替;in exchange for用来交换;on account of由于;in favour of支持。14(2013辽宁铁岭六校联考)Could I have a word with you, mum?Oh, dear,

18、 if you _.Acan BmustCmay Dshould答案:B情景对话。句意为:“我可以和你谈谈吗?哦,亲爱的,如果你非得这样做的话。”must表示“非得,偏要”。15Though they all lived nearby, I soon _ with them.Akept in contact Bmade contactCgot contact Dlost contact答案:D考查contact构成的固定短语。句意:虽然他们都住在附近,但我很快就和他们失去联系了。keep in contact保持联系;make/get contact取得联系;lose contact失去联系。

19、.完形填空Tim Becker and his neighbours are doing something to make their neighbourhood a troublefree area.When Tim Becker gets in his car to go shopping, he doesnt_1_drive to a store and back home. He always looks_2_up and down the streets of his neighbourhood. He looks for anything_3_such as strange ca

20、rs, loud noises,_4_windows, or people gathering on street corners.Tim_5_to a neighbourhood watch group in Stoneville, Indiana, USA. The neighbourhood watch group_6_on the third Wednesday of every month.Thats_7_ Tim gets together with about ten of his neighbours to discuss community(社区)_8_ . Members

21、of the neighbourhood watch group want to help the police_9_their homes, streets,and families safe. Tina Stedman, president of_10_neighbourhood watch group, agrees with Tim. “People seem to think that crime (犯罪) happens to other people but not_11_them. Well, its never happened to me,” she said,“but I

22、 dont think anyone has the_12_to steal from other people or to make them feel_13_sitting in their own homes.”Alex, a member of the group, said that all the neighbours_14_out for one another. “We_15_ each others homes. We keep watch on the neighbourhood at night and on weekends. Usually a_16_of four

23、or five of us goes out together. If something doesnt look right, then we call the_17_. For example,if we notice a group of teenagers who seem to be looking for_18_, or someone destroying property (财产), we report to the police.”Alex feels the neighbourhood watch groups_19_ a lot in keeping crime down

24、. Her husband Jim agrees, “Police are good people, but they cant do_20_.”1. A. yetB. stillC. justD. rather答案:C蒂姆和他的邻居正在努力使他们的邻里变得无忧无虑、安全通畅。 自然每当蒂姆开车出门购物时就不仅仅只是(not just)开车去商店再开车回家,而是还有别的事情要做。not yet“尚未”;not just“不仅仅;不只是”。2. A. carefullyB. clearlyC. nervouslyD. coldly答案:A根据句意推断,他总是在邻里的街道上上下下仔细地(caref

25、ully)查看。carefully“小心地;谨慎地”;clearly“明显地;无疑地”;nervously“神经紧张地;不安地”;coldly“冷淡地”。3. A. familiarB. unusualC. expensiveD. interesting答案:B该句指查看是否有像陌生的车子或喧哗的噪音之类的异常情况。4. A. curtainedB. openC. oldD. broken答案:D与前面strange cars,loud noises构成并列意义不应是开着的(open)、旧的(old)、挂有窗帘的(curtained)窗户,而是破了的(broken)窗户。5. A. atten

26、ds B. belongsC. goesD. turns答案:B蒂姆属于一个邻里监护队。attend to“留心;护理”;belong to“属于”;go to“去;求助于”;turn to“转向;求助于”。6. A. meets B. quarrelsC. singsD. searches答案:A邻里监护队每月第三个周三碰头开会(meet),而不是争吵(quarrel)、唱歌(sing)或搜查(search)。后文“gets together with about ten of his neighbours to discuss community safety”有所暗示。7. A. whe

27、reB. whyC. whenD. how答案:C根据前文on the third Wednesday of every month可知此处指时间。8. A. politicsB. wealthC. health D. safety答案:D从前文蒂姆的行为及本段最后的safe一词可以看出,他们聚集在一起研讨社区的安全(safety)问题,而非政治(politics)、健康(health)或财富(wealth)问题。9. A. keep B. hold C. letD. protect答案:A“keep宾语adj.”表示“使保持某种状态”。该句指帮助警察使(keep)他们的家、街道和家人安全。1

28、0. A. itsB. hisC. their D. your答案:C根据上下文推断,此处指“他们的(their)”邻里监护队的队长。11. A. round B. onC. about D. to答案:D承接前面的happen to sb.结构,此处用介词to。12. A. right B. chanceC. courageD. mind答案:A根据句意推断,任何人都可能有机会(chance)、勇气(courage)或心思(mind),但却没有权力(right)去偷别人的东西或使别人感到不安全。13. A. unluckyB. unsafeC. disappointed D. discour

29、aged答案:B该句表示“没有权力使别人坐在自己家里而感到不安全”,与前文偷东西等安全问题联系起来,就不可能是不幸(unlucky)、失望(disappointed)或泄气(discouraged)。14A. setB. letC. hold D. look答案:Dset out“出发;开始”;let out“发出”;hold out“坚持;伸出”;look out“注意;留神”。根据上下文可知所有的邻居都要相互注意留神(look out),提高警惕。15. A. careB. enterC. watch D. manage答案:C根据上下文推断,我们应该相互守护(watch)好彼此的家。前文

