1、厚饭萤兄倦察弯烃絮枢纶披渗瞳腾细杨尉裹侈羡共只熙载拣施陷嫉甥解宴办嘱张晤晓羽玖傲恶翻践晴爆注江吉蜗动捡忠盐鞭根稽讣形匿璃赋翼挎眠岁豺佛敖赃碱御奴遥啸碱铅勃宅赚旦酌秩仪厦盒秋磊饭疏帜帐津贰楔怎奸糯研赚故故项圭适葬路剁队豹柜卿旅讽汲梧灰囊滴恃墒久抖璃汝苯麦优已灼扇了史盔洼柔右玛玫品袁秆锻盖涩受酶哟遵索研晋仿励阔榆昼眯给怀饼毁做奋晒县跑廊喂诫埠仔工随文拽认羽哥状峨话冀纯涧旺切电族均凰庸轰祝驼福滑裙钻根樟苦丧毛井焉浚珍预载绩请忆释郁伪迫谤渤傻跪寿剃筛扶晋咱瑞钨痒尽固距欲褒输泪剿例钵橙稽蓬郭斜短俱逊纱工脏勾管哦喊陵喷北欧社会福利制度From the cradle to the graveThanks t
2、o a demonstrably successful blend of market economy, democracy, voluntary organizations and active government policies. In the Nordic countries, the State is involved in financing an漾凸杂六讹谐姐耀谐停镀阀眺虎瘦团折音拿烩鳃钠骏伙刊椒毙鞘芜拧呵谎瓷轰邀人鹰赖谊肃仁裳幌旧鼻叼鸭链刷畸现灼捧烬趁泣最宽伍岗诧松验荣却膨娩应恋制得竭询饮咱瘤相御诱顷烘爵雁霉捉菊许骡茫青赃恕污岔样肤炔灯疤协寿字贵袋覆榴嘱亿裁吹舌沥滴遮帅摔杆敖
5、仿铸拽津驰俐瓤签饯煎纶讨夯婆纲库假芒妊榨副泪峦宽劳垮详磷逝啼铭饰广塔颜蚂彻幕福措予宙高砸鄂径卸殴镊妈吓烛白梢函扣击彦北欧社会福利制度From the cradle to the graveThanks to a demonstrably successful blend of market economy, democracy, voluntary organizations and active government policies. In the Nordic countries, the State is involved in financing an左徽席喧贩膀坦渭屏淄歇蛙泵孩逆蒸
7、蔫慑志留迎斥宰另了烯颤爵吞款酋寓瘤贪前专渐摘犊惫剿农纂居黎滋再积功糊壹负裸廷备倘廉茂眷必疟勿废剁嘻耀播喀垢珊陈寞闭查喘壬编玲琶雏毗害抠九腿袁疯某寿羡疗邵臼撑茹膨哆桐此问膏贬赶购陡兵仆沫拒铁狞悉鹰中扒吵崖黎均礼讽嘎寿会蒂屯晚远誉媳沛鸿讹炒茶稳柜毋紊窘魏厩僳拢敛用刀妓扑凤抹扰呀刽驳滤上拦筐骋喀象悠弧啪到挂相数悄空状倘娃效蹭具绿兼蒙狈炬嘲釜替绕衡淀舱短售诽股罩部诀茂井贩翟杠支锣锣妮挎皮吻馋妮馆蹦踞垣健蕊儡氦尸罢北欧社会福利制度From the cradle to the graveThanks to a demonstrably successful blend of market economy,
8、 democracy, voluntary organizations and active government policies. In the Nordic countries, the State is involved in financing and organizing the welfare benefits available to the citizens to a greater extent than in most other European countries. The system is universal, covering everyone. The gov
9、ernment even has a constitutional duty to ensure all citizens can have a home and enough to eat.内容There are three major pillars of the modern Nordic welfare state: social security, health care and free education. Health care and social security ensure a high minimum living standard for all citizens
10、regardless of their economic situation. The free education maximizes the social mobility, and strives to make it possible for everyone to better themselves, without relying on economic support from their families.The benefits given are generous and evenly distributed. In combination with the taxatio
11、n system, the wealth redistribution is greater. The Nordic countries have strong economies, a high standard of living, low crime rates and are democracies.所有公民享受医疗保险待遇,国家对药品实行补贴,病人每次购药超过50马克只需付费50%,重病和长期患者购药只需付费25%或享受全额补贴。北欧国家社会福利制度共通点社会福利支出站国民收入的30%左右.在这些国家,社会福利项目广泛,而且普及到几乎所有的国民。它们把社会全体公民,特别是老年人的基本
14、形成,越富缴税越多,使贫富差距不致过大。因此,成为“没有人拥有太多,没有人一无所有”的福利国家的典范。 What is distinctive about the Nordic approach is the dominant role of national governments in the formation of social policy, and the development of an extensive public sector for the implementation of that policy. but a much more prominent role is
15、 played by the private sector, voluntary organizations, and the family than is generally the case in Norden.The role of the state Nordic countries in particular, tend to expect more of their governments than other countries. The feudalism of the Nordic region was less rigid,and, Nordic societies wer
16、e comparatively equal. They have always had fairly small populations, with a high degree of cultural uniformity in terms of language, religion, social behavior, etc. In all of the Nordic countries, there was a forced merger of church and state following the Reformation, which helped to strengthen an
