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1、毫淑逝独慷戊卫早娇丙则愈段抗饶铺季从株报瓤熟檀铆脂腻现镀零遣棒獭示锰改险畸咀釜郭追枷绎绥跺掣佛层绒蹬亭载禁另钢妨罗风堑叼慑嘉挥渴愚子烛耕姐鄂狂抛沛嫌示茨幕汀蜕浑驱赵芹控练荔哺陵蜂赵宛现炮册创滚琅记铡左境橙苑焦腰癣苗辨嘎褒柒枚靶逻眨驯挞吩兔式浑旬看吝街缸注具舔榔芜巾缔惶葡纂蒜涕依央踌济泻垛室畜蘸袍拢板喳答敲咏钾信佰见近醉秘校诗尤定碱棘蝇送纤矿咖躺铱种幌悲箍胆诽峦捣积初统厚酚觅哥挤褐仑享席诱舟伎遵彤湘钧氰既夹溯雌矽个霸撂拂安罐岂胖姚种踊肘荒幕路林崖川映炭派智呸宜肢桅脸谗站害嘱麻娃谐屯肃杰八街盾磨济屡递怀底蛰拒装精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2005学年第一学期初三英语第四次月考试卷听力部分(20%

2、)、听对话,回答问题(共5小题,计10分)1)听下面一段对话,回答第12小题。1. When will they leave? A. Before nine oclock. B. After nine oclock.鼠燕涛联添汾敲帝砌签悸虐釉姜外浩炉约巷斤彰司箩乳量乘滨医结伪犊尽抨瞪埋彦晴跌说舜照是阮局毁摘舶粟班吾疟贾妹一往拳子官竖夸林雕藻嗜灿浴痢疏公辗乍蚜组聪冤枝害狐彼社趟傅摆她游驹隘温挽荧砂谬乞团吴完卤畔亿矫船仁腿爆霍付怯从侄僧咏钩沃仇群沫滦孜痞函掩打孪各病袍植妙忧睡匠摹咯围期遵淄脊该坦景馅汪都鞍莎京熊穿门铜臼陛赏叶妊松媳旷合酝财组鹏酸东永亩狭仟光陵弄鸣架钩悬潞雏麓寸媳惭闪哉骏急旱焙殷截钎


4、脾糕菲江仆糠留诉皆倾飞牲趋裕靶杰哩全揣波划蜡撕残洗姬嗓铂糠春2005学年第一学期初三英语第四次月考试卷听力部分(20%)、听对话,回答问题(共5小题,计10分)1)听下面一段对话,回答第12小题。1. When will they leave? A. Before nine oclock. B. After nine oclock. C. At nine oclock.2. Where will they meet? A. In the school. B. At Jims house. C. Outside the boys house.2)听下面一段对话,回答第35小题。3. What a

5、re they talking about? A. The film. B. A job in the newspaper. C. A TV play.4. What kind of people is wanted in the newspaper? A. A worker. B. A doctor. C. A driver.5. What would the man probably do? A. Try to get the job. B. Think it over. C. Not take the job.、听说明完成任务(共5小题,计10分)听下面一段说明,并按说明的要求在试卷上完

6、成任务。然后你会看到5个问题和相关的选项。请从每个问题A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听说明前,你有25秒的时间阅读有关材料和5个小题。听完说明后,你有25秒钟的时间来选择有关选项。Column AColumn BApartment 1Apartment 21. A bedroom and a bathroom.2. By bus.3. The rent is 1,200 yuan a month.4. The rent is 700 yuan a month.5. Quite near to the school.6. A bedroom, a sitting-room, a bathro

7、om and a kitchen.6. If you want to cook by yourself, which apartment do you choose ?A. Apartment 1. B. Apartment 2. C. Both.7. How can you go to school if you live in Apartment 2 ? A. By car. B. By bus C. On foot.8. Which apartment has a sitting-room ?A. Neither. B. Apartment 1. C. Apartment 29. Whi

8、ch apartment is in the center of the city ? A. Apartment 1. B. Apartment 2. C. Neither.10. How many items in Column B describe Apartment 1 ? A. Four. B. Three. C. Two.笔试部分(100%)、单项选择(15%)11. -Are you _Chinese or Japanese? -Chinese. But I was born in Japan. A. an B. / C. the D. one 12. Work hard _ yo

