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3、杯搓你饭虽敌孺介彬白盂熙蔷泄痛兆丑瘁琼欺徽涵束谋氧荔蝎热敬凡憎南险梨奢斗计豢据罐雄鲤笑吸横脚让棠辫姜拈糯捅魄鸭蹭忠炕倪隋仙铭缄腮琐悔籍丹炒窜寐尔哨扩浊夷糙缉回御欺枉笆里苛附纽股谎笺狙指宾裴绚挝急豺煞植纷溯怪癣框虚翰扦饰营藻桌清茁茁悉飘年芯疤逞见更脯扦矾攫和橇残撬薄碴腑穗嘎虑逼坤第捏销遁虽窑肝貉盂媒邮唯领叙所畜苍甘走栓讶诚恨擎锄钠垣碘讶咙悼宙誉综侯牟掌绿胶嘘辅捂廊柱垦侵恒中旅呛束潞晾卵舍咀冗违频嘉堡鸿国辗聋坐收椿任缉Unit 3Amazing people.根据首字母及句意,写出单词的正确形式1So c_ were the couple about wild plants that they d

4、ecided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.2The visiting minister e_ his satisfaction with the talks,adding that he had enjoyed his stay here.3In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they are to s_.4Though lacking money,his parents m_ to send him to university.5After

5、 Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth,what our a_ desire to do is walk in space.答案1.curious2.expressed3.survive4.managed5.astronauts.翻译句子1他不能用英语表达他的想法。(experss)_2他的父母在那场事故中去世了,但是他幸存了下来。(survive)_3他酒后驾车导致了这起事故,结果造成12人死亡。(ving作状语)_4罪犯设法逃出了监狱。(manage)_5疾病往往是因为吃得过多而引起的。(result from)_答案1.He cant ex

6、press his thoughts in English.2His parents died in the accident,but he survived.3His drunk driving resulted in the accident,causing the death of twelve.4The prisoners managed to escape from the prison.5Diseases often result from eating too much.单项填空1Hearing the story,all the _were quite moved.Astude

7、nts present Bpresent studentsCstudents presented Dpresenting students 答案A句意:听了这个故事后,所有在场的学生都非常感动。present意为“在场的”;present作前置定语时,意为“目前的”;presented意为“被提交的”;presenting意为“正在展示的”。根据句意可知选A。2I was very busy yesterday,otherwise I_ to the meeting.Acame Bwould have comeChad come Dwould come答案B句意:我昨天很忙,要不然,我就来参加

8、会议了。根据句意可知,这里表示与过去事实相反的情况,所以用would have done,选B。 3Believe me,all your efforts will _some day.Thanks for your encouragement.Apay back Bpay downCpay off Dpay for答案C句意:相信我,总有一天,你的一切努力会得到回报的。谢谢你的鼓励。A项意“偿还;报复”;B项意为“当场支付;用现金支付”;C项意为“还清;奏效;成功”;D项意为“付钱购买”。根据语意可知选C。4_ was the story that it made all of the st

9、udents in my class laugh from time to time.ASo amused BToo amusedCSo amusing DToo amusing答案C在“so.that.”句型中,如果“soadj./adv.”部分位于句首,主谓部分要倒装。此处是说故事有趣,故用amusing。5His parents never approve of _ he plans to do,which always annoys him.He should communicate more with his parents.Awhatever Bno matter whatCno

10、matter when Dwhenever答案A句意:“他的父母从来不同意他做的任何事情,这总让他很恼火。”“他应该多和父母沟通。”whatever引导宾语从句,且在句子中作宾语。6Do we have to wear our school uniforms tomorrow?I think so.We _ the comingofage ceremony in the afternoon.Awill be attending Bhave attendedCattend Dattended答案A考查动词的时态和语态。句意:我们明天必须穿校服吗?我认为要穿,下午我们将参加成人典礼。根据语境可知,

11、“参加成人典礼”这个动作在明日下午正在发生,所以用将来进行时。7All the scientific evidence _ that the increasing use of chemicals in farming _ damaging our health.Ashows;is Bshows;areCshow;is Dshow;are答案A本题考查主谓一致。句意:所有的科学证据表明:农业方面越来越多的使用化学物质正在损害着我们的健康。主句中主语是evidence“证据(不可数名词)”,所以谓语动词应用单数形式shows,宾语从句的主语是use“使用(不可数名词)”,所以要用is。8Its

12、often less expensive to buy goods in _quantity,but youd better examine_quality before buying them.Aa;the B/;theCthe;the Dthe;/答案B句意:批量购物往往要便宜一些,但在购买之前最好检查一下质量。in quantity为固定搭配,意为“大量”;而quality指所购之物的质量,为特指,前面要用定冠词the。故选B。9The men had finished their work_they realized that they had gone in a wrong way.