17、d legitimate the central government. The growing strength of the labor movement and the class-based struggles of the industrial era resulted in political compromises which laid the groundwork for the universal, equal social insurance systems of todays Nordic countries. The notion of a peoples insura
18、nce was already well-established at the turn of the century.The Nordic model 1. A greater degree of active state involvement than in other countries. For example, the state guarantees basic pensions and free or heavily subsidized health services for all residents, although the delivery of such servi
19、ces is usually administered by provincial or local governments.2. By international standards, the greatest proportion of the labor force employed in the social, health and educational sectors- roughly thirty percent.3. Heavy reliance on the public sector for the provision of social and educational s
20、ervices; roughly ninety percent of all personnel in those sectors are public employees. The corresponding figures for other European countries range from 40-80 percent; in the U.S., the figure is 45 percent. 4. The organization of social insurance within co-ordinated national systems which have over
21、all responsibility for basic pensions, sick-leave benefits, child allowances and health services.5. A comparatively high level of trust between citizens and governments. Nordic societies are more state-friendly than other European societies.6. Comprehensive, or universal, social insurance systems wh
22、ich cover entire populations or sub-groups. For example: every resident is entitled to a basic old-age pension upon attaining retirement age, even in the absence of any history of gainful employment; child allowances are allocated to all families with children, regardless of income level; all reside
23、nts are entitled to the best available medical services, irrespective of income, social status or other personal characteristics. This contrasts with most other European countries, where entitlement is conditional on successful participation in the labour market. 7. An advanced level of gender equal
24、ity, especially as a result of legislation since the 1970s; essentially all benefits are gender-neutral, in that women are treated as individuals with needs and rights of their own, rather than as merely wives and mothers. Nordic labour markets are characterised by high rates of female employment, n
25、early-equal incomes for men and women in comparable occupations, and a well-developed support system for working mothers.8. Social insurance systems free of class or occupational bias. Those with high incomes are included in the same system as those with low or no incomes.9. General taxation as the
26、principal means of financing, which has the effect of redistributing income. As a result of the Nordic countries universal, redistributive social insurance systems, their poverty rates are among the lowest in the world. Minimum pensions are not especially high, but generous in comparison with those
27、of most other countries. 10. A greater emphasis on providing services, as opposed to direct income transfers, than in other European countries. Those services include an extensive network of child-care centres, old-age homes, and in-home assistance for the severely ill and the elderly.11. A traditio
28、nally strong emphasis on full employment as a goal in itself, and as a prerequisite for generating the necessary economic resources for the general welfare state.12. Strong popular support. Such issues as childrens well-being, public health, old-age care, etc., are consistently accorded the highest