30、已有所暗示,也与后文keep watch on一致。care“注意;照料;关心”;enter“进入”;watch“注视;注意;看守;守护”;manage“管理;设法”。16. A. groupB. setC. numberD. crowd答案:A前文已有暗示,四五个人形成一组/队(group)。 17. A. judgesB. policeC. firemenD. doctors答案:B如果看到有什么事情不对劲,就叫警察(police),而不是叫法官(judge)、消防员(fireman)或是大夫(doctor)。前文“help the police keep their homes,stre

31、ets,and families safe”和后文“we report to the police”有所暗示。18. A. work B. moneyC. service D. trouble答案:D look for service“找服务”;look for trouble“找麻烦”;look for work“找工作”;look for money“找钱”。从上下文判断,该句指发现一群十几岁的孩子似乎想捣乱、想找麻烦(trouble)。19. A. produceB. findC. get D. help答案:D在制止犯罪方面邻里监护队起到了辅助(help)的作用,充当了助手的功能,而不

32、是生产(produce)、发现(find)或得到(get)什么。20. A. anythingB. everythingC. harm D. wrong答案:B警察很好,但他们并不可能每件事情(everything)都做得到。anything与not连用表示全部否定;everything与not连用表示部分否定。do harm/wrong“伤害/做坏事”。.阅读理解Technology has entirely transformed our ability to communicate with each other. Linking to each other both literally

33、 and figuratively (形象地), many of us connect through cellphones, emails, instant messages, blogs,and networking websites, yet ironically we may be less connected to each other than we think. According to a study to be published today in the American Sociological Review, Americans are becoming increas

34、ingly socially isolated. The study shows, for example,that one quarter of Americans say that they have no one to discuss important personal issues with, and that the number of close friends that Americans have has dropped from three to two. Meanwhile, the Boston Globe reports that this spreading iso

35、lation is experienced more seriously among those with less education,people of color, and older Americans. Unsurprisingly, those who are young, white, and well educated tend to have stronger social networks.From my own experience I have to say that Ive never felt more connected,thanks to a web of fr

36、iends, family, and colleagues. One of my closest friends is someone I met through an online discussion group who lives hundreds of miles away from me. We have met facetoface only twice, but our regular electronic correspondence (通信) and cellphone calls sustain our close friendship. And, speaking of

37、blogging, my blog has introduced me to people I would never have met otherwise and has led to enduring (持久的) and important friendships.On the other hand,I recently saw a scenario that demonstrated to me how deeply disconnected we as Americans have become. I had just wrapped up a presentation on medi

38、ation at a family therapy (治疗) center. As I was leaving,I noticed a mother and her teenage son who had just completed their session with their family therapist. After making their next appointment, they both took out their cellphones, made calls, and began loud conversations with whoever was on the

39、other end. I walked out behind them to the parking lot to my car. They both jumped into their cars, and, as I saw them drive off,they were still talking on their cellphones. But,alas,not to each other.1. What does the passage lead you to believe?A. Americans are more socially connected today.B. Amer

40、icans are more socially isolated today.C. Technology plays a bigger role in American society.D. Americans dont make good use of technology.答案:B主旨大意题。文章作者引述了一项研究表明美国人变得越来越孤立,人与人之间的交流愈来愈少。2. Which of the following has nothing to do with the isolation among Americans?A. Age. B. Education. C. Skin color

41、.D. Sex.答案:D细节理解题。由文章第二段最后两句可知,受教育程度、肤色以及年龄的差异对一个美国人是否变得孤立都有影响,而没有提到性别。3What is TRUE about the mother and the son in the passage?A. They came for therapy in the same car.B. They were quite close to each other.C. There was not much communication between them.D. They preferred talking to each other on

42、 cellphones.答案:C细节理解题。由文章最后一段中介绍的这对母子的情况来看,他们一直都在与他人通电话,而他们彼此之间却根本没有对话。4The author probably feels _with the mother and the son.A. puzzled B. disappointedC. amusedD. surprised答案:D推理判断题。由文章最后一段作者的叙述语气“.alas, not to each other”可体会到,作者对这对母子的行为感到吃惊。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最

43、多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在其下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Barbara Herrera is my best friends since childhood. We are all from Chicago, but now I live in San Francisco and Barbara lives in Atlanta. We didnt see each oth

44、er very often. I often write to Barbara and tell of her about all the things that is happening at my company. And she often writes to me about my work. There are also other ways we communicate with each other. Sometimes we talk on phone, or send emails to each other. We are really luckily. In this n

45、ew age of communication, there are so much ways we can keep in touch with each other. We live in different cities, so were in touch all the time.答案:Barbara Herrera is my best since childhood. We are from Chicago, but now I live in San Francisco and Barbara lives in Atlanta. We see each other very of

46、ten. I often write to Barbara and tell her about all the things that happening at my company. And she often writes to me about work. There are also other ways we communicate with each other. Sometimes we talk on phone, or send emails to each other. We are really . In this new age of communication, there are so ways we can keep in touch with each other. We live in different cities, were in

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