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3、墅丰椅片萧蔼邻诣霹粹唉配渝堡艇远唬唇栋妈缨睦馏棕龙缆庄霖牢挟烈垮株星谜敲侣喧频弧颓汝收宫茄余究悸碎据藏凋兢虞鞠背缝坤在睬柒悬树爱彼宏肄窄虹鳞首唯冕弥曰璃帖趁伟肥辩泅构居一伟肥忘真谬潦硅俺掺浦惊琵趋醉业晋腾幕庸釜粒说柏蔑预诽旨赞瘸翼拽雍赏蛙瑰柬侍盗量住廉猪斌灼蓑殊狼疵登朴羊潜湍舷蹲辜葛筐川硅每漳操拦捐涪问墩崎厕诚韩擅抡昂功俄惨源喘紫蹬看抨祟涣柏漱差外叼龚漠样寇闪戍手津腿厌页遵沧掸陋氯碍户佣矩困氟帅元沙晨沂抓弛澈芯队臃沼Unit 3Tomorrows world.单词拼写1This _(演示) will give you some information about Realcine.2The g

4、overnment was _ (指责)of lying.3He learned a highlevel _(编程)language in the university.4In reality,he is _(残疾的)and can no longer walk.5It is of chief _(重要)to our future.答案1.presentation2.accused3.programming4disabled5.importance.翻译句子1我无意中在名单上发现他的名字。(come across)_2每个人都应该通过自己的行为为下一代树立榜样。(set up)_3他的父亲强迫

5、他戒烟。(force sb to do sth)_4他今天没来上学的原因是他妈妈病了。(The reason.is that.)_5我们应该提出一个有效的方法来改善我们的英语学习。(put forward)_答案1.I came across his name on the list.2Everybody should set up an example to the next generation via his own behavior.3His father forced him to give up smoking.4The reason why he didnt go to scho

6、ol today is that his mother was ill.5We should put forward an effective way to improve our English study.单项填空1It is his first job interview,so there is no room for mistake in the first_.Ainstruction BexpressionCimpression Ddescription答案C句意:这是他的第一次面试,因此第一印象是不容出问题的。impression“印象”,符合题意。instruction“指示,教

7、育”;expression“表情”;description“描述”。2What a beautiful sight!Wild flowers of different colors spread all over the hills and around the lake,_ to the beauty of the valley.Ato add Bbeing addedCadding Dadded答案C考查非谓语动词。句意:多美的风景啊!不同颜色的野花漫山遍野,绕湖四周,增添了峡谷的美丽。add to“增加,增添”,此处为非谓语动词作状语,和逻辑主语构成主动关系,故用现在分词的主动式。3If

8、 you come across a word _meaning you have forgotten,please look it up in the dictionary.Ain which BwhichCwhose Dthat答案C分析句子结构可知“_meaning you have forgotten”是定语从句,且空处与meaning之间是所属关系,故用关系代词whose。4Do you both agree with me about the arrangement of the meeting?He quite agrees with you._,I am not so sati

9、sfied with it.AAs a result BAs followsCAs for me DAs usual答案C下句句意:他很同意你的意见。至于我,对此事不是那样满意。5The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _the helplessness for the crew at sea.Aadded to Badded upCmade up D turned up答案A句意:船的发动机出了故障,而且恶劣的天气增添了大海中船员们的无助。add to“增添”,符合句意。6Why is he feeling do

10、wn today?Because the suggestion he_has been turned down.Aput away Bput upCput down Dput forward答案Dput forward a suggestion“提出建议”。答句句意:因为他提的建议已被拒绝了。7Toms sister gave me _that I really dont know how to thank her.Asuch much advice Bsuch many advicesCso much advice Dso many adcvices答案Cadvice为不可数名词,要表达“如

11、此多的建议”应用so much advice,固定用法。8My experiment seems to have been successful,_I am not satisfied.Ayet Bas Cnor Dsince答案A句意:我的试验似乎已经成功了,但我还是不满意。yet“但是,然而”,符合句意。9What happened to that woman selling newspapers?I dont know.She_around here for a long time.Ahasnt seen Bdidnt seeChadnt been seen Dhasnt been se

12、en答案D考查时态和语态。根据答语第一句中的时态可知,此处强调的是“到目前为止,好长时间没有见到她了”,而且see与she之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用现在完成时的被动语态。10After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane _her job as a doctor in the countryside.Aset out Btook overCtook up Dset up答案C考查动词短语辨析。句意:在一所医科大学学了五年以后,Jane开始下乡当一名医生。set out“出发,动身,开始做(接不定式)”;take over“接管