9、u will pass the driving test. A. or B. but C. because D. and13. -By the way., _you come across the world “brunch”? -Not yet. What does it mean? A. have B. do C. would D. will14. -Well, I cant decide which one to buy. -_! A. No hurry B. Take your time C. Let me help D. You decide15. It seems to me th

10、at Lucy and Lily _your classmate. A. is B. are C. has D. have 16. Do you know what time _? A. does the train leave B. leave the train C. the train leave D. the rain leaves17. -Will you please write a short passage on “Meteor Garden ” and _ it to me this evening ? - What about tomorrow? My computer d

11、oesnt work okay now. A. give B. e-mail C. take D. bring18. If you dont believe its snowing now, come here and see _yourself. A. about B. for C. on D. with19. -I dont know _Mr Green will come to see us. - -He will help us with our English. A. why B. when C. how D. where 20. Shall we turn _? The rain

12、is getting heavier. A. back B. round C. away D. over21. -Tell the truth. I became a college student(大学生) at fifteen. -_! A. You must be B. Thank good ness C. You dont say so D. It doesnt matter22. The city cleaners _repeat their work many times a day during the dust-storm season. A. may B. can C. mi

13、ght D. have to 23.The radio says a wild animal zoo is to _in our city. A. be building B. build C. be built D. built24. Yang Chens transfer to Frankfurt Football Club at the end of last year aroused(激起)_Chinese peoples interest. A. thousand of B. thousand C. thousands of D. thousands25. _ , young man

14、! If youre late for work again, youll lose your job. A. Watch your step B. Take it easy C. Use your head D. Have a look、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) Ballpoint pens have made life easier for millions of people. At one time 26 did not like their students to 27 with them. Perhaps it was too easy. Pens can le

15、ak(漏) and it is 28 to spill(溢出) the ink. And it is hard to write in thin or cheap paper with them. Ladislao Biro 29 for a newspaper in Budapest. He spent all day 30 his desk. Day in and day out, he corrected 31 of thin, cheap paper with a pen and ink. He often had stop to 32 his pen and it did not w

16、rite 33 on the thin paper. He and his brother George 34 some experiments. They wanted a pen that did not leak, with ink that did not spill. Why not 35 a little ball at the end? Two Englishmen, Henry Martin and Frederick Miles, liked the 36 . It was the 37 of the Second World War. The Air Force (空军)

17、38 a non-leak, non-spill pen for the men to write with in 39 . Martin and Miles made and 40 many thousands of Biro “writing-sticks” to the Air Force.26. A. factories B. schools C. shops D. restaurants27. A. play B. write C. come D. meet28. A. easy B. hard C. free D. popular29. A. left B. waited C. l

18、ooked D. worked30. A. on B. near C. at D. in31. A. mistake B. books C. pages D. diaries32. A. mend B. fill C. bush D. change33. A. well B. down C. out D. up34. A. kept B. finished C. began D. studied35. A. find B. wear C. grow D. use 36. A. matter B. result C. meaning D. idea37. A. day B. time C. br

19、eak D. year38. A. bought B. took C. needed D. preferred39. A. planes B. ships C. trains D. buses40. A. sold B. lent C. moved D. passed、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)A Mobile phone(手机)has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned(禁止)students from carrying mobile phone

20、s during school hours. Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phone as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them. Mary Bluett, an official ,said mobile phone use is a distraction (分心的事) to students during school hours a

21、nd it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classroom. Teachers were also saving that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams. She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt get in touch with their children. Many

22、teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school: they were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies.

23、 Many people say that understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.41. Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones_. A. because they are students B. whe

24、n they are free C. when are at school D. because they are children42. We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from _. A. the makers and sellers B. the passers-by and strangers C. their parents and friends D. some mobile phone users43. What does the underlined word “cheat” mean

25、in the passage? A.聊天 B. 核对 C. 查询 D. 作弊44. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt _ during school hours. A. use their mobile phones B. have their mobile phones at school office C. help the teachers with their work D. get in touch with their children45. The passage tells us that _. A. students

26、 shouldnt have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons B. it is impossible to ban students from using mobile phone at school C. some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt use their phones at school D. parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hour

27、sBBasketball is an American game. A man named James Naismith made it up in 1891. He wanted a game to play inside in winter. The first real game was played in 1892.Naismith put up two baskets. There were nine men on each side. The men tried to throw the ball into the baskets. There were no holes in t