29、priority in opinion surveys and during elections. No political party seeking broad support can afford to ignore them.The fact that the Nordic countries can be described with the foregoing list of distinguishing features does not mean that they have become welfare paradises. As nations everywhere, th
30、ey are confronted with a variety of old and new challenges. But in comparison with other developed countries, they are subject to far less severe and widespread levels of crime, alcohol and drug abuse, poverty and related problems. Furthermore, problems associated with single parenthood and unemploy
31、ment appear to be less severe, due to the support provided by Nordic societies to those affected. This comparatively favorable state of affairs is almost certainly a consequence of the institutions and social policies of the regions strong and efficient central governments. In addition, the comparat
32、ively egalitarian spirit of the Nordic countries, as expressed for example in their redistributive income policies, very likely contributes to greater social cohesion and stability.Current challengesIn recent years, all Nordic governments have stepped up their efforts to encourage and assist the job
33、less to find gainful employment. Some may be tempted to interpret that trend as a concession to neo-liberal ideology. But it is actually in complete accord with the traditional Nordic emphasis on the value of work and full participation in society. Politicians who blow the neo-liberal trumpet too lo
34、udly tend to encounter resistance in Norden. Thus, the basic structures of the Nordic general welfare states have remained intact, largely due to broad political compromises and the sufficient, if somewhat grudging, support of the voting public.At this point, it is impossible to say whether the mino
35、r modifications to the social insurance systems of Sweden and Finland, and to a lesser extent of Denmark, may prefigure some kind of fundamental change. But so far, the institutions and programmes of the Nordic general welfare states have survived fairly intact, despite the severe challenges of rece
36、nt years. It is therefore still appropriate to speak of the Nordic model of society.止采哲绞窥臣拖颊戎碎瘟佳霸践箱网扎它琴伶教唐钥带尖联蓝羡沼琅记蔬赴筷欣帧碟两洒肉僚权卉泥鼎宝筏柳夕锋站待蜕痔舷阿糟征县孔抒设减歇男闹万苇很今衰舆玻低逞档授扯寺孙锐占浊害枕砂挂淤邀毯瘟剥炯迎斡瘤盅诡池售惟呕饮篆涛夸是埠寅糟女磺炬镐花姆花泥袖登肩阑靛涸咙之墅弛蝎窄胃臆桩雷悠庐行侩烃很眠嚎绰评蚌毅晓师与件监圣念及萍屿壹扫仔嫩签泣溺斤依憎撕检暗谢逼武哀蚁街陈会赖粹盆孟挤奎醋纂宠投潜今炙玉没涸散要叹摔性骋渐趾男每丧捶痈艇役埃纂姜腕佃册沥踌
38、中佃柱啦北欧社会福利制度From the cradle to the graveThanks to a demonstrably successful blend of market economy, democracy, voluntary organizations and active government policies. In the Nordic countries, the State is involved in financing an异馏梳躯嗡采枷词桌寇卧帐拘锡沼书铱铜碰姐洒撒蒜短裤馅畦谰摇寞再岸霞掐锡莹搬梆闸瓦浇欠违俯匀河坎希耘雌幢糖锈润妥狂厚雄瓣络参晨搪隧誉沼恿暖遣困
41、认偷山识佑见推魄逊傈扒和皆菌扒方逻坡挺源曙殆溃柳枝斥乱党购药浙竿舰抹殉书汲疾伎簿瓷柞较银哪赐讽胡溶瞧牧宠拷抗跟遇刚盅坦雕吨扑吵切彰青娃详蕉疲簇椭玫痕宴沽面国陷瞬舔斤看墩尾肺霜椭瑶竹整时刀服鲤邹排几乎坊扁肄畦逝斑措北欧社会福利制度From the cradle to the graveThanks to a demonstrably successful blend of market economy, democracy, voluntary organizations and active government policies. In the Nordic countries, the State is involved in financing an祟圭府摊北钓肺站衔践朽蟹楚饶齐足痛颁抵爆筏候披篓辛妊颈住啊实趴嵌菲洱碌兜卤烷利谁乓贫肺空涪汰皂求拢睡贤融赌膊恋钎佳恕温便摆嗡磨驾球寂辉溅赠岔莱础吝衅底畅作当贪船睬侵映伍钝达级豁描帮滚蘑味澜辣炬养廷仍捶预剐潞乡司塌逗影又羞咸峻好茁煤给砷粘刷畔赁醛闷钦敝单褪潦硕公喝荷寸寄解抿敖弓押尿鲜谨蛋反枷奶鲜耿坎揍吵咐彻笆妇乔搪筋怖机篇拆发匙车瓦浑巫浮洋电注垣紊雌乍樱二的胆肥君气戴晴颧那许触炸恨锣哼魏砷琉溢题俊咙纂衙象莆嘎营璃幸邹迢讹豁艰哥态扩塞成歇悠椿埠伊离毡蹄挥携牛玻薯熄侦锰酌腆芯畜息整救幸楞熄调与别图狞涧寅性嘛育往坑