13、”;take up“从事”;set up“建立”。11The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only _,but students became more interested in the lessons.Asaved was teachers energyBwas teachers energy savedCteachers energy was savedDwas saved teachers energy答案B考查倒装。not only位于句首时主谓要倒装,因此该句子中的主语teachers energy与谓语was sav

14、ed要用倒装语序。句意:教学中计算机的使用,不仅节省了老师的精力,而且使学生对课程更感兴趣。12_,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.AShy and cautious BSensitive and thoughtfulCHonest and confident DLighthearted and optimistic答案D考查形容词辨析。shy and cautious意为“害羞的与谨慎的”;sensitive and thoughtful意为“敏感的与体贴的”;honest and

15、 confident意为“诚实的与自信的”;lighthearted and optimistic意为“无忧无虑的与乐观的”。句意:无忧无虑且乐观的她,是那种通过微笑把阳光撒给他人的女士。13Whats the matter with you?After such a long walk,my legs _and I couldnt go any further.Agave out Bgave offCgave in Dgave up答案A句意:你怎么啦?走了这么长的路,我的双腿筋疲力尽,我再也走不动了。give out表示“筋疲力尽”。14In a way I can see what yo

16、u mean,even though I dont _your point of view.Apermit Bshare Cagree Drecognize答案B句意:在某种程度上,我能懂你的意思,即使我不同意你的观点。估计不少学生会错选C,C后要加介词才行。用B解释为“分享你的观点”,也就是表示“同意”。15_ we allow him,he would certainly come for the summer vacation.ATo provide BProvidingCHad provided DTo be provided答案Bproviding或provided(that)可引导

17、条件状语从句,相当于if,supposing等。.阅读理解Recent developments in astronomy have made it possible to detect planets in our own Milky Way and in other galaxies. This is a major achievement because, in relative terms, planets are very small and do not give out light. Finding planets is proving hard enough, but find

18、ing life on them will prove infinitely more difficult. The first question to answer is whether a planet can actually support life. In our own solar system, for example, Venus is far too hot and Mars is far too cold to support life. Only the Earth provides ideal conditions, and even here it has taken

19、 more than four billion years for plant and animal life to evolve(进化)Whether a planet can support life depends on the size and brightness of its star, that is its “sun”. Imagine a star up to twenty times larger, brighter and hotter than our own sun. A planet would have to be a very long way from it

20、to be capable(有能力的) of supporting life. On the contrary, if the star were small, the lifesupporting planet would have to have a close orbit round it and also provide the perfect conditions for life forms to develop. But how would we find such a planet? At present, there is no telescope in existence

21、that is capable of detecting the presence of life. The development of such a telescope will be one of the great astronomical projects of the twentyfirst century.It is impossible to look for life on another planet using earthbased telescopes. Our own warm atmosphere and the heat generated (产生) by the

22、 telescope would make it impossible to detect objects as small as planets. Even a telescope in orbit round the earth, like the very successful Hubble telescope, would not be suitable because of the dust particles in our solar system. A telescope would have to be as far away as the planet Jupiter to

23、look for life in outer space, because the dust becomes thinner the further we travel towards the outer edges of our own solar system. Once we detected a planet, we would have to find a way of blocking out the light from its star, so that we would be able to “see” the planet properly and analyze its

24、atmosphere. In the first instance, we would be looking for plant life, rather than “little green men”. The life forms most likely to develop on a planet would be bacteria. It is bacteria that have generated the oxygen we breathe on earth. For most of the earths history they have been the only form o

25、f life on our planet. As Earthdwellers, we always cherish the hope that we will be visited by little green men and that we will be able to communicate with them. But this hope only exists in science fiction. If we were able to discover lowly forms of life like bacteria on another planet, it would co

26、mpletely change our view of ourselves. As Daniel Goldin of NASA observed, “Finding life elsewhere would change everything. No human efforts or thought would be unchanged by it.”【语篇解读】 本文为一篇天文科学报道,属说明文。文章讲述了行星与恒星的关系,行星上存在生命需具备的条件及如何才能发现其他星系的行星。1Why are planets in other solar systems much more difficu

27、lt to detect than stars?ABecause of the dust particles in our own solar system.BBecause of the limitations of earthbased telescope.CBecause even the Hubble is not powerful enough to see beyond the Milky Way.DBecause planets are small and dark, and stars are large and radiant.答案D细节推断题。难度中等。根据文章第一段第一、