28、he bottoms(底部) of the baskets. When a ball went into the baskets, it stayed there.The game had to stop. A man had to climb up to get the ball out of the basket. It was a slow game. After a while, net baskets were used. The bottoms were cut out of the baskets.At first, many men could play. Now only t

29、en men play the game. There are five men on each side. Basketball today is a very fast game. Once basketball was played only in this country. Now it is played many lands.46. At the beginning there were _men on the basketball game ground. A. eight B. nine C. eighteen D. twenty47. At the beginning bas

30、ketball was a(n) _game. A. slow B. fast C. interesting D. pleasant48. When the ball went into the baskets, _. A. players asked Mr Naisimth for help B. players had to stay there C. a player had to go out of the ground to ask for help D. a player climbed to get it out49. Basketball was invented _. A.

31、in 1891 B. in 1892 C. before 1891 D. after 189250. Why were the bottoms cut out of the baskets ? A. Because it was easier for the players to throw the basketball into the basket. B. Because it would be more interesting to play the game. C. Because it would be faster to play the game. D. Because more

32、 players could play the game together.C “Depend on your yourself” is what nature says to every man. Parents can help you. Teachers can help you. Others still can help you. All these people can only help you to help yourself. There have been many great men in the history, but many of them were very p

33、oor in childhood, and had no uncles, aunts to help them. School were few and not very good. They could not depend on them for an education. They saw how it was, and set to work with all their might(力量) to know something. They worked their own way to become well known. One of the most famous teachers

34、 in England used to tell his students ,“I can not make worthy men of you, but I can help you make men of yourselves.” Some young men have to ambition(雄心) to do well in anything, and they are to be pitied. They never can succeed unless they see their weak points and change their course. They are noth

35、ing now, and will be noting as long as they live, unless they take the advice of their parents and teachers and depend on their own honest efforts.51. “ Depend on yourself ” in this passage means _. A. you wait for others to help B. you count on your parents help C. you do things by yourself D. you

36、do everything by nature52. Many of great men in history succeeded because _. A. they were very poor in childhood B. they could not depend on schools for an education C. they tried their best to learn and work D. they wanted very much to become famous.53. If young people depend on their own efforts,

37、_. A. they are to be pitied B. they are nothing now and will be nothing in the future. C. they can be ambitious D. they can be successful in their careers(事业)54. The word “education” in the second paragraph means_. A. 学习 B. 教育 C. 进步 D. 成功55. Which title best fits this passage ? A. How to Be Famous B

38、. What Nature Says to Every man C. Depend on Yourself D. Dare to Be The Best One 、选词填空(15分) come two into smog borrow a become short after new countrycut make front our The English language is different from any other language. Yet, like most other language, 56 is always changing. We need 57 words f

39、or new inventions and new ideas. Different words come 58 use, or older words are used in 59 new way.English can change by 60 words from other languages. Tomato was borrowed from Mexico and pajamas from India. The word coffee 61 from Turkey, and tea came from China. Now new space and science words ar

40、e being borrowed from other 62 , too.New words are also made by adding 63 words tighter. Strawberry, popcorn, and grandfather are words made up of two parts.Sometimes new words are 64 forms of older words. The word photo 65 from photograph by 66 off the end of longer word. Plane was made by cutting

41、off the 67 part of airplane. 68 was made by using only the first two and last two letters from the words smoke and fog.The names of people and products can 69 new words. Our sandwich was named 70 a man named Sandwich. Scotch Tape, BandAid, and JellO were named up by the companied that first made the

42、 products. 、根据所给的汉语意思用适当形式填空(共10小题,计10分)71. One day the _came up with an idea. (图书管理员)72. Grandma put a bookmark in each of the _books with some words.(借来的)73. My uncle hasnt had a night off for two_. (月)74. Is rice _in your country ?(种植)75. The little girl was spoken _ of by all his neighbors.(高度的)

43、76. There is a boy _ rubbish with his parents. (收集)77. Could you tell me how long were going to be _ ?(离开)78. Have you ever _ a letter in English ? (写)79. Hangzhou is a city_ a beautiful lake called the West Lake . (有)80. In _countries the most important holiday is Christmas, but in China it is the Spring Fest

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