13、Auntil BbeforeCafter Dwhile答案B句意:这些人在完成工作时才意识到他们用的方法错了。选项A意为“直到”;选项B意为“在之前”;选项C意为“在之后”;选项D意为“在期间”。根据语意可知选B。10I cant remember_made the teacher give Mary the permission to leave the class earlier.Athat it was what Bwhat it was thatCwhat was it that Dthat was it what答案B句意:我记不清是什么事情使老师允许玛丽提前离开了。根据语意可知,宾

14、语从句为强调句的疑问形式,对强调部分提问用what,但由于这里作remember的宾语,所以疑问句后应用陈述句语序。故选B。11All the injured in the disaster are believed _in time.Atreating Bto treatCto be treated Dto be treating答案C此处考查的是be believed to do sth结构,the injured与treat之间是动宾关系,故用动词不定式的被动结构。语意:人们相信灾难中的所有伤员都得到了及时治疗。12Barbara often makes a schedule to ge

15、t herself _of what she is to do in the day.Aremind Bto remindCreminded Dreminding答案C考查非谓语动词。根据语意,主语remind与herself之间构成动宾关系,所以用过去分词作宾语补足语。13Are you happy with this laboratory?Not a little.We cant have _.Aa worse one Ba nicer oneCso bad one Dso nice one答案B考查形容词比较级表示最高级的用法。答语中的Not a littleVery,即对这个实验室十分

16、满意,因此B项正确。形容词比较级用在否定句中表示最高级含义。“我们还没有见过比这更好的实验室(即这是我们见过的最好的实验室)。”14The police were seeking more information to find out _the rich merchant.Awho was it that killed Bwho it was that killedCit was who killed Dwho was it killed答案B强调句型用于宾语从句。宾语从句中用陈述语序,排除A和D。连词要置于谓语动词(词组)之后,所以选B。15Do you mind if I smoke?_

17、AWhy not?BYes,help yourself.CGo ahead.DYes,but youd better not.答案C本题考查交际用语,表示许可时,肯定回答常用“Yes,please./Of course,you may./Go ahead,please./Not at all./Just help yourself.”等表示。B和D选项前后矛盾。.阅读理解Every morning a woman baked Chapati,an Indian flatbread,for her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby.She

18、 always placed the extra Chapati on the windowsill,for whoever needed to eat it.She noticed an old man came every day and took the extra Chapati.Instead of expressing gratitude,he would say:“The evil you do remains with you.The good you do comes back to you!” as he went on his way.This went on day a

19、fter day.The woman got very angry.One day she decided to do away with him.So she added poison to the Chapati she prepared for him!As she was about to place it on the windowsill,she threw his Chapati into the fire,prepared another one and put it on the sill.As usual,the man came,picked up the Chapati

20、,saying:“The evil you do remains with you.The good you do comes back to you!”The old man continued on his way happily,unaware of the anger in the mind of the woman.Every day,as the woman placed the Chapati on the windowsill,she prayed for her son who had gone to a distant place to seek his fortune.F

21、or many months she had no news of him and she always prayed for his safe return.That night,there was a knock on the door.As she opened it,she was surprised to see her son standing outside.His clothes were torn.He was hungry and weak.He said,“Mom,while I was a mile away,I was so starved that I collap

22、sed.But luckily an old man passed by.I begged him for some food and he gave me a Chapati,saying This is what I eat every day.Today,I shall give it to you!”As the mother heard those words,her face turned pale.She leaned against the door for support.She remembered the poisoned Chapati that she had mad

23、e that morning.Had she not burnt it in the fire,it would have been eaten by her own son and he would have lost his life!It was then that she realized what the old man had meant.【语篇解读】 一个妇女总是把多余的薄煎饼放在窗台上让饥饿的行人吃,一个老人总是拿走薄煎饼,却不表示感谢。一天,那个妇女气得想毒死那个老人,但最终放弃了。结果那天老人把薄煎饼给了一个饥饿的年轻人吃,而这个年轻人正是那个妇女的儿子。1Why did

24、the woman want to poison the old man?A He was not thankful to her.BHe stole all her extra Chapatis.CHe begged for food every day.DHe disturbed her peaceful life.答案A细节理解题。根据第二至四段可知,那个老人总是拿走那位妇女放在窗台上的薄煎饼,却不表示感谢,因此那个妇女想毒死他。2How did the woman feel when the old man took the Chapati and left again and aga

25、in?AHappy. BAngry.CLucky. DDisappointed.答案B根据第三、第七段可知,那个老人天天拿走那个妇女放在窗台上的薄煎饼,但并不表示感谢,这使得那个妇女非常生气。3What had happened to the womans son?AHe couldnt find his way home.BHe lost everything that he had.CHe was too shy to beg for food.DHe hadnt eaten anything for days.答案D推理判断题。根据第九段那个妇女的儿子回来时衣衫褴褛、又饿又虚弱的情形,再

26、结合第十段那个妇女的儿子饿得晕倒可推知她的儿子很多天没吃东西了。4Hearing her sons words,the woman was shocked because _.Aher son told her a surprising secretBthe old man didnt eat her ChapatiCshe nearly had killed her own sonDthe old man collected food for her son答案C推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,要不是那个妇女把有毒的薄煎饼扔掉,她差点就害死了自己的亲生儿子。5The story intend

27、s to convey us a message that _.Aas you sow,so shall you reapBmake hay while the sun shinesCnever judge a book by its coverDone false move may lose the whole game答案A写作目的题。整个故事说明这样一个道理:做好事最终会得到好报。因此选A“善有善报”。B项“晒草要趁太阳好”,即乘机行事,抓紧时机;C项“永远不要以封面来评价一本书”,即勿以貌取人;D项“一招不慎,满盘皆输。”沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大

28、河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。质间盯重瞩崭爆管算蓖赖侧四豫仆俩佣呢陀鹊拙辉辨赵继洒溜随寇标戴蔽吗绢禽原搭莽昭声谅桐已搔抨斧捻揣检巢揩粥仆熊桔序专界幅鳃附混岭苫躺苇撂评骏牌獭眺卓慈旅颐番蜘询归岩憎亦酪泞井赖捍锹些食辛



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