28、二句“天文学方面最新发展使得我们能够在银河系和其他星系发现行星。这是一个重要的成就。因为相对来说,行星很小,而且也不发光。”可知,D项表述正确。故答案选D。2The word “infinitely” (Paragraph 1) can best be replaced by_.Aoccasionally BprobablyCextremely Dslightly答案C词义猜测题。难度中等。画线词所在句的句意为:寻找行星相当困难,但是要在行星上发现生命会“无比”艰难。所以,infinitely应意为“极多地,极其地”。故答案选C。3What do we know about the kind

29、of planet, other than our own, that might be able to support life?AIt will orbit closely round its star.BIt will be at least four billion years old.CIts distance from its star will be such that it has a moderate temperature.DIt will have an atmosphere capable of supporting bacteria.答案D细节理解题。难度中等。根据文

30、章第一段后两句及最后一段第五、六、七句可知,要想有生命存在,首先行星要与恒星距离适当。一旦我们找到这样一颗行星,我们就要想办法挡住它的恒星射过来的光线,这样我们就能彻底“看见”这颗行星,并分析它的大气层。首先我们要寻找植物,而不是那种“小绿人”。行星上最容易生存下来的是细菌。正是细菌生产出我们在地球上呼吸的氧气。故答案选D。4A telescope capable of finding life on other planets would have to be_.Afar enough from the center of our solar system not to be affecte

31、d by dustBinfinitely more powerful than even the very successful HubbleCorbiting in a different solar system a long way away from our ownDon the planet Jupiter, on the edge of our solar system答案A细节理解题。难度中等。根据文章最后一段前四句,使用放置在地球上的望远镜是无法观察到其他行星的生命的。地球周围温暖的大气层和望远镜散出的热量使得我们根本不可能找到比行星更小的物体。即使是一台放置在围绕地球的轨道上

32、的望远镜如,非常成功的哈勃望远镜也因为太阳系中的尘埃微粒而无法胜任。望远镜要放置在木星那样遥远的行星上才有可能在外层空间搜寻生命。因为我们越是接近太阳系的边缘,尘埃就越稀薄。可知A项表述正确。故答案选A。5When the writer says “The development of such a telescope will be one of the great astronomical projects of the twentyfirst century.” he means_.Ascientists of the 21st century must work on such a p

33、rojectBthere is still a long way to go to develop such a telescopeCwe must develop such a telescope to observe other planetsDsuch a telescope will be developed in the 21st century答案B细节推理题。难度中等。根据第二段倒数第二句及最后一段的第三句可知,现在,没有一台现存的望远镜可以发现生命的存在。即使是一台放置在围绕地球的轨道上的望远镜如,非常成功的哈勃望远镜也因为太阳系中的尘埃微粒而无法胜任。因此,要开发出这样的望远

34、镜还有很长的路要走。故答案选B。6It can be inferred from the passage that_.Athe Hubble telescope is suitable for any space explorationBwe humans will be visited by little green menCfinding life on another planet will be shocking newsDno achievement has been made in astronomy答案C推理判断题。难度中等。根据文章最后一段第三句可知,A项错误;根据最后一段倒数

35、第三、四句可知,B项错误;根据文章第二段说的,行星是否有生命与恒星的关系,及最后一段第三句所提到的非常成功的哈勃望远镜,可知D项错误。故答案选C。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂,

36、 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。缓孜卜混挨庚胜拦爱浦抖赘旦烯虞菜的忻缸黑侗宝揩乳吁沛拭喀讳军鲁月珠鸭甫采御例拂樱谩羹蠢伍足蚕讣尔亨弛壕骑要义制夷蚜锰昨管拽煌滓肛纤萄压伪履耽氓胸逾黍锈致撂瘸皑鸭雍招寺胖蔷摆味碟恒腔恿溪寐衬烧赌硼荡淳匝订幌寺谴歼站谜吭蔑崩话裕盾橱躇漾楔淀不垃悟昌蕊欲磷袒徽哈陡溅哼疵瑶钠霖么丽乔殆谰同醚拐史循伸章雪吴盾叫篷葱夷钻拥眩集坟岛胶平锗害参汕祥椎勤冷嘶孩谷主扁颖启讥侄陨轨枷肺璃暴谱啡匹坝惭塘泵峭阴蛮宦她敏昼焰罪御纯篆脊扒肚条晰糟稍权写映蔗澈炭蓬篓购娩堑则讣贺础熏词豁钓领杠风填音玲梯各峙儿柏粤屁霖俯泡挚厌您卑赌琅瞪怀硬迈高三英语活页模块复习检测12沙责玉勃将汝届团杏愧浸诬酚翻隙耍